PAGE TWENTY-TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Sat., Dec, 7, 1974 (3) WF8B ................. HARTFORD (22) WWLP...........SPRINGFIELD (8) WTNH..............NEW HAVEN (24) WEDH................ HARTFORD (18) WHCT................ HARTFORD (30) WHNB .... WEST HARTFORD TELEVISION PROGRAMS (20) W ATR............. WATERBURY (40) WHYN ........... SPRINGFIELD jSSWS;:#®: iianrhTatfr Sumnn Mpralh Manchester—A City of Village ('harm TV TONIGHT MONDAY, DEC. 9 MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1974 - VOL. XCIV, No. 59 TWENTY-EICHT PACES PRICE: HFTKEN CENTS 6:00 8:00 10:00 6:00 Call Of the West ........ ...20 News...............................3 Challenge of Truth..........18 All In the Fam ily.............. 3_ Carol Burnett..................... 3 News.................... .3-8-22-30 Hollywood Squares ... 22-30 M ovie.............................18 Straight Talk.....................24 A Cristmas Carol ........ 8-40' Nakla ............................8-40 12 O’clock High .. ..........18 Antiques ................... ...24 10:30 6:30 Bobby Goldsboro............. 18 Honeymooners ... ..........20 ...40 Gospel Hour..................... 18 Polkal........................ Connecticut Report ..........18 News..................... 3-8-20-40 Emergency!........ 20-22-30 Sports '7 0 s.......................24 Electric Company . ..........24 8:00 Woman ........................... 24 Leaders Seek Possible Solution A Soldier's Tale................ 24 Evening at Symphony__ 24 11:00 Bonanza ............. ..........40 World at W a r............. ....3 7:00 8:30 Nows........... 3-8-18-22-30-40 6:30 . 8-40 11:00 The Rookies.............. News................... 3-18-22-30 Agronsky and Co................ 3 Friends and Lovers ........ 3 I Love Lucy.......................20 News................ 3-8-20-22-30 Pastor’s Perspective .. ...18 News.............................8-22 M ovie............................8-40 1 Love Lucy...................... 20 11:30 E rica................... ..........24 Born F re e .................. 20-30 Panorama........................20 11:30 This Week In the N F L ___ 18 M ovies............................3-8 6:45 It’s A Steal ................ ...22 To End Arab-Israeli Stalemate Hee H aw ..........................30 M ovie................................3 9:00 Weekend............... 20-22-30 Human Growth ... ..........24 Championship Skating ...24 Ford has been vague about his Middle Here Come the Brides ... 40 Johnny Carson __ 20-22-30 WASHINGTON (UPI) - President Ford "Maybe it is overdue already,” Alton luncheon and general review of all U.S.- East discussions with Soviet Communist Mary Tyler M oore...............3 11:50 7:00 9:00 7:30 MIDNIGHT meets with Israeli Foreign Minister Yigal Israeli issues. M ovie................... 20-22-30 Night Gallery ................... 40 News................... .. 3-22-40 Maude ....................... .... 3 told reporters. “ I would say that any Leader Leonid I. Brezhnev at the What's Happening .............3 Life of Leonardo.............. 24 . 8-40 Nows.............................8-40 Alton today to discuss possible solutions to attempt to find ways and means to achieve Vladivostok summit. But their official 1:00 Truth or Consequences ... 8 Redskins vs. Rams — Ford Meets With Advisors Wild Refuge.......................8 9:30 ..........18 ether Six Days .......... ...18 12:30 the stalemated Arab-Israeli peace some political progress in the area would communique said both sides believe the In Session........................ 30 Dick Van Dyke..., Ford spent most of Sunday relaxing and Don Tuttle........................ 18 Bob Newhart .....................3 Film ..................... ..........20 M ovie................... 20-22-30 Rock Concert.....................8 negotiations. be welcome.” Geneva conference should be resumed as 1:30 working in the Oval office. He also con­ As Schools Match Wits ... 22 Can You Top This? ...... 18 To Toll the Truth .. ..........30 Wolf Trap .................. ... 24 Football Highlights..........40 Alton, who arrived in Washington Sun­ Allon was met at the airport by soon as possible to bring about a final The Way It Was................ 24 Judd for the Defense..........3 day, expressed hope that he would be able ferred with White House chief of staff peace settlement. 9:30 1:00 Kissinger and Simeha Dinitz, Israel’s am­ Risk, of Marriage...............30 7:30 to “achieve some political progress” Donald Rumsfeld and other advisers, Rhode ............................. 3 News................................. 3 bassador to the United States. To Attend Dinner The Price Is Right. ..............3 toward a Middle East settlement in his about the fiscal 1976 federal budget — ........... 8 Tomorrow............. 20-22-30 Ford will attend the Football Hall of Police Surgeon ... 10:00 discussions with Ford, Secretary of State He met with Ford at 12:30 p.m. EST at which must be sent to the printers before ..........18 Fame Dinner in New York Tuesday, and Wilburn Brothers.. Medical Center ..........___ 3 Henry A. Kissinger and other top U S. of­ the White House before Joining Kissinger Christmas - and a major staff reorganiza­ later in the week will concentrate on SUNDAY, DEC. 8 ficials. and other officials for a State Department tion expected soon. preparing for his three-day summit TUESDAY, DEC. 10 meeting with French President Valery 6:00 Spring Street U S A ........... 40 What Now America? ........ 24 Discard d’Estaing in Martinique next Christopher Closeup..........3 9:30 Wild Wild W e st................ 40 6:00 Music Place ..................... 18 Out to Lunch ................8-40 weekend. 6:30 Everywoman.......................3 4:30 News..................... 3-6-22-30 Fourth Estate................... 24 Vince Lombardi................18 A White House spokesman said that the Camera Three................... 3 I Dream of Jeannie ___ 8-22 Kings vs.' Pistons ...............3 Construction Worker Pickets Secret Agent ....................18 Masquerade Party ........... 30 9:30 Ford-d’Estaing talks will center on the in­ Let Us Celebrate.............. 30 7:00 Teach-In .......................... 18 Honeymoonors ................ 20 City that Ski S cene........................18 ternational economic and energy situa­ Insight .. -........................ 40 Insight .............................. 3 Town Meeting ..................24 Electric Com pany........... 24 Forgot Christmas .............40 Witness to Yesterday...... 24 tion. This Is the Life ..................8 10:00 5:00 Bonanza ........................ 40 8:00 10:00 Lamp Unto My Feet........... 3 7:30 Persuaders.......................40 6:30 Good T im es.......................3 Barnaby Jones ..................3 Delay Return of Miners to Pits ” ^ Big Blue Marble ................ 8 College Campus................3 5:30 Nows.................3-8-20-22-30 Year Without Marcus W elby................. 40 Worship for Shut-Ins..........8 Catholic Service ..........22-30 Jimmy Swaggart...............18 Black Experience........... 24 A Santa C la u s...............8-40 Washington Debates...... 18 By United Press International southwestern Pennsylvania. Miners Operators Association signed a new con­ Ring Around the World ... 30 Latino...............................40 Energy Crunch ................ 24 7:00 This Is the Life ................ 18 S c u ll................................24 returned to their homes when thQy saw the tract Thursday, and miners were to be WEATHER 10:30 Construction workers set up picket lines back at work no later than Monday. 7:45 6:00 Nows.........................3-22-40 M ovie.................... 20-22-30 11:00 picket lines. Look Up and Live...............3 at several mines today, delaying the But a separate contract agreement Sacred Heart................... 40 DIpsy D oodle..................... 8 Truth or Consequences ... 8 Am erica............................24 News........... 3-8-18-22-30-40 Rescue Rangers ................ 8 return to work of fellow United Mine ‘Unwritten Law’ between the construction workers, also 8:00 Day of Discovery...............18 Dick Van Dyke.................. 18 8:30 I Love Lucy...................... 20 Rain becoming heavy at times this Workers'union members. “ It’s sort of an unwritten law,” said We Believe 3 Norman Vincent Peale 18 Department S ..................40 Sounding Board ...............20 M*A*S*H............................3 UMW members, and the Association of afternoon and into this evening. Jewish Heritage .................40 11:30 ’The 6,000 construction men said they Tom O’Brochta, president of UMW Local Bituminous Contractors was never Kissinger Greets Allon Catholic Service ................ 8 6:30 Black Experience........... 24 M ovies.......... 8-20-22-30-40 Temperatures in the 50s but windy. Rain M ovie................................ 3 would picket until they get a new contract. 6330 in Greene County, Pa. "When other reached and talks bogged down Saturday M ovie...............................30 10:45 Amazing G ra c e ................ 18 To Toll the Truth...............30 Learning to L iv e ...............18 tapering off to a few showers early tonight Wide World Mystery ... 8-40 Picket lines were reported in Cambria, miners picket, we don’t work.” over what an industry spokesman said Christopher Closeup...... 40 Jewish L ife .......................30 Zoom ............................... 24 7:30 Evening at Sym phony___24 followed by partial clearing later tonight. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger Johnny Carson ___ 20-22-30 Indiana and Armstrong
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