With the start of the first investigations, Tamburino understood that the discovery was not to be underestimated Between plotters there was General Francis Nardella, from 1962 to 1971 he headed the Office psychological warfare in the headquarters ally FTASE NATO In Verona The FTASE Base is located in the Center of Verona KM 50 VICENZA VERONA PADOVA 60 KM Between plotters there was also his successor , Lieutenant Colonel Angelo Dominioni. There was finally Lieutenant Colonel Amos Spiazzi On March, the inquiry made a qualitative leap. An important conspiracy member, Roberto Cavallaro, began to collaborate. , Some admissions of Colonel Amos Spiazzi and Roberto Cavallaro allowed the magistrate to start the outline of a plot, composed of civilians and military. Tamburino named the plot "Rosa dei Venti“, Point of compass or Rose of Winds in american language “Rose of Winds” operated within the security organizations of NATO and the symbol was the same as that of CIA. It represented the armed wing of a political strategy that pursued the transition, in Italy, from the first to a second republic. The financiers of the movement, were the engineer PIAGGIO and the lawyer DE MARCHI “Piaggio based in Pontedera (Pisa- Italy), encompasses seven brands producing scooters and motorcycles. As the fourth largest producer of scooters and motorcycles in the world” “ Source: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Piaggio is all world famous for the single model motor scooter named “Vespa”. The conspiracy member, Roberto CAVALLARO, revealed that in a meeting took place in the Vicenza area, he met with the financier Michele SINDONA... And in the meeting there was also: Mr Giulio ANDREOTTI, General Magi Braschi, as well as three senior officers of the Military Navy and Air Force.. 4 The fourth phase of the project subversive, deployed through the “Rose of Winds”, provided the Golpe and elimination of ministers, communists, socialists…. The government tried to prove that "Rose of Winds" was fascist paramilitary organization, and minimize or hide the situation. The investigation moved from Padua to Rome Court and it was merged into the Borghese Golpe Trial. But Tamburrino, shortly before losing the investigation, he arrested the head of SID, General Vito Miceli. The accuse was: “having promoted, formed and organized a secret association composed by military and civilians, with the aim of provoking an armed Insurrection”. During the investigation, in 1974, it comes out, another attempted coup planned for the summer: The Golpe “Sogno” “GolpeGolpe SSognoogno” -T-Tuuririnn-- The situation is worrying... Giulio Andreotti, in 1974 Defense Minister The situation was so serious that the Defense Minister Giulio Andreotti tasked General Maletti, to collect and deliver adequate documentation on the subversive activities of the previous years. Then, Andreotti changed suddenly a dozen general and admirals in order to prevent another coup d'etat planned for 10th August 1974 This coup was named “Golpe Sogno”. For the changed situation the Golpe was not activated In September 1974 Andreotti commanded to SID to communicate, to the court, the information available to service . The SID sent papers relating to the Borghese coup, "Rosa dei Venti" and Sogno coup. It was finally sent material collected by the Department “D” (at that moment considered integral) Immediately, It was evident that the “service” had followed, from the beginning, “FFrorontntee NaNazziioonalenale” and There was described contacts with the leaders of “OrOrdidinnee NuNuovovoo” Some of important members of Ordine Nuovo were: •Delfo Zorzi – Arzignano (Vicenza) •Carlo Maria Maggi •Franco Fred a (Padova) ThisThis memmembersbers iiss alsoalso imimportportantant fforor ourour ststoryory.. WWee livliveded inin thisthis area,area, andand wwee ssawaw sometsomethihing…ng… SoSomethmethiingng wwasas alsoalso descrdescriibbeded inin thethe paperspapers disdis apappearpeareded inin RRomomee CCourt.ourt. BuButt atat tthahatt mmomeomentnt,, wwee didn’didn’tt knowknow AlAlll thesthesee tthings!hings! .. Initially the investigation on Coup “Sogno” were made by Judge Violante in Turin Then, as coup “Rosa dei Venti”, the investigation was moved to Rome Court and was merged into the Borghese Golpe Trial StepStep BBaackck PPianoiano SSololoo 1964 The plan was a draft military emergency, in order to assign to Carabinieri Arm power in Italy. It was about to be implemented in the summer of 1964. It may be considered like a coup d’Etat. The plan would originated along with other secret military projects. It was created to respond to possible conducted subversive. It runs through a clandestine network, already created by organizations and structures such as "stay-behind". Facilities coordinated by NATO through SHAPE-men infiltrated into commands FTASE In practice, the plan was against the Communists. In June 1964, the traditional military manifestation had been performed by a number of military extraordinarily higher than usual After the parade, however, citing reasons of logistics, the General Command announced that troops flocked to the capital for the celebrations there would be retained until the end of next month InIn RomRomee alsoalso aarriverrivedd paparatrooratrooperspers anandd spespecialcial forceforces.s. MiMililittararyy movemovedd toto MiMilalann andand RRomeome iinn ggreareatt sesecrcreecycy andand stricteststrictest coconfidnfidenceence toto bebe pprepareparedred inin cacasese ooff iimplemplemenmenttaattiionon ofof thethe pplalann soso tthhatat aableble toto ooccupccupyy thethe pprreemisemisess iimmedimmediatelatelyy RRai-ai-TTv.v. The plan was still to occupy even police headquarters, parties and so on… But, The Plain “Solo” for some reasons, was not activated. 1969 Strategy of Tension In 1969, the men , who in 1964 had participated in the piano “SOLO”, went into action in front of the new communist threat, with a new strategy of "revolutionary war unorthodox." It had started the “strategy of tension” The greatest exponent of this (civil) war was General Adriano Giulio Cesare Magi Braschi The operating arm of “the strategy of tension” was formed by “Ordine Nuovo” and “Avanguardia Nazionale” The strategy of tension provided through a series of attacks and massacres, to declare a state of emergency, dissolve the parliament and to go to the military power Ordine Nuovo was a subversive Nazi-fascist movement, It was divided on a Padua director (Franco Freda) and on another Roman part(Stefano delle Chiaie). ItIt hhadad ddevelopedeveloped ititss babasisicc ststraterategygy iinn aa crcruuciciaall meetingmeeting onon ApAprriill 18°18° 19691969 inin PPaaduadua Other important member were DDelfelfoo ZorziZorzi (Arzignano-Vi(Arzignano-Viccenza),enza), PPaoloaolo MMolin,olin, CCarloarlo MariaMaria MMaggi…aggi… They were in contact with the General Magi Braschi (Verona, Rovigo) Cesare Magi-Braschi descended from a noble family Neapolitan. He died on 22° May 1995 . Graduate in Germany in Social Psychology is also specializes in public opinion in France. For this reason it was called, in the years 1960, to play continuously lessons at the Perugia University General MAGI BRASCHI was an officer in the Army along with the SIFAR, used in SIOS army, the subject of many merits including the German Iron Cross. Braschi had made career specialization in the study of psychological warfare and not-orthodox war, and he became, in the early '60s, responsible for the "NUCLEUS WAR NOT ORTHODOX of SIFAR (see remark of ROS on 8.5.1996, vol .23, fasc.9, ff.116-117) For more than 40 years, he was one of the greatest experts and propagandists of the “war unorthodox” Cavallaro and other conspiracy members came out the name of General Braschi only after 1995 (Braschi died in 1995) Cavallaro and other conspiracy members came out the name of General Braschi only after 1995 (Braschi died in 1995) 1969 Piazza Fontana Massacre In the “Piazza Fontana” Massacre sixteen people were killed and up to 90 were wounded. Various massacres were made Far-right terrorist organization Ordine Nuovo, was suspected. On March 3, 1972, Franco Freda, Giovanni Ventura and Pino Rauti were arrested, charged of having planned the terrorist attacks of April 25, 1969 (at the Trade Fair and Railway Station of Milan) and of the 8 and 9 August 1969 bombings (on several trains). The two were later accused of the Piazza Fontana bombing. The strange is that, In 1974 the trial was moved from Milan to Catanzaro. Why? This is the beginning of the link: Veneto-Ndrangheta 1970 ,Golpe Borghese The Golpe Borghese (also known as "Tora Tora") was, allegedly, a failed Italian coup d' état that was planned to take place in the night of 7 on 8 December, 1970. ……… It takes the name by Junio Valerio Borghese, an Italian World War II commandor of the notorious Xª MAS unit, Borghese it is also famous as the "Black Prince", a hero in the eyes of many post-War Italian fascists To the other hand, Borghese and X Mas, they are generally considered to have been similar in ferocity to the SS, and it is with this part of their history that most Italians connect the Xª MAS today Inquiry The first arrests concerning the coup attempt were made in March of 1971. First arrested were Mario Rose, a retired army major Remo Orlandini, Sandro Saccucci. An arrest warrant for Borghese was also served, but he could not be found Later arrestees included Giovanni De Rosa and a retired Air Force colonel, Giuseppe Lo Vecchio. and shortly thereafter General Vito Miceli, a former head of SID According to several Mafia turncoats such as Tommaso Buscetta, Borghese asked the Sicilian Mafia for support for the neofascist coup. In 1970, Only in 1974, with investigations about “Rosa dei Venti” and Golpe “Sogno” come out the importance of the situation. But with the transfer of investigations in Rome, many things were hidden, And many crimes erased Many things we know only now, thanks to the investigations of the Judge Salvini, to a parliamentary committee and other trials 1964 Golpe Solo 1969 Strategy of Tension 1970 Golpe Borghese 1971-73 Rosa dei Venti 1974 Golpe Sogno Since 1974 The New Strategy A new strategy, based on the Lodge P2 began .
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