'8'tide al t~ 1Jtauth )P/~ "PHOTO IE_S" Our lovely bride of the month for this issue Ls EllzIlboth Anll '1IIt'k,. only <111111(101 "t' "r Ur and Mrs Retired Printed and published every fourth Saturday by J.S.Clarke. NP. who was recently married to Torry Jalll('tl MJ scno r sk t , t.wJn son or MI' '''"' Mr •• A.Mischef• ski. Auckland. a t St. Andrew' s Presbyterian Church , NP. (NOIlMAN SQUU1E). Right: Mr K.M.Stobie, L 0 G A N PUB L ISH I N G co, 1. T D head Joiner of the NP Sash and Door Company for A.N.Z. Bank Buildings, the past 45 years has now Corner Currie and Devon'Streets,' retired after all this NEW PLYMOUTH. time with the company. Telephone 6101. P.O.Box 427. Mr Stobie, who started ~ wi th the firm in 1924, re• Editor: REG EVE S members the first timber lorries with their solid Telephone 88712. rubber tyres. Registered for transmission by post as a newspaper. Prepaid subscription by post, f3.BO¢ per annwa. Married Below: WARD-OSMAN. At the Trinity Methodist Gracing our front cover this month is Miss Tara• Church, !)punake, Joyce naki, 1969, Lorraine Tarr, Waitara. We wish her Osman to Peter Ward. The well in her quest for tne Miss New Zealand title. group is from left, Terence Ward, brother of BACK COVER the groom, Peter Ward, Mrs Ward, Patricia Murphy, !2.£: The El tham Highland Pipe Band was recently Roy Osman, brother of the photographed on the occasion of its golden jubilee bride, and Barbara Walker. at Taumata Park, Eltham, where they were the guest band to all the pipe bands of Taranaki. Bottom: By the time that this edition is pub• li~ this gap in the fill on the south side of Mikotahi will be complete. This is the area which will house the coal-fired power station. Next Issue 17 May 1969 Taranaki Archives @ www.newplymouth.info FASHION FEATURES New Look For Winter Accessory House, Devon street, NP, introduoes to all fashion-conscious females the new look for winter '69. Robyn Soffe'and Alison Trask are our lovely young modele this month. Below: Alison, looking cool and comfortable,-shOWe off the leather look in suits worn with match• ing jumper. Right: Robyn tllkes on the Vic• torian look which is eo popular, today. Under• neath this brilliant apple ~ed coat is a mass of white frills to set off the coat's deep neckline. Far right: Alison again, this time more demure in a Prue Acton original. Made of black crepe, this ~vening show-piece is com• pleted witt diamante trimmings around the bust• li.e and sleeves. Robyn is modelling the latest look in slacks. In a soft paisley pattern, slightly flared from the knee these slacks team up with any form of top depending on our ever-changing weather conditions. The very feminine blouse Robyn has chosen to complete this outfit is also available from Accessory House. Even though Alison is quite still for this Anyone wouid look as happy as'Robyn in 'this picture, when she moves the little pleats at Ii ttle wi:;,ter auf, t because it is dressy enough the hem of this mustard woollen outfit swing for that special occasion yet designed with with her. The belt and circular buckle placed ~ any winter outing in mind. The double-breasteg_ on the hip aid a slimming line. ,The neckline ' jacket and wid~ waisted belt make it just that is high, offset by a ringed zip which undoes little bit mo~ ,original than any other suit down to the belt for quick changing. around town. This is another o~ Prue Acton's creations. TELFORD-VICARS. At st. Mary's Church, New Plymouth, M~ Lesley, third daughter of Mr and Mrs F.L.Vicars, Oakura, to Hugh John, youngest son of Mr and Mrs P.Telford, Oakura. The bridesmaids were Shona Vicars, sister of' the bride, and Paddy Green, both Oakura. The best man was Doug Pease, and the groomsman was Graham Gilford, both Oakura. Future home, Oakura. Below, left: AUTRIDGE-MARSH. At the Whiteley Methodist Church, New Plymouth, Cerryn Ruth, only daughter of Mr and Mrs E.Marsn. Motunui, to Wayne DenniS, only son of Mr and Mrs S.J.Autridge, New Plymouth. The bridesmaids were Beth Whitehead, Tikorangi. and Glenys and Karen Autridge, sisters of the groom, New -Plymouth. The best man was Mervyn.Mar~h, brother of the bride, Motunui, and the groomsmen were Craig Morris and" George Roper, both New Plymouth. The flower-girl was Rhonda Crow, Wai tara, and the page boy was Wilson Hawes, Wai tara. Future home, Waitara. Below, right: JUDSON-JONES. At st.John's Church, Waitara, Lynette Ann, eldest daughter of Mr'and Mrs S.H.Jones, Waitara, to Barry William, eldest son or Mr and Mrs H.Judson, Waitara. The brides• maids were Mary-Potier and Sandra Jones, sister of the bride, both Waitara. The best man was Wayne Orchard, Tikorangi, and the groomsman was Arthur Davidson, New Plymouth. The flower-girl was Debby Jones, sLs t e r- of the bride, Waitara. Future home, Waitara. RETIRED TO WORI( Above: District Commissioner of apprentices with th;--L;bour Department, Roy Hawke has recently retired after 29 years' service in New Plymouth. He is well known in bowling circles, and by the look of things he'll be equally well'known in gardening c Lr-c.Le s in the near future. He is shown here in his garden with wife Alison. ll§I BIRTHDAY Above, right: On the occasion of his 21st birth• day, Kevin Iden, eldest son of Mr and Mrs L.Beisick, Inglewood, pauses with his parents, brothers and sisters to smile for the photographer. ~ Right: EMENY-WOODS. Joy Frances, younger daughter of Mr and Mrs M:J.A.Weods, Normanby, to John Randel, eldest son of Mr and Mrs C.S.Emeny, Stratford. j Above, left: JAMES-HORGAN. Julie Ann, eldest dauc;hter of Mrs C.R.Butturini, Opunake, and the late Mr L.R.Horean, to Michael Denis, second son of Mr and Mrs I.L.James, Opunake. (VOGUE). /~HAMPIONS Left: GARG~~-CHISNALL. Julie Annette, the eldest daughter of Mrs E.P.Chisnall, Stratford, and the ~: For the first time, a team from the NP Women's Bowling Club won the Manawatu open fours late M~ N.V.Chisnall, to Neil Timothy, only son of tournament recently. This is one of the premier tournaments in the North Island and is considered a Mr and Mrs H.R.Garean, Kaponga. (VOGUE). high honour to win. Team members were, from left, Phil Vosper (skip), Grace Burg<lss (J), Phil Do.vis Below, left: JOHNSTON--McCARTHY. Phylli~ Dorothy, (2), and Zena Sole (lead). - second daughter of Mr and Mrs C.J.McCarthy, NP, to• ~: The National Moffatt Cup yachting contest for Idle Along craft has been won for the "econd David, second son of Mr J.C.Johnston, Auckland, year in succession by the NP Yachting Club. Seen after receiving their trophies from Mrs Lois Holdt and the late-Mrs D.W.Johnston. (VOGUE.). wife of the club commodore are, from left, Alan Holdt (third man), Colin Harvey (skipper), and Chri~ Above: WILLIAMS-SAMPSON. Uiane Patricia, younger Jac;usch (crewman). ' dauc;hter of Mr and _Mrs J.H.Sampson, NP, to George Leonard John, only son of Mr and. Mrs G.L.Williams, :-iP. (VOGUE). Below: GREEN-GILMOR. Irene Lois, eldest dauc;hter of Mr and Mrs E.M.Gilmor, NP, to Paul Martint eldest son of' Mr and Mrs L.G.Green, Rotorua. (VOGUE) Taranaki Archives @ www.newplymouth.info GOLFING STYLES The 54 hole Taranaki tou~ament at the 'NP Golf Club saw many styles of golf' and golfers' fashions Above, left: Marie Wrigley, and we went along with our camera to watch Hawera, was very accurate with her the style of the various players. Above: Helen chips and found the oourse to her S~kes, NP, after getting into tree troU1ble, got liking. Above, centre: Myra Arthur, out to within chipping distance ,and shows, left, Stratford, played a 40-foot putt to picking the right club,~, taking a praCtiSe withL. inches of the hole, a stroke shot and right, putting the ball into motion . we would have been pleased with, almost copybook golf. Right: Colleen Parker, NP, but Myra doesn't }ook too happy. Above, right: Shirley McCready, Stratford, keeps her eyes on the sits and tots up her score card and doesn't seem ball as per the instruction book. Below, from left: Mary HarriS, stratford, putts holewards and particularly happy with the total. ~~~ stalks the ball, but she missed it just the same. Glad. Ennis, Westown, a pictllr'e of concentra1;ion left: Betty McFarlane, Stratford, watches her ball and mesmerism as she wills the ball into the cup. Thora Appleyard, Hawera, popped this one in quite travel towards the hole. Betty Purser, NP, .aunk easily. Betty Richardson, NP, missed this very short one and we bet she blamed the photographer. this one and we note here that the golden rule of keeping the head down has been properly enforced. Barbara Middleton, NP, sends a screamer down the fairway. Hanna Trass, Waitara, was a mass €oncentration bU,t waan' t playing her usual grade golf. " t " Taranaki Archives @ www.newplymouth.info ==-7"".L--=l:..;e",f,-t,.: Pat NP, was one played consistently good golf. Above, centre: Brash, NP, watches a beautiful sliced shot off GOI NG, GOI NG first tee. Above, right: Greenside spectators, • • • Judy Taylor and.Norma Craig, watch on the eighth By the time this is~ue is in print, there will be very little green; Right: Dawn Kurta, NP, surveys the situa• remaining of the old Post Office except perhaps a pile of rubble.
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