February 15, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1369 and accountability of our democratic grants become new American citizens Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, I am government. I thank Senator LEVIN each year. privileged to be the new boy on Sen- who, once again, during his service I have attended a number of the cere- ator COLLINS’s committee. My mission here, has proved how valuable atten- monies which are held in Federal is to try to achieve the smoothest tion to detail is. I commend my col- courthouses all over America every working relationship between the De- league for raising it. month to welcome and naturalize these partment of Defense, with which I have I thank the indulgence of the Chair. new citizens. I was in Nashville in De- been privileged to work these 27 years I yield the floor. cember when 50 or 60 people from all in the Senate, and the distinguished backgrounds were administered the f new department and the committee for oath of allegiance by Judge Echols. homeland defense over which my col- CONCLUSION OF MORNING The oath requires each new American league presides as able chairman to- BUSINESS to renounce any old allegiance and gether with Senator LIEBERMAN. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning swear a new one to the United States Just a word or two I want to speak business is now closed. of America. on Judge Chertoff. I, frankly, had not Each one of these new citizens has f met him prior to the President’s very waited at least 5 years. They have wise selection of this able individual. I RECESS learned English. They have learned rise today to urge my colleagues to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under something about U.S. history. They give the strongest endorsement pos- have proved they are of good character. the previous order, the hour of 12:30 sible to this nominee. p.m. having arrived, the Senate will Many new citizens have tears in their I started my career as a young law- stand in recess until the hour of 2:15 eyes as they recite that oath. It is an yer, a prosecutor, but my first job out p.m. inspiring scene. Each of these new citi- of law school was law clerk to a Fed- Thereupon, the Senate, at 12:38 p.m., zens brings a new background and cul- eral circuit court judge, the same posi- recessed until 2:14 p.m. and reassem- tural tradition to the rich fabric of tion that Judge Chertoff holds today. I American life. That increases our mag- bled when called to order by the Pre- recall all through law school and the nificent diversity, but diversity is not siding Officer (Mr. VOINOVICH). early part of, I guess about 8 or 10 our most important characteristic. f Jerusalem is diverse. The Balkans years that I practiced law, lawyers al- ways thought: Maybe someday I could EXECUTIVE SESSION are diverse. Iraq is diverse. A lot of the world is diverse. What is unique about be a judge, a Federal judge. The whole the United States of America is that bar looks up to the judicial branch, as NOMINATION OF MICHAEL we take all of that diversity and make they should. It is the third branch of CHERTOFF TO BE SECRETARY ourselves into one country. We are able our magnificent Republic. When an in- OF HOMELAND SECURITY to say we are all Americans. We do dividual is selected by a President and confirmed in the Senate, he or she then The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under that because we unify it with prin- ciples and values in which we all be- dons that black robe, and it is a life- the previous order, the Senate will pro- time appointment. ceed to executive session and resume lieve: liberty, equality, rule of law. It also helps that we speak a common I was privileged to observe the life of consideration of the following nomina- a Federal judge. My judge was E. Bar- tion, which the clerk will report. language. It is hard to be one people if we cannot talk with one another. Many rett Prettyman, and I had the privilege The assistant legislative clerk read of standing on this very floor several the nomination of Michael Chertoff, of of these new citizens and many others living in this country lack a solid grasp years ago and recommending the Fed- New Jersey, to be Secretary of Home- eral courthouse here in Washington be land Security. of our common language or a clear un- derstanding of our history and civic named for Judge Prettyman. I am al- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Who culture. Without proficiency in ways grateful to the Senate for its wis- yields time? English, our common language, and an dom in accepting my recommendation. The Senator from Maine. understanding of our history and val- But I remember that judge so well. He Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, I yield ues, immigrants will find it difficult to had the strongest influence on my life. 5 minutes to the distinguished Senator integrate themselves into our Amer- I aspired at one time to be a Federal from Tennessee. ican society. judge, but I hastily tell my colleagues The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- So my hope today is that Judge I am not sure I ever would have been ator from Tennessee. Chertoff does a magnificent job in his qualified, for various reasons. Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, I role at preventing terrorism. My hope But when you accept that appoint- thank the Senator from Maine for also is that he does a good job in keep- ment you take that oath of office for yielding me time. ing out of this country people who are life. That is why I, and I think most if I am in support of the President’s not legally supposed to be here. But not every one of my colleagues, spend nominee, Judge Michael Chertoff. He equally important is Secretary so much time working with our Presi- seems to have worked for almost every Chertoff’s role in welcoming new citi- dents to find the best qualified people part of the Federal Government, in- zens to this country, helping them to assume these important jobs in the cluding this body. I heard the Senator learn our history, our common lan- Federal judiciary. But it is a lifetime from Maine say that she had never seen guage—helping all of us remember appointment. a better witness before her committee. those principles that unite us as one When I looked at Judge Chertoff in As Secretary of Homeland Security, country. That is a part of the Depart- my office, we compared experiences. He Judge Chertoff will play a very impor- ment of Homeland Security. It is of in- was a law clerk on the Supreme Court, tant and visible role in our everyday creasing interest to Members of the so he had gone through some of the lives, protecting us from terrorism, but Senate on both sides of the aisle, and I similar experiences that I had as a law- my purpose today is to highlight an- look forward to working with Judge yer, and also I was assistant U.S. attor- other job he has. He is also the chief Chertoff in this new role and I support ney as was he. I said: You have to ex- immigration officer. As Secretary, he his confirmation. plain to me why you gave up a lifetime will oversee the Bureau of Citizenship The PRESIDING OFFICER. Who appointment to a position in which you and Immigration Services, the suc- yields time? The Senator from Maine. can control your hours and largely con- cessor to the INS, which manages im- Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, I yield trol your vacations and have a magnifi- migration in this country. This job of 5 minutes to the distinguished Senator cent family life and everything else to Judge Chertoff is not primarily about from Virginia and, from the minority’s take on this enormous, uncertain chal- keeping people out of the United time, I will yield 10 minutes to the dis- lenge. States; it is also about welcoming new tinguished Senator from New York. He looked me in the eye, and he said: Americans into the United States. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without In America, you have to step up and be The numbers are down some since objection, the Senator from Virginia is counted when the President and the 2001, but as many as 1 million immi- recognized. citizens of this Nation need you. I give VerDate Mar 15 2010 20:45 Jan 30, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2005SENATE\S15FE5.REC S15FE5 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S1370 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 15, 2005 up this position with great reluctance, ecutor, as Chief of the Justice Depart- In conclusion, the task of the next but I accept the next position and I ment’s Criminal Division, and more re- Secretary will be difficult. The stakes will give it everything I have ever been cently as an appellate judge. He now couldn’t be higher. Based on his record taught in terms of how to do some- faces the toughest challenge of his thus of achievement and my personal meet- thing for this country. far impressive career. He will be called ings with him, I have high hopes for That deeply touched me, Madam upon to lead and manage a Department Judge Chertoff. I hope and pray he Chairman. I feel very confident that, of 170,000 employees, forged out of 22 lives up to those high hopes.
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