Jan. 29, 1963 ' C..RUBIO 3,075,202 PIN COLLAR STAYS Filed June 13, 1955 8 , \ / 7 3 .ELEJQ . 5W4” \/ INVENTOR. 5. [40 I5 4 Carlos Ruble 3,b75,2d2 United States Patent 0 " 1C6 Patented Jan. 29, 1353 1 2 FIGURE 7 is a plan view showing a modi?ed form of 3,075,202 angular adjustable stay for collars. PIN COLLAR STAYS FIGURE 8 is a plan view showing a modi?ed form of Carlos Rubin, 126 E. 83rd St, New York, N.Y. cross adjustable collar stay, according to the invention. Filed June 13, 1955, Ser. No. 514,840 FIGURE 9 is a plan view showing another modi?ed 2 Claims. (El. 2-132) form of collar stay with unitary main body construction. FIGURE 10 is a front elevational view of the collar This invention relates to improvements in devices for stay shown in FIGURE 9. staying and smoothing shirt collars and the like. FIGURE 11 is a right end-elevational View of the collar An object of the invention is to provide a novel and im stay shown in FIGURE 9. proved shirt collar stay which is carried by the collar in FIGURE 12 is a plan view showing another modi?ed order to retain the collar in unwrinkled form, and with a form of quadrilateral stay of a type suitable for collars smooth attractive appearance. also. ' Another object of the invention is to provide a novel The presently disclosed devices are convenient for main and improved shirt collar stay which may be employed on 15 taining the most attractive and uniform appearance de any type of shirt collar, whether or not it is equipped sired in connection with the wearing of shirt collars. To with collar pockets or slots, and does not need such pock provide a simple means for retaining shirt collars in un ets or slots for use thereon. wrinkled form, I have developed several embodiments of A further object of the invention is to provide a novel pin collar stays, ?ve of which are illustrated herein. By and improved shirt collar stay in which there is a main 20 means of small pins pointed in opposite directions, and stay body with small ?ne metallic pins or sharp projecting attached to the ends of plastic or thin metal stay bodies, members carried near opposite ends thereof, the stay body penetration into the reverse surfaces of the wings of a having a certain degree of resilience and stiffness, so that collar becomes possible, causing a slight stretching effect when the pins are inserted into engagement with the collar that produces the neat appearance often sought. wing fabric from underneath, the inherent stiffness and Because of the practicality of these stays with their per resilience of the main body of the collar stay exerts gentle manent pins, their usage requires no collar pockets or slots yet ?rm spreading pressure at its opposite ends through for insertion in the collar, thus extending the life of the the pin members, upon the collar fabric, and hence forces shirt by affording the possibility of reversing its collar it to conform to a smooth attractive outline and contour. when frayed. Consequently, the devices shown, with their Still another object of the invention is to provide a novel thin and smooth pin structure and small points, occasions and improved shirt collar stay device which is adjustable little abrasion on the site of insertion of the pins into the for use with varying lengths of collar tabs or wings, and collar. Therefore the possibility of dam-age as a result of hence may be used with different styles and sizes of collars. pinning can be completely eliminated. These collar stays Still a further object of the invention is to provide a were developed as an invisible means of improving the ap novel and improved pin collar stay in which the construc pearance of all types of collars, and are usable even with tion is such as to permit not only staying the vertical collars of complicated design. margins .of the collar wings, but also other marginal por In order to understand clearly the nature of the inven tions thereof, such as the lower edge marginal portions tion, and the best means for carrying it out, reference may andthe like. now be had to the drawings, in which like numerals de Another object of the invention is to provide a novel note similar parts throughout the several views. and improved shirt collar stay of the type described, which In FIGURE 1 is shown an adjustable stay according to is simple in design, inexpensive to manufacture, highly a preferred form of the invention, with the disassembled effective for its intended purpose, and rugged and hence parts seen in the accompanying views FIGURES 4, 5 and long lived in use. 6. It is seen that this stay is constructed of three main These and other objects and advantages of the invention 45 members, the upper or rightward member 1, the lower or will become apparent from the following description of leftward body member 2, and the intermediate connecting a preferred embodiment thereof, as illustrated in the ac and spacer member 3 shown also separately in FIGURE 5. companying drawings, forming a part hereof, and in The upper and lower members 1 and 2 are substantially which, identical in size and are secured together in overlapping FIGURE 1 is a plan view showing a preferred form of 50 relationship with the spacer member 3 therebetween, as adjustable collar stay in an extended position. seen clearly in FIGURE 2, for maintaining their align FIGURE 2 is a front elevational View of the collar stay ment, and initial contours, and for preventing interference shown in FIGURE 1. in sliding the upper member for greater or lesser size. FIGURE 3 is a right end elevational view of the stay The three major elements 1, 2 and 3 are held together shown in FIGURE 1. 55 by means of small rivets 4, two being shown, which extend FIGURE 4 is a detail plan'view similar to that of FIG through the openings it) shown on these parts. While U RE 1, but showing only the leftmost portion of the col rivets are preferred, other modes of attachment may be lar stay, apart from the right hand element thereof, and employed in modi?ed forms. As seen in FIGURE 6, the connector. right hand main body member 1 may have weil rounded FIGURE 5 is a detail plan view ‘showing only the spacer 60 ends to prevent tearing or other unwanted engagement connector link member seen inFIGURES 1 and 2,apart with the shirt fabric, and has a short collar engaging pin from the other elements. 5 mounted near its right end with its sharp pointed right FIGURE 6 is a detail plan view showing only the right end slightly spaced from the said end according to a most major body element of the collar stay shown in FIG preferred form of embodiment. At its inner end, the pin URE 1, apart from the elements of FIGURES 4 and 5. ps5 5 may have a small integral eyelet or coiled end which 3,075,202 3 4 is secured to the main body 1 by means of a small rivet by means of a rivet‘or eyelet 38 to provide for circular or otherwise, at 4. motion. The point of location of the pivot was selected The left hand main body member 2, as seen best in in this general location, to render the fullest coverage for FIGURE 4, also has a small pointed pin 5 secured by a as many collars of differing standard sizes as possible, small rivet 4, near its left end 8, there being a small narrow there being various lengths of total size possible by turning spacing between the pointed end 6 of the pin and the appropriately. Each body member has at least one pin 5 main body end 8, as at 7, as a safety factor, as well as for secured near an end, the element 36 having two pins, while ease of insertion, the ends ,8_v being smoothly rounded to the element 34 may have only one if desired. facilitate pinning and to eliminate friction against the FIGURE 10 shows a further modi?ed form of the in shirt, while the pin engages the fabric. vention, in which there is a single major body 40, with coil FIGURE 4 also shows best, the longitudinal position pins 5 secured by rivets 4 near each end as in FIGURE 1, adjusting slot 9 in main body member 2, which has a small but only one body being shown, there is no extension set or series of spaced cut-out circles 10c formed there possible, it being usable with collars near its length. along at intervals. The diameters of the circles 10c are FIGURES 9 and 11 show the plan and end elevation of all equal, and are larger than the shank of the rivet extend the form shown in FIGURE 10. ing through hole 100, and are smaller than the rivet heads. FIGURE 12 shows the quadrilateral form of stay, These circular holes are connected by parallel sides of which is a modi?ed form of the invention. As its ?gure the slot which thus is narrower intermediate adjacent indicates, it represents a geometrical shape with two coil holes, the slot at these intermediate points being several pins 5 attached at opposite corners 50' and 52 by means thousands of an inch smaller than the outside diameter 20 of rivets 4 as explained for FIGURE 1.
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