NAME NUMBER(S) FACULTY DATES DEGREES AGE [/] PLACE OF BIRTH BIRTH DATE ABBOTT, Adam Burwell 724 Arts 1869 19 Wolfe Island, ON ABBOTT, George Anson 2318 Medicine 1891-1894 M.D., C.M. 1895 24 Wolfe Island, ON ABBOTT, Muriel 4500 1903-1907 1883 Comber, ON ABBOTT, Rodney Harrison 899 1875 M.D.1879 19 Wolfe Island, ON ABBOTT, Samuel Anson 561 Medicine 1863-1865 M.D. 1868 22 Wolfe Island, ON ABERHART, William 5233 Arts 1906-1911 B.A. 1911 1879 Ontario ABREY, James 2520 (6) Arts, Theology Arts 1893-1895; Theology Testamur 1899 26 Kingston, ON 1896-1897 ACHESON, Stuart 1887 B.A. (ad eundum) ADAM, Margaret Brown 3006 Arts 1896 Dec. 2, 1865 Hamilton, ON ADAMS, George Thomas Cooke 2290 Medicine 1891 M.D., C.M. 1892 25 Sydney, NS ADAMS, Joseph 1485 Medicine 1884-1889 M.D., C.M. 1892 18 Kingston, ON ADAMSON, Herbert A. 1874 Medicine 1888-1889 M.D., C.M. 1892 19 Ottawa, ON ADAMSON, James Scott 3427 Arts 1899-1900 Dec. 2, 1878 Richmond, ON AGASSIZ, Walter E. Shafto 5024 Mining 1905-1910 B.Sc. 1909 1889 Fort Pelly AGNEW, Andrew 313 Arts 1860-1863, 1869 B.A. 1864 14 Kingston, ON AGNEW, Cyril Whitfield 4750 Science 1904-1907 1888 Douglas, MB AGNEW, Emily May 1280 Arts 1882 17 Kingston, ON AGNEW, John 420 Arts, Medicine Arts 1855-1858; Medicine B.A. 1859; 12 Kingston, ON 1860-1862, 1864 M.D. 1865; M.A. 1872 AGNEW, Robert W. 2285 Medicine 1891 24 Kingston, ON AIKIN, James Alexander 3309 Arts 1898-1904 M.A. 1904 Jan. 9, 1868 Hamilton, ON AITON, Agnes 4971 Arts 1905-1910 B.A. 1915 1875 York Co., ON AKINS, James Robert 4449 Science; Arts Science 1903-07; Arts B.Sc. 1907 1876 Kinburn, ON 1906-1907 AKSIM, Edward Frederick 4608 Arts 1905-1906 Feb. 28, 1876 Russia ALCOMBRACK, Reginald Warner 2254 Arts 1891-1896 B.A. 1897 15 Hawley, ON ALDER, William Robert 4454 Science 1903-1907 B.Sc Mining 1907 1886 Maynard, ON ALEXANDER, Francis Robert 984 Medicine 1877 M.D. 1881 22 Huntley, ON ALEXANDER, James 1262 Arts 1882 19 Kingston, ON ALEXANDER, James Adam 622 Medicine 1865 M.D. 1869 19 Barrie, ON ALEXANDER, Thomas 583 Arts 1864, 1869 18 Kingston, ON ALEXANDER, William Albert 2563 Arts, Theology Arts 1893-1898; Theology 25 Bishops Mills, ON 1897-1898 ALFORD, Ethel Florence 4680 Arts 1904-1908 B.A. 1907; 1881 Chantry, ON M.A. 1908 ALLAIRE, Joseph 4811 Medicine 1904-1907 1886 St. Laurent, QC ALLAN, Andrew 134 Arts 1844-1845 17 Kingston, ON ALLAN, W. F. 1309 Medicine 1882 27 ALLAN, William 1296 Arts; Theology Arts 1882; Theology 1883- 27 Cobourg, ON 1885 ALLEN, Alfred George 1372 Medicine 1883-1884 M.D., C.M. 1887 17 Kingston, ON ALLEN, Emily 2656 Arts 1894-1898 B.A. 1898 18 Kingston, ON ALLEN, George Courtney 530 Medicine 1862 ALLEN, James Ross 2158 Medicine 1890-1893 M.D., C.M. 1894 21 Odessa, ON ALLEN, John 3432 Arts 1899-1904 M.A. 1904 Feb. 19, 1878 Napanee, ON ALLEN, Laura Emma 2782 Arts 1895-1899 B.A. 1899 25 Marlbank, ON ALLEN, Laura Leah 1139 Arts 1880 21 Kingston, ON ALLEN, Maggie D. 2010 Arts 1889-1893 M.A. 1895 20 Kingston, ON ALLEN, Mary 2139 Arts 1890-1893 23 Kingston, ON ALLEN, Oscar James McCully 5136 Medicine 1905-1906 1884 New Brunswick ALLEN, Sarah 2828 1895-1896 Kingston, ON ALLEN, Thomas Grant 1420 Arts; Medicine Arts 1884-1887; B.A. 1888; 21 Elizabethtown, ON Medicine 1887-1888 M.A. 1889 ALLEN, William Grey 913 Medicine 1875 ALLIN, R. P. 52150 B.A. 1910; Whitby, ON M.A. 1911 ALLISON, David Membery [3033] 3056 Medicine 1896-1899 M.D., C.M. 1900 18 Adolphustown, ON ALLISON, Mary 3131 Arts 1897-1902, 1910-1911 B.A. 1902 Mar. 11, 1878 Adolphustown, ON ALWAY, Enoch 643 Medicine 1865 M.D. 1869 26 Townsend, ON AMES, James Addison 2311 Medicine 1891-1894 M.D., C.M. 1895 27 Codington, ON AMI, Henry M. 2200 Arts 1890-1891 D.Sc. 1895 32 Ottawa, ON AMOS. William Wilson 3413 Medicine 1898-1902 M.D., C.M. 1902 Jan. 24, 1879 Kingston, ON AMOSS. Harold Edwin 4197 Arts 1902-1906 B.A. 1906 1880 Corinth, ON AMYS, Charles Hewitt 2907 Medicine 1895-1899 M.D., C.M. 1899 23 Lakefield, ON ANDERSON, Daniel Grant 2699 Arts 1894 25 Listowel, ON ANDERSON, David 3844 Arts 1901-1902 1873 Scotland ANDERSON, Frank Cecil 3167 Arts; Medicine Arts 1896-1900; Medicine B.A. 1900; Oct. 22, 1874 Deseronto, ON 1909-1912 M.B. 1912; M.D. 1913 ANDERSON, J. James Johnston 1391 Medicine 1883-1885 M.D., C.M. 1887 23 Heckston, ON ANDERSON, John A. 4397 Arts 1903-1910 B.A. 1909 1875 Rossmore, ON ANDERSON, Joseph 956 Arts; Theology Arts 1877-1881; Theology 18 Heckston, ON 1882-83 ANDERSON, Norman William 2555 Medicine 1893-1896 M.D., C.M. 1898 24 Ontario ANDERSON, Percy McCuaig 3206 Arts; Medicine Arts 1898-1903; Medicine M.A. 1903 Jan. 9, 1879 Paisley, ON 1903-1904 ANDERSON, Thomas 438 Medicine 1860-1862 22 South Grower, ON ANDERSON, Thomas Henry 4433 Arts 1903-1906 1875 Aurora, ON Plantagenet ANDERSON, W. J. 429 Medicine 1851 M.D. 1861 ANDERSON, William John 2191 Medicine 1890-1893 M.D., C.M. 1894 26 Edwardsburgh, ON ANDREW, Joseph 1078 Theology; Arts Theology 1879-1880; Arts 1879-1880 ANDREWS, David 4007 Arts 1901-1904 M.A. 1904 1876 Ontario ANGELA, Sister (CAHILL) Elizabeth 5204 Arts 1905-1912 1879 Brantford, ON ANGLIN, Charles Samuel 3544 Prac. Science 1899-1901 May 21, 1881 Kingston, ON ANGLIN, Francis Robert 1889 Arts 1888-1895 B.A. 1895 17 Kingston, ON ANGLIN, Harriet 2788 Arts 1895-1901 B.A. 1900 19 Kingston, ON ANGLIN, James Penrose 2962 Science 1896-1897 Feb. 20, 1876 Kingston, ON ANGLIN, James Vickers 873 Arts; Medicine Arts 1875-1877, 1880, B.A. 1883; 15 Kingston, ON 1882; Medicine 1881, M.D., C.M. 1887 1883-1884 ANGLIN, Jennie Mabel 4180 Arts 1902-1907 B.A. 1907 1883 Kingston, ON ANGLIN, Mary Richardson 5326 Arts 1906-1915 B.A. 1915 1888 Kingston, ON ANGLIN, Richard William 4653 Arts 1904-1908 B.A. 1908 1881 Cork, Ireland ANGLIN, Robert Stephen 1119 Arts; Medicine 1880 M.D., C.M. 1882 24 Kingston, ON ANGLIN, Robert W. 2388 Arts 1892-1897 M.A. 1897 18 Kingston, ON ANGLIN, Samuel Might 3935 Arts 1901-1905 B.A. 1905 1874 Battersea, ON ANGLIN, Sara Ester (SPARLING) 1927 Arts 1888-1891 B.A. 1892 20 Kingston, ON ANGLIN, William G. 1138 Arts; Medicine Arts 1880; M.D., C.M. 1883 Kingston, ON Medicine 1882 ANNESLEY, James 4943 Arts; Theology Arts 1905-1910; Theology 1879 Ireland 1908-1911 ANNING, Norman Herbert 4137 Arts 1902-1906 B.A. 1905; 1883 Ontario M.A. 1906 ANSON-CARTWRIGHT, Reginald 3694 Mining 1900-1904 B.Sc. Mining 1904 1881 Peterborough, ON Henry ANTHONY, James 2622 Arts; Theology Arts 1894-1898; Theology M.A. 1900 24 Derby, ON 1899-1901 Testamur 1901 AP'JOHN, Frank James 4601 Arts 1904-1905 1887 Rat Portage, ON ARCHIBALD, George Crassie 3847 Arts 1901-1903, 1905-1906 B.A. 1903 1877 Truro, NS ARCHIBALD, Henry Francis 5275 Arts 1906-1922 B.A. 1918 1873 Riviere du Loup, QC ARGUE, Andrew William 1891 Arts 1888-1890 20 Stittsville, ON ARGUE, Elizabeth Anne 3450 Arts 1900 July 1876 Carp, ON ARMOUR, Amy Annette 3551 Arts 1899-1901 Mar. 7, 1872 Bethany, ON ARMOUR, James 1170 Arts 1881-1885 B.A. 1886 18 Burgess, ON ARMSTRONG, Abel 1171 Arts 1881-1883 27 Toronto, ON ARMSTRONG, Albert 593 Medicine 1864-1865 M.D. 1867 20 Smiths Falls, ON ARMSTRONG, Albert Edward 5022 Science 1905-1906 1885 Grand Falls, NB ARMSTRONG, Alfred 515 Medicine 1862-1865 M.D. 1866 19 Isle of St. Vincent, West Indies ARMSTRONG, Claude Cecil 2746 Medicine 1894-1898 M.D., C.M. 1898 22 Castleton, ON ARMSTRONG, Walter 1350 Medicine 1883-1884 23 ARMSTRONG, William Gelinchie 3074 Arts 1897-1898 ARTHUR, Alfred John 4444 Science; Arts Science 1903-1910; Arts Diploma Electrical 1885 Appleton, ON 1915-1918 Engineering 1908; B.Sc. Electrical 1910; B.A.1917 ARTHUR, Colin Clayton 1726 Arts 1887-1890 M.A. 1891 19 Hillier, P. E. CO. ARTHUR, Edward Charles 1828 Medicine 1887 31 Hallowell, ON ARTHUR, Leona Maude (WHYTE) 3944 Arts 1901-1907 B.A. 1906 1882 Hillier, ON ARTHUR, Nellie 3942 Arts 1901-1906 B.A. 1906 1884 Ontario ARTHUR, Stanley Samson Wallace 3023 Arts; Medicine Arts 1896-1900; Medicine B.A. 1900; Mar. 21, 1879 Battersea, ON 1900-1902 M.D., C.M. 1903 ASH, Arthur Francis 3034 or/& 3057 Medicine; Arts [Medicine] 1896-1899; M.D., C.M. [1900] or 19 Gananoque, ON Arts 1907-1908 1902 ASHE, Cecilia Teresa 5127 Arts 1905-1912 B.A. 1910 1879 Key West, Florida ASHLEY, Edwin 1532 Medicine 1885-1888 20 Pittsburg ASHMAN, George Henry 4614 Arts 1904-1910 B.A. 1907; 1876 Weston, ON B. Paed. 1910 ASHTON, John Joseph 1284 Arts; Medicine Arts 1882-1885; Medicine B.A. 1886 21 Darlington, ON 1882 ASSELSTINE, Bert 4528 Medicine 1903-1907 M.D. 1907 1877 Violet, ON ASSELSTINE, David Perry 1646 Arts 1886-1889, 1891 B.A. 1892 21 Kingston, ON ASSELSTINE, Edward Blake 3896 Arts 1901-1905 B.A. 1904; 1883 Switzerville, ON M.A. 1905 ASSELSTINE, Elizabeth (Lizzie) C. 3899 Arts 1901-1906 B.A. 1904; 1885 Asselstine, ON M.A. 1905 ASSELSTINE, Frances Maud 1844 Arts 1888-1894, 1896-1897 19 Odessa, ON ASSELSTINE, Henry Amey 760 Arts 1871-1874 B.A. 1876 17 Kingston, ON ASSELSTINE, Oliver 4349 Arts 1903-1906 M.A.

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