Administration of George W. Bush, 2005 / June 23 1061 CAFTA would continue the current trade ing about. That’s why they’re standing up benefits. That means good jobs and higher here and saying with common voice to the labor standards for their workers. And be- United States Congress, ‘‘Let’s get this bill cause of reduced tariffs on U.S. goods, con- passed.’’ See, CAFTA is more than a trade sumers in these countries would have access agreement; it is a signal of our Nation’s com- to better goods at lower prices. And that mitment to democracy and prosperity for the brings us a step closer to our goal of an Amer- entire Western Hemisphere. And I urge, and icas where the opportunities in San Jose, we urge, the United States Congress to pass Costa Rica, are as real as they are in San CAFTA. Jose, California. Thanks for coming. People have got to understand that by pro- moting policy that will help generate wealth NOTE: The President spoke at 1:43 p.m. in Room in Central America, we’re promoting policy 450 of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Of- that will mean someone is less—more likely fice Building. The Office of the Press Secretary to stay at home to find a job. If you’re con- also released a Spanish language transcript of cerned about immigration to this country, these remarks. then you must understand that CAFTA and the benefits of CAFTA will help create new opportunity in Central American countries, Message to the Congress which will mean someone will be able to find Transmitting Legislation and good work at home, somebody will be able Supporting Documents To to provide for their family at home, as op- Implement the Dominican Republic- posed to having to make the long trip to the Central America-United States Free United States. CAFTA is good immigration Trade Agreement policy as well as good trade policy. June 23, 2005 And it’s good geopolitics as well. For the Western Hemisphere, CAFTA would bring To the Congress of the United States: the stability and security that can only come I am pleased to transmit legislation and from freedom. That’s what we’re interested supporting documents to implement the Do- in. We’re interested in spreading freedom. minican Republic-Central America-United Today, a part of the world that was once char- States Free Trade Agreement (the ‘‘Agree- acterized by oppression and military dictator- ment’’). The Agreement represents an his- ship sees its future in democratic elections toric development in our relations with Cen- and free and fair trade, and we cannot take tral America and the Dominican Republic these gains for granted. These small nations and reflects the commitment of the United are making big and brave commitments, and States to supporting democracy, regional in- America must continue to support them. And tegration, and economic growth and oppor- CAFTA is a good way to support them. tunity in a region that has transitioned to CAFTA is good for our workers. It’s good peaceful, democratic societies. for our farmers. It’s good for our small-busi- In negotiating this Agreement, my Admin- ness people, but it’s equally as good for the istration was guided by the objectives set out folks in Central America. in the Trade Act of 2002. Central America By transforming our hemisphere into a and the Dominican Republic constitute our powerful trading area, CAFTA will help pro- second largest export market in Latin Amer- mote democracy, security, and prosperity. ica and our tenth largest export market in The United States was built on freedom, and the world. The Agreement will create signifi- the more of it we have in our own backyard, cant new opportunities for American work- the freer and safer and more prosperous ers, farmers, ranchers, and businesses by America will be. The leaders from both par- opening new markets and eliminating bar- ties here today share this vision. riers. United States agricultural exports will These folks, who toiled in the vineyards obtain better access to the millions of con- of good international politics and worked in sumers in Central America and the Domini- the White House know exactly what I’m talk- can Republic. VerDate jul 14 2003 03:29 Jun 28, 2005 Jkt 205250 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 E:\PRESDOCS\P25JNT4.024 P25JNT4 1062 June 23 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2005 Under the Agreement, tariffs on approxi- ing implementation of the Ohrid Framework mately 80 percent of U.S. exports will be Agreement of 2001 in Macedonia also be- eliminated immediately. The Agreement will came a pressing concern. I amended Execu- help to level the playing field because about tive Order 13219 on May 28, 2003, in Execu- 80 percent of Central America’s imports al- tive Order 13304 to address this concern and ready enjoy duty-free access to our market. to take additional steps with respect to the By providing for the effective enforcement national emergency. Because the actions of of labor and environmental laws, combined persons threatening the peace and inter- with strong remedies for noncompliance, the national stabilization efforts in the Western Agreement will contribute to improved work- Balkans continue to pose an unusual and ex- er rights and high levels of environmental traordinary threat to the national security and protection in Central America and the Do- foreign policy of the United States, the na- minican Republic. tional emergency declared on June 26, 2001, By supporting this Agreement, the United and the measures adopted on that date and States can stand with those in the region who thereafter to deal with that emergency, must stand for democracy and freedom, who are continue in effect beyond June 26, 2005. fighting corruption and crime, and who sup- Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d) port the rule of law. A stable, democratic, of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. and growing Central America and Domini- 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year the na- can Republic strengthens the United States tional emergency with respect to the West- economically and provides greater security ern Balkans. for our citizens. This notice shall be published in the Fed- The Agreement is in our national interest, eral Register and transmitted to the Con- and I urge the Congress to approve it expedi- gress. tiously. George W. Bush George W. Bush The White House, The White House, June 23, 2005. June 23, 2005. [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, 1:12 p.m., June 23, 2005] Notice—Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to NOTE: This notice was published in the Federal the Western Balkans Register on June 24. June 23, 2005 On June 26, 2001, by Executive Order Message on Continuation of the 13219, I declared a national emergency with National Emergency With Respect to respect to the Western Balkans pursuant to the Western Balkans the International Emergency Economic June 23, 2005 Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701–1706) to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat to To the Congress of the United States: the national security and foreign policy of the Section 202(d) of the National Emer- United States constituted by the actions of gencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)) provides for persons engaged in, or assisting, sponsoring, the automatic termination of a national emer- or supporting (i) extremist violence in the gency unless, prior to the anniversary date Republic of Macedonia, and elsewhere in the of its declaration, the President publishes in Western Balkans region, or (ii) acts obstruct- the Federal Register and transmits to the ing implementation of the Dayton Accords Congress a notice stating that the emergency in Bosnia or United Nations Security Council is to continue in effect beyond the anniver- Resolution 1244 of June 10, 1999, in Kosovo. sary date. In accordance with this provision, Subsequent to the declaration of the national I have sent the enclosed notice to the Federal emergency, the actions of persons obstruct- Register for publication, stating that the VerDate jul 14 2003 10:15 Jun 28, 2005 Jkt 205250 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 E:\PRESDOCS\P25JNT4.024 P25JNT4.
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