Permit Number (as Operator Name Installation Name 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 shown in the Registry) GB-DTI0200 Centrica Storage Ltd Rough 47/3B 66144 64995 63833 62658 61471 60272 59059 57841 GB-DTI0300 EnQuest Heather Limited Kittiwake Alpha 61921 60846 59758 58658 57547 56425 55288 54148 GB-DTI0400 Apache North Sea Limited Forties Alpha 69336 68131 66913 65682 64437 63181 61909 60632 GB-DTI0600 Apache North Sea Limited Forties Charlie 47229 46409 45579 44740 43892 43037 42170 41300 GB-DTI0700 Apache North Sea Limited Forties Delta 66347 65195 64029 62851 61660 60458 59240 58019 GB-DTI9250 Premier Oil UK Limited Balmoral 34174 33580 32980 32379 31760 31140 30513 29884 CNR International (UK) GB-DTI9300 Limited Tiffany 104432 102618 100783 98929 97055 95162 93246 91323 GB-DTI1000 Britannia Operator Limited Britannia 286653 281674 276637 271547 266402 261207 255947 250670 Morecambe Central Processing GB-DTI1200 Hydrocarbon Resources Ltd Complex 168235 165313 162356 159369 156350 153301 150214 147116 Dana Petroleum (E&P) GB-DTI1300 Limited Triton FPSO 38711 38039 37359 36671 35977 35275 34565 33852 Eni Liverpool Bay Operating GB-DTI1400 Company Douglas 55085 54128 53160 52182 51193 50195 49184 48170 Eni Liverpool Bay Operating Oil Storage GB-DTI1500 Company Installation (OSI) 3024 2971 2918 2864 2810 2755 2700 2644 GB-DTI1600 Apache Beryl I Limited Beryl Alpha 197253 193827 190360 186858 183317 179743 176124 172492 GB-DTI1700 Apache Beryl I Limited Beryl Bravo 185158 181942 178688 175400 172077 168721 165324 161915 GB-DTI1011 Perenco UK Limited Thames Alpha 23338 22933 0 0 0 0 0 0 GB-DTI1900 Perenco UK Limited Indefatigable 23A 133282 130967 128624 126258 123866 121450 119005 116551 GB-DTI2000 Perenco UK Limited Leman 27A 136416 134047 131649 129227 126779 124307 121804 119292 GB-DTI2100 Chevron North Sea Limited Captain FPSO 44636 43860 43076 42283 41482 40673 39854 39033 GB-DTI2200 Chevron North Sea Limited Alba Northern 68015 66834 65638 64431 63210 61977 60729 59477 GB-DTI2300 Chevron North Sea Limited Alba FSU 2436 2394 2351 2308 2264 2220 2176 2131 ConocoPhillips (U.K.) GB-DTI2400 Limited LOGGS 180685 177547 174372 171163 167921 164646 161331 158004 ConocoPhillips (U.K.) GB-DTI2500 Limited Murdoch 133587 131267 128919 126547 124150 121729 119278 116818 GB-DTI2600 Eni Hewett Limited Hewett 48/29A 29445 28933 28416 27893 27364 26831 26291 25748 Talisman Sinopec Energy GB-DTI2700 UK Limited Montrose Alpha 110463 54272 0 0 0 0 0 0 North Sea Producer ConocoPhillips (U.K.) FPSO GB-DTI2800 Limited (MacCulloch) 51446 25276 49648 48735 47811 46879 45935 44988 ConocoPhillips Petroleum GB-DTI2900 Company Ltd Judy 165959 163077 160160 157213 154235 151227 148182 145126 ConocoPhillips (U.K.) GB-DTI3000 Limited Viking 138982 136568 134126 131658 129164 126645 124095 121536 GB-DTI3200 Total E&P UK Limited Alwyn North 159714 156940 154134 151298 148431 145537 142606 139666 GB-DTI3300 Total E&P UK Limited Elgin PUQ 99289 390256 383276 376224 369096 361899 354612 347299 GB-DTI4800 Maersk Oil UK Limited Gryphon Alpha 0 74320 72991 71648 70291 68920 67532 66140 GB-DTI4900 Maersk Oil UK Limited Janice Alpha 44038 43273 42499 41717 40927 40129 39321 38510 Nexen Petroleum U.K. GB-DTI5100 Limited Scott 68436 67248 66045 64830 63602 62361 61106 59846 GB-DTI5200 MARATHON OIL U.K. LLC Brae Alpha 175333 172287 86715 85119 83507 81878 80229 78575 GB-DTI5300 MARATHON OIL U.K. LLC Brae Bravo 138883 136471 134030 131564 129072 126555 124006 121449 GB-DTI5400 MARATHON OIL U.K. LLC East Brae 241288 237097 116429 114287 112121 109935 107721 105050 Talisman Sinopec Energy GB-DTI5600 UK Limited Piper Bravo 127893 125672 123424 121153 118858 116540 114193 111839 Talisman Sinopec Energy GB-DTI5700 UK Limited Claymore Alpha 152144 74751 73414 72064 70698 69320 67924 66523 Talisman Sinopec Energy GB-DTI5800 UK Limited Tartan Alpha 56387 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Talisman Sinopec Energy GB-DTI5900 UK Limited Buchan Alpha 41568 20423 20058 19689 19316 18939 18558 18175 Talisman Sinopec Energy GB-DTI6000 UK Limited Clyde Alpha 69435 68229 67009 65776 64529 63271 61997 60719 Talisman Sinopec Energy GB-DTI6100 UK Limited Bleo Holm 124321 122162 76587 75178 73754 72315 70859 69398 GB-DTI6200 Ithaca Energy UK Limited Beatrice Alpha 11949 11742 5766 5660 5553 5444 5335 5225 BG International (CNS) GB-DTI6400 Limited Armada 140521 138080 135611 133115 130593 128047 125469 122881 CNR International (UK) GB-DTI6500 Limited Murchison 115976 113962 21687 21288 20885 20477 20065 19652 CNR International (UK) GB-DTI6600 Limited Ninian Central 57652 56650 55637 54614 53579 52534 51476 50415 CNR International (UK) GB-DTI6700 Limited Ninian Northern 25977 51052 25070 24608 24142 23671 23195 22716 CNR International (UK) GB-DTI6800 Limited Ninian Southern 36339 35707 35069 34424 33771 33113 32446 31777 GB-DTI9600 Shell U.K. Limited Curlew 42131 25692 71512 70196 68866 67523 66164 64799 CNR International (UK) GB-DTI7000 Limited Petrojarl Banff 52422 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GB-DTI7900 Shell U.K. Limited Shearwater 200416 196935 193413 189855 186258 182626 178948 175258 GB-DTI8500 Shell U.K. Limited Nelson 65382 128492 126194 123872 121526 119156 116757 114349 Pierce (Hawene GB-DTI8600 Shell U.K. Limited Brim) 129441 66910 6508 6388 6267 6145 6021 5897 GB-DTI8800 EnQuest Heather Limited Heather Alpha 65950 64805 63646 62475 61291 60096 58886 57672 GB-DTI8900 EnQuest Heather Limited Thistle Alpha 54100 53161 52210 51249 50278 49298 48305 47309 Cpt Wellhead Protector Platform GB-DTI9100 Chevron North Sea Limited (WPP & BLP) 43990 43226 42453 41672 40882 40085 39278 38468 Cofely Industrial Energy Grimsby Power UK-E-IN-12767 Services Limited Station 101627 99859 98091 96323 94554 92786 91018 89249 Eni Liverpool Bay Operating Point of Ayr UK-W-IN-13016 Company Terminal 22933 22534 22135 21736 21337 20938 20539 20140 Thrislington Works UK-E-IN-11376 Steetley Dolomite Ltd Lime Kiln Plant 194901 191515 188090 184630 181132 177599 174023 170435 Pont-y-Felin UK-W-IN-11378 Knauf Insulation Ltd Insulation 31404 30859 30307 29749 29185 28616 28040 27462 Ravenhead UK-E-IN-11379 Knauf Insulation Ltd Insulation Works 21956 21575 21189 20799 20405 20007 19604 19200 Tate and Lyle UK-E-IN-12036 T & L Sugars Limited Sugars 121037 118934 116807 114658 112486 110292 108071 105843 Honda of the UK Car Body Paint & UK-E-IN-11395 Manufacturing Ltd Die Casting 22899 20493 18152 15882 13682 11553 9493 7510 Combined Heat UK-E-IN-11399 Cleveland Potash Limited and Power Plant 27167 26695 26218 25735 25248 24755 24257 23757 ExxonMobil Chemical UK-E-IN-11401 Limited Fawley 238589 234445 230252 226016 221734 217410 213032 208639 Esso Petroleum Company Esso Petroleum UK-E-IN-11402 Limited Company Ltd 2E+06 2E+06 2E+06 2E+06 2E+06 2E+06 2E+06 2E+06 Slough Heat and Power Slough Heat and UK-E-IN-11404 Limited Power Limited 19290 17264 15294 13386 11538 9751 8021 6353 UK-E-IN-11406 Cemex UK Cement Limited Rugby Works 866237 851191 835969 820587 805040 789342 773448 757499 Roquette UK UK-E-IN-11408 Roquette UK Limited Limited - CHP Plant 43050 42302 41546 40781 40009 39228 38439 37646 South Ferriby UK-E-IN-11410 Cemex UK Cement Limited Works 480862 472510 464060 455521 446891 438176 429353 420500 UK-W-IN-13017 Valero Energy Ltd Valero Energy Ltd 2E+06 2E+06 2E+06 2E+06 2E+06 2E+06 2E+06 2E+06 ConocoPhillips Petroleum ConocoPhillips, UK-E-IN-11415 Company Ltd Seal Sands 339162 333271 327310 321288 315201 309054 302831 296587 UK-E-IN-11416 Innovia Films Ltd Wigton Boiler Plant 52201 46716 41378 36203 31188 26334 21639 17119 Bishop Auckland UK-E-IN-11419 National Grid Gas Plc Compressor Station 8377 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cambridge UK-E-IN-11422 National Grid Gas Plc Compressor Station 495 443 393 344 296 250 206 163 Diss Compressor UK-E-IN-11423 National Grid Gas Plc Station 0 2812 2491 2180 1877 1585 1303 1031 Hatton Compressor UK-E-IN-11424 National Grid Gas Plc Station 12049 21566 19102 16713 14398 12157 9989 7903 Huntingdon UK-E-IN-11425 National Grid Gas Plc Compressor Station 6581 23559 20867 18258 15729 13281 10913 8633 Churchover UK-E-IN-11426 National Grid Gas Plc Compressor Station 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Carnforth UK-E-IN-11427 National Grid Gas Plc Compressor Station 13854 24797 21964 19217 16554 13978 11486 9086 Kings Lynn UK-E-IN-11428 National Grid Gas Plc Compressor Station 0 7611 6742 5899 5082 4291 3527 2789 Alrewas UK-E-IN-11429 National Grid Gas Plc Compressor Station 1504 1346 1193 1043 899 759 624 493 Aylesbury UK-E-IN-11430 National Grid Gas Plc Compressor Station 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chelmsford UK-E-IN-11431 National Grid Gas Plc Compressor Station 263 940 832 728 628 530 436 345 SPECIALTY MINERALS UK-E-IN-11433 MINTEQ UK LTD LIFFORD 25138 24702 24260 23813 23362 22907 22445 21983 Wooler UK-E-IN-11436 National Grid Gas Plc Compressor Station 4566 4087 3620 3167 2728 2304 1893 1498 Wormington UK-E-IN-11437 National Grid Gas Plc Compressor Station 2963 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wisbech UK-E-IN-11438 National Grid Gas Plc Compressor Station 414 371 329 288 248 209 172 137 Warrington UK-E-IN-11445 National Grid Gas Plc Compressor Station 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peterborough UK-E-IN-11446 National Grid Gas Plc Compressor Station 53289 47690 42241 36958 31838 26883 22089 17475 UK-E-IN-11456 Mill Nurseries Ltd. Mill CHP 11094 9929 8796 7699 6636 5608 4614 3655 UK-E-IN-11459 GlaxoSmithKline R & D Ltd Harlow Site 4931 4413 3909 3420 2946 2488 2045 1618 UK-E-IN-11460 GlaxoSmithKline R & D Ltd Stevenage Site 8762 7842 6946 6078 5235 4421 3633 2874 GlaxoSmithKline UK-E-IN-11461 GlaxoSmithKline R & D Ltd Ware 6259 5602 4962 4342 3740 3158 2595 2053 Kemira GrowHow UK-E-IN-12027 GrowHow UK Limited UK Ltd.
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