— IOO Reproduced by IAEA XA9952643 - s i SMiRT 13 Post Conference Seminar 16 (Advanced Technology Seminar) SEISMIC EVALUA TION OF EXISTING NUCLEAR FACILITIES PROCEEDINGS OF THE SMiRT 13 POST CONFERENCE SEMINAR NO. 16 organized by the INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY and the NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF CORDOBA (ARGENTINA) Iguazu, Argentina August 21 - 23, 1995 NOTE The material in this document has been supplied by the authors and has not been edited by the IAEA. The views expressed remain the responsibility of the named authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the government(s) of the designated Member State(s). In particular, neither the IAEA nor any other organization or body sponsoring the meeting can be held responsible for any material reproduced in this document. / 30-46 DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products, Images are produced from the best available original document. Reproduced by IAEA Limited Distribution SMiRT 13 Post Conference Seminar 16 (Advanced Technology Seminar) SEISMIC EVALUA TION OF EXISTING NUCLEAR FA CILITIES PROCEEDINGS OF THE SMiRT 13 POST CONFERENCE SEMINAR NO. 16 organized by the INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY and the NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF CORDOBA (ARGENTINA) Iguazu, Argentina August 21 -23, 1995 NOTE The material in this document has been supplied by the authors and has not been edited by the IAEA. The views expressed remain the responsibility of the named authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the government(s) of the designated Member State(s). In particular, neither the IAEA nor any other organization or body sponsoring the meeting can be held responsible for any material reproduced in this document. SMiRT-13, POST CONFERENCE SEMINAR No. 16 on "Seismic Evaluation of Existing Nuclear Facilities " ORGANIZERS INSTITUTIONS: * INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY * NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF CORDOBA (Argentina) and the sponsorship of: * SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH COUNCIL of Cordoba Province (Argentina) ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Antonio R. GODOY and Aybars GURPINAR International Atomic Energy Agency Division of Nuclear Installation Safety Engineering Safety Section Carlos A. PRATO National University of Cordoba (Argentina) Heki SHIBATA Yokohama National University (Japan) Norbert KRUTZIK Siemens-KWU (Germany) John D. STEVENSON Stevenson and Associates (USA) LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Carlos A. PRATO Department of Structures National University of Cordoba Cordoba, Argentina Ricardo ROCCA National University of Cordoba Cordoba, Argentina Emilio REDOLFI National University of Cordoba Cordoba, Argentina Alejandro GIULIANO National Institute for Seismic Prevention (INPRES) San Juan, Argentina Luis M. ALVAREZ ENACE S.A. Buenos Aires, Argentina PREFACE At the International Atomic Energy Agency the past twenty years has seen the development of an internationally recognized set of nuclear power plant safety standards (NUSS) consisting of 5 codes and 55 safety guides providing basic requirements and recommendations on governmental organization, siting, design, operation, and quality assurance. Since the beginning of the process of standard development, the safety of nuclear power plants in relation to natural external events, mainly earthquakes, had a significant role and a number of the safety guides refer to this topic. Concurrent with the development of NUSS, the past six years has witnessed the increase in the safety review services as an element of Agency's national, regional and interregional technical assistance and co-operation programmes. These review services have the main purpose to assist Member States for the implementation of requirements and recommendations of the IAEA codes and safety guides as well as standards of international practice to ensure consistent and uniform assessment and enhancement of safety. Issues mainly related to the seismic safety of operating nuclear facilities resulted in the organization and performance of more than 120 engineering safety review services between 1989-1996. Thus, after 1991 an increasing activity was carried out regarding the evaluation and upgrading of the seismic safety of former Soviet design nuclear power plants. The vulnerability of WWER type reactors to earthquakes received special attention and consequently a large number of services were provided by the Agency in coordination with other international and national organizations (regulatory bodies, utilities/operators and engineering and consultants firms). Some of the common problems encountered during these revisions led to the initiation of the Coordinated Research Program on "Benchmark study for the seismic analysis and testing of WWER type NPPs" in 1993, with 25 participating institutions from 15 countries. The need to provide transfer of information and experience in the evaluation of seismic safety was recognized by the Member States in a Technical Committee Meeting held in Tokyo, Japan, in August 1991, following the SMiRT-11 International Conference. In that meeting it was emphasized that effective exchange of information is essential for further development of international co-operation in this field. It should also be mentioned that in the programme of SMiRT-11 a special session on IAEA activities was included as part of the national and international research and standard programmes associated with SMiRT. To respond to the request of Member States and to reflect the work done and the experience gained, the Agency organized this post conference seminar on the subject as part of the activities of SMiRT. This is the second time that experts involved in seismic re-evaluation and upgrading of operating nuclear facilities convened to discuss the issues of mutual interest and the experience that they had, first in Vienna in 1993 at the time of SMiRT-12 and then in Iguazu in 1995. We are happy to have had the opportunity to contribute to this effort. Antonio GODOY and Aybars GURPINAR SMiRT-13, POST CONFERENCE SEMINAR No. 16 on "Seismic Evaluation of Existing Nuclear Facilities " CONTENTS OBJECTIVES OF THE SEMINAR 1 SUMMARY 2 KEYNOTE PAPER: "An International Nuclear Safety Regime" 3 Mr. Morris ROSEN Assistant Director General International Atomic Energy Agency SESSION I: "EARTHQUAKE EXPERIENCE AND SEISMIC RE-EVALUATION" (1.1) "Seismic re-evaluation of nuclear facilities worldwide: overview and status" 13 Messrs. J. J. JOHNSON, R. D. CAMPBELL, G. S. HARDY, M. K. RAVINDRA and A. J. HOY (EQE International, USA) (1.2) "On Southern Hyogo Prefecture Earthquake and some related activities in Japan" .. 37 Mr. H. SHIBATA (Yokohama University, Japan) (1.3) "Latur earthquake and its impact on the aseismic design of structures in India" .... 55 Mr. P.C. BASU (Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, India) SESSION II: "COUNTRY EXPERIENCE IN SEISMIC RE-EVALUATION PROGRAMME" (II. 1) "U.S. experience in seismic re-evaluation and verification programs" 77 Mr. J. D. STEVENSON (Stevenson and Associates, USA) (II.2) "A regulatory view of the seismic re-evaluation of existing nuclear power plants in the United Kingdom" 95 Messrs. J. E. INKESTER and P. M. BRADFORD (HSE, HM Nuclear Installations Inspectorate,U.K.) (11.3) "Seismic re-evaluation of French Nuclear Power Plants" 105 Mr. R. ANDRIEU (EdF, France) (11.4) "Nuclear Power Plants - Seismic Review Programme in Spain" Ill Messrs. J. G. SANCHEZ CABANERO and A. JIMENEZ JUAN (Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear, Spain) SESSION III: "GENERIC WWER STUDIES" (III. 1) "Seismic safety of nuclear power plants in Eastern Europe" 129 Messrs. A. GURPINAR and A. GODOY (Division of Nuclear Installation Safety, IAEA) (111.2) "Comparison of ex-USSR norms and current international practice in design of seismicaily resistant nuclear power plants" 155 Mr. M. DAVID (Consulting, Engineering, Czech Republic) and Mr. B. HAUPTENBUCHNER (Technical University Dresden, Germany) (111.3) "Seismic PRA, Approach and Results" 167 Mr. R. D. CAMPBELL (EQE-International, USA) SESSION IV: "ANALYTICAL METHODS FOR SEISMIC CAPACITY RE- EVALUATION" (IV. 1) "Seismic Design of Nuclear Power Plants: Where are we now?" 189 Mr. J. M. ROESSET (The University of Texas at Austin, USA) (IV.2) "Dynamic analysis of WWER type NPPs using different procedures for consideration of soil-structure interaction affects" 207 Messrs. L. HALBRITTER and N. J. KRUTZIK (Siemens-KWU, Germany) (IV.3) "Dynamic analysis of WWER-1000 Nuclear Power Plants" 225 Messrs. A. ASFURA and M. J. JORDANOV (EQE-International, USA) (IV.4) "In-structure spectra generation for Kozloduy NPP, Bulgaria" 243 Mr. M. KOSTOV (CLSMEE, Bulgaria) (IV.5) "Applications of seismic damage hazard analysis for the qualification of existing nuclear and offshore facilities" 251 Messrs. P. BAZZURRO, G.M. MANFREDINI and I. DIAZ MOLINA (D'Appolonia S.p.a., Italy and Argentina) 11 SESSION V: "EXPERIMENTAL METHODS FOR SEISMIC CAPACITY RE- EVALUATION" (V.I) "Full scale dynamic structural testing of Paks NPP" 281 Messrs. E. M. DA RIN and F. P. MUZZI (ISMES Spa, Italy) (V.2) "Full scale dynamic tests of Atucha II NPP" 289 Messrs. T. KONNO and S. UCHIYAMA (KAJIMA, Japan), L. M. ALVAREZ (ENACE SA, Argentina), A. R. GODOY (IAEA), M.A. CEBALLOS and C. A. PRATO (University of Cordoba, Argentina) (V.3) "Experimental and numerical determination of the dynamic properties of the Reactor Building of Atucha II NPP" 311 Messrs. M. A. CEBALLOS, E. J. CAR, T.A. PRATO, C. A. PRATO (University of Cordoba, Argentina), L. M. ALVAREZ (ENACE SA, Argentina), and A.R. GODOY (IAEA) (V.4) "Shaking table testing of mechanical components" 329 Messrs.
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