A Bibliography of Publications of William M. Kahan Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 12 March 2021 Version 1.71 Title word cross-reference 2-Dimensional [166]. 2007 [328]. 25th [323]. 2nd [236]. 50th [328]. 52 [52]. 55 [195]. 128 [276]. 2 [216, 263]. 2 × 2 [306]. 3 60 [31, 35]. 6600 [41]. 6600/7600 [41]. [216, 263]. A4 [266]. A4z = b [266]. f(x)=0 [57]. ∞=∞ [284]. M [67]. n × n [42]. p ≥ 0 7094 [18, 22]. 7094-II [18, 22]. 754 [206]. QR√ [32]. q × m − n [73]. → [248]. sin Θ [151]. x [63]. x ∗ [1=x] < x=x = 1 [128]. xn [133, 140, 309, 174]. 754r [288]. 75th [328]. [177]. Z [42, 179, 269]. 7600 [41]. 7th [321]. z =(1− exp(−pz))=(pz) [206]. z ≥ 0 [206]. k − ∗k≤k ∗k 8087 [74]. ’83 [320]. Z Z Z + Z (log2 n +0:038) [42]. -Dimensional [216, 263]. -matrices [67]. Abbreviated [244]. Abstract [15]. -plane [179, 269]. Abstracts [265]. Accuracy [93, 99, 106, 127, 296, 105, 150]. Accurate 1 [152]. 128B [277, 278]. 12th [316, 329]. [102, 233, 213, 14, 290, 306]. Accurately 14th [324]. 15C [74]. 167 [4]. 168 [6]. 169 [308]. ACM [325, 313, 176]. ACM/IEEE [5]. 1971 [40]. 1975 [315, 314]. 1983 [320]. [325]. ACRITH [80]. Addition [13]. Adds 1986 [322]. 1999 [196]. [112]. Adjugate [245]. Ado [88]. 1 2 Advantages [126]. Aitken [60]. Alan [176]. Boats [235]. Boston [313]. Boulder [318]. Algebra [101, 233, 17, 107, 222, 87]. Bound [15, 21, 67]. Bounds algebraic [310]. ALGOL [35, 31, 35, 31]. [68, 282, 29, 71, 244, 297, 30, 28, 287, 20]. Br Algorithm [304, 184, 217, 77, 261, 310, 306, [317]. Branch [69, 88]. Brand [236]. Brief 124, 32, 4, 5, 6]. Algorithms [43, 44, 45]. [283]. Bus [210]. Business [285]. Almost [34, 94, 138]. Almost-Commuting [34]. American [319]. Anadromic [294]. Calculating [9, 97]. Calculation [4]. Analyses [139, 160]. Analysis Calculations [244]. Calculator [152, 322, 18, 22, 37, 45, 111, 116, 122, 77, [51, 57, 61, 55]. California [325, 320, 180]. 324, 306, 301, 27]. Analyst [254]. Can [233, 51, 55, 142, 292]. Canada Angewandte [317]. Angle [97, 234, 267]. [319, 316]. can’t [292]. Cantilever [148]. Angles [147, 223]. anniversary [328]. cases [133]. Cayley [279, 289]. CDC [41]. Annual [313, 319, 316]. Anomalies [80]. celebrating [328]. Center [327]. certain Answers [153, 214]. Any [57, 238]. [133]. certification [290]. Challenges [107]. aphorisms [26]. Application [122]. Chapter [43]. \ [270]. Checking [89, 113]. Applications [68, 305, 288, 149]. Applied Chemistry [145, 136]. Chi´o [154]. Circle [145, 307, 136]. Approach [213]. [24]. Circumscribing [25]. class [149]. Approximate [71, 234]. Approximation Classification [246]. Clean [100]. Cleve [164]. Approximations [199]. Apr. [40]. [309]. Clever [274]. Clouds [257]. April [322]. Area [97, 147, 223]. Argonne Clustered [134]. Clusters [23]. [315]. Arithmetic Coefficients [154, 209]. Coins [178]. [78, 79, 56, 298, 321, 27, 29, 62, 66, 82, 83, Colorado [318]. Combinatorial [209]. 90, 98, 100, 110, 131, 229, 239, 255, 268, 285, Commentary [29, 299]. Commutators 48, 64, 329, 309, 30, 72, 103, 104, 133, 140, [197]. Commuting [34]. Compensated 142, 224, 230, 58, 75, 76, 146]. Arithmetics [122]. Complete [27]. completely [52]. [213]. Arithmetik [48, 64]. arrival [328]. Complex [69, 88, 110, 120, 179, 269]. Art [328, 322]. Assessments [271]. Complexity [233, 181]. Composition [144]. Assignment [266]. assistant [295]. Computable [15]. Computation [304, 233, Association [319]. Augmenting [110]. 138, 200, 268, 271, 293, 318, 306, 104]. August [313, 319, 312, 318]. Award Computational [328, 106]. Computations [176, 264]. Axioms [167, 215]. [315, 139, 160]. computed [81]. Computer [316, 321, 29, 94, 127, 145, 240, 254, 329, 30, Babuska [31, 35]. Babuska’sche [31, 35]. 136]. Computer-Arithmetic [30]. Back [293]. Backward [6, 311]. Baleful Computerized [107]. Computers [145, 136]. Bases [172]. be [91, 104, 123]. [101, 41, 1, 124]. Computing Beastly [137]. Before [309]. Benchmarks [325, 326, 327, 212, 93, 233, 328, 308, 117, [127, 145, 136]. Beresford [303]. Besieged 177, 245, 329, 319, 242, 299]. Concepts [285]. Bessel [20]. Better [103]. Between [99, 106, 105]. Concerning [29, 26]. [318, 117]. Bidiagonal [93, 102]. Bilinear Condition [39]. Conference [164]. Binary [313, 325, 324, 322, 318, 328, 320, 329]. [56, 58, 82, 95, 131, 146, 248, 114, 140]. Confirming [113]. Confluence [39]. Birmingham [322]. birthday [328]. Bit Confluent [4]. Congress [312]. Conic [88]. Blabber [235]. Blabber-Mouth [235]. [179]. Conjugate [266, 272]. Conserving blame [301]. BLAS [232, 260]. block [310]. [39]. Constant [135]. Constant-Round 3 [135]. constants [144]. Construct [135]. Down [125]. Draft [56]. Dual [172]. Contains [24]. continuation [218]. Duisburg [329]. Dundee [324]. Continued [92]. Contracted [112]. Contribution [65]. Convention [327]. Echelon [168]. Editorial [303]. Effect convergence [67, 32]. Conversation [150]. [145, 136]. efficiently [212, 242]. Conversion [248, 114]. Corner [309]. Eigenproblem [123]. Eigensystems Correct [304]. Correcting [113]. [71, 256]. Eigenvalues [134, 14, 23]. correction [124]. Correctly [95, 141, 89]. Eigenvectors [3, 8, 33]. electronic [1]. Cost [181, 268]. Count [51, 55]. Course Elementary [69, 88, 156, 218]. elements [27]. Covered [231]. Cray [323, 104]. CRC [19]. Elicited [173]. ellipse [46]. ellipsoid [299]. Cross [216, 263]. Cross-Products [25]. Ellipsoidal [244, 21]. ellipsoids [25]. [216, 263]. CS [58]. Cubic [85]. Curbs [39]. End [299]. Engineering [293, 27]. Curmudgeon [254]. Cuts [69, 88]. Enumerating [189]. Environment [65]. Environments [70]. Equation D. [44]. Dallas [327]. Dates [117]. [57, 85, 255, 280, 1, 149, 206]. Equations Davidson [308]. Davis [86, 151]. [15, 154, 310, 2, 21, 144, 149, 294]. Error Davis-Kahan [151]. [68, 282, 287, 15, 29, 37, 139, 160, 244, 280, Davis-Kahan-Weinberger [86]. Day [117]. 297, 299, 30, 41, 21, 124, 311]. Error-Bound DAYDATE [117]. Days [117]. Debate [15]. Error-Bounds [297]. Errors [11]. etc [298]. debug [292]. Dec [40]. Decimal [74, 117]. Euclid [184, 217]. Euclidean [82, 248, 114]. Decisions [285]. Dedicated [216, 263]. Evaluates [61]. Evaluation [84]. [303]. Deficient [247]. Defined [91]. ever [266]. Every [42]. Everyone Definition [48, 64]. Degrades [148]. [158, 159]. Everywhere [158, 159]. exact Demonstration [284]. Derangements [87]. Exam [182]. Derivative [161]. Derivatives [185, 186, 187, 188, 190, 201, 231, 249]. [259, 269]. describe [103]. Design Examination [153, 214]. Exception [118]. [229, 232, 260, 26, 224, 230]. Designers [72]. Exception-Handling [118]. Extended Designing [108, 109, 115]. Determinant [232, 310, 260]. Extension [161]. Determinants [125, 306]. [101, 152, 143, 175]. Extra [282, 268, 287]. Developers [286]. Diagnostics [70]. Extra-Precise [268, 287]. Extrapolation Diagonal [14, 155, 279, 19, 289]. [60, 251]. eye [267]. Differences [4, 5, 6, 200, 259]. different [52]. Differential Factorizations [258]. Failure [270]. family [15, 255, 280, 310, 21, 144, 149, 294]. [294]. far [49, 54]. Fclass [246]. Federation difficult [133]. digit [238]. Digital [72]. [312]. Fermat [192]. Few [308]. Fields dilation [86]. Dilations [68]. Dilemma [215]. Final [153, 190, 201, 214, 249]. [302]. Dimensional [166, 216, 263]. Finders [296]. Finding [162, 163, 273]. Directions [328]. discrete [307]. Floating Discriminant [304, 290]. Discussion [78, 79, 56, 152, 233, 10, 59, 58, 62, 63, 66, [183, 32]. Divided [4, 5, 6, 200]. divider 75, 76, 82, 83, 90, 95, 118, 131, 146, 158, 159, [238]. Division [132, 205, 89]. Do 229, 237, 239, 246, 268, 271, 285, 293, 309, 13, [66, 239, 270, 233, 240]. done [104]. Double 301, 173, 26, 89, 133, 140, 142, 224, 230, 295]. [12, 13]. Double-Precision [12, 13]. Floating-Point [78, 10, 59, 63, 66, 75, 76, Doubled [90]. Doubled-Precision [90]. 82, 83, 90, 95, 118, 131, 146, 158, 159, 229, 4 237, 239, 246, 268, 271, 285, 293, 173, 79, [38, 39, 50, 307]. Ill-Condition [39]. 301, 89, 133, 140, 142, 224, 230, 295]. Form Ill-Posed [38, 50, 307]. Illinois [321]. IMA [168, 220, 221]. Formally [304]. Formats [322]. IMA/SIAM [322]. IMACS [329]. [237]. Forms [164]. Formula [161]. Implementation [43, 44, 48, 232, 64, 260]. Forsythe [328]. FORTRAN [7, 16, 238]. Implementierung [64, 48]. important Forward [5]. Four [26]. FPTRP [10]. [150]. Improbability [139, 160, 191]. Fractions [92]. Fragility [191]. Francisco Improvement [77]. Improving [87]. [320]. Freiburg [317]. function [206]. Inclusion [23]. independent [78, 79]. Functions [69, 88, 20, 81]. Further Inequalities [202]. Inequality [225]. [306, 143, 175, 11]. Futile [271]. Futility Infinitely [236]. Infinity [243]. [98]. Future [328, 293]. Information [312]. Institut [317]. Instruments [52]. Integer [154]. Integers Gain [165]. GAMM [329]. [189]. Integrals [61, 87]. integrator [129]. GAMM-IMACS [329]. Gauss [2, 157]. Intel [74]. interface [316]. International Gaussian [60]. GCD [184, 217]. Gene [312, 329, 317, 314]. Interpolation [328]. Genealogy [281]. Generalization [5, 6, 251]. intersection [25]. Interval [143, 175]. Generalized [247]. generating [27, 62, 255, 317, 314]. Interval-Arithmetic [20]. Geometry [156, 218]. George [328]. [255]. Interview [173, 174]. Introduction German [55, 48, 64, 31, 35]. Germany [72]. inv [270]. invariant [311]. Inverse [314, 317, 329]. Get [38]. Givens [212, 242]. [9, 123]. Inverses [247, 250, 258]. Inversion globally [311]. go [49, 54]. Golub [157]. Invited [29]. Irrationals [199]. [328, 310, 307, 308]. Good [75, 76]. got irreducible [67]. Iterate [272]. Iteration [235]. Grades [219]. Gradient [266]. [119, 266]. Iterative [282, 287]. IV [16]. Gradients [272]. Gradual [283]. Great [298]. Group [323]. Gu [275]. Guaranteed Jacobi [161]. Java [326, 152, 158, 159]. [93]. Gustafson [299, 298]. Jensen [225]. Jiang [311]. John [299, 298, 145]. Joint [322]. Jordan H. [204]. H110 [216, 219]. H90 [225]. Half [157, 221]. Jose [325]. June [323, 324, 321]. [274]. Halting [193]. Handheld [61]. Handling [118].
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