Pernlseion has been granted Lrautorlsatlon a êtê aceordêe to the National Llbrary of å la glbttothèque natlonale Canada to ni crof i l¡n thl e du Canada de nlcrofll¡er theeis and to lend or eell cette thèee et de prêter ou copies of the fil¡r. de vendre dee exenplalree du flIn. The author (copyright owner) L'auteur (tltulaire du droit hae reserved other d'auteur) se réeerve les publication rights, and autres droits de publlcatlon; neither the thesie nor ni la thèee ni de longe exteneive extraet6 from tt extralte de celle-cl ne Day be prÍnted or otherwise doivent être lrnprlurée ou reproduced without his/her autre¡nent reprodulte aana aon written perurlBBíon. autorleatlon êcrite. rsB[r 0-3]"5-5491-6-5 THE UNTVERSITY OF MANITOBA LUTHER AND CALVIN OI\ THE MAI\NER OF CHRIST'S PRESENCE II\ THE LORD'S SUPPER: A Re-examination of Their Teachings With Respect To the Eucharistic Debãtes of the Sixteenth Century A Thesis Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts Department of Religion By The Rev. Clayton Edward Beish Jr. Winnipeg, Manitoba November 1988 LUTHER AND CALVIN ON THE ì,fANNER OF CHRIST'S PRESENCE IN THE LORD'S SUPPER: A RN.EXA}TINATION OF THEIR TEACHINGS I"]ITH RXSPECT TO THE EUCHARISTIC DEBATES OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY BY CLAYTON EDWARD BEISH JR. A tlìesis submitted to the Facurty of Graduate studies of the u¡riversity of Manitoba in partial fulfillment of the requirenrents of the degree of MASTER OF ARTS o 1988 Permission has bee¡r granred ro the LIBRARy oF THE uNIVER- SITY OF MANITOBA to lend or sell copies of this thesis. to the NATIONAL LIBRARY oF CANADA to microfirnr this thesis a¡rd to lend or sell copies of the film, and UNIVERSITY IvIICROFILMS to publish an abstract of this thesis. The author reserves other publicatio' rights, a'd neither the thesis nor extensive extracts from jt may be printed or other_ wise reproduced without the author's written pernrission, ABSTRACT This thesis seeks to provide a critical re-examination of the distinctive teachings of Martin Luther and John Calvin concerning the manner of Christ's presence in the Lord's Supper, seen in the context of the sixteenth century eucharistic debates. Chapter I (the Introduction) provides general historical and bio- graphical information on Luther and Calvin and their respective roles in the eucharistic debates. Since Luther and Calvin were not direct opponents in these debates, methodological considerations are discussed for comparing their positions in light of the historical context of their writings. Part One of the thesis (Chapters 2 - 5) traces the individual develop- ment of Martin Luther's and John Calvin's teachings on ttre Lord's Supper. Chapter 2 presents an analysis of Luther's earliest teaching on the eucharist before the outbreak of conffoversy with the Swiss. Chapter 3 presents an examination of the further developments in Luther's teachings during the first phase of the eucharistic controversy (in oppositionto Zwingli and Oecolampadius). Chapter 4 traces Calvin's earliest teaching on the Lord's Supper, and later distinctive elements in his thought illustrated in his efforts to develop a mediating position between that espoused by Luther and Zwingli. Chapter 5 traces Calvin's negotiations first with the Lutherans and then with the Swiss to achieve greater theological consensus, and outlines Calvin's role in the second phase of the eucharistic controversy (in debate with Wesþhal and Heshus). Part Two of the thesis (Chapters 6-10) presents a thematic comparison of the distinctive teachings of Luther and Calvin on the Lord's Supper on five fundamental points which were especially problematic in the eucharistic debates: Chapter 6 examines the basic differences in the meaning and use of the terms "substance" by the two reformers. Chapter 7 examines the disagreement over the terms "sign" and "symbol," the use of "synecdoche" and "metonym]," and Luther's concept of "sacramental union." Chapter I examines the opposing claims that Christ is bodily present in the eucharist, and that his body is confined to a fixed locality in heaven. Calvin's explan- ation of the function of the Holy Spirit in communicating Christ and his benefits is also analyzed and compared with Luther's understanding of the agency of the Word. Chapter 9 examines questions regarding the reception of Christ in the Supper -- whether it is art "oral" or a "spiritual" eating, and whether all who partake of the eucharistic elements receive Christ, or only those who possess faith. Chapter L0 examines the Lutheran teaching of "bodily ubiquity" on the basis of the unity between the divine and human natures in Christ's person, and Calvin's opposition to this claim. The roles of the "communicatio idiomatum" and the "extra-Calvinisticum" are also analyzed in this chapter. Chapter 11 ( the Conclusion) presents an assessment of the findings of Part One and Part Two of the thesis in light of the subsequent confessional developments in the Lutheran and Reformed communions and recent Lutheran - Reformed dialogues on the Lord's Supper. It is argued that the impass in the sixteenth century debate was to a large extend the product of mischaractenzations and misinterpretations of each side's position by the other. The results of the contemporary Lutheran - Reformed dialogues are used to call for a new 'rapprochement'between the two traditions. in memory of my father the Rev. Clayton E. Beish Sr. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1 - HISTORICAL BACKGROUND 1 Luther and Calvin . I Regard for Each Other 6 Respective Roles in the Eucharistic Debate 11 PART ONE THE DEVELOPMENT OF LUTIIER'S AND CALVIIVS TEACHINGS ON TTIE LORD'S STJPPER CHAPTER 2 - LUTFIER'S EARLY TEACHINGS ON TFIE EUCHAzuST 14 The Sacrament of the Altar: Its Nature and Purpose 74 Earliest Arguments for the Real Presence 27 CHAPTER 3 - THE DEVELOPMENT OF LUTHER'S TEACHING DURING THE INITIAL EUCHARISTIC CONTROVERSY 37 The Beginnings of the Eucharistic Controversy (1523-1525) 37 The Debate with Zwingli and Oecolampadius (1527-1528) 47 The Marburg Colloquy (1529) . 7l CHAPTER 4 - THE DEVELOPMENT OF CALVIN'S TEACHING DURING THE INTERIM PERIOD BETWEEN THE FIRST AND SECOND STAGES OF TFIE EUCHARISTIC CONTROVERSY 82 Calvin's Orientation as a Mediator 82 The First and Second Editions of The Institutes (1536, 1539) 86 Other Writings through the Strasbourg Period (1539-1541) 105 The "Short Treatise on the Lord's Supper" (1541) r12 CHAPTER 5 - CALVIN'S POSITION ON THE EUCHARIST IN HIS NEGOTIATIONS WITH TFM LUTT{ERANS AND TFM SWISS L24 Calvin's Union Activities with the Lutherans ( - 1540) 124 Calvin's Union Activities with the Swiss ( - 1549) 729 The Renewed Eucharistic Debate (1552-1562) 137 PARTTWO THEFINAL FORM OF CALVIN'S TEACHING ONTTIE LORD'S STJPPER COMPARED WTÏI THAT OF LUTHER CHAPTER 6 - THE FUNDAMENTAL CONTROVERSY OVER A SUBSTANTIAL PRESENCE L46 Basis Terminology and its Use 146 Calvin's Distinctive Use of the Term "Substance" 151 Further Distinctions in Luther's and Calvin's Usage r56 CHAPTER 7 - THE FUNDAMENTAL CONTROVERSY OVER SIGN AND SYMBOL 165 Basic Concerns Over aLiteral or Figurative Interpretation of Christ's Words 165 The Use of Synecdoche and Metonymy 169 Luther's Principle of "Sacramental LJnion" 174 Concerns over a Local Presence 177 Calvin's Defense of Figurative Language 180 CHAPTER 8 - THE FUNDAMENTAL CONTROVERSY OVER THE MANNER OF CHRIST'S PRESENCE 184 The Basic Orientation of Luther's and Calvin's Arguments 184 The Role of the Holy Spirit in Calvin's Explanation r93 The Role of the Word in Luther's Approach . 198 Possibilities for Dialogue Between the Two Approaches 203 CHAPTER 9 - TFIE FUNDAMENTAL CONTROVERSY OVER THE RECEPTION OF CHRIST'S BODY 206 The Debate over Oral RecePtion 206 The Role of Faith in Receiving Christ in the Supper 272 " Sacramental" and " Spiritual" Eating 219 CHAPTER 10 - TFM FI.INDAMENTAL CONTROVERSY OVER UBIQUITY AND TFIE TV/O NATURES OF CHRIST 232 The Basic Christological Issue Underlying the Debate 232 Use of the Communicatio ldiomatum 243 Further Consequences Arising Out of the Christo lological Differences 252 CONCLUSION CHAPTER 11 - AN ASSESSMENT OF THE EUCHARISTIC DEBATE 264 The Confessionalizing of Luther's and Calvin's Positions 264 Recent Lutheran - Reformed Dialogues on the Doctrine of the Lord's Supper 281 Reassessing the Differences and Commonalities Between Luther's and Calvin's Teachings on the Eucharist 285 Appendix: A Chronology of Significant Events 301 Selected Bibliography 305 ABBREVIATIONS CO Ioannis Calvini opera quae supersunt omnia CR Corpus Reformatorum LCC Llbrary of Christian Classics LV/ Luther's Works NPNF A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Ctrurch OS Joannis Calvini Opera Selecta TT Calvin's Tracts and Treatises V/A D. Martin Luthers Werke. Kritische Gesamtausgabe WB D. Martin Luthers Werke. Briefwechsel WT D. Martin Luthers Werke. Tischreden PREFACE I wish to express my appreciation to the members of my Thesis Examining Committee, not only for their thorough reading and critiquing of my manuscript, but also for the personal interest and support which they have shown toward me in the course of my work. My heartfelt thanks is offered to Professor H. Gordon Harland, Professor John M. Badertscher, Professor Eduard H. Schludefinann, and especially to my advisor, Professor Egil Grislis, for his patient encouragement and guidance throughout the lengthy course of this project. I also wish to thank Professor Klaus Klostermaier, head of the Department of Religion, for his personal encouragement and the supportive role which he played in seeing this thesis carried to its final stage. I am also grateful to my former professors at the Lutheran Theo- logical Seminary in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan for the excellent theological preparation they gave me, and for their encouragement to undertake further sfudies foltowing my ordination.
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