Rat Football Team Wins fop Committee Signs State Freshman Football ^^RA?!^Hudson DeLange Or- Championship She llltJ. chestra VOLUME XXIX LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, TUESDAY, NOV. 12, 1935 NUMBER 8 Hop Committee Signs Hudson | General A. J. BowleV Rat Team Wins In Delange Orchestra tor Dances " J Band Enjoys Wide Popularity In New York And Close Contest 21-18 Comes To The Institute After A Tour Speaks At Ceremony On Lowe's Circuit V.P.I. Frosh Nearly Upset Tells Of Experiences During Yankee Club Makes Nov. 12—The Hop Committee I could not be secured, all attention Little Red Team In Final War In Founders Day announced late last night that the I was turned toward getting an or- Contest of Season Plans for Xmas Dance Address to Corps Hudson DeLange Orchestra has chestra that had the best quality Trzeciak Is Star The VMI Yankee Club met been signed up for the Thanks- of music. The Hudson DeLange Served Under Lejeune on Tuesday evening to discuss giving set of dances which will band was signed up because its plans on running a Christmas take place on November 29 and music is very much on the style Kovar Runs Kickoff Back to Praises Spirit of 2nd Division dance in conjunction with the 30th. The Hudson DeLange Or- of the Dorsey Brothers' Orches- V.P.I. Twelve Before And Compares It With VPI Northern States Club. C.L. chestra is rapidly becoming the tra that played at the Mid Winters Fall Halts Long Run Banks, president of the club ex- Present Spirit in Corps band of the hour and although it last February and was popular plained to the members tenta- was only organized two years ago, Nov. 11 — State Championship tive plans for the dance. No with the Cadets. Nov. 11—Speaking at the Found- it has built up quite a reputation ers' Day exercises in J. M. Hall hopes of the Rat football eleven definite arrangements have yet The Ring Figure this year shows were realized in Roanoke today been made but it is very prob- in and around New York. It here today, General A. J. Bowley, promise of being just as good or after a long drawn out battle able the plans will be carried played all summer at a popular new commander of the third corps against the Virginia Poly fresh- out. Long Island night club and was perhaps better than last year's. area, said that the same spirit which imbued the Second Division men. By virtue of a touchdown As it has in the past the dance the most popular feature of the The figure itself will be different during the War is alive at VMI in the ebbing minutes of the final will be held during Xmas Mutual Broadcasting system. At from that of previous years, and today. quarters the Young Goblets were week at one of Manhattan's present it is playing on the Loew's Randy Whittle hopes it will be nosed out 21 to 18. leading hotels. Banks appoint- Theatre Circuit in New York considered the best figure ever "The Second Division was sec- Echols Recovers to Score ed a committee to meet VPI ond in name only," General Bow- City. seen in 94 Hall as he has spent Playing their worst football of ley declared. "It was the finest representatives to discuss fur- considerable time planning the the season against a team which ther details and arrangements The Orchestra consists of fifteen body of men in the war, and in the different steps. The final step, soared to unknown heights the for the dance. The committee musicians and a torch singer. Miss final push of the war, a more gal- Little Squadron seemed doomed consists of Conte, D. R., Kellogg Ruth Gaylor. Will Hudson, one passing through the flowery arches lant drive was never made by to defeat after a Tech touchdown W. G.; Kane, W. M.; Travis, F. of the co-directors of the band is will never be changed as Tradition troops than that made by the 23rd left the score 18 to 15 with only H. and McEveety, J. J. considered to be among the fore- will keep it the essential part of Infantry." most song writers in the country. four minutes to play. But they every figure. General Bowley in his speech One of his best was "Moonglow," came back courageously. Bliss The date of the Thanksgiving gave a vivid account of his war which was the song hit of the took the kickoff and lateraled to Flying School dances at Washington and Lee has Radio Theatre experiences, and related several nation last spring. He also col- Trzeciak who was brought to been advanced to Tuesday and amusing experiences which he had laborated with Duke Ellington in earth on his own 45. A pass was Wednesday, November 26 and 27, while in France. He told of how the writing of "Sophisticated incomplete but Trzeciak connected Opened Here and announcement has been made Schedules VMI he went to France and of the sit- Lady" and "Solitude." with one to Ross for 8 yards, then that Mai Hallett and his Orches- uation at the battle of Chateau Ross hit center for first down on For Training The Hop Committee tried to get tra will play for the set. In addi- For December Thierry, where the Second Divi- Poly's 44. Trzeciak took the different orchestras that had tion to the formal dances on Tues- sion distinguished itself. spheroid on a run off left flank, names to them such as Duke El- day and Wednesday there will be Annual Series Includes Insti- The General served as a colonel School to Be Under Instruc- lington, Glen Gray and Ray Noble reversed his field and went to the a dansant from four to six o'clock tute for Third Time; 13 in the Second Division during the six yard line before he was knock- tion of W. Clay Lemon of for the Thanksgiving Hops, but on Wednesday afternoon. In this Great War, and had ample oppor- 1 Schools on Program ed outside by two tacklers. Trze- Roanoke, Virginia these orchestras already had sign- way there wil b° no conflict in tunity to witness all the stirring ciak toted the pigskin to the two ed up long-term contracts for the the dances at the two schools and events which he described. He Nov. 7—America's foremost col- yard line on two line plays. Tak- In an article of the November winter months and were unable to both sets of dances should be well took part in most of the major bat- leges will again be prasented by ing the ball again he hit center for 6th issue of the bi-weekly Lexing come. After the nation's best attended. tles with the American forces and "The Campus Theatre of the Air" about a yard but dropped the ball, ton Gazette the opening of the served under General Lejeune for from station WSM of Nashville, which bounced into the end zone Lexington school of Aviation was a few months. General Bowley Virginia Section of Tennessee. VMI is scheduled for announced. The school will be G. B. Swindell '34 was also on hand to see the Armis- where the ever alert Red Echols the latter part of December. pounced on it ahead of three Tech- under the supervision of W. Clay tice celebrations that swept the AWSA Holds Meet The program, sponsored by the sters for the touchdown and the Lemon of Roanoke. Lessons will Speaks On T. V. A. war torn country. He told of how, National Life and Accident Insur- needed margin of victory. be given on Saturday and Wed- when the prisoners of war were ance Company, is in the interest nesday of each week, weather per- Cadets and Instructors Rep- Tells Civil Section of Life In released by the Germans, they of education and provides color- Fumbles Prove Costly mitting. resent VMI At Meet Government Town began to trickle back to their Six fumbles at critical moments ful radio entertainment of the fin- Lemon, a licensed transport pi- homes, half starved and showing proved extremely costly and near- est type. The Shield orchestra of lot, planned to start the course on Nov. 8—The Virginia Section of Nov. 8—G. B. Swindle, '34, con- the effects of privation and ill ly meant the ball game. These 24 pieces and the Male Chorus of Saturday, November 9th. Several the American Waterworks and crete inspector at Norris Camp, treatment. breaks were taken advantage of 16 voices will render the famous Washington and Lee students have Sewerage Associations held its stopped in Lexington for a few The General's speech was fol- by the Goblets, who not only songs of the various schools. enrolled in the school and more annual meeting in Roanoke Friday hours and addressed the 1st class lowed by a short prayer by Rev. averted possible VMI score's, but are expected to enroll in the near November 8, convening at Hotel C-3 Civil Section on the Norris This year marks the third year Thomas Wright, pastor of R. E. Lee turned them into scoring thrusts future. The course is open to Roanoke. This convention was a Dam project. Mr. Swindell de- of the series which originated with Memorial church, after which the for themselves. With the excep- anyone desirous of learning to fly gathering of all the Waterworks voted his talk chiefly to the mix- VMI as one of the original schools program was ended with the sing- tion of the initial score Tech's an airplane, the school guarantee- operators, city managers, state ing and pouring of the cement in to be presented.
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