TENOSYNOVITIS OF THE DEEP DIGITAL FLEXOR TENDON IN HORSES R. W. Van Pelt, W. F. Riley, Jr. and P. J. Tillotson* INTRODUCTION sheaths, statistical comparisons were made be- tween certain values determined for synovial TENOSYNOVITIS of the deep digital flexor ten- effusions from tarsal synovial sheaths of don (thoroughpin) in horses is manifested by affected horses and synovial fluids from the distention of its tarsal synovial sheath due to tibiotarsal joints of control formation of an excessive synovial effusion. Un- horses. less tenosynovitis is acute, signs of inflamma- Control Horses tion, pain or lameness are absent (1). Tendinitis Five healthy horses ranging in age from can and does occur in conjunction with inflam- four to nine years were used as controls. Four mation of the tarsal synovial sheath. of the horses were Thoroughbreds and one As tendons function they are frequently sub- horse was of Quarter Horse breeding. All jected to considerable strain, peritendinous control horses were geldings. Synovial fluid pressure, and friction between the parietal and samples were obtained from the tibiotarsal joint. visceral layers of the tendon sheath (2). Acute direct trauma or trauma that is multiple and Hematologic Determinations minor can precipitate tenosynovitis. In acute Blood samples for determination of serum tenosynovitis of the deep digital flexor tendon, sugar content (measured as total reducing sub- the ensuing inflammatory reaction affects the stances) were obtained from the jugular vein tarsal synovial sheath, which responds to in- prior to aspiration of the tarsal synovial sheath flammation by formation of an excessive syno- in affected horses and the tibiotarsal joint in vial effusion. Chronic tenosynovitis follows the control horses. The clot was allowed to retract acute form or it can be insidious in onset. It at 50 C and the samples were then centrifuged is characterized by persistent synovial effusions, at 1,600 g at 50 C. stenosis of the tendon sheath, or adhesions be- tween the parietal and visceral layers of the Synovial Effusion Determinations tendon sheath and the enveloped tendon (6, Synovial effusion samples were transferred 8). Riziform bodies may be present in synovial from aspirating syringes to screw-capped tubes effusions in chronic tenosynovitis. which contained dried dipotassium ethylene- Therapy in this group of horses was directed diaminetetraacetatel (EDTA) in a ratio of 2 at preventing formation of excessive synovial mg of EDTA per milliliter of synovial effusion. effusion by aspiration of the tarsal synovial Synovial fluid samples from the tibiotarsal sheath and the intrathecal injection of an joints of control horses were not transferred to adrenocortical steroid or one of its synthetic tubes containing EDTA. Tests for relative analogues. Presented in this report are clinical viscosity (RV), mucinous precipitate quality, signs, response to intrathecal injection of syn- total protein content, albumin: globulin (A:G) thetic steroids, and results of synovial effusion ratio, and sugar content (measured as total analyses. Analyses of synovial effusions were reducing substances) were performed on syno- performed to characterize synovial effusions vial effusions and synovial fluids after centri- produced in horses affected with tenosynovitis fugation at 1,600 g at 50 C (5, 12, 15, 18). of the deep digital flexor tendon. Total erythrocytic and leukocytic counts were determined from noncentrifuged portions of MATERIALS AND METHODS the synovial effusion and synovial fluid samples (12). Smears for differential counts were The tarsal synovial sheaths of the deep digi- stained with Wright's stain. One hundred tal flexor tendon in eight clinically affected leukocytes were identified and counted (neu- horses were aspirated and injected with syn- trophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, macro- thetic steroids at the time of diagnostic aspira- phages, and eosinophils). tion (Table I). Since synovial fluid was unobtainable from normal synovial tendon Bacteriologic Determinations 'Department of Pathology (Van Pelt) and De- A portion of the synovial effusion sample partment of Large Animal Surgery and Medicine from two of the horses was transferred to a (Riley and Tillotson), College of Veterinary Medi- cine, Michigan State University, East Lansing, ICambridge Chemical Products, Inc., Dearborn, Mich. 48823. Mich. 35 CAN. VET. JOUR., Vol. 10, no. 9, September, 1969 a)a a) a1) Ca ci Cd C UUQ Q U Ca Ca Ca Ca a) ~a)a)00a) 0 Ca Cd 4-) U) 4-- 0) 4-J~~~)0 ~) E a)U cd 4-)4- 4) -J4- bD iO bO dd d d d 0 0btO 0 Ca C.) CC C X o; odo~Co fo 2>9 X 2 x2 ~~~~~~~~~~r z z,_. Cc 1 > 0 00 0 00' >0C,_,_ci o;. 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4-~(O 0 * Cad En E0IIOO. C a EE3 E3 CaaC) o v~~~C ~O UOOOO U) Z) X 004CC-)00O 4 b 04 0 z 0 - . 4~- o (n S Y <E Q r0 E z "e co % H 4 U4i W E-v-c tn cn~~~~U EU U)EO > z EEr 4-4-i S°4-J 4-Jd 4 4 d 3 4 -U- b0b0 0 ~~~~~~~~nCt2) 0n 0c co lancoCd a) 00000 236 TENOSYNOVITIS sterilized test tube immediately following aspi- chronically affected tarsal synovial sheaths. ration of the tarsal synovial sheath. Synovial When possible, the affected tarsal synovial effusion samples were inoculated into brain sheath was kept under a pressure bandage heart infusion2 semisolid (0.15% agar) and until resolution of excessive synovial effusion bovine blood agar plates, and incubated at 370 was achieved. C. Negative cultures were held up to 10 days. Five tarsal synovial sheaths were injected with 6 a-methylprednisolone acetate3 (40 mg / RESULTS cc) and two tarsal synovial sheaths received injections of 6 a-methyl, 17 a-hydroxyproges- Clinical Signs terone acetate4 (50 mg / cc). Excessive syno- Tenosynovitis of the deep digital flexor ten- vial effusion was controlled in a three-year-old dol was unilateFal in all horses and was mani- Standardbred gelding (Table I, horse 8) fesd by a fluctuant, palpable distention of its affected with chronic tenosynovitis of the tarsal tarsal synovial sheath. The tarsal synovial synovial sheath following the second intrathe- sheath was distended on both medial and cal injection of 30 mg of 9-fluoroprednisolone lateral sides of the tarsus; however, the great- acetate5 (2 mg / cc) and 300 mg of 6 a-methyl, est degree of distention was limited to the 17 a-hydroxyprogesterone acetate. medial aspect of the tarsus. Degree of disten- Intrathecal injection of 6 a-methyl, 17 a- tion was variable, dependent on the capacity hydroxyprogesterone acetate did not alter the of individual tarsal synovial sheaths for reten- estrous cycle of one mare or impair fertility in tion of excessive synovial effusion. Tenosyno- one stallion (Table I, horses 6 and 7). vitis was chronic in all horses at the time of clinical examination, and signs of inflammation, Synovial Effusion Findings as manifested by heat and pain on palpation, All synovial effusions from horses affected and lameness were not apparent. None of the with tenosynovitis of the deep digital flexor horses had developed adhesions between the tendon were transudative. Quantity and gross parietal and visceral layer. of the tarsal synovial appearance of synovial effusions were recorded sheath, and the tendon of the deep digital flexor. at the time of aspiration and intrathecal injec- tion (Table II). Potential capacity of indivi- Clinical Response to Intrathecal Injection dual tarsal synovial sheaths and the duration Aspiration of affected tarsal synovial sheaths of tenosynovitis determined the quantity of provided symptomatic relief from intrathecal retained excessive synovial effusion. Grossly, pressure and had a therapeutic effect by re- synovial effusions were either pale yellow and moving excessive synovial effusion. Intrathecal clear, or amber and clear, or amber and injection of synthetic steroids controlled forma- opaque in appearance. One synovial effusion tion of excessive synovial effusions in tarsal contained some flocculent material. Synovial synovial sheaths. Dosage and choice of inject- xanthochromia was more pronounced in amber able synthetic steroid in each horse was deter- synovial effusions due to continued intrathecal mined by the degree of distention of the tarsal hemorrhage and subsequent hemolysis ante- synovial sheath and the approximate duration cedent to aspiration. of the synovial effusion (Table I). Acute in- Relative viscosity and mucinous precipitate flammation was not a factor in determining quality were determined for each synovial therapeutic dosages of synthetic steroids in this effusion sample (Table III). These procedures group of horses. determined the relative viscosity of synovial Response to intrathecal injection of various effusions and, qualitatively the concentration synthetic steroids was manifested clinically by and polymerization of the hyaluronic acid resolution of excessive synovial effusion and a moiety in synovial effusions from horses concomitant reduction in distention of the affected with tenosynovitis of the deep digital affected tarsal synovial sheath. Clinically, flexor tendon. There was no significant (P > favorable response to the intrathecal injection 0.05) difference between the relative viscosity of synthetic steroids generally required from of synovial effusions from the tarsal synovial three to six weeks. Despite intrathecal injection sheaths of affected horses (RV = 2.44) and of synthetic steroids, a minor palpable periten- synovial fluids from the tibiotarsal joints of dinous fibrosis persisted to some degree in the control horses (RV = 3.72). Mucinous preci- more chronically affected tarsal synovial
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