BIBLIOGRAPHY Dunhuang Tibetan manuscripts held at the British Library, London: IOL Tib J 306; IOL Tib J 321 (Thabs kyi zhags pa pad ma 'phreng ba); IOL Tib J 331; IOL Tib J 332; IOL Tib J 384; IOL Tib J 390; IOL Tib J 401; IOL Tib J 406; IOL Tib J 436; IOL Tib J 438; IOL Tib J 481; IOL Tib J 491; IOL Tib J 553; IOL Tib J 554; IOL Tib J 557; IOL Tib J 711; IOL Tib J 739; IOL Tib J 754 (There is a photocopy of Section 7 in Mayer and Cantwell 1994: 66-67). IDP: The International Dunhuang Project (http://idp.bl.uk/). Contains digital images of manyitems, and a catalogue (see Dalton and van Schaik 2005). Dunhuang Tibetan manuscripts held at the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris: Pelliot Tibétain (PT) 8, PT 42, PT 44, PT 307; PT 349. Old Tibetan Documents Online website http://www.aa.tufs.ac.jp/~hoshi/OTDO/index-e.html or http://star.aa.tufs.ac.jp/otdo/. Editions of the rNying ma'i rgyud 'bum [NGB] sDe dge [D]: The sDe dge edition of the rNying ma'i rgyud 'bum. Twenty-six volumes, Ka-Ra, plus dKar chag, Volume A. sDe dge par khang. The 'Phrin las phun sum tshogs pa'i rgyud is found in Volume Wa, the rDo rje phur bu chos thams cad mya ngan las 'das pa'i rgyud chen po [Myang 'das] is in Volume Zha, the Phur pa bcu gnyis kyi rgyud ces bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo [Phur pa bcu gnyis] is in Volume Pa, the Thabs kyi zhags pa padmo'i phreng [Thabs zhags] is also in Volume Pa, the rDo rje khros pa phur pa rtsa ba'i rgyud is in Volume Wa, and the Dur khrod khu byug rol pa'i rgyud is in VolumeNya. mTshams brag [M]: The Mtshams brag manuscript of the Rñiṅ ma rgyud 'bum (rgyud 'bum/ mtshams brag dgon pa). 1982. Thimphu: National Library, Royal Government of Bhutan. Forty-six volumes. (Microfiche available from The Institute for Advanced Studies of World Religions, LMpj 014,862 - 014, 907. An electronic version is now available from the Tibetan Buddhist Resource Centre (http://www.tbrc.org), under the title, rnying ma rgyud 'bum (mtshams brag dgon pa'i bris ma), W21521. It is also available online, at http://www.thdl.org/ xml/ngb/showNgb.php?doc=Tb.ed.xml). The 'Phrin las phun sum tshogs pa'i rgyud is found in Volume Chi, the Myang 'das is found in Volume Chi, the Phur pa bcu gnyis is in Volume Dza, the Thabs kyi zhags pa padma phreng is in VolumeWa, the rDo rje khros pa phur pa rtsa ba'i rgyud is in Volume Ji, and the Dur khrod khu byug rol pa'i rgyud is in Volume Ba. sGang steng [G]: The rNying ma'i rgyud 'bum manuscripts preserved by sGang steng monastery, Bhutan. Forty-six volumes. (Digital images were made under an AHRC funded project at Oxford University. The collection consulted is the sGang steng b manuscript; more recently, the other manuscript collection held at the monastery - sGang steng a - has also been photographed as part of a British Library Endangered Archives Research Project http://www.bl.uk/about/policies/endangeredarch/phuntsho.html). The 'Phrin las phun sum tshogs pa'i rgyud is found in Volume Chi, the Myang 'das is found in Volume Chi, the Phur pa bcu gnyis is in Volume Dza, the Thabs kyi zhags pa padma phreng is in Volume Wa, the rDo rje khros pa phur pa rtsa ba'i rgyud is in Volume Ji,and the Dur khrod khu byug rol pa'i rgyud is in Volume Ba. gTing skyes [T]: Rñiṅ ma rgyud 'bum Reproduced from the MS preserved at Gtiṅ-skyes Dgon-pa-byaṅ Monastery in Tibet, under the direction of Dingo Khyentse Rimpoche, Thimbu, 1973. (Microfiche of some volumes available from The Institute for Advanced Studies of World Religions, LMpj 011,825 - 012,584.) The 'Phrin las phun sum tshogs pa'i rgyud is found in Volume Sha, the Myang 'das is found in Volume Sa, the Phur pa bcu gnyis is in Volume Dza, the Thabs kyi zhags pa padma phreng also in Volume Dza, the rDo rje khros pa phur pa rtsa ba'i rgyud is in Volume Sha, and the Dur khrod khu byug rol pa'i rgyud is in Volume Da. Bibliography 213 Rig 'dzin Tshe dbang nor bu [R]1: The Rig 'dzin Tshe dbang nor bu edition of the rNying ma'i rgyud 'bum. Twenty-nine volumes are held at the British Library, under the classification, "RNYING MA'I RGYUD 'BUM MSS", with the pressmark, OR15217. Volume Ka is held at the Bodleian Library Oxford at the shelfmark, MS. Tib.a.24(R). (Microfilm is available from The British Library, and the Bodleian Library for Volume Ka). Title folios to Volume Ga and Volume A are held at the Victoria and Albert Museum, Accession no.s: IM 318-1920 and IM 317-1920. The 'Phrin las phun sum tshogs pa'i rgyud is found in Volume Sha, the Myang 'das is found in Volume Sa, the Phur pa bcu gnyis is in VolumeDza, the Thabs kyi zhags pa padma phreng also in Volume Dza, the rDo rje khros pa phur pa rtsa ba'i rgyud is in Volume Sha, and the Dur khrod khu byug rol pa'i rgyud is in Volume Da. Nubri [n]: Manuscript edition of the rNying ma'i rgyud 'bum from the Nubri area, held by The National Archives, Kathmandu. (Microfilm is available.) The Myang 'das is found in Volume Sha, the Phur pa bcu gnyis is in Volume Ma, the rDo rje khros pa phur pa rtsa ba'i rgyud is in Volume Sa, and the Dur khrod khu byug rol pa'i rgyud is in Volume Da. Kathmandu [K]: Manuscript edition of the rNying ma'i rgyud 'bum from the Nubri area, held by The National Archives, Kathmandu. (Microfilm is available.) Its version of the Myang 'das is unavailable (Volume Sha is missing), the Phur pa bcu gnyis is in Volume Ma, and the rDo rje khros pa phur pa rtsa ba'i rgyud is in Volume Sa (Reel no.: AT18/3). Other Major Tibetan Collections bDud 'joms bKa' ma: Rñin ma Bka' ma rgyas pa Bdud-'Joms 'Jigs-bral-ye-śes-rdo-rje. Published by Dupjung Lama, Kalimpong, 58 volumes 1982-1987. A CD version is available from the Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center, New York (The Expanded Version of the Nyingma Kama Collection Teachings Passed in an Unbroken Lineage, W19229, 0448-0505, 3 CD). The sTog Palace bKa' 'gyur, bka' 'gyur (stog pho brang) bris ma 1975-1980. 109 volumes. Leh, sManrtsis shesrig dpemzod. A CD version is available from the Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center, New York (W22083). The sDe dge bKa' 'gyur, the sde-dge mtshal-par bka'-'gyur: a facsimile edition of the 18th century redaction of si-tu chos-kyi-'byun- gnas prepared under the direction of h.h. the 16th rgyal-dban karma-pa, 1976-1979. 103 volumes. Delhi, Karmapae Chodhey, Gyalwae Sungrab Partun Khang. A CD version is available from the Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center, New York (W22084). The sDe dge bsTan 'gyur, Karmapa Edition 1982. Delhi, Karmapae Chodhey, Gyalwae Sungrab Partun Khang. Guhyasamāja commentaries taken from Volumes Ti, Pi, Ha. The Peking bKa' 'gyur and bsTan 'gyur, reprinted and catalogued in The Tibetan Tripitaka, Peking Edition, kept in the library of the Otani University, Kyoto, edited by D.T. Suzuki, 1955-1961. Vol. 1-45 Bkaḥ-ḥgyur. Vol. 46-150 Bstan- ḥgyur. Vol. 151 Dkar-chag. Vol. 152-164 Extra (Btsoṅ Kha Pa/Lcaṅ Skya). Vol. 165-168 Catalogue. Tokyo, Kyoto: Suzuki Research Foundation. The Golden bsTan 'gyur (gser gyi lag bris ma), produced between 1731-1741, currently held at Ganden Monastery; published in Tianjing 1988, digitally scanned for TBRC, New Delhi 2002. A CD version is available from the Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center, New York (W23702). 1 Note that we find corrections in red ink through much of the text of the Myang 'das in this edition. We have used the sigla Rc to refer to such corrected words in the Rig 'dzin edition. 214 Bibliography dPal chen kI la ya'i chos skor phyogs bsgrigs 2002. 41 volumes. Published by Si khron zhing chen mi rigs zhib 'jug su'o, Bod kyi shes rig zhib 'jug khang, Khreng tu'u. A CD version is available from the Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center, New York (W24051; Volumes 4575-4615). Dictionaries in Tibetan (see below for Dictionaries using transliteration) Bod rgya tshig mdzod chen mo 1985 (Tibetan-Tibetan and Chinese dictionary, Chengdu, Szechuan), Mi rigs dpe skrun khang. bTsan lha ngag dbang tshul khrims 1997 brDa dkrol gser gyi me long, Beijing, Mi rigs dpe skrun khang. Other Tibetan Sources2 Kong sprul: 'Jam mgon Kong sprul blo gros mtha' yas. dPal rdo rje phur pa rtsa ba'i rgyud kyi dum bu'i 'grel pa snying po bsdud pa dpal chen dgyes pa'i zhal lung, n.d, n.p. [TBRC Resource Code: W24173; www.tbrc.org gives publication details as Paro: Ngodup, 1975-1976 (in Kong sprul's rGya chen bka' mdzod in 20 volumes).] Klong chen pa dPal gsang ba'i snying po de kho na nyid nges pa'i rgyud kyi 'grel pa phyogs bcu'i mun pa thams cad rnam par sel ba in bDud 'joms bKa' ma VolumeLa. dKon mchog spyi 'dus cycle, of 'Ja' tshon snying po: Yang zab dkon mchog spyi 'dus dang zhi khro nges don snying po'i phyag len chog sgrigs bklag chog tu bkod pa bla ma dam pa'i zhal lung, n.d, Kathmandu: Lopen Tashi Tsering (HB) Lama.
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