PublishedQuarterly byThe Bookof MormonFoundation Number ll2 . FaJl2004 But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born Nehor among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself. ." (Leviticus 19'33-34). andthe Orderof Nehors ('When Lehi searchedthe plates of brass,"He beheld that they did contain by Louise Ckrh Gregson the five books of Moses. .") (I Nephi l:158,159RLDS, I Nephi 5:10-11LDS). I I f hen Alma arrived at the Ciry able and had communication skills Nephi saw,in vision, that the Gentiles Itlt of Ammonihah, he began that kept them abreastof what was upon this land of promise had a book f t to preach the word of God going on in different parrs of the land. (the Bible). The angel to the Nephites. However, Satan had It is important to nore that they said, said to him, "It is a a great hold upon the hearts of the "\7e are not of thy church!" And so, record like unto the people, and they would not hearken ro to whose church did they belong? engravingswhich AImas teachings.LJnceremoniously, he are upon the plates These hard-hearted, stiff-necked was cast out of their great city. He had of brass,save there people opposedAlma in everything wrestled with God in mighry prayer are not so many; he said.They reviled him, and they that God would pour out His spirit nevertheless, spit upon him! More than likely, Alma upon the Nephitls of this wicked ciry. they contain must have found it hard to believe He desiredwith all his heart that God the covenants that the people of Ammonihah were would grant that they might be bap- of the Lord familiar with the Mosaic law. As AIma tized unto repentance.Nevertheless, which he slowly picked himself up from the they hardened their hearts. hath made ground, he brushed the dust off his They said, "Behold, unto the house we know that robe with both hands. He undoubtedly ofIsrael..." thou art Alma: and we know that thou wondered why he had not been treated high (I Nephi 3:163 art priest over the church which more hospitably. After all, the Nephites thou hast RLDS, I Nephi establishedin many parts of did live under the law of Moses,which 13:23 LDS). the land, according to your tradition; made provision for strangers.Alma And we are not of thy church, and we was certainly a strangerin this srrange As I was not do believein such foolish tradi- place, but no one had invited him writing stories tions. And now we know that because into his or her home, and no one had about Alma and we are not of thy church, we know oflbred him food or drink, though he his experiences that thou hast no power over us; and was hungry and thirsry becausehe had at Ammonihah, thou hast judgment deliveredup the fasted for many days on their behalf. I grieved for AIma as well as for the seatunto Nephihah; therefore,thou Surely, they must have been aware of people. I prayed and pondered over the art not the judge (Alma chief over us". the scriptureswritten upon the plates events that took place. I asked the Lord 6:12-15RLDS, Al--" 8:11-12LDS) of brass(and in the Bible, too) which why the Ammonihahites were so rude 'And By their own declaration,we can see said, if a strangersojourn with and abusiveto Alma. The Holy Spirit that these people were very knowledge- thee in your land, ye shall not vex him. directed me to the most important trial that marked Alma's first vear as the chief judge over all the Land of Zarahemla. In the book of AIma l:l-24 RLDS, Now Available: Fallft{inter lnternship 2004 Alma 1:1-16LDS, is the accountof a The Eook ChssSchedule page6 man whose name was Nehor. He was of Mormon Movie page4 a large man and was well-known for page3 BMF Retreats page I Continued on page 2 of Nehors to him, "Behold, this is the first time that of his brethren. Reluctantly, he turned TheOrder been introduced among his back.upon the ciry and set his face Continued pageI priot.r"ft has fro* thit p.ople. And behold, thou art nor toward the city of Aaron. of priestcraft, but hast endeav- to his great strength. He went among ""lf_S,riltf An angel of the Lord appeared ored to enforce it by the-s,word;and the people preaching what he termed him and told Alma ,o ,.;'oi.., for he were priestclaft to be enforced among was the word of God. He also criti- i;;J;..; Aiif,f"f in keeping the com- this people, it would their entire cizedthe Church of God. He said that P^rove ;;l;."ts of God from the time that desuuction. Therefore, thou art every teacher or priest ought to condemnedtodie, according tothe law." become popular and ought to be suP- ffi:iln:';:*t'|iT:t,il'Jnttt'"|,!f ported by the people. He taught that They took Nehor to the top of it unto you; and behold, I am sent to all mankind should be savedat the last the Hill Manti where he suffered an command thee that thou return to the day. The Lord had created all men and ignominious death. Before he died, ciry of Ammonihah and preach again had also redeemed all men. In the end, he acknowledged that he had taught unto them; yea, Preachunto them. all men should have eternal life. things that were contrary to the word Yea, say unto them, excePtthey repent, Nevertheless,thisdid not put believed the deceitful words ofGod. theLord j::tUi:1i;.tn. Many ff1il# of Nehor. They supported him thatthey may destroy the liberry and gave him money, for he "And behOl4 thOU aft soothed their "itching earsl' notonry suirty He became very proud and wore :fJ*11:*1,!ff*.;T1,. of priestcraftr th. ,t"t.rtesand judgments and costly clothing. He even estab- commandmentswhich He has lished his own church. He was bUt haSt endeavofed givenunto His people!" going to preach to his followers tO enfOf.e it one day when he met Gideon on AT1 rejoiced'for the same W by the sword; the way. Gideon was one of the teachersin the Church of God. andwere prieslliait iffi'1il:?:|;i"Xtfi*#'il. Nehor began to contend with tO be enfOrced visitedhim again!No longerdid striv- He was him sharply, for Nehor was among this people, hishead droop in sorrow. ing to lead people away from $9 ',:il:*:'i' C[urch of God. Gideon faithfullY it-wouri;;;;';*fil'*::ff opposed Nehor by admonishing their entire Ammonihah.This time, he re- him with the word of God. deStfUCtiOn j' enteredthe ciry6y Y^\:f *' This angered Nehor so much south gate. He was befriended became violent. Swiftly' Amulek, who had also been that he +, by he drew his sword and began =o visited by an angel of the Lord to smite Gideon. Ht; concerning Alma. Almas PhYsical he tarried Yearsbefore, Gideon had been needswere met, and many days. a strong and mighty warrior. He with Amulek for had served as a captain in King 0+7n/'5r'. They waited upon the Lord '\r P Limhi's army up in the Land of fft t$+ they were commanded to tt-lf, a until Nephi. He had assistedin leading 4'T tt go prophesy and preach. They theNephites out of bondage safe- were filled with the Holy Ghost lv into the Land of Zarahemla, and power from on high. TheY but steadfastand courageous called the people to rePentance. Gideon no longer fought with the among all of the sword. He glorified Foremost lawyers who were after in the word of God, for it was wicked Nehorswas a man called sharper than a nvo-edged sword. an end to the spreadingof priestcraft the orderof 7-,eezrom. an exPertin the Now, in the sunset years of his life, through the land; for tLere *ere many- He was and wasvery-busy Gideon delighted in being valiant *ho l6.,n.dthe vain things of the world, devicesof the devil false in his profession.The objectof these in the testimony of JesusChrist. and they went forth preiching *!ti.}.t However, Gideon was frail and unable doctrines;and this they did fJr the lawyeri wasto get gain $nended they find. Therefore, to withstand the heavy blows of an sakeof richesand honor. on how much work unbeknownstto the citizens'they-were enraged man, and he was slain. And now, let us return to the scene responsiblefor inciting riots and distur- Alma by the at Ammonihah,where Alma had just Nehor was taken to bancesthat they people of the church to be judged for been castout. His heart *", h."d*"" Tiqh: lf-lt:::tk' I hey werenow surrmg me PeoPleuP pleaded his case with sorrow.His soul was filled with his crime. Boldly, Nehor to angeragainst Alma and Amulek' before Alma, the chief judge. Alma said anguishbecause of the wickedness FAI.I- 2OO4 Zeezrom offered Amulek six pieces This gaveAlma the opportuniry these shall enter into my rest. And who- of silver if he would denv the existence to expound on life after death and soeverwill harden his heart, and will do of a supreme being, but Amulek boldly how we must all stand before God to iniquiry behold. he shall not enter refused to deny God. He also declared be judged. He said that our words and into my rest." (His rest is His glory.) that the son of God would not save our works will condemn us.
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