MASS INTENTIONS READINGS FOR THE WEEK Saturday, November 16, 2013 8:00 a.m. Enrique & Angelica Cassinelli+ Monday: 1 Mc1:10-15 / Lk 18:35-43 5:00 p.m. Joseph Di Pietro+ Tuesday: 2 Mc 6:18-31 / Lk 19: 1-10 Sunday, November 17, 2013 Wednesday: 2 Mc 7:1,20-31 / Lk 19:11-28 8:00 a.m. Mr. Harry Wilson+ 9:30 a.m. Dorothy O’Loughlin Sells+ Thursday: 1 Mc 2: 15-29 / Lk 19: 41-44 11:00 a.m Tim Rolph+ 12:30 p.m Caballeros de Colon+ Friday: 1 Mc 4: 36-37, 52-59 / Lk 19:45-48 7:00 p.m Enrique y Maria Castro+ Saturday: 1 Mc 6: 1-13 / Lk 20:27-40 Monday, November 18, 2013 8:00 a.m Anita Boisvert+ Sunday: 2 Sm 5:1-3 / Col 1: 12-20 Lk 23:35-43 Tuesday, November 19, 2013 8:00 a.m. Joseph Di Pietro+ 7:00 p.m. James McLamen Wednesday, November 20, 2013 8:00 a.m. Joan Campbell+ Thursday, November 21, 2013 MASS SchEdulE The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary November 23-24, 2013 8:00 a.m. Jean Wessel Campbell+ MASS CELEBRANT 7:00 p.m Estrella Mantilla+ 5:00 PM Bishop Isern 8:00 AM Fr. Mathew Friday, November 22, 2013 9:30 AM Fr. Piotr Saint Cecilia, Virgin 8:00 a.m. Angelese Ladson+, 11:00 AM Fr. Roberto Da’Von Scott Jr+ 12:30 AM Fr. Juan 7:00 PM Fr. Roberto Saturday, November 23, 2013 8:00 a.m. St Patrick (special Intention) 5:00 p.m. Benita & Eversley Athanas+ Our Gift to The Lord Our gift to the Lord for Collection was $ 11,515.00 Sunday, November 24, 2013 Nuestra Donación del Domingo pasado fue 8:00 a.m. Ruth Druse+ $ 11,515.00 9:30 a.m. Jorge Fernandez (Birthday) Our operational expense average is $23,084 per week. Nuestros gastos Operacionales Promedio son de 11:00 a.m Robert Wilson+ $23,084 por semana. 12:30 p.m Maria Isabel Alonso+, Julia Lugo+ 7:00 p.m Aldo Ferreyra+ Please remember these parishioners in your prayers Por favor recen por los enfermos WORD FROM THE PASTOR Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, PARISh AcTIVITIES OUR COMMUNITY This week I would like to share with you some news. fore, the Mass will be carried live nationally by EWTN, the There is much good news coming from St. Patrick. Of Global Catholic Network. Centering Prayer Group course, the most important piece of Good News is the Broadcast of this event live will largely be possible due to Every Thursday at 6:30 pm in the Tower. Gospel itself, the proclamation of the salvation in Christ the fact that, again through your generosity and the generos- GIFT SHOP open 9 am to 2 pm on Sundays. through his Passion, Death and Resurrection. La tienda de articulos religiosos y regalos está abierta ity of a benefactor who donated some of the equipment, we Grupo de Oración Centrante But these next couple of weeks there are what one could have been able to upgrade our video system and incorporate Lunes a las 6:30 p.m. en la Torre. los Domingos de 9 am a 2 pm. call ancillary good news to the Good News of the Gospel. HDTV cameras that will be used to stream live Mass and In our efforts to be better disciples and missionaries of will also available to stream important parish celebrations. Grupo de Oración Inmaculado Corazón de Maria Christ we are incorporating technology and we will also We will be able to provide a streaming service to couples Lunes 7:00 p.m. en el Segundo piso del Barry Hall host an important Archdiocesan event that will be tele- marrying at St. Patrick who request it so that their relatives vised nationally by EWTN and broadcast by Radio Paz who are in distant places and are not able to come to Miami Grupo de Oración Carismatico cONFESSION TIME 830 AM the radio station of the Archdiocese of Miami. Beach may watch live their celebration of marriage. In addi- Jueves 10:30 am en el segundo piso del Barry Hall. Your continued generous support of our parish has en- tion, the enhanced HDTV equipment will allow the School to Sanctus Comunidad de Oracion, Formacion y Evange- Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and also the half hour abled us to contract the installation of an Assistive Listen- start a media program to expand the curriculum and provide lizacion Jueves de 7:30 p.m a 9:30 p.m. en el 2º. Piso del before the 9:30 a.m.- 11:00a.m. - 12:30 p.m. and ing System known as Hearing Loop. This device enables a better learning experience for our students by equipping Barry Hall 7:00 p.m. Sunday Masses. those who are hearing impaired to switch their hearing them with some basic knowledge of media production. aid or cochlear implant to a certain position so that they Installation of the HDTV system began some time ago and Women’s Emmaus receive the signal directly from the sound system without should be completed within the next couple of weeks. The Women’s Emmaus monthly meeting in English is the interference, thus enhancing their prayer experience at With the resources that you entrust to us we have also helped third Saturday of every month at Barry Hall school library at Welcome St. Patrick and allowing for a fuller participation in the St. Patrick Catholic Church in Montserrat. It is the only 8:30 am. Juliette Le-Bona - Gustavo A. Ortiz liturgical life of our parish. Installation of the loop will Catholic parish on that island in the Caribbean. A couple of to the Parish family through be completed within the next couple of days. Our church years ago, a volcano eruption destroyed the church. With Mujeres de Emaus Sacrament of Baptism on will be one of the first in the entire Archdiocese, indeed the money recovered from the insurance they were able to Reuniones mensuales el cuarto Sábado de mes, comenzando November 09, 2013 among the first in the entire nation, to have this device rebuild but did not have a keyboard or a statue of our patron con la misa a las 8:00 am las 8:30 am en Barry Hall. installed. We hope that many people who are hearing im- saint. Through a parishioner they reached out to us and we paired will be better able to listen at Mass and those who were able to make available to them a keyboard that was not Men’s English Emmaus are not going to Mass regularly will be moved to do so. being used and buy on E-bay a life size statue of St. Patrick Monday 6:45p.m. - 9:00 p.m in Barry Hall. In this matter, we can happily say that Pope Francis and that will be delivered to them in a couple of weeks. is on the same wave-length. During an address on No- As you see, we are working diligently to evangelize our com- Hombres de Emaus vember 9 to an association that organizes pilgrimages to munity and beyond. We ask you to continue to support our El Grupo de hombres de Emaus en español se reune los Lourdes by those who have poor health, he said that those parish and pledge to be good stewards of your resources. Martes de 7:30 pm- 9:30 pm en Barry Hall. who have poor health are a treasure to the Church, and that this treasure needs to be cherished and valued not Fr. Roberto M. Cid CONSEJO #13654 CABALLEROS DE COLON Ralph Gallo & Melissa Santiago only in the Church but in society at large. Los terceros Miércoles de cada mes a las 8:00PM, en el Jose Torres & Monica Hidalgo He further noted that in the social and cultural context PS. Archbishop Wenski has appointed Fr. Matthew Thunda- segundo piso del Barry Hall. November 09, 2013 of our day there is a tendency to hide physical frailty, to thil to be a full time judge at the Metropolitan Tribunal of the Divorced? Separated? Our DivorceCare consider it a problem, sometimes demanding a pietis- Archdiocese of Miami in residence at St. Martha Catholic group is meeting Wednesdays, 6:30-9:30 p.m. tic resignation or advocating the elimination of those Church effective December 2. We congratulate Fr. Matthew in the Library at Barry Hall. Grief Group - Have you recently experienced the persons. He encouraged them and all Christians to be a on this new important assignment and wish him well. We are death of a loved one or are you presently dealing prophetic sign against this mundane logic, the logic that very grateful for his faithful service to our parish and to the LifeTeen Thursdays 7:00 pm Patrician Room, Barry Hall regards human beings as disposable, by helping those patients at Mt. Sinai and will keep him in our prayers! with a loved one’s terminal illness? If you are, you who suffer to claim their place in society. We have to Grupo de Jovenes Adultos need not go through the grieving process alone. St. value, the Pope said, the presence and witness of people Corazones de Misericordia Patrick’s faith-based Grief Group will begin meet- Viernes a las 7:30 pm en Barry Hall. who are frail or who are suffering, not just to be on the ing again on Tuesday, December 17 at 7:30 p.m.
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