"^•^WHHmftB! taJ £ -& _ '•••'-'"•'•'--••••yV4"""-''r*'^!!" FRIDAY. JAN. 20, 1928 ^ > ggEJLi THE SUMMIT HERALD AND SUMMIT-RECORD, SUMMIT, N; J. FRIDAY, JAr*. 20^ tfhtle Republican leaders ap­ A board or three Senators and Legislative Probe into Banking Dept proved of tiie—Djivla resolution,' three Assemblymen would faSe T+mnanee hy James K. McGulmress they Uirfied thumbs down on an testimony. Congressman Fort has iirtoirSills, Doris Keayorfat i land Randall H. Faye, is the com­ all-inclusive probe Eifch as -Sena- repeatedly reiterated--that - he panion screen attraction next Mon­ Provided For ig Spatglesohition TTOttld— appea-p before—the1 propsyp day and Tuesday. ^Udge "Bellamy lantic, has demanded. So he Im­ authorities if risked and cHo'Inc!-' Today-"Qaa!ity Streef"^arfyJfexf WeeX I Is the featured- star. The' story WoifiaiiWttb is u m 5 mediately decided to Ignore the de­ dents of alleged "scandalous^ acta:_. • tells of a charming mntlern sate:*-, Richards Wants More Sweeping Investigation With cision of the. Joint '^Republican 'ciii who wins love and success under Edward Maxaoh.or Summit," f Case Opposing-rflutematorial Aspirants Jockey- Conference Committee and his Democratic State Banking Com­ hinimh s-heer. prit. | The chorus of th« "WomAn » resolution to permit inveatigaUona missioner. ^ I The \cry famous playwriRht'a and of Chatham. xind«r the lead ipr—Middleton Named State Treasurer into State, county or municipal Simpson tomes-Into Limelight : authors who have claimed they 'of Mins Klemor Owens, of*' government?, as well as the acts Senator Alexander Simpson, of. were arrahl to trust their writings , York City, will give a c*mc Trenton,, Jan;IS—Probe of the State Department of nankins ami of public oft Mais, was Introduced Jersey City, also jumped into the'! a the mercies of the wreen, w HI the auditorium, ol the Cb^atba lie school on,The evening of Insurance, to .get at the fouiVdntlan for charges made by Con^rcss- in (he Senate. -Mr. Richard* con­ thick of things by(i offering a series find something to think about after " n Franklin W. Fort, of East Oranj-c. as provided for in a resolu­ tended that no adequate reason of bills coverlnj? the reeommen-' seeing ilnyicin Daviea in "Quidity . ursday, j;aiiu*ry~ Z3lh, at ffla [had been given why his measure' tion offered In the Senate by Francis n. Davis,-Acting llepuhlican dations of (he Bright-Simpson Street." the cbier film-play pre­ -o'clock, - | should-be scrapped j Probe Committee of 1825. JJfapy sentation on Wednesday and Thurs­ 1 The soloist of the evening will Senate Leader, in regarded an the outstanding political develop­ : iv day, 'there is probably not ;niy 8,2^1,;""?«?.? f «» the, political observers re ard this ! I'nuln Uruppe, the well k; ment of the week here. K other famous play in c\t.-lenie W- ^TJ^.^-wWepfobeptanlnlfltep by (he Democratic Senate Velllst. with A. Campbell[Mi nandfni; so'much -Ahltu.sieal action ,at- (lie piano. The program wilt" Wr n »een explained by | Leader an an attempt to omba.raw n the -delicate situations, ycr ^ir one of timmml Interest, inch Somi^t Uarence E Ca3e' «r,'he. Republican inclination for trilRh nnf-s Barrle, the author, did not two old Kngllsh Mndrisala writ* «•„ i ... Probes. His measures cove, "sitate (o en'ru.'t his fa\orite- alxnit lSCo, ehorufies by Amerl "'Wf guarantee Tout Complete Satisfaction tase Upposes Itlchurds' Plan suKKeslion3 for new financing ork to Miss I>a\Ics. • < onsposer.i, "0 (1*1 inio amato tHtSt^ j "This is no time for a legisla- methods, ^ more complete auditing of _Tlie_screen verMon c\f- ( ns.-Mas e_ by Donaudy, u difficult chor N«wrot* • "*on,T«--•-MiwAi---"5 ""-"lUirTOjuj' ,' jtlve commission to be created-" and ' receipts' and-oxpeirditures." and " net-ess" has lost none of "its'deli- "MTltten In'the~«riniallaa »tyle. at : unleashed with full power of sub-1 i?10 hamllln£ of ail funds by tho a charming arrani;etne.nt, of• HKQ« No connection with any other establishment in the world Stlite aev and whlnuy throtich Us mas- j poena and with a charter that > Treasury, eiful film presentation. 'I'i'e dels "Ijarso." with "cello Obllsatd!!;. runs aKainst «very form of public I Aspirants Jockej Jrie beraeter or Phoebe Thro.isel, ; «» There also will be eolo and dtiwf/ ; office, whether individual'or cor-I The Jockeying of political as- eh-\ed to American theater eo<-rs number!', by njemhera of the. <AvC porate, Including'all' branches of|pirants is seen behind the various ho saw the role phr.oil'tv Maudi- and Miss Owens. ' ' _..'i municipal, county ami State af-l turns taken over (ho question of \dams. is still, tin- uii.i'int and In order that a larse music-lot^" ! . fairs, and with a term of life that what line any probe should take hmiMcnl l'horhe lliroimli M Ih.s In;; audience muy be drawn to h<ar 653 BROAD STREET T^ewark . extends beyond the legislative, Richards has a belief that the aviei'.' womh'if;il porlnijal. <*..n- this cojicert, the tictcta arctclniff ' session." he said.; "A year when a I resolution to delve into the af- ;i<J Nu^ei is the leading "man .'Ulil sold at a very nominal rate. 1 resident. Governor and United, fairs of the State Department of, :tr—sitpportin^ eluira'cter rok-s-" are ————~- ——-—•——. — —. i. b.a.es Senator are to be elected is i Banking and Insurance is intend -I iKeu by ll»-l(>n Jeioui" K,ldy Kate eomeily-drama. "Tho Tomboy," will MADE EXCLUSIVELY ; no time for a politically organ-1 ed simply to aid the Kuhernatorial' Doris Kepyar end. <MUtoa Silts ^'IhtViJlGg of t&* Gtvis 'nee. Flora Kiiu'li." .MaretllV Cor­ be v.iven a special screening dur­ Taris (Copies ized commission with unlimited I boom of J. Henry Harrison! for-' <lay and MarRarei .S»ddoii._ ing- the Koth-Ktrand Childirtl'a ; power, to be running wild. _The j nier State Senator, of Newark. On : Conrad Veidt hi "A Man's 1'ai-t." Hour af 2" o'clork Saturday nfler- FOR US AND SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY US .temptation to mistake personal j the other hand. Richards' tactics! nn adaption or the play '.'Diploma" '.icon of next week. \ publicity for the public welfare j are regarded as an attempt to oh- i t>\ Kmcrlrh Ko.'ldr.. supporicd b\ mljrht prove too strong" | tain the spotlight bv directing an , Arthur Edmund C.irew, Ian Keith, Send your Hems of Interest td the HKRALD. \ The inquiry into the affairs of I inquiry Into, Hudson 'County-af-' (icorj;e Seipman ant} IJarbara Red- the State Department of Banking j fairs with a view to embarrassing i ford, is tiie associate attraction : and. Insurance would-chiefly con-j'the Democratic party. Yet seme \Vcdnesilny ami, Thursday. Conrad cern the issuance^ of hairk-char-j apprehension -ds felt that Con-1 Vi idt-appears as. the man who had tors and building loan charter's.' (Continued on Page Six) | mouldered Tor jears. in ;\ prison duimeon, then ^ains sAidden liee^' AMATEUR as ilom only to find that he N forced to pose «:; the htother of the voin.-. Hfc an he adores, fie holds jou tense' n (he spell of his masteily aetiiiK, MQVIE almost uncanny and w'eird." lti«hurd Dix In "The Gay Defend-^ HEADQUARTERS i Personal Injury , er." with Dix as a dashing romantic <a!>allero or the told fields, is the1 FILM may make it impossible for you to earn iead»llne screen play' nexi week Fri- ' RENTAL day and Saturday. With the speed i MltlttKY of an arrow comes the star of "The ; (AUT00XH your usual weekly income, and then IJuarterhack" in a film that, lias j more speed than a tliree-iulle-a-1 -|»RAMAM „there_ are—the^billsr- doctors,— nurses™ niinite airplane and- morc-Jamjhtt-i- (OMKIIIliS than a three-rinj; circus. Speed! ; TRVVKI. medicines',' and many others. ^\url then some!. ! Harry Lan^hjii in "Three's a j V0VKLT1ES Crowd," is number two on this dual ! Write for Catalogue feature picture bill. It's half to j FOR A FEW CENTS laue.h, and it's half to cry. Bill jfs ! Reservations all supreme screen entertainment. J Mail* 11} f A DAY YOU CAN BE - If' ymrwerw-pnoT' in love," hilt"rich t -, TeleplloBU - -mrirrams; and Cupid made the Rirl OsrfftJMarr&y and. Fred, /^/etyms J&tffi$am*x£, Ctjrrtty '-» or jour illusion a reality, and then save ynh anothe.r. for ^ood measure, TV/fORTIMER'Cl what would you do? b- INSURED •*•*'*} :\(M 1'A.HIT AVKMK * '^ Charlie Chaplin In a revival of I'LAIM'IKUJ, \. J. | one tif his earliest two-reel comedy .MK-ccsses will fill tho part of the i'eh |iho lie—1151) ; jiiomain alloted to the "Film Fun­ POfATHOME OR ITS PROTECTION nies" OIJ the-same pr<>Kra>n. O V \: N K V EX I N G S Consult Dorothy l">e\ore in the furee- ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiitmiM . HOLMES 1 3 Real Estate—Insurance .29 Maple St SUMMIT. N..J. j Wm. A. Vought I - " CONSULT A REALTOR 1 Electrical Contractor 1 | and[Dealer | 3 BEECHWOOD ROAD When You Buy Milk = Telephones:, Office,^77-J Residence, 286-R Be Sure It's Raw 'J^ne_fr«M"A^ANSLPASr-^>&^Ar? CCJNRAO VflDT Raw milk is nature's be.st food, It is the original Electrical Appliances health drink. _. _ Peter B. Kyiie's m.iiterful st.,ry, >u!- i= rt* i^n,l JUII>I. to portray Wireless Sets and Parts of All Kinds B or-the-California bi-^ trt-.- toiuitry.
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