If you seek a delightful Pab arc those who err on Peninsula, look about you. Ihc side of self-reslraini. —Motto of .Michigan, Seventy-fourth year. No. 32 INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICrii6AN,tHURiSDAV,^A 10,1933 Twelve Pages Trees Being Girdled Budget Savings Are Lost At The County Park L WHEAT MEE More Firms Under NRA; Fox squirrels are blamed for killing nearly 50 trees at the county park. SCHEDULED TO ACOUAIN In Tangle Of Overdrafts NINMIUAIIONS; Animals have eaten the bark near the Others Expected To Join base of thc.trees and have even gone below the surface of the ground to NEW FUNCTIONS OF STATE GOVERNMENT CAUSE CON­ IWOIOISHIPSIILIEDpee l the bark from the roots. Forest­ FARMERS WITH NEW AC SEVERAL STORES WITHDRAW FROM CLOSING AGREE­ FUSING INCREASE IN TOTALS. ers have been consulted and they have MENT DRAWN UP LAST WEEK. SUPEIlVISoRS SLASH 15 MILLIoX finally determined that fox squirrels 15 COMiHUNITY MEETINGS TO UE Provisions Of Administration Sales And Gross Income Taxes Are FKOM TAX LIST. arc doing the damage. HELD IN COUNTY. Additional Recruits Expectecl As Specilic Codes Are Approved By Permission to exterminate the squir­ Considered Along With Dciicits And Diversions rels may bo asked of the conservation NRA OlVieials, Upward Price Trend Of Revenues. f>Ierl<lliiii And Wlieiililleld Figures commission. Seven Men Chosen To .Aid County Gaining Ground. aiiised iiy County Hoiird, Lan­ .Vgcfnt In Lining Up Wheat Grow­ By V. J. Bi'own sing KediicitloM Liirgc8t. ers Under Relief Act- tVIore ^a»on business firms have enlisted under tho Blue Eagle banner of Now that the matter of "poUticil payrolls" has again been disposed of, nt the NRA tliis past week. The Mason count is now nearing 40 and it is ex­ least for the present, suppose the attention ot the reader be turned tor the A total of ,'i;i5,338,405 was pared off LIVESTOCK AUCUON SALE VVhent growers of Ingham county pected that .10 or 12 more firms will join the ranks before the end of the moinent to a consideration of the 1933-35 budget and the special appropria­ the valuations of Inghnm county in will have opportunities to learn all the week. The dcndlino for NRA compliance is Soptomber 1 wiien the customer tions as rinaliy adopted by the legislature and approved by tho governoi-. the adoption ot tho equalized valua­ many details of the federal farm re­ lief act covering wheat acreage reduc­ proforonco drive is scheduled to bo launched. Many Mason ostablishmcnts Considerable confusion appears to e.xist in the ininds of the citizens ot this tions tor the tax levy of 1933 by the ISFEATURiOFFAIfiWEEK tion HS 15 community meetings are nro awaiting acceptance of specific codes covering Lheir own branch of in- state as to just what occiii'rod to re­ board of supervisors Monday, The reduction is approximately 10 per cent Eloirr AUCTIONEERS HAVE Vol^ scheduled to bo lield lliroughout lho dusti'y before joining up with NRA quire more money to be I'aised by tho from the 1932 valuation. The assessed UNTEEREI) THEIR SERVICES. county within the next 10 days. Two under tlie president's blanket code of state than ever before. values of real and personal property meetings will bo hold each night, Tho 35 hours for skilled mechanics, 40 For the purpose ot tliis discussion iYOSE FEDERAL FUNDS were ,'i;i62,455,552 last year. The new 20 Holstein Calves, 34 Jer.scys, Brown meetings scheduled, all of them lo be­ UNTY TO BRING SUIT liours for - clerical worlcers and 48 let roiind numbers be employed for total is ,'j;i47,117,147. Soldiers' ex­ Swiss And Guornsevs, ao Shocp, gin at eight o'clock at night, arc as houi's for food store clerks, follows: the sake ot a better undcrstandi.ng. emptions aro also removed froin the And Pigs 'ro Be Sold .\(. Fair. Tho complete list of Mnson firms Also for the purpose ot a bettor un­ 10 PAVE BARNES SMI 19.33 total. Friday, .August; 11, Hurt, school, Wll.- FOR RETURN 0 who have filed NRA ngi'cemonts with derstanding let the items bo divided Valuations are supposed to be One ot tho largest auction sales in liainslnn tlnviisliLp, niul Room 109 Ag- Lloyd R, Doane, Mason postmaster, into gi'oups in order PnoPEItTV oWNIOKS AOKIQE To PROSECUToR AUTIIoRI/E!) 'ro equalized at tlie regular June meeting the history oi the county is scheduled ricultiirlil building at Ihe Stute ci)lli.'gi.>. includes tho Sinclnir Refining com­ thnt appropriate and rUKNISII EMPLoVMRNT. BEGIN SUIT. of tlie supervisors. At that time, how­ for Thursday and Friday, August 24 fVIliiulliy, .August 14, Dansvllle school pnny locnl branch), Jennie's Lunch, correct comparisons Bement Feed and Supply, Thorburn roderal (lovcrtiniciil. Will Fiirni.sli ever, the Lansing city assessors had and 25 at the Ingham county fair to lind court room at tMnsnn. may be made. The County OlViciiils Clauii Bnnk DiriM.tors Coal coiiipaliy. Mobile Gas Station, Wajros, Clly Would Iliiv« T" Pay not completed their work and an ad­ bo lield in Mnson. Oi) those two days Tuesday, August 15, Whlt<! oiiU reader is cautioned eight well known aiictionoei's have Knowingly Oll'ered llh'gnl Harvey's l^estnuranL, Winn & Bart­ For Malicfrltils Use<l. journment of one week wns taken. On town hlill iind Holt school. Depository Bond. to remember that volunteered their services to sell to tho lett, W. O, Gregg, A, B, Ball, A, W, two now fields ot FIIIST CHANGE IN YEARS Weiliiesdiiy, .Augiisl; 10, BiiiiUerliill Jewett Flornl compniiy, Atliuitic tt Plans tor constructing a curb and highest bidders some of the best bred state spending wore The ndding of amounts to the town hsill and .Aureiius town luill. Clarence W, Lock, county ti-cnsurcr, Pncific Ton company, Dayton & Post, gutter on Barnes street and the pav­ livestock produced in Ingham county. created by the 1933 assessed valuations of Wheatfield Tliursdiiy, .August; 17, Wehherville and Dan D. McCullough, pr-oseculliig ing of the street with a blacktop mat- Farmers from Ingham and adjoiniiig A, B, Howard Market, J, B, Dean, W, legislature, both ot and Meridian townships Monday Coiiiiniiiitty hull luiil Stockbridge attorney, were nuLhorized by Llio torial were discussed at the meeting counties and even from other sections B, Ketchum, A, J, Torrance, George C, these functions hav­ was the first time in at least 15 CiMiiiiiiinlty lisill. board of suporvisoi's Monday 'lo In­ ot the city council Monday night. A far removed from Mason have already Campbell, ing boon heretofore years lhat such procedure has Frhlii.v, August; 18, Willliiiiisloii stitute a suit against N. P, Hull, con­ petition from property owners wns expressed interest in the sale and it is G, S, Thorburn, Gooi'go M, Webb, entirely supported boon taken. For the past 15 school. One nieelliig only on this dnlie. servator ot the Capital National bank presented declaring their agi'cement expected that tlie auction will prove Burt's RosLaurant, Snyder's Grocery, by local tiuxos on lo­ yoai's the valuations have been Monday, August 31, WlietitfieUI of Lansing, to recover county funds to pay the cost ot materials used in to be one of the features of the county H, I-l, Snydci', First Stato and Savings cal property. These equalized as assessed without any town hull Mii\ O. A. Ii. iisill at I.,eslie. and funds in which tho county had an tho curb and gutter provided tlie cost fair. bank, Mickolson-Baker Lumber com­ two new purposes demand the raising changes being made. TiK'.sdiiy, Aiigiisl; 33, Locke town interest when Lho banking hoUday was of .?27,000,000 not heretofore included does not exceed 30.6 cents per lineal Listed among the livestock are 20 hull nnd Onondaga town hall. declared February 11. The county pany, Miison Plumbing nnd Heating Holstein calves, a total of 24 Jersey, company, Adams Electric Shop, Ma­ in state ta.x or other stnto revenues. foot. Under the plan proposed, fed­ July C after a deadlock over reduc­ Fiirnicrs Show Iiilierost had $ll,'j,000 on deposit besides ,'t;,'30,- Guernsey and Brown Swiss calves, 20 son Elevator company, Carl Siimann, They are; Emergency welfare aid, eral work relief funds will be used to tions of 11 per cont by Meridian town­ Ingham county wheat growers are 000 in Covert road funds when tho Joy O, Davis, tVI. iii, Colomitn, Fnrm- .'i;i2,'000,000; stato aid to local school pay for labor while the city will use ship and 12 per cent by Wheatfield sheep and a number of blooded hogs. showing keen interest in the much- bank svas closed,. 'rhe county also hns ors bank, Longyear Bros., L, H, Har­ districts, ,fl,'5,000,000, promised weight tax allotments to pay township, the board adjourned to seek The livestock has boon donated by discussed wheat allotmeht plan, H, H, an interest of ,fll2,000 in stitto and rison, Salisbury's Hardware, Dart Na­ ii;a7,00rt,(>0» IJ«phic.(MniMit. for the blacktop treatinent. advice from the state tax commission members of the various breed associa­ Barnum, county agricultural agcnl, county tax collections in tlie Cily ot tional bnnk, the Ingham County News, It should he borne ill mind filso thitt Tho petition preseiited Monday and the attorney general. At the tions. The proceeds from the sale are reports, Mr, Barnum is in charge of Lnnsing irccount besides an intorcsL in and the Dean Tfiylor Iiisui'iincc in the event no more money is ex­ night lacked just four signatures to mooting Monday the Meridian and to bo used in paying for the cost of the government plan in this county.
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