H ightstown Gazette. 99th YEAR—NUMBER 7 HIGHTSTOWN GAZETTE, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUDY 3, 1947 PRICE-FIVE CENTS ABC to Hear Appeal of Salmanowitz Miss Haynes Weds Walter Stalls Highway Democracy 9 HEALTH EXAMINATION "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" . It's 171 years since CENTERS FOR MIGRANTS On Liquor License Renewal July 15 those words were written, but the truths which our forefathers helij *.____ ____________ to be self-evident arc still mighty WITH ONE AT CRANBURY The State Alcoholic Beverage Con- _ good working principles. Even our Costs Drop $130 rules on safe driving are based on Healthy workers are an asset to the them. employer and to the community, Com- Take the rule of right-of-way at mis.sitmer of Labor Harry C. Harper V;'SS.TS«“ ‘X “ ;:A s Eleven Persons Get intersections, for example. It might said today in announcing the opening morning, July 15 at Newark. His license! be stated in the words of Thomas this week of four of the nine health Jefferson himself: "Equal rights for examination centers for domestic mi­ fl^e he:rin"‘™''^“ “" 8 6 0 6 % DuriHg JUfle all—special privileges for none.” grant workers and their families, plan­ Borough Council unanimously denied j "Equal rights" at intersections ned for the summer through the joint means obeying the traffic officer or Salmanowitz renevval last week after: Relief costs in Hightstown took efforts of the State Department of the traffic light; if there is no sig­ Health and the Slate Labor Dejiart- three hours of testimony and a resolii- j $130 drop in June according to a report nal, it means waiting one’s tu rn ; if tion was presented denying issuance on | released today by Mrs. Elsie V. Frank- mcnl's Migrant Labor flivision. there is any doubt as to whose turn The first of these centers to open are the grounds; (a) the record of disturb-i ]i,i a,„i came to a figure of $22143 In it is, it means yielding the right-of- for early arrivals for crop harvests in ances and brawls in and about the said .May the bill hit a high of $331 way, Last year more than 150,000 Cumberland, Gloucester and Salem premises while heretofore licensed, lo' The fall was due to the absence of were killed and injured at intersec- counties. Five others including one at indicated by the Borough police and! |,„rial bills and a $30 drop in the nurs- tio n s because someone claimed Cranbury will get under way next recorder's records; (b) numbers of per-1 in_g home expenses. However, a slight “special privileges." week. Clinics will also be operated in sons congregate around the said preni-j increase was noted in the expenditure Good highway democracy pays Atlantic, Burlington and Monmouth iscs to such ail extent as to congest the for food................ while other account items were dividends in the life, liberty and counties. area in such a manner that it is almost off a few dollars or remained at j happiness of everybody. The Cranbury VO center will be impossible to travel by said premises; standstill. open from 8 to 10 p.m. on Mondays and (c) to grant tiic application would be Eleven persons received benefits dur­ Wednesdays. In Monmouth County against Borough opposition and the ing the monlh with six single individ­ Surprise Dinner Party clinics will be conducted from 8 to 10 public convenience and also against the uals taking llie biggest share at $184.45. p.m. on Fridays at Imlaystown Borough best interests of said Borough. Thirty-seven dollars was doled out to Hall and from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. at the All persons who objecteil to renewal two families of five persons. Honors Hopkins Couple Health Center on Lafayette street, of the license may appear at the hear­ Hospitalization was the top item Freehold. ing and will be afforded an opportunity costing $85.50 with food a close second On Wedding Anniversary This is the first time such a compre­ to be heard, the ABC said. at $63. hensive health examination program Jacob S. Glickenhaus of Newark is The breakdown of expenditures as re for d(.»mestjc seasonal workers has been the attorney for Salmanowiu. Mr. Sal- ported by Mrs. Franklin are listed be­ A surprise dinner party honored Mr. attempted in New Jersey," jolin G. manowilz filed the appeal with the ABC low; and Mrs. Oscar Hopkins Sr. of Stock- Sholl, Secretary-Supervisor of the Mi­ last Thursday and also requested the hood $63.00 ton street on their ^ th wedding anni­ grant Labor Division said. “The pur­ Shelter 29.a> versary Friday night. The affair was pose of these clinics is to provide a commissioner to extend his license un­ complete jihysical e.xaniinalion of mi­ til the outcome was determined. Hospitalization 85.50 held at the Old Hights Inn and 19 chil­ Nursing Home 37.50 dren ami grandchildren were guests. grants and a check-ti;) as to commu­ Medical Supplies 4.45 zAmong the invited children were Mr. nicable disease.?. This i.s a protection to Borough Council to Other 2.00 and Mrs. Raymond Wiley, Mr. and ihe employer ami to the community as Mrs. Leonard Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. well as to migrants." Total $221.45 Thomas Foxliill of 'I'renton, Fred Hop- The State Health Department has 2nd Patrolman to Force, Compared with a corresponding pe kin.s, Clarence Hopkins and Mr. and assigned Dr. David H. Hersh as di­ riod a year ago the relief bill was off Mrs. Oscar Hopkins Jr. rector of the program. .A clinic lias also some $255, which cut the budget by The grandchildren included Flora and been listed at Mt. Holly in the I’oultry Two Ordinances Passed more than one-half. Phyllis Hopkins, Thomas Foxhill Jr., .Auction Bldg., on Route 38 with hours Mr. and Mr.s. Thomas Hopkins of Flor­ 8 to 10 p.m. on Tuesdays. ence, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ackerman With the harvest season nearing its OBITUARY . of. Paterson and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gets Scholarship peak and the influx of migrant laborers Davison of here. becoming heavier the I^orough Council Former Resident Dies Ilighlight of the event was the pre­ ordered the addition of a second pa­ sentation of gifts and taking of pic­ trolman to the local police force at a At Princeton Hospital Mrs. Walter Black Stults tures. session Tuesday night at Borough Hall. Miss a‘\nn OeArmond Haynes, daugh-[enmplimented her druss v.ilh a purple Mrs. Hopkins received a gold wrist RecalUng the record number of di^ Mrs. Helen Porter, wife of Millard ter of Dr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Haynes corsage. watch, breast pin and set of earrings. ttirbances caused by Hie" laborers ItRt'TOTTCT ’Trf ‘Sotrrtr Bi tinstviek. im4 -fw---- 4..A recciiiiaajias.ii£id.jii. the Clarks Oscar Jr. and Thomas Foxliill Jr. made summer tlic Council declared that more mcr resident, died Saturday in Prince of ^rarksbiirg, W T'T’al, and IVaTICT ............. Qub for 300 mends ITn^ police protection was necessary. The ton Hospital after a short illness. She Blackc* Stults,Ca uson fof o Mr. ATand • Mrs. G. .■ relatives. The bride’s traveling (Iren and grandchildren. A gold wrist patrolman will be named at a later was a member of the Woodsmen of Stanley Stults of South Mam ftreet watch, belt buckle and tie set v.'ent to the World. were united m .narnage at 4 :30o clock Her flowers were Mr. Hopkins and Ruth F'oxhill and date. at Spring Hill, Clarksburg, Saturday i This addition will bring the regular Funeral services were held Tuesday Flora Hopkins presented them for the force to a total of four including Chief morning at 10:30 o'clock from her res­ a ternoon. i k i ' bride is a graduate of Baldwin children and grandchildren. of Police Ernest L. Davison, Sgt. W. idence under tlie direction of the Pleyer fhe ceremony was performed by the: 3^,00, Bryn .Mawr, Pa., and of Vas- Pictures were taken by Malcolm Cecil Daley and Patrolman Howard F. Funeral Horne, 202 Stockton street. The Gordon G. Kibler pastor of college with class of 1945. For the Carrington. Patterson. The move is expected to Rev. Boyd Bong of the First Church the I resbytenan Church of Clarksburg, years she has been employed cost the town some $1800 yearly and in­ of Nazarene, Trenton officialed. Inter­ The bride was attired in a white or-i by Consumers Union and the Elmo Local Contestants Win crease the $15,000 appropriation for the ment was in Elmridge Cemetery, South gandy dress with a fingertip veil fall-' Roper Public Opinion poll in New police department considerably. Brunswick. ing from a square beaded cap. She car-1 York City. VFW Carnival Prizes Six special officers are listed in the in addition to her husband she is sur­ ried an old fashioned bouquet of free-^ graduate of Hightstown High department and they are Harry De- vived by a daughter, Mrs. Allen Nel­ sia and small white gardenias M atron' gchool and Williams College, Mr. Stults Hightstown VFW staged a jjublic W itt Jr., Albert Disborough, Howard son, South Brunswick; a son Thomas of honor was Mrs. Daniel L. Louchery served three years in the Army Air block dance and carnival before a large Lewallen, Michael W. Cullen, James Stengard; five grandchildren and two of Clark.sburg, She wore a pale green Forces and saw two years of overseas crowd on Broad street last Friday and Ritter and Bertram Walker.
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