H4696 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 10, 2012 businesses under ObamaCare. So the livery systems, and to train new health Members and former Members who idea that somehow small businesses are care professionals. These statistics are spoke during the proceedings have the going to be hurt because of ObamaCare, not unique to my district. There are privilege of revising and extending the opposite is true. Right now this is similar success stories emerging all their remarks. helping small businesses with a tax over the country. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there cut. Let me speak a little bit about some objection to the request of the gen- Here are a couple of more examples. of those general things that are hap- tleman from South Carolina? Jerry M., a constituent, said: pening. If you’re a senior, based upon There was no objection. My 24-year-old daughter does not make the Affordable Care Act now, you are The following proceedings were held enough money to pay for individual health receiving a 50 percent discount on before the House convened for morn- care. She became very ill with a throat ab- brand-name drugs when you are in ing-hour debate: scess and almost died. If it weren’t for Medicare and you experience the UNITED STATES ASSOCIATION OF FORMER MEM- ObamaCare, she would not be covered under doughnut hole coverage gap. You have BERS OF CONGRESS 2012 ANNUAL REPORT TO my husband’s insurance plan then. If we had CONGRESS not been able to get her into an excellent free key preventive services such as hospital that saved her, she might have died. mammograms, colonoscopies, and a The meeting was called to order by the Honorable Barbara Kennelly, vice That’s no longer true. You don’t have free annual well-visit with your physi- president of Former Members of Con- to worry about that. You can stop wor- cian. If you’re a woman, you now have gress Association, at 8:12 a.m. rying about going bankrupt over free coverage of lifesaving preventive health care costs. services such as mammograms. Begin- PRAYER Here’s from a senior: ning in August, free coverage will also Dr. Alan Kieran, Office of the Senate include additional comprehensive My drugs are over $4,000 a year or more, Chaplain, offered the following prayer: and I hit the doughnut hole—meaning a gap women-preventive services, including Lord God Almighty, author of life in coverage and the senior has to pay on her breast feeding support, contraception, and creator of the universe, we come own—by July or August. But because of and domestic violence screening. today seeking Your divine wisdom, ObamaCare paying 50 percent, it’s very help- If you’re a parent and you have a peace, and protection. ful to me. It probably saves me $1,200 or child who is under the age of 19, they more a year. In these complex times, inspire our can’t be denied coverage by an insur- Nation’s leaders to pray with the cer- She’s an example of someone who is ance company because of a preexisting tainty that You hear them and respond saving money right now because of condition. If you’re an adult, you can to their petitions. Anoint our leaders ObamaCare. Take another look. I think now join or stay on your parents’ with Your spirit and grant them Your it’s really going to alleviate your health plan until you’re 26 years old. favor. worry about health care costs for your Those are for our young adults. If Father, we also know that Your di- family. you’re a small business owner, you will vine protection is everlasting. We are f be one of the millions who will be eligi- not naive, though, in thinking that all ble as a small business owner to receive SUPPORT THE AFFORDABLE CARE will always be well. But in tough tax credits if you choose to offer cov- ACT times, we are assured that You, King of erage to your employees. Heaven’s armies, will be watching over The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. Speaker, the Affordable Care Act Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from us and guiding us. was a long-overdue bill that corrects Finally, Lord, be with those in California (Ms. RICHARDSON) for 5 min- deep injustices and access to health utes. harm’s way and their families. I pray care. The Affordable Care Act should in Your mighty name, Amen. Ms. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, I be an act that is respected and upheld PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE rise today in opposition to the latest by this House. It has gone through the Republican attempt to repeal the Af- proper channels of legislation and now The Hon. Barbara Kennelly led the fordable Care Act and to block mean- has been validated by the United Pledge of Allegiance as follows: ingful health care reform. The Afford- States Supreme Court. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the able Care Act has been upheld by the Mr. Speaker, all Americans—young, United States of America, and to the Repub- highest court, the United States Su- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, old, rich, and poor—have an inalienable indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. preme Court, who found that this legis- right to health care and to be able to lation was constitutional. prosper. To be able to prosper, you Ms. KENNELLY. The Chair now calls I rise today to stress my support of need to be healthy. on the Honorable Connie Morella, the Affordable Care Act and my opposi- I ask my colleagues to support the president of the association, and a won- tion to the legislation brought before Affordable Care Act and to join me in derful president, to take the chair. us today. fierce opposition to repealing the ad- Ms. MORELLA. Thank you. Thank This legislation addresses the Afford- vances in health care that we already you, Barbara. able Health Care Act, millions of unin- won. When we look forward, we must It’s always a very distinct privilege sured Americans, and it strengthens focus on implementing the affordable to be back in this revered Chamber, the Medicare system. It relieves all health care bill and focus on getting and we appreciate the opportunity Americans of the growing financial Americans back to work. today to have the 42nd annual report of burden and medical costs of insurance the United States Association of f that many find tough to bear. Former Members of Congress. Let me talk a little bit about my dis- RECESS I’m going to be joined by a number of trict in California. In the 37th Congres- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- our colleagues in reporting on the ac- sional District, the benefits of this bill ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair tivities and the projects of our organi- are already undisputable. There are declares the House in recess until noon zation. now 23,000 children and 90,000 adults today. And so first of all, I’d like to ask the who have health care insurance that Accordingly (at 11 o’clock and 29 Clerk to call the roll. covers preventive services with no minutes a.m.), the House stood in re- The Clerk called the roll of the copays, co-insurance, or deductible. cess. former Members of Congress, as fol- lows: There will be 501 small businesses that f will receive tax credits that will help Mr. Alexander of Arkansas them maintain or expand their health PRINTING OF PROCEEDINGS OF Mr. Blanchard of Michigan care coverage for their employees. FORMER MEMBERS PROGRAM Mr. Bonker of Washington Health care providers in my district Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Mr. Buechner of Missouri Ms. Byron of Maryland have received $3.4 million in affordable Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that Mr. Carr of Michigan care grants since 2010 to support com- the proceedings during the former Mr. Clement of Tennessee munity health centers, to develop inno- Members program be printed in the Mr. Coyne of Pennsylvania vative and cost-saving health care de- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD and that all Mr. Davis of Virginia VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:59 Jul 11, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JY7.015 H10JYPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE July 10, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4697 Mr. DioGuardi of New York tantly, the Congress to Campus pro- fall of 2011 to the spring of 2012 and al- Mr. Garcia of New York gram, to do just that. ready has 13 visits booked for the fall Mr. Green of Wisconsin We continue to work with our great of 2012. Mr. Glickman of Kansas partner, the Stennis Center for Public The 2011–2012 academic year included Mr. Hertel of Michigan Mr. Hochbrueckner of New York Service. We thank them for their in- visits to the United States Naval Acad- Mr. Kennedy of Minnesota valuable assistance in administering emy, Dartmouth College, and the Coast Ms. Kennelly of Connecticut the Congress to Campus program. Community College System in Cali- Mr. Kolbe of Arizona It now gives me great pleasure to fornia. This fall we will be visiting Bos- Mr. Konnyu of California yield to a former president of our asso- ton University, Penn State, and the Mr. Kramer of Colorado ciation, a good friend, Matt McHugh of McGovern Center for Public Service at Mr. Lancaster of North Carolina New York, who, along with Jack the University of South Dakota, among Mr.
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