May 6, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2685 Standing Rules of the Senate, hereby move The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Without objection, it is so ordered. to bring to a close debate on the nomination question is on agreeing to the motion. RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME of James D. Peterson, of Wisconsin, to be The motion was agreed to. United States District Judge for the Western The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under District of Wisconsin. f the previous order, the leadership time Harry Reid, Patrick J. Leahy, Mazie K. is reserved. Hirono, Dianne Feinstein, Al Franken, EXECUTIVE SESSION Under the previous order, the time Jack Reed, Amy Klobuchar, Robert P. until 11:15 a.m. will be equally divided Casey, Jr., Sheldon Whitehouse, Ben- between the two leaders or their des- jamin L. Cardin, Tom Harkin, Barbara NOMINATION OF ROBIN S. ROSEN- ignees. Boxer, Richard Blumenthal, Edward J. BAUM TO BE UNITED STATES The assistant majority leader. Markey, Richard J. Durbin, Charles E. CIRCUIT JUDGE FOR THE ELEV- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I note Schumer, Elizabeth Warren. ENTH CIRCUIT on the floor the presence of Senators Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- MORAN, CORNYN, and WARREN. May I imous consent that the mandatory Mr. REID. I now move to proceed to enter into a consent agreement as to quorum under rule XXII be waived. executive session to consider Calendar The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without No. 690. the sequence of speaking? I ask unani- objection, it is so ordered. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The mous consent that after I have spoken, question is on agreeing to the motion. Senator WARREN be recognized next on f The motion was agreed to. the Democratic side, and I ask which LEGISLATIVE SESSION The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Republican Senator would like to be Mr. REID. I now move to proceed to clerk will report the nomination. included and in what order? legislative session. The legislative clerk read the nomi- Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The nation of Robin S. Rosenbaum, of Flor- sponding to the question of the distin- question is on agreeing to the motion. ida, to be United States Circuit Judge guished majority whip, through the The motion was agreed to. for the Eleventh Circuit. Chair, it would help if we could alter- f CLOTURE MOTION nate between sides, if that is accept- Mr. REID. If the cloture motion is at able. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mr. DURBIN. It is agreed. Who would the desk, I ask that it be reported. be first on the Republican side? The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- Mr. CORNYN. My understanding is NOMINATION OF NANCY J. ture motion having been presented Senator MORAN would be first. Then we ROSENSTENGEL TO BE UNITED under rule XXII, the Chair directs the would go to the Democratic side and STATES DISTRICT JUDGE FOR clerk to report the cloture motion. then back to me. THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF IL- The legislative clerk read as follows: LINOIS The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without CLOTURE MOTION objection, it is so ordered. Mr. REID. I now move to proceed to We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I was executive session to consider Calendar ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the going to ask for a specific time for No. 657. Standing Rules of the Senate, hereby move each, but I am going to try to be brief The PRESIDING OFFICER. The to bring to a close debate on the nomination and yield more time for comments question is on agreeing to the motion. of Robin S. Rosenbaum, of Florida, to be The motion was agreed to. United States Circuit Judge for the Eleventh from others because I am sure time The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Circuit. will be expiring. clerk will report the nomination. Harry Reid, Patrick J. Leahy, Mazie K. The issue we are trying to move to is The legislative clerk read the nomi- Hirono, Dianne Feinstein, Al Franken, called the Energy Savings and Indus- nation of Nancy J. Rosenstengel, of Il- Jack Reed, Amy Klobuchar, Robert P. trial Competitiveness Act. Whenever linois, to be United States District Casey, Jr., Sheldon Whitehouse, Ben- we talk about energy and the environ- jamin L. Cardin, Tom Harkin, Barbara Judge for the Southern District of Illi- ment, the Senate is up for grabs. There Boxer, Richard Blumenthal, Edward J. is a divided opinion as to what to do nois. Markey, Richard J. Durbin, Charles E. CLOTURE MOTION Schumer, Elizabeth Warren. with the energy policy of America. Mr. REID. I send a cloture motion to There are sincere and profound dif- Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent ferences between the two political par- the desk, Mr. President. that the mandatory quorum under rule The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- ties. We recently had an all-night ses- XXII be waived. ture motion having been presented sion talking about the issue of global The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without under rule XXII, the Chair directs the warming and climate change and there clerk to report the cloture motion. objection, it is so ordered. was a real division between Democrats The legislative clerk read as follows: f and Republicans about this issue. CLOTURE MOTION I had a statement early in the ses- LEGISLATIVE SESSION We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- sion, and I come to the floor and renew ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the Mr. REID. I now move to proceed to it today in the hopes one of my two Standing Rules of the Senate, hereby move legislative session. friends on the other side of the aisle to bring to a close debate on the nomination The PRESIDING OFFICER. The can respond to this. My statement is of Nancy J. Rosenstengel, of Illinois, to be question is on agreeing to the motion. this: The only major political party in United States District Judge for the South- The motion was agreed to. ern District of Illinois. the world that denies the existence of Harry Reid, Patrick J. Leahy, Mazie K. f global warming and climate change is Hirono, Dianne Feinstein, Al Franken, the Republican Party of the United Jack Reed, Amy Klobuchar, Robert P. ENERGY SAVINGS AND INDUS- States of America. I am waiting for Casey, Jr., Sheldon Whitehouse, Ben- TRIAL COMPETITIVENESS ACT some Republican to come forward and jamin L. Cardin, Tom Harkin, Barbara OF 2014—MOTION TO PROCEED— refute me. Someone said there is a Boxer, Richard Blumenthal, Edward J. Continued Markey, Richard J. Durbin, Charles E. small party in Australia that doesn’t Schumer, Elizabeth Warren. Mr. REID. Mr. President, because of accept global warming and climate Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent the conversation with Senator MCCON- change. That may be true, but I am that the mandatory quorum under rule NELL and me, the time ran much longer looking for evidence of another major XXII be waived. than it normally does, so I ask unani- political party, other than the Repub- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without mous consent that the vote occur at lican Party of the United States of objection, it is so ordered. 11:15 rather than 11. Senator DURBIN is America, which denies the fact that here, as well as Senator WARREN, with f our human activity on Earth and the Senators CORNYN and MORAN, so we pollution we are creating is changing LEGISLATIVE SESSION will divide the time equally until then. the world in which we are living. Mr. REID. I now move to proceed to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there I think there is ample evidence. Inci- legislative session. objection? dentally, 98 percent of the scientists VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:03 May 07, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06MY6.026 S06MYPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2686 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 6, 2014 who look at it conclude the same—that There is a Republican Senator who our State, I hear the stories about we are going through climate change in stopped this bill last week from coming their VA claims process—from sys- this world. Look around. Glaciers are up because he wants to debate—are you temic issues with the back-and-forth of melting, the weather is changing, we ready—ObamaCare. Fifty times the how the claims are handled, to absurd have more extreme weather events, and House of Representatives has voted to waiting times in Washington. I hear our planet is heating up. Some people repeal ObamaCare. It is going nowhere. from veterans organizations that come say: That is just an act of God. It hap- Yet they continue to come back to it. from Kansas—the American Legion, pens every few centuries. That is the So this Senator said we can’t take up Disabled Veterans of America, Con- way it goes. energy efficiency because he wants to cerned Veterans of America, and Vet- I don’t think so. I think what we are debate one aspect of ObamaCare again. erans of Foreign Wars—and they bring doing on Earth has something to do Please, save it for another day. Let their stories of other veterans to me, with it. us do something in a bipartisan fashion outlining the problems the veterans This debate could go on all day and that can guarantee 190,000 people in back home are facing. The reality is there would be severe differences of America a good-paying job. that our veterans are losing hope that opinion on each side of the aisle as to Wouldn’t that be something we can the VA will care for them. whether what I have said is true, but talk about when we come home at the here is something we should not dis- end of the week instead of the fact that Americans recently heard the story agree on—the pending legislation.
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