CONSECRATED & UNCONSECRATED PARTS FROM 1920 TO 1929 NAME DATE AGE RANK ADDRESS MODE OF FOLIO ENTRY SECTION GRAVE CLASS CONSECRATED SECTION BURIAL NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER UNCONSECRATED SECTION ILEGIBLE ENTRIES ?? Rose, Stillborn Male & female 19 January 1929 - - Daustone? Sandown Lane Wavertree Public 2134 42648 L 266 352 CEM 9/2/8 Unconsecrated Section ??? Daisy,Daisy, Stillborn Child of 20 December 1923 -- Toxteth Institution Toxteth Park Public 2066 41295 L 272 352 CEM 9/2/7 Unconsecrated Section ??? Jessie Ann 14 January 1922 68 years Widow 114 Claremont Road Wavertree Subsequent 2038 40738 O 480 352 CEM 9/2/7 Unconsecrated Section ??? Mrs, Stillborn Child Of 1 December 1921 - - 116 Rosebery Street Toxteth Park Public 2036 40698 L 274 352 CEM 9/2/7 Unconsecrated Section ??? Mrs, Stillborn Child Of 26 August 1922 - - 50 Jermyn Street Toxteth Park Public 2049 40947 L 273 352 CEM 9/2/7 Unconsecrated Section ????, Mrs, Stillborn Child Of 6 April 1921 - - 50 Jermyn Street Toxteth Park Public 2028 40525 L 275 352 CEM 9/2/7 Unconsecrated Section ???Bottom line missing from front page - Clevedon Street Toxteth Park Subsequent 5864 116941 D Left 523 352 CEM 9/1/23 Consecrated Section ???Jones, David Alexander 24 March 1923 65 years - 88 Claremont Road Wavertree Subsequent 2057 41120 M ? 352 CEM 9/2/7 Unconsecrated Section ???Jones, John Griffith 4 February 1926 69 years - Criccieth Subsequent 2095 41865 E 63 352 CEM 9/2/8 Unconsecrated Section ???White???White, Cl Claraara 20 DDecember b 1922 66 years - 35 EEssex Street St t Toxteth T t th Park P k SubsequentSb t 2053 41041 ? 269 352 CEM 9/2/7 UtdStiUnconsecrated Section ??Gearing, Kate Amelia 22 May 1929 38 years - No Details Including No Burial Details - 2140 42769 - - 352 CEM 9/2/8 Unconsecrated Section A Ab AbbAbberley, l MMari ia 1 MMay 1920 766 years - 19 GGreenhill hill Avenue A - 57151 113960 2 51010 3523 2 CEM 9/1/22 ConsecratedCdSi Section Abbey, Annie Elizabeth 10 January 1921 85 years Widow 44 Rawson Road Seaforth - 5738 114421 H 235 352 CEM 9/1/23 Consecrated Section Abbott, Elizabeth 30 January 1922 89 years Widow 6 Paulton Street Toxteth Park Subsequent 5770 115043 F Right 326 352 CEM 9/1/23 Consecrated Section Abbott, Mary 10 August 1922 64 years Widow 251 Crown Street West Derby Subsequent 5786 115380 1 217 352 CEM 9/1/23 Consecrated Section Abernathy, Lawrence 2 October 1920 69 years Caretaker 110 Harrowby Street Toxteth Park Subsequent 2019 40352 2 789 352 CEM 9/2/7 Unconsecrated Section Abernethy, Barbara 12 March 1927 36 years Spinster 22 Merlin Street Toxteth Park 2109 42156 Subsequent 2 691 352 CEM 9/2/8 Unconsecrated Section Abernethy, Jane 16 January 1924 63 years - 29 Rossett Avenue Toxteth Park Subsequent 2067 41312 A 123 352 CEM 9/2/8 Unconsecrated Section Abernethy,Abernethy, MarMaryy JanJanee 14 FebruarFebruaryy 1925 32 yyearsears SSpinsterpinster 22 Merlin Street Toxteth Park SubseSubsequentquent 2081 41602 2 691 352 CEM 9/2/8 Unconsecrated Section Abernethy, Muriel 3 December 1925 2 years Infant 7 Liffey Street Toxteth Park Subsequent 5884 117340 B Left 463 352 CEM 9/1/23 Consecrated Section Ablewhite, George 21 March 1927 73 years Boilermaker 148 Parkhill Road Toxteth Park Subsequent 5929 118238 1 420 352 CEM 9/1/23 Consecrated Section Abraham, Eleanor 4 April 1921 29 years - 55 Mulliner Street West Derby - 5747 114589 D Left 999 352 CEM 9/1/23 Consecrated Section Abraham, Henry 1 October 1921 79 years - 104 Webster Road West Derby - 5760 114856 G 147 352 CEM 9/1/23 Consecrated Section Abraham, Isabella 10 November 1926 74 years - 101 Wordsworth Street Toxteth Park Subsequent 2104 42044 N 170 352 CEM 9/2/8 Unconsecrated Section Abraham, John 10 October 1925 46 years - 27 Liddell Road West Derby Subsequent 5880 117259 G 147 352 CEM 9/1/23 Consecrated Section Abraham, John Whitehead 31 March 1927 76 years - 122 Earle Road West Derby Subsequent 5930 118259 12 868 352 CEM 9/1/23 Consecrated Section Abraham, Margaret 5 January 1925 42 years Spinster Crichton Institution Dumfries Subsequent 2080 41576 N 4 352 CEM 9/2/8 Unconsecrated Section Abraham, Mary Jane 2 February 1922 78 years - 81 Belmont Drive West Derby Subsequent 5770 115050 K 176 352 CEM 9/1/23 Consecrated Section Abraham, Robert 6 April 1922 52 years Labourer 14 Clifton Road West Derby Subsequent 5777 115190 K 176 352 CEM 9/1/23 Consecrated Section Abrahams, George Henry 26 March 1927 1 years Infant 32 Star Street Toxteth Park 2110 42169 Subsequent K 279A 352 CEM 9/2/8 Unconsecrated Section Aby, Rosamond 30 November 1928 70 years Married Woman 35 Patterson Street Newton Subsequent 5978 119204 A Left 65 352 CEM 9/1/23 Consecrated Section Aby, William 9 February 1929 76 years Pawnbroker 35 Patterson Street Newton Subsequent 5986 119378 A Left 65 352 CEM 9/1/23 Consecrated Section Ac Ackerley, Esther 13 November 1926 76 years Widow 96 Upper Parliament Street Toxteth Park Subsequent 5916 117971 6 432 352 CEM 9/1/23 Consecrated Section AkAckerley, l Helen Hl 14 OOctober t b 1921 58 years WidowWid "OkL "Oak Lea" " PProspect tR Road d WWoodchurch d h h Sb Subsequent t 2035 40668 H 332 352 CEM 9/2/7 UnconsecratedUtdSti Section Acock, George S (HS) 4 June 1924 48 years Caretaker 64 Parkhill Road Toxteth Park Subsequent 2073 41425 I 87 352 CEM 9/2/8 Unconsecrated Section Acratopulo, Angelica 30 June 1925 74 years Widow 95 Ullet Road Toxteth Park Subsequent 2087 41710 O 11 352 CEM 9/2/8 Unconsecrated Section Ad Adair, Peter 25 September 1924 76 years Retired Blacksmith 14 Dovey Street Toxteth Park Subsequent 2077 41509 3 1272 352 CEM 9/2/8 Unconsecrated Section Adam, Christo Emmanuel 14 April 1920 76 years - 1 Sydenham Avenue Toxteth Park Private 2012 40210 O 13 352 CEM 9/2/7 Unconsecrated Section Adam, Edith Charlotte 8 April 1924 61 years - 1 Aigburth Drive Toxteth Park Subsequent 2071 41386 B 372 352 CEM 9/2/8 Unconsecrated Section Adams,, Alfred 7 SeSeptemberptember 1929 82 yyearsears - 124 Ritson Street Toxteth Park SubseSubsequentquent 2142 42820 O 577 352 CEM 9/2/8 Unconsecrated Section Adams, Dora 9 February 1928 4 years Infant 82 Brookdale Road Wavertree Subsequent 5954 118735 E Right 237 352 CEM 9/1/23 Consecrated Section Adams, Elizabeth Elaine 17 August 1921 5 years Infant 44 Arnold Street Toxteth Park - 5757 114797 E Right 442 352 CEM 9/1/23 Consecrated Section Adams, Emma 19 July 1926 79 years - 13 Balcarres Avenue Toxteth Park Subsequent 5907 117793 6 532 352 CEM 9/1/23 Consecrated Section Adams, George Ernest 6 December 1926 47 years - 27 Lidderdale Road Toxteth Park Subsequent 5918 118006 E Right 442 352 CEM 9/1/23 Consecrated Section Adams, Mrs, Stillborn Child Of 30 May 1923 - - 46 Woodruff Street Toxteth Park Public 2060 41168 L 273 352 CEM 9/2/7 Unconsecrated Section Adams, Robert 5 June 1925 - 23 Seaton Street West Derby Subsequent 5872 117101 B Left 367 352 CEM 9/1/23 Consecrated Section Adams, Thomas Edwin 24 February 1920 65 years - 70 Granby Street Toxteth Park Subsequent 2009 40153 K 363 352 CEM 9/2/7 Unconsecrated Section Adams, William 1 December 1921 73 years - 72 Mill Street Toxteth Park - 5765 114951 6 108 352 CEM 9/1/23 Consecrated Section Adams, William James 8 March 1926 70 years Clerk of Holy Orders 67 Shaw Street Everton Subsequent 5895 117553 Q 76 352 CEM 9/1/23 Consecrated Section Adcock, Emma Harston 14 June 1923 80 years Spinster 63 Grove Street Liverpool - 5814 115923 C Left 23 352 CEM 9/1/23 Consecrated Section Adcock, Harry 10 March 1920 68 years - 151 Prescot Road West Derby - 5708 113815 S 38 352 CEM 9/1/22 Consecrated Section Adcock, Mary Elizabeth 3 April 1920 67 years - 151 Prescot Road West Derby - 5712 113900 S 38 352 CEM 9/1/22 Consecrated Section Addis, Thomas George 1 February 1924 78 years Tram Driver 53 Clevedon Street Toxteth Park Subsequent 5830 116250 13 64 352 CEM 9/1/23 Consecrated Section Addison, William Henry 18 March 1929 27 years Sheet Metal Worker 17 Howat Street Everton Subsequent 5991 119477 5 133 352 CEM 9/1/23 Consecrated Section Adkins, Mary Ann 11 October 1928 73 years - 26 Allenby Street West Derby Subsequent 5974 119126 Two 283 352 CEM 9/1/23 Consecrated Section Ag Agar, Thomas Edward 1 September 1925 3 months infant 169 Grafton Street Toxteth Park Subsequent 2088 41739 K 279A 352 CEM 9/2/8 Unconsecrated Section Ah Ahearn, John William 11 July 1924 43 years - 59 Cantsfield Street West Derby Subsequent 5845 116555 D Left 752 352 CEM 9/1/23 Consecrated Section Ahern, Margaret 16 February 1927 64 years - 4 Lovelace Street Garston Subsequent 5925 118153 D Left 752 352 CEM 9/1/23 Consecrated Section Ai Aickin, Minnie 25 April 1921 36 years Music Hall Artist 14 Lilac Grove West Derby - 5749 114630 K 37 352 CEM 9/1/23 Consecrated Section Ainsworth,, Lizzie 5 August 1925 51 years Married Woman 42 Eggperton Street Liverpool Subsequentq 2088 41726 K 30 352 CEM 9/2/8 Unconsecrated Section Ainsworth, Mary 11 February 1926 53 years Married Woman 2a Vronhill Street Toxteth Park Private 5893 117510 6 651 352 CEM 9/1/23 Consecrated Section Ainsworth, Mrs, Stillborn Child Of 8 September 1924 - - 5 Luxor Street West Derby Public 2076 41496 L 271 352 CEM 9/2/8 Unconsecrated Section Airey, Betty 15 November 1927 72 years - Arthur Street Toxteth Park 2116 42299 Subsequent 5 27 352 CEM 9/2/8 Unconsecrated Section Airey, Charlotte 16 May 1923 57 years - 77 Orleans Road West Derby Subsequent 2059 41155 2 565 352 CEM 9/2/7 Unconsecrated Section Aitchison, Ivy May 21 July 1922 2 years Infant 13 Ledward Street Toxteth Park Subsequent 2048 40928 I 98 352 CEM 9/2/7 Unconsecrated Section Aitchison, Louisa 18 April 1922 74 years Married Woman 44a Windsor
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