Seattle nivU ersity ScholarWorks @ SeattleU The peS ctator 10-13-1939 Spectator 1939-10-13 Editors of The pS ectator Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1939-10-13" (1939). The Spectator. 119. http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator/119 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. SPECTATOR SEATTLE COLLEGE Z— Boo Seattle, Washington VOL. VIII.— No. 3 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1939 Frosh'Soph Annual Barn Dance Date Set Catholic Scholastic Anderson And Mitchell Mendel Club Initiation Tonight SENIOR THESES Chosen Co-Chairmen All seniors are requested Press Conference Of Annual Affair to submit a rough draft of Tickets Out Tuesday During Mixer At Knights Hall their theses to the head of Delegates Dance, the department in w hich Named For Costume they are majoring. These Says Chairman outlines should be submit- On Saturday, October 14, Mary First Club Dance FreshmanElection sponsor The Frosh-Soph BarnDance will ted for approvalby Friday, Cliff High School will the New Custom GivesHarris first sectional meeting in the be held Friday, Oct. 27th, two Sets Office November 3. weeks from tonight. The Norhtwest of the Catholic Scholas- InIntermission Climaxing an entire week of spir- Heads of the various de- place will be Parker's Bothell tic Press Association. Eminent Pavillion, ited campaigning, Freshman Class partments are: Hi-way sevenmilesnorth Tonight, Friday, the thirteenth, chosen on speakers from all over the U. S. on the Bothell Highway. The mu- officers were partially — McLane; Candid Brave souls are invited Friday, October 6. Elections English Mr. pro- sic will probably be furnished by all took will take part in the scheduled By Whitecamp's to the Mendel Mixer. Frolicking place in the ball room at the Education and Psychology, gram, including Dean J. L. Sulli- Al orchestra. 2 m. The committee under the co- BETTIEKUMHERA p.m. K| of C. Hall from10 until p. Father McGoldrick, S. J.; will commence at 9 and end High van, who is director and founder chairmanship Anderson, Dick Harris, former ODea History, Borzo; of Tom — — at the witching hour of midnite. School student,was made President Mr. Philos- of the Association, and also the s ophomorerepresentative, and " Barn danee barn danee have The President of th c Mendel of the freshman class. Runjiers ophy, Father William Gaff- Dean of Journalism at Marquette Marge Mitchell, freshman head, you heard about the barndance? Club, JoeLe Grand, announces that up for this coveted position were ney, S. J.; Economics, Mr. have made big plans for this tradi- — tional Frosh-Soph If you haven't well, such a pos- thisimportant affair is being spon- Tony Buhr, Joe Eberharter, and Volpe; Sociology, Father affair. This sibility just isn't a possibility, for John Strickland. dance is the main social activity sored by the club in honor of the Peronteau, J.; Tom Anderson, whose worries be- The office of secretary was ac- S. Chem- of the year as far as the fresh- gan last week with his appoint- new members. The motif for the cordedto Peggy Rebhahn, graduate istry, Father Beezer;Phys- men and sophomores are concern- — dance, white, will be ment, we prescribe aspirin to be in black and of Holy Angels Academy. Others ics, Dr. Drill; Biology, Dr. ed. Kay Leonard, sophomore, is — to in- derived from the skull and cross- assistant chairman. taken hourly this number in the race for this position were Werby. crease asOct. 27 progresses;Marge bones of the club pin. Mary Murphy, Ed. Powers and The decoration committee head- Mitchell, appointed as Freshman High spot of the evening is Kathryn Wilson. ed by Ruth Daubenspeck, John co-chairman for the shindig, has planned as the ritualistic pledging Strickland, will have thehall decor- members at the inter- The post of Sergeant-at-Arms ated to resemble barn, hay, not yet reached the state of hair of the new by Charlie Zeyen at the a with biting, mission, with all customary hi- was won straw, cornstalks, pumpkins, to add pulling and fingernail but helm. Mr. Zeyen nosed out several Lake Melakwa just give her time. jinx. to its color. Also on this commit- Wyse opponents in the personages of Jim tee Haines, Austin, once mentionedthat he Under the directionofBill Boettner, Christensen, are Bill Phil Some lad eight-piece orchestra, featuring James and Kay Mitchell, Patty Dyke, and wasn'tgoing to the barn dance be- an McGuire. drummer and talented vocalist, Thomas Sunday's Aim Rosemary Phillips. cause he couldn't dance. its will play. orchestrais one of A tie in the election oc- One of the highlights of the "Oh, that's bothering This is that all the most popular on the U-W curred between Joan Sulli- Leaving from the College build- dance is the awarding of the prizes you?" scoffed a popular member van, Jack Cannon and Don Wood, i cleverly campus. ing by truck at 8 a. m. this com- for the best and most de- of the faculty, "You don't have to girls again be given a candidates for the office of Vice- signed costumes. The prizes this — they usually The will Betty ing Sunday, the Hiking Club are know how to danee chance to show their sportsman- President and also between Ad Smith year will be two tickets to the just sit down on the floor and Ann McKanna and Bob Burrows, taking their second hike of the ship, a program is planned of sev- University. The Most Rev. A. J. Fall Informalto be heldNovember slide." eral "ladies' choice" and "ladies' contenders for the post of treasur- season,withLakeMelakwa as their 18th. One ticket to the girl and er. On this account a further elec- Meunch D. D., bishop of Fargo, N. Definitely, yes, definitely, defin- and men's tag" dances. destination. The entire cost of the one for the boy. costume tion to determine the possession of D.; the Most Rev. C. D. White, itely, the Barn Dance is a A large attendance is expected trip is only 65c, which amount Spokane; Tickets will sell for fifty cents you these offices was held. the bishop of Frank Bruce affair! You'llbe an outcast if because the lucky patron willhave Hilary apiece, with Jack Terhar and Jean billy, hobo, showed Joan Sulli- will cover both food and transpor- of theBruce Publishing Co.; floating don't show up as a hill not only a good time, but also the Final results Barth, Pressentin their tickets thing you vice-president, having won tatoin. President Tony Daigle ad- author of "Flesh Is Not starting Tuesday, or any other can think privilege of witnessing the great van as Life"; Maurin, October 17th. don't, forget to forget over her two male opponents. vises, however, bring Peter editor of the Helping in of. Just unbending of the Mendel Club, that all a New York, these sales will be Flor- yourselves for that night. Treasurer's office fell on the shoul- of sandwiches and fruit, "Catholic Worker" in ida Perri, Tony Buhr, Adele Cam- * which will leave its stuffy scien- "snack" and the Reverend Flaherty, Dean ♥ ♥ ming- ders of Betty AnnMcKanna. for a trail lunch. Also, he says, bell, Alberta Grieve, Ted Mitchell, tific ways for an evening of of Education, Gonzaga University. " important Upper classmen in charge of "A red hunting hat would be ad- Beta Gratto,Dan Lawton and Ter- One of the most ling with the common folks. College will be repre- Anderson, Bill visable, though not necessary, as Seattle esa Beyers. items of this column was omitted elections were Tom sented by five delegates who will last week- Th«t item concerned Berard, Kay Leonard, Joe MoMt- the hunting season '.s on, and we Chairma.n of the date committee attend. They are: Mr. Murphy, B. Pettinger. wishing the sodality, and the change of ray, Bill Kelly, Mary Buchanan, |wouldn't want any of our little J., Gregor MacGregor, ,Mc- is Bill Those Heavy boots Ellen help in selecting dates should see place from Providence Hospital to New Lunch Room and Bettie Kumhera. "deers"shot. shoes or Hugh, Margaret Scheubert, and worn as the trail willbe him or one of his committee. the Knights of ColumbusHall. The should be Addison Smith. obvious reason for this change is Opened rough in spots, and warm clothes Transportation Committee is in Now For All are also advised. Ad Smith has beenhonored with charge of Tom Ryan and Dick the fact that the K. C. Hall is NOTICE give centrally located. The next Those wishing to go should pay an invitation to a talk on Walsh. Rides will be provided for more "Year Books meeting is in two weeks. Don't Starting a week ago Thursday, From the Dean's Office Fr. Logan, by Friday noon at the and Their Problems." all. the new student-ownedcafeteria at latest. The program of the conference The committees feel confident forget! comes this notice that all being * ♥ ♥ the Knight's is well on its way to If anyone has a packboard or is centered around the idea that the entire student body will success, but it still needs custom- incompletes received dur- bring of 'The Dignity of Man and the cooperate in making this Frosh- " MendelClub mixertonight. The knapsack, he is urged to it ers. Mrs. G. Reynolds has charge ing the Spring quarter of along, as there is a dire need of State" and it is hoped that this Soph Barn Dance the biggest so- price has been lowered to 25 conference will result in a closer orchestra, plus of the lunchroom which was ar- 1939 and the Summer quar- such articles, to carry the food cial and financial success in the cents.
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