Second order perturbation theory for spin-orbit resonances Angela E. Flynn and Prasenjit Saha Astronomy Unit, School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, UK [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT We implement Lie transform perturbation theory to second order for the planar spin-orbit problem. The perturbation parameter is the asphericity of the body, with the orbital eccentricity entering as an additional parameter. We study first and second order resonances for different values of these parameters. For nearly spherical bodies like Mercury and the Moon first order perturbation theory is adequate, whereas for highly aspherical bodies like Hyperion the spin is mostly chaotic and perturbation theory is of limited use. However, in between, we identify a parameter range where second order perturbation theory is useful and where as yet unidentified objects may be in second order resonances. Subject headings: methods: analytical — methods: numerical — planets and satellites: individual (Enceladus, Hyperion, Mercury, the Moon, Pandora) — solar system: general arXiv:astro-ph/0505559v1 27 May 2005 1. Introduction The discovery by Pettengill & Dyce (1965) of the 3 : 2 spin-orbit resonance of Mercury ignited interest in rotational-orbital dynamics. Mercury remained until recently the only solar-system body in an asynchronous spin-orbit resonance. Colombo (1965) proffered an explanation for Mercury’s unusual fate; this work was soon followed by the seminal papers of Goldreich & Peale (1966, 1968) and much later those of Celletti (1990a,b), all of whom undertook a detailed study of spin-orbit dynamics. Renewed attention was afforded to the subject with the article by Wisdom et al. (1984) on the nature of Hyperion’s rotation. These authors asserted that the irregularly shaped satellite tumbles chaotically as it revolves around Saturn. Unambiguously confirmed shortly –2– thereafter by ground-based observations (Klavetter 1989), Hyperion’s chaotic state is often invoked to illustrate a prime example of chaotic dynamics in action. Many other satellites have seen episodes of chaotic rotation in their past. Wisdom (1987) showed that any object that occupies the 1 : 1 state must have crossed a chaotic zone at some point in its history. If the zone is attitude-stable as is generally the case for uniformly shaped bodies, trapping is temporary and the body escapes to a regular spin state. Otherwise the fate is inevitably one of long-term non-principal axis rotation. In addition to the primary resonances, the phase space of a nonlinear dynamical system may contain secondary, or even more complicated resonances. Motivated by the tidal heating conundrum concerning Enceladus, Wisdom (2004) developed a theoretical foundation of secondary configurations. He proposed that capture into the 3 : 1 secondary resonance could provide a plausible mechanism for the resurfacing activity on Enceladus and its apparent role as a source of E-ring material. Further, as the name suggests, instances of spin-orbit coupling may have significant effects on the orbital motion of the bodies concerned. Blitzer (1979) was among those who – recognizing the mathematical parallels between mean motion and spin-orbit commensurabil- ities – proposed that a unified theory be developed to encompass both forms of interaction. Like their mean motion counterparts, spin-orbit resonances result in a stabilizing effect on the motion of objects bound in their domain. Moreover, examination of the whole resonant structure provides insight into the past evolution of the system. Additionally, the nature of the coupling can shed light on the future dynamics. Chauvineau & M´etris (1994) address this oft forgotten issue showing that in the case of an ellipsoidal satellite orbiting its parent planet at a distance of approximately 10 times the satellite’s mean radius, such resonances can lead to chaotic orbital motion. Though we possess a good understanding of capture into orbital resonances, the me- chanics behind capture into a spin-orbit resonance remains relatively unknown. Celletti et al. (1998) write that “no mathematical proofs are nowadays available on the effective mecha- nism of capture into a resonance, but it is widely accepted that one cannot explain the actual state of the satellites without invoking dissipative torques.” Thus while the inconclusiveness of current methods is freely acknowledged, most authors tend to favor those approaches adopted by both Darwin and Macdonald as described in Goldreich & Peale (1966). Indeed, no alternative mechanism had been proposed until recently, when the work of Correia & Laskar (2004) unraveled the outstanding question concerning Mercury’s capture into the 3 : 2 state. Correia & Laskar (2004) argue that for any eccentricity, the spin rate of a body is naturally driven towards some equilibrium value which depends on its current eccentricity. –3– Since the eccentricity varies due to orbital perturbations, the spin rate can be naturally pumped both up and down. Crossing a resonance has some probability of resulting in the capture of the object and preventing further evolution of the spin. An untrapped spin rate can cross a resonance repeatedly, thus increasing its probability of being trapped. However, a captured body can be released if the eccentricity falls low enough for that resonance to become unstable to tidal torque. The sort of complex interaction between orbit and spin seen in recent work make it interesting to study other resonances. In particular, Correia & Laskar (2004) point out that Mercury’s present equilibrium spin rate is close to the 5 : 4 resonance, even though the actual spin rate is trapped in the 3 : 2 state. But the 5 : 4 is a second order resonance and does not appear in a simple first order treatment of spin-orbit dynamics, even though it is easy to find in numerical integrations. Accordingly we are motivated in this paper to develop a perturbative treatment of the planar spin-orbit problem to second order. We use the now- standard technique of Lie transforms. Through Lie transform perturbation theory we can derive an integral of motion for both non-resonant and resonant orbits, and use this integral to generate composite surfaces of section. These we can easily compare with numerical surfaces of section. The algebraic details quickly become messy, especially at second order, and we will not show them in full in this paper1. Instead, we will illustrate the procedure in detail for a driven double pendulum, which is closely analogous to a spin-orbit system but much simpler. This paper is organized as follows: in Sect. 2 we present the Hamiltonian formulation of the spin-orbit problem. Also given is the Hamiltonian of the driven pendulum whose dynamics provide an analog with the spin-orbit coupling. Sect. 3 sees development of the perturbative approach through Lie transforms, including application to resonances of first and second order. In Sect. 4 we investigate how our perturbative model fares in relation to numerical integrations for selected solar system bodies. Sect. 5 comprises a brief summary of the paper. 2. Theory for Spin-Orbit Coupling 2.1. The Spin-Orbit Hamiltonian The spin-orbit problem is discussed in modern texts such as Murray & Dermott (1999) or Sussman & Wisdom (2001), so here we only cover the essentials briefly. In the planar 1Full details, including programs and computer-algebra scripts, are available from the authors on request. –4– problem, pictured in Fig. 1, the angle f is the true anomaly while ψ is the angle between the satellite-planet line and central axis of the satellite. It is clear that θ = f + ψ. Neglecting tidal torques, the resulting equation of motion for θ is (Goldreich & Peale 1966) 1 a θ¨ = α2 n2 sin (2 (θ f)) (1) −2 r3 − where a is the satellite’s semi-major axis, r measures the satellite’s radial distance to the planet, and n is the mean motion (i.e. angular orbital frequency). The asphericity parameter α is defined in terms of the moments of inertia A B C by ≤ ≤ 3(B A) α = − . (2) r C The equation of motion Eq. (1) is explicitly integrable in two cases: (i) when the satellite is oblate i.e. A = B, there is zero torque indicating a freely rotating body, or (ii) when the orbit is circular, which corresponds to a pendulum equation. It is easy to see that Eq. (1) is equivalent to the Hamiltonian p2 α2 H(p, q, t)= cos(2(q f)) (3) 2 − 4 r3 − where f = f(t), r = r(t), and q θ. Units have been chosen such that a = n = 1 and hence ≡ 2 π corresponds to an orbital period. The Hamiltonian can be rendered autonomous by the standard device of extending the phase space. The equivalent autonomous Hamiltonian is 2 2 p1 α H(p1, p2; q1, q2)= + p2 cos(2(q1 f)). (4) 2 − 4 r3 − Here q1 = θ,p1 = θ,˙ q2 = t (and also equals the mean anomaly in celestial mechanics), while p2 has a value such that H(p1, p2; q1, q2) = 0. The Hamiltonian (Eq. (4)) depends on q2 through r and f. For perturbation theory we wish to make the q2-dependence explicit. There are classical techniques for doing so, but here we introduce a new way which is well-suited to computer algebra. Consider the expansion 1 exp (2 f i)= Hk(e) exp (k q2 i), (5) r3 Xk which is a Fourier series in q2 with Fourier coefficients 1 2 π 1 Hk(e)= 3 exp ((2 f k q2) i) dq2. (6) 2 π Z0 r − –5– Let us recall the standard expressions for Keplerian motion in terms of the auxiliary variable E (called the eccentric anomaly in celestial mechanics): r = 1 e cos E, − q2 = E e sin E, (7) − f 1+ e E tan = tan .
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