Volume 48 Number 2 PROCEEDINGS The Helfflinthological Society of Washington ,'-r*.i- :;.-V' '..--vV -' 7 3 --,/•;,•¥'- -'•••^~''r.h. ^ semiannual journal /of research devofed to He/minfhibleigy cind a// branches ,of Paras/fo/ogy ••".,-,• -•-': ••'•'.'•' V -.?>••; ',..'• •' :"-'-*$i . ,••• '..'.„ '".-•„•//• " r ' ' • l\" "A V SilipjDOrted in part by the ' ';v.^'Xy ? : Dayton H. Ransom MernoridlJrost Fund i/7 ; •..-•''.'• "'t'" ' • ''?:-'. ~^' ' '/...;'- . '.'' " '~ , '-•_•_. - ''•' '}( Vs jSubscription $18.00 a Volume; Foreign, $19.00 -; Y.= V:'^''VI-'. .; > ''_'•.. ":':': ->r^ ' >..- • -'". --; "'!"-' •''•/' ' CONTENTS . :. '^.^ -•v~;'-. '•" 'BAKER, "JMicpAELvR. Rede^cription of,}Pneutnonema tiliquae Jphnstori, (<1916_ (Nematodaiijihab'diasidae) from an Australian Snk _,r ___ ".iL.:vi-^-— L.— ^. _v. .1 '159 CAMISHIQN, GpAiNE lyi., WjLLiyvM J. BACHA, JR., AI^D \Y &TEMPEN, :The /Circunioval Precipitate^ and Cercarierihulien Reaktion" ; _of Auytrpbil- ; - harzia variglandis ... ^-.-^..:._-___ _ — —^-1—-.—-—^— —It^— -—-,-—!-— 1—,: ___202 ^ATALANOX PAUL A- AND FRANK J. EroESi Piagiopqrus gyrinophili sp, -n. , i (Tfematoda: Opecoelidae) xfrom Gyrinophilus porphyriticus duryi Tand Pseuddlritonruber(Cavtdata; Pletjhlodontidae) .^— - _____ *--..—/ —-L-—..—i._.--- 198 ;i)EARpOREF, ^THOMAS L. (AND ROBIN ;M. OvERSTREET. Larval Hysterothyl- ,-'- acium '(^Thynnascaris) ...(Nematoda: Ani?akidae)v frorh "Fishes and Jnyerte- ^the'>Gulf of^Mexico ..'..fL-.', ___ ju-.l.'.tu ___ ^'--*.T.^.--— ..— --1- ____ I.l---i._l-- v CHRISTIAN, LLEN D. JOHNSON, AND EDMOUR BLOUIN. Nedscuk pyri- ,- fe>rm/5 ^Chandler, 1951 (Trematoda:iDipl6stomatidae);;Redescription I'and/'Jiici- "dence in Fishes from Brule Creek, South Dakota — :„ _. vj- ____ L. .—'^ — !• ____ -v-l~ ,177 FERRIS, V. R., J. M. FERRIS, AN!D C-:G. GOSECO. Phylpgenetic arid Biogeograph- • •* 'ic /.Hypotheses Ain Leptonchidae (Nejnatoda: ipprylaimida) and a ^New Glassi- /:" ;;fieation -^...,..... IL_- ____T ___ —_„..-%_.__ iL- ___ ....V...- ___ ; ___________ ^-.^.v.I:_.k-. ___: . E$SER,. RV-P. 'Verutus yolvingentis n. gen., ^i. ;sp/ (Heteroderidae: Tylenehida) /:'' in Venltinae n. subfV, a Phytoparasitic Nematode Infesting Buttonweed in 220^ i ,; -' ••• , ' • _ ',-- , •.. •• , - ^. ; •' ".- 1 . - / HOBERG, ERIC P.. P&eudpgymnophallus alcaegen.,n. et sp. n. (Trematoda: ••.( . •"•• ' . vpy rnnophallidae) from Alcids (Charadriifpfrhes) jn Subarctic Seas _1___. _-V-- J_j_ "190 '\VV-Sx->r-i "•-•.- ./- /r \ on Back Cover) , ^ X.C ~:- '• ''. Ci Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington '; r: : THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL^OCIETY OF WASHINGTPNV /> , ! ''I ,:THE SOCIETY meets once a month from October through May for the presentation and discussion of papers in any and all branches of parasitolpgy or related sciences. All interested persons are invited to attend. '<r '' '•"•-:-'/'"!' •',.'..;-.,' •":, ,_'•; Persons interested in membership in the Helminthological Society of Washington may obtain ap- plication blanks from the Recording Secretary, Miiford N.-Liinde, Laboratory of Parasitic Diseases, ~NIH'NlAn>, Bldg. #5, Bethesda, Maryland 20014. A year's subscription to the Proceedings is in- cluded in the annual dues ($12.00). '.', /• -rf •.»•-, ','/'"•>'.•• . ' . v , .\ . L I./..-. OFFICERS^ THE SOCIETY FOR 198U ;/-_ • (.' President: \NANCY D. PACHECO / '^ ' > ; ;f';j -; '>:> Vic? President: LOUIS S.> DIAMOND^ : ;_ .<.,'../ ;;J, . O;'/. \i ,/ ^f 'ICotrelpondingSecretary^Treasurers SHERMAN S. HENDRIX ;^ ,/vj.;'•.-;':-;Y! .:,,.' Assistant Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer. RAYMOND V. REEQlS / . ; < Recording Secretary: MILFORD N. LUNDE i-'j ~ C v ^' V' v V ?l \ .DAVID R. LINCICOME ' ;, U \; Custodian of Back Issues: EDGAR A. STECK „ ~ > , : Y; -" r-i '. • ^' librarian: PATRICIA A. PILITT y vH " / v^ Representative to the Washington Academy 6f Sciences: 'ROBERT S. ISENSTEIN (1976- .)V Representative f,o the American,Society of Parasitologists: HARl^Y HERLICH (1975->/ }). ^Executive Committee Merhbers-at-£arge: FRANK W; DQUVRES, 1981 ' :; v-.; T',; -,'".. ,\ Uv "".>'• - ' JEFFREY W; BIER; 19/8'f Vv>v. ."r' 'J ^] ^:":- . : : \'' PUANEG. ERICKSON, 1982v I V- 7 -,;> ' ,^'y • , >U . W- /• - ;• /"' . ./£•:. - .^' THOMAS/W; SIMPSON, J982 -''-, r' ./^\ ^ (V:-jTV Immediate fast President: J^ RALPH LICHTENFELS-_- ^ r - j: ;' ^l THE PROCEEDINGS OF TKEHELMI^THOLOGICAL SOCIETY iOF WASHINGTON ', rT'HE PROCEEDINGS are published semiannually at Lawrence, Kajisas by the :Helminthological I/Society of Washington. Papers need not be presented at a meeting to b6 pub'lishedUh the Proceedings. ^MANUSCRIPTS should .bejserit to theiEDITOR, A. James Haley! Department of Zoology; Uni- > versity of Maryland,1 College Park, Marylartdv20742. Manuscripts must;be typewritten, double spaced, >arid in fihished^fofm. The original and two copies areirequired. Photocopies of figures and drawings may be submitted for review purposes; originals will be requested after/acceptance of the manuscript. ^Papers^re accepted with the understanding,tha.t theyjWill be published onlylin theyProceedings. , '-/^/REPRINTS may be ordered from the/PRINTER at•the^same time the corrected proof is returned BACK VOLUMES of the Proceedings are available, Inqijiries concerning back volumes and current subscriptions, should be.directed to: Helmihthological Society of Wa^hingtdn, c/o Allen Press, Inc., 1041 New Hampshire St., Lawrehce,'Kansas 66044, U.S.A. , i .BUSINESS OFFICE, jhe Society's business office is^ at Lawrence, Kansas. All inquiries con- cerning subscriptions or back issues ahd'all payments for dues," subscriptions, and back issues should be addressed to: Helmihthological Society of Washington, c/o Allen Press, Inc., 1041 New, Hampshire St.,•.'••tawrence, Kansas 66044, U.S.A> / ' . V " '\1 EDITORIAL BOARD A. JAMES;HALEY, -Editor ::^ ,'\-V' 1982 / ', £'.l ' • 1983 WILLIAM C. CAMPBELL r RAYMOND M. CABLE V DANIEL,R; BROOKS I , > ', ' JOHN ,C^ HOLMES - /GERALD W. ESCH jo JOHN L: CRltES ;, - !cj RALPH J. LICHTENFELS RONAtD^FAYER •( GIEBERT-F. OTTO. > ;>;:/ /; JOHN S. MACKIEWICZ x DONALD J/ FORRESTER ROBIN M.OVERSTREET " C MARIEtTA VOGE, V^ NORMAN D.. LEVINE HARLBY G. SHEFFIELD Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington Proc. Helminthol. Soc. Wash. 48(2), 1981, pp. 113-126 Larval Hysterothylacium (=Thynnascaris) (Nematoda: Anisakidae) from Fishes and Invertebrates in the Gulf of Mexico THOMAS L. DEARDORFF* AND ROBIN M. OVERSTREET Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, Ocean Springs, Mississippi 39564 ABSTRACT: Numerous fishes and invertebrates in the northern Gulf of Mexico contain larvae of four forms of Hysterothylacium: ?//. reliquens (=type MA, Mississippi A), type MB, H.fortalezae (=type MC), and type MD. The third-stage larvae (possible second-stage larva of type MB) of all are described and illustrated; furthermore, corresponding fourth-stage larvae of all but type MB are described. A key to all these inshore and nearshore larvae is included. Biological differences among related species are exemplified using H. reliquens and Iheringascaris inclines. The second-stage larva of /. inclines survives much longer in cold water than that of H. reliquens, and the fourth-stage larva of /. inclines is unique because it invades alimentary tissue of the final host. Adult nematodes of the genus Hysterothylacium Ward and Magath, 1917 are restricted to the digestive tract, with one exception (Machida et al., 1978), of fishes, whereas their larvae parasitize various tissues of numerous fishes and invertebrates (e.g., Norris and Overstreet, 1976). Deardorff and Overstreet (1981) reviewed the genus, previously known as Thynnascaris Dollfus, 1933 or Contra- caecum sensu lato, and examined adults of six species from the Gulf of Mexico. In this paper, we describe the larvae of four forms of Hysterothylacium fol- lowing the nomenclature initiated by Norris and Overstreet (1976) and provide a listing of hosts. The number of species in the inshore northern Gulf of Mexico may be greater because more than one species could have morphologically similar larvae. However, some known adults from the Gulf of Mexico are rare and not found in inshore northern regions where most larval specimens were collected. On the other hand, two forms may be different phases of the same species, and we may have included larvae of the related Iheringascaris inquies (Linton, 1901) Deardorff and Overstreet, 1981 which is not Hysterothylacium sensu stricto, even though placed in the genus Thynnascaris by most recent workers (see Deardorff and Overstreet, 1981). Our studies of the ascaridoid fauna in the Gulf of Mexico have differentiated at least one species that is a potential public health hazard. Norris and Overstreet (1976) established that Hysterothylacium type MB rapidly penetrated the alimen- tary tract of white mice. That study has been expanded (Ebert and Norris, per- sonal communication), and the worm also causes lesions and diffuse mucosal hemorrhaging in the rhesus monkey (Overstreet and Meyer, 1981). Fetter (1969a, b) hypothesized that H. aduncum (Rudolphi, 1802) Deardorff and Overstreet, 1981 (as Thynnascaris adunca) from Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum) was the caus- ative agent for several cases of anisakiasis in man; however, Vermeil et al. (1975) determined that the suspected nematode did not penetrate the rabbit stomach and questioned the hypothesis. Under stated experimental conditions, Hysterothy- lacium type MA did not penetrate tissues in mice (Norris and Overstreet, 1976). 1 Present address: Department of Tropical Medicine, U.H., Leahi Hospital, Honolulu, Hawaii
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