xxx xxx Page xx Page xx Page xx xxx JULY, 2018 WWW.BAYOBSERVER.CA VOL. 11, N0. 7 Travis Borchuk, captain of the Limnos, steers the research vessel from a small cabin on the side. Photo by Dennis Gibbons LOCAL BUSINESSMAN PROMISES Lasalle Marina bailout PROFESSIONAL CAMPAIGN FOR MAYOR sparks controversey BY JOHN BEST THE BAY OBSERVER votes. “I learned a lesson then,” said Vito, “ BY DENIS GIBBONS 38 years at no cost to the city. In fact, the as- never take a voter for granted—John spent THE BAY OBSERVER sociation paid for the breakwall that allowed Vito Sgro who announced his candidacy too much time campaigning in Beams- the marina to exist. I've heard people say for Mayor of Hamilton last Wednesday, still ville where the voters hated him, and not Burlington city council’s decision to grant that LaSalle Park Marina is only for the most remembers the day in 1979 when as a 14 enough time in Stoney Creek where he was the LaSalle Park Marina Association $4 elite, but this is just not true. year-old he took a bus from Stoney Creek better known.” By this time Vito was en- million for a new floating breakwall has “The Iron Duke Sea Cadets program relies to the John Munro campaign headquarters rolled at Western University where he went further driven a stake between the plat- on the marina to provide young cadets with to volunteer as a campaign worker. “When on to earn a bachelor’s degree in finance forms of two leading candidates for mayor valuable skills The program is free for Burl- I met John Munro then,” Vito recalls, “he and economics and a Bachelor of Science – Rick Goldring and Marianne Meed Ward. ington youths. was like a god—he had a presence—he was degree in Biology. He then enrolled in the Goldring, the incumbent, voted in favor “The Able Sail Program uses the marina to loved in Hamilton East.” Although Munro Chartered Accountant program earning his of the grant, while Meed Ward, the current provide much-needed programs for people won his seat, it was the year Joe Clark eked C.A. designation. He did stints with local councillor for Ward 2, was one of two coun- living with a disability in Burlington. out a minority win over Pierre Trudeau. accounting firms and was an auditor for cillors to oppose it. “The City has invested in many different In the 1980 election Vito switched to his Revenue Canada before becoming a part- “I believe that the LaSalle Marina is, has ventures including Tyandaga Golf Course, home riding of Lincoln and worked on the ner in the CBM accounting firm. been, and should be a part of Burlington's Burlington Curling Club, Burlington Lawn successful campaign of parachute candi- The move from campaign foot-soldier footprint,” Goldring said. “It is my view that Bowling Club, four different theatres and date Bryce Mackasey as Trudeau was re- to organizer came in 1993 when Tony Burlington is a Great Lakes City and we tennis clubs.” turned to power with a majority. The 1984 Valeri wrested the Liberal nomination for should continue to have a marina at LaSalle Meed Ward, on the other hand, said she election was the Mulroney sweep. In the Lincoln from Munro. Vito was the Chief Park. voted against the grant because she doesn’t 1988 election, Munro attempted a political “The LaSalle Park Marina Association comeback in Lincoln and lost by only 300 Continued on page 2 (LPMA) has operated the marina for the last Continued on page 3 4 JULY, 2018 NEWS 50 years of research on Great Lakes BY DENIS GIBBONS nals, signifies the number above the thermal layer, a but still 54 centimetres inspection of navigation College in Sydney, N.S., 50. fourth just below that in below the average for May markers, which takes place for four years, graduating Lester B. Pearson was The Great Lakes supplies the under lake and finally of 2017. Because of heavy every five years. The markers with a Bachelor’s degree in starting his final two weeks fresh drinking water for one on the bottom. rainfalls, May, 2017, set an indicate safe navigable Natural Science. His edu- as Prime Minister and the almost 30 million people Limnos gets her name all-time record for water channels for commercial cation was completely paid Burlington Mall officially who live around them. They from the word ‘limnology’ levels and there was virtu- vessels. For example, the wa- for by the government with opened when the only contain 20 per cent of the which is the division of hy- ally no beach in Burlington. ter in the Burlington Canal a guarantee of a job upon Canadian government-op- world’s supply of fresh water. drology that studies inland Limnos currently is is somewhere in the range of graduation. erated research ship on Limnos assists with waters, including their bio- undergoing a re-fit but is 10 to 12 metres deep. Established in 1967, the Great Lakes first hit the research in all the Great logical, physical, chemical, expected to go out into the Limnos also has been in- CCIW accommodates over water in 1968. Lakes, except Lake Michi- geological and hydrological lake in July to lift and re- volved in a few search and 600 staff from Environ- It was christened in Port gan which has no Canadian aspects. furbish scientific moorings rescue operations which ment Canada (EC), the Weller on April 6 of that border. The Halton Region Public for Environment Canada. had successful conclusions. Department of Fisheries year. It has a good-sized lab- Health Department also Some of the moorings stay A native of Hay River in and Oceans, the Canadi- Now Limnos, a 44-me- oratory for water testing, monitors recreational in the water all winter. the Northwest Territories, an Coast Guard, and the tre-long vessel tied up as well as filtration equip- water quality at Burling- Earllier, in the spring, its Borchuk attended the Royal Canadian Mounted at the Canada Centre for ment. It has enough room ton Beach between June 5 mission was to conduct an Canadian Coast Guard Police. Inland Waters (CCIW) on to accommodate a crew of and Aug. 30 and posts the Burlington Bay, is celebrat- 16, plus another 13 scien- results online. ing 50 years of service in tists. Water is sampled for E. helping clean up the Great It also has a full galley, coli and total coliform. Wa- Lakes. two mess areas for people ter samples are collected “I’m quite proud of my to eat and a full cooking weekly and tested for E coli ship,” Commanding Officer staff. and total coliform. Results Travis Borchuk said. “We’re Scientists on the Limnos are posted to the Swim trying our best to celebrate take chemical and organic Guide website as soon as its longevity and all the particle density measure- lab results are available. work it has done for us.” ments at five depths of the For the most part beach For one thing the ship is lakes – one metre below the warnings occur following a flying two flags, which in surface, six metres below heavy rain the language of code sig- the surface, a third just On the negative side the Randle Reef, near the Dofasco and Stelco steel plants, is the most con- taminated site within the Canadian side of the Great Lakes. Its sediment remedi- ation project involves con- struction of a 6.2-hectare engineered containment facility (ECF) on top of a portion of the most con- taminated sediment, then dredging and placing the remaining contaminated sediment in the facility. Derek Beech, a scientist at CCIW, said the month- ly average water level for A bronze plaque indicates the ship was launched in 1968. Lake Ontario in May was 24 Photo by Dennis Gibbons centimetres above average, ARE YOUNG HAMILTONIANS LESS OPTIMISTIC? Market Watch Magazine of telephone respondents pect of their lives, typically recently published a survey were very satisfied or satis- shopping and recreation. that said for the first time fied with the city services, The real split between the ever, Americans younger and putting it another way, two groups was in their than 35 say they actually over 80 percent had some outlook on their life in have less consumer confi- level of satisfaction with 24 Hamilton, where signifi- dence than those aged 55 out of 26 services presented cantly fewer of the younger, and over. This, according to to them. The two outliers, online group agreed with data from the University of however were the critical statements about Hamil- Limnos, the only Canadian government-operated research ship on the Great Lakes, ties up Michigan, Haver Analytics areas of condition of streets ton as a great place to live, at the Canada Centre for Inland Waters (CCIW) in Burlington. The vessel is celebrating its and Deutsche Bank Global and roads and snow remov- work, play and learn. 50th birthday. Photo by Dennis Gibbons Research. al. 38 percent rated roads Because of the differing Millennials shoulder and sidewalks as “poor,” methodologies—random more student loan debt and snow plowing scored at sampling versus self-di- than any other generation 21 percent “poor” rating. rected participation, and face house prices that What was interesting in one cannot draw precise are far higher than their the survey was the con- conclusions from the parents did at their age. siderable difference in data-(although the online A survey conducted by some responses between group demonstrate higher the City of Hamilton may the telephone and online levels of civic engagement bear out that conclusion.
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