THE CATHOLIC February 22, 2012 CVol. 50, No. 1 ommentatorSERVING THE DIOCESE OF BATON ROUGE SINCE 1963 thecatholiccommentator.org Revised contraceptive mandate prompts reaction from Catholic groups By Carol Zimmermann Other critics also said the change was a mat- Catholic News Service ter of semantics and still failed to address the A Letter to Louisiana Catholics: conscience rights of faith groups and the issue WASHINGTON — A former U.S. ambassador of religious liberty. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to the Vatican and the president of The Catholic Supporters, who included organizations such recently ruled that Catholic institutions must provide health University of America were among 300 signers as Catholics United and Catholic Democrats, insurance that offers sterilizations, abortion inducing drugs, of a letter who called President Barack Obama’s said it was a viable response that would keep and contraceptives. This is a direct attack on the religious revision to a federal contraceptive mandate conscience rights intact and address the health liberty of Catholic institutions which serve ALL people, not just “unacceptable” and said it remains a “grave vio- care needs of women. Catholics. lation of religious freedom and cannot stand.” Still others who opposed the contraceptive As we have read, on Friday, Feb. 10 President Obama offered On Feb. 10, Obama said religious employers mandate said the revision could be a step in the some changes to the original HHS ruling. Instead of Catho- could decline to cover contraceptives if they right direction but needed more study because lic institutions having to provide the objectionable coverage, were morally opposed to them, but the health many questions “remained unanswered.” the insurance companies would do it. There are three major insurers that provide their health plans would Catholic Charities USA said Feb. 16 that con- problems with that supposed compromise. First, Catholic be required to offer contraceptives free of trary to media reports the organization has “not institutions would still have to pay for this objectionable cover- charge to women who requested such coverage. endorsed” the revision announced by Obama. age. Second, in many cases Catholic dioceses are self insured. The change came after three weeks of inten- “We unequivocally share the goal of the U.S. Third, individuals would be forced to pay premiums for this sive criticism that Department of Health and Catholic bishops to uphold religious liberty and coverage. Human Services’ contraception mandate would will continue to work with the USCCB (U.S. So nothing has been fixed by the President’s recent action. require most religious institutions to pay for Conference of Catholic Bishops) toward that If the Administration will not rescind this violation of the coverage they find morally objectionable, de- goal,” it said in a statement posted on its web- First Amendment, then Congress should. spite a limited religious exemption. site. Please send a message to respectfully request your U.S. Sen- Now questions have been raised over how “Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Baton ators and Congressman to co-sponsor the Respect for Rights the revision announced by the president will Rouge joins our bishop, Most Rev. Robert W. of Conscience Act (H.R. 1179, S. 1467) that has been introduced pertain to the many dioceses and Catholic or- Muench, our sister agencies around the coun- by Rep. Jeffery Fortenberry and Sen. Roy Blunt. This measure ganizations that are self-insured and whether it try and Catholic Charities USA in standing in ensures that the rights of conscience of Catholic institutions could still force entities morally opposed to con- solidarity with the USCCB and the LCCB (Loui- will be respected. traception to pay for such services. siana Conference of Catholic Bishops) in reject- You can do this by following the link to VoterVoice on the The letter signed by former Ambassador ing the HHS mandate,” said Catholic Charities home page of our website at laccb.org. Mary Ann Glendon of Harvard and Catholic executive director David Aguillard in a recent University’s John Garvey, along with professors statement. Sincerely yours in Christ, and other academics, and Catholic and other Referring to the report that a White House Most Rev. Gregory M. Aymond, Archbishop of New Orleans religious leaders, said it was “an insult to the spokesperson said Catholic Charities USA Most Rev. Robert W. Muench, Bishop of Baton Rouge intelligence of Catholics, Protestants, Eastern endorsed the changes to the HHS mandate, Most Rev. Sam G. Jacobs, Bishop of Houma-Thibodaux Orthodox Christians, Jews, Muslims and other Aguillard said, “The White House’s statements Most Rev. Michael Jarrell, Bishop of Lafayette people of faith and conscience to imagine that were completely false and led to a flurry of Most Rev. Ronald P. Herzog, Bishop of Alexandria they will accept an assault on their religious lib- news reports in that Catholic Charities had Most Rev. Glen John Provost, Bishop of Lake Charles erty if only it is covered up by a cheap account- split from the Bishops. That simply is not the Most Rev. Michael G. Duca, Bishop of Shreveport ing trick.” SEE HHS PAGE 20 Most Rev. Shelton J. Fabre, Auxiliary Bishop of New Orleans The Light is ON for You again being offered in diocese during Lent By Laura Deavers the sacrament of reconciliation p.m. Aids for preparing one’s Editor the opportunity to have several self to receive the sacrament priests available at the churches will be available in the church- “The Light is ON for You” will participating in the program. es. take place in 15 churches in the Those going to confession can Most other churches will pro- Diocese of Baton Rouge during choose to confess their sins vide extra hours for Catholics Lent. This successful effort to “face to face,” talking directly to receive this sacrament of for- provide weekly opportunities to the priest, or do so kneeling giveness. Some churches will for Catholics to receive the sac- behind a grill or screen. offer prayer services focused the sacrament. tunity to go to confession during rament of reconciliation will be- The churches participating in on reconciliation with priests Bishop Robert W. Muench Lent, no matter how long it has gin Feb. 27. “The Light Is ON for You” will available for confession after said in a letter to the people of been since receiving God’s grace “The Light Is ON for You” al- have priests available for con- penitents have an opportunity the Diocese of Baton Rouge that through this sacrament. lows those who want to receive fession from 6 to 7:00 or 7:30 to prepare themselves to receive everyone should take the oppor- SEE LIGHT PAGE 19 2 The Catholic Commentator February 22, 2012 | IN THIS ISSUE | DID YOU KNOW HUSBANDS AND worldwide, has incorporated additional The reason for Lent being 40 days WIVES MARRIED FOR programs to foster this devotion to the MANY YEARS give their Blessed Mother. PAGE 7 Any child who gives up cance in the church since time and the wisdom candy for Lent will be quick ancient times. The tradi- they have gained about CASSANDRA WILL HAS DONE CHURCH to tell you that Sundays are tion of Lent being 40 days marriage to engaged WORK since she not considered part of the is taken from various Bible couples. The married was a little girl. season. stories: the 40 years the couples can talk about Now she is the di- And technically they Israelites wandered the what to expect and what will not happen rector of religious would be accurate. wilderness in search of the once the marriage vows are stated. education at St. Lent, the period of prayer, promised land, the 40 days PAGE 5 Augustine Church fasting and almsgiving in and nights of flood waters and serves the preparation for Easter, is 40 before God established a Diocese of Baton days long. It begins on Ash covenant with Noah, the Rouge in various Wednesday and ends in the 40 days that Jesus spent in ways. PAGE 8 Roman Catholic Church at the desert in prayer and was sundown on Holy Thursday, a span of 46 tempted by the devil. FATHERS GERARD BURNS AND JASON days. When Lent ends with the evening ser- PALERMO reflect on the life of Father From the earliest days of the church, vice on Holy Thursday, Catholics then Jerome Dugas who died Feb. 4. PAGE 11 Sunday, the day of Christ’s resurrection, enter into a Paschal fast, a holding back was a day to be celebrated and Christians in anticipation of the resurrection. In did not fast or do other forms of penance encouraging Catholics to observe a pas- THE HOLY CROSS FAMILY MINISTRIES | INDEX BEGAN 73 years ago to encourage people on that day. chal fast, the Second Vatican Council to pray the rosary. This ministry, now CLASSIFIED ADS 18 Therefore, the church expanded the said, “Let the Paschal fast be kept sacred. COMING EVENTS 18 period of fasting – Lent – to six full Let it be celebrated everywhere on Good ENTERTAINMENT 14 weeks, each with only six days of fasting, Friday and, when possible, prolonged Monday through Saturday, (36 days) and through Holy Saturday so that the joy of FAMILY LIFE 5 added the days of Ash Wednesday, and the Sunday of the Resurrection may be Correction INTERNATIONAL/NATIONAL NEWS 4 March 4 is the date of the Reconcilia- the Thursday, Friday and Saturday fol- attained with uplifted and clean mind.” SPIRITUALITY 7 tion Prayer Service at St. Paul the Apos- lowing Ash Wednesday to complete the The word Lent is derived from the tle Church, 3912 Gus Young Ave., Baton VIEWPOINT 16 40 days of Lent.
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