HEIGHTS, ALGEBRAIC DYNAMICS AND BERKOVICH ANALYTIC SPACES JORGE PINEIRO Abstract. The present paper is an exposition on heights and their importance in the modern study of algebraic dynamics. We will explain the idea of canonical height and its surprising relation to algebraic dynamics, invariant measures, arithmetic intersection theory, equidistribution and p-adic analytic geometry. 1. Introduction In many situations, solving mathematical problems involves study the solution set of a system of polynomial equations. The language of algebraic varieties is developed for that purpose. An algebraic variety is a topological locally ringed space whose underlying topological space \behave locally like" the zero set of a system of polynomials in an a±ne space. A formal de¯nition can be found for example in Chapter 1 of [18]. A projective variety is an algebraic variety that can be embedded into some projective space. Many number theoretic questions are nat- urally expressed as diophantine problems. Suppose that the algebraic variety X is de¯ned over the number ¯eld F . An algebraic dynamical system ' : X ! X is a ¯nite map from the algebraic variety X to itself. One of the tools to study algebraic dynamics over number ¯elds is the de¯nition of height functions. A (canonical) height function as- ^ ¹ sociated to ' is a function h' : X(F ) ! R, that attempts to compute the complexity of the point P 2 X(F¹) relative to the map '. For in- stance the points of ¯nite forward orbits for ' will be exactly the points ^ of height h'(P ) = 0. The notion of height can be also generalized to subvarieties Y ½ X, still measuring the behavior under iteration. The existence of a map from an algebraic variety to a projective space and the construction of the height associated to a self map, both relate to 2000 Mathematics Subject Classi¯cation. Primary: 14G40; Secondary: 11G50, 28C10, 14C17. Key words and phrases. height function, algebraic dynamics, analytic spaces. I am very thankful to the organizers of the \XVII Coloquio latinoamericano de Algebra" for the opportunity to participate and present this work. The author was partially supported by PSC-CUNY Award 69333-00 38. 1 2 JORGE PINEIRO the concept of line bundle. A line bundle is a variety L together with a map ¼ : L! X, in such a way that for some open covering fUig of X, ¡1 1 the restriction LjUi = ¼ (Ui) is isomorphic to Ui £ AF . The existence of a morphism from X to a projective space can be expressed in terms of line bundles. A line bundle L generated by global sections s0; :::; sr, determines a map to the some projective space Pr. Su±cient conditions for the construction of a height relative to a dynamical system can also be expressed in terms of the existence of certain line bundles on X. A line bundle L that satis¯es an equation of the sort '¤L »= L­® for ^ ® > 1, allows to build a height h' relative to the self map ' : X ! X. The existence of a line bundle as before is called a polarization for the dynamical system '. A polarized dynamical system has associ- ^ ated a canonical function h' and a canonical invariant measure d¹';v an on the analytic space Xv , for each place v of F . For places at in¯n- ity the canonical measure will be the product of positive currents on an Xv = Xσ = X £σ C. For ¯nite places, the canonical measure will be an v de¯ned over the Berkovich analytic space Xv = XBer [5] correspond- ^ ing to the place in question. A Mahler formula for the height h' will compute the height using integration against the canonical measure. The general Mahler formula for a map ' : X ! X is a consequence of the work of Chambert-Loir and Thuillier in theorem 1.3 of [11]. The Mahler formula over curves was ¯rst considered in [24] without the tools of Berkovich spaces. On the Riemann sphere the formula reads: 1 1 1 Theorem 1.1. Suppose that ' : P ! P is a map on PF and f(T ) 2 ^ OF (T ) is a polynomial equation. The height h'(Div(f)) can be ex- pressed as sum of integrals over all places v of F of the log of f(x) against the invariant measure d¹';v, that is, X Z ^ h'(Div(f)) = log jf(x)jd¹';v: 1 v Pv;an An important property of the measures d¹';v is the equidistribution property. Let's ¯x a place v of F and an embedding Fv ,! Cp. A se- ¹ quence fPng of points in X(F ) is generic if for any subvariety V ½ X there exist N such that Pn 2= V for n > N. Let (X; L; '; ®) be a po- larized dynamical system de¯ned over the number ¯eld F . A sequence ¹ of points fPng 2 X(F ) is said to be small if h'(Pn) converges to zero. Theorem 1.2. (Yuan [29]) Let (X; L; '; ®) be a polarized dynamical system on the projective variety X de¯ned over the number ¯eld F . ¹ Let fPng a sequence of points on X(F ) which is generic and small, then for any place v of F the Galois orbits of the sequence fPng are HEIGHTS, ALGEBRAIC DYNAMICS AND ANALYTIC SPACES 3 an equidistributed in the analytic space Xv Pwith respect to the invariant measure ¹ , in the sense that 1 ± converges weakly ';v #(O(Pn)) P 2O(Pn) P an to d¹';v on Xv . 1.1. Notation. Throughout this paper, X will denote a projective al- gebraic variety of dimension n and ' : X ! X a ¯nite self-map. F will denote a number ¯eld and K an algebraically closed ¯eld which is complete with respect to a non-archimedean absolute value j:j. L will denote a line bundle on the algebraic variety X. A metrized line bundle ¹ (L; k:k) on X will be denoted by L. The variety Xv will denote the variety obtained from X by extension of F to the algebraically closed and complete ¯eld Cp. The Berkovich analytic space attached to Xv v for a place v of F will be denoted by XBer. 2. Canonical heights and canonical measures Height functions are a tool to study dynamics over number ¯elds. As our ¯rst approach to height functions we take a look at the naive height on the projective space. The naive height computes the com- n plexity of the point P 2 PQ¹ . Suppose that P 2 PF . The naive height represents a variation of the function log max(jx0j; :::; jxnj), weighted over all absolute values on F . De¯nition 2.1. The naive height hnv(P ) of a point P = (x0; :::; xn) 2 n PQ¹ is given by 1 X h (x ; :::; x ) = log max(jx j ; :::; jx j )Nv ; nv 0 n [F : Q] 0 v n v v where v is running over all places of F , Fv denotes the completion at v and Nv = [Fv : Qp] for v=p. Let X be a non-singular algebraic variety de¯ned over F and L a line bundle on X. Assume that the global sections s0; :::; sr 2 ¡(X; L) r de¯ne a map ÁL = (s0; :::; sr): X ! P . A height hL associated to L ¹ could be de¯ned by hX;L(P ) = hnv(ÁL(P )) for all points P 2 X(F ). This de¯nition however depend on the selection of the sections. We can construct a height function hL associated to every element of L 2 Pic(X) ­ R. It will be unique up a bounded function O(1) on X and it will satisfy: (i) hL is R¡linear. n (ii) If X = P and L = OPn (1), then hL = hnv + O(1). (iii) If f : X ! Y is a morphism of non-singular algebraic varieties and L 2 Pic(Y ) ­ R, then hX;f ¤L = hY;L ± f + O(1). 4 JORGE PINEIRO De¯nition 2.2. Let ' : X ! X a self-map of X de¯ned over F and let L 2 Pic(X)­R be a line bundle on X such that for some number ® > 1 we have '¤L »= L­®. Such a dynamical system is called a polarized dynamical system (X; '; L; ®). The canonical height associated to a polarized dynamical system is given by n ^ hL(' (P )) h'(P ) = lim : n!1 ®n The condition ® > 1 ensures the existence of the limit. The proof can be found for example in [19], theorem B.4.1. The canonical height satisfy the following properties: ¹ (i) h'('(P )) = ®h'(P ) 8P 2 X(F ) ¹ (ii) jh'(P ) ¡ hL(P )j is bounded on X(F ). If L is ample we can also have the arithmetic properties: ¹ (iii) h' satis¯es Northcott's theorem: points with coordinates in F with bounded degree and bounded height are ¯nite in number. (iv) h' is a non-negative function. (v) h'(P ) = 0 if and only if P has a ¯nite forward orbit by the map '. Points with this property are called preperiodic points. (vi) Lehmer Question: Is there a constant c' > 0 such that if P is not preperiodic, then h'(P ) > c'= deg(P )? In a similar way as we did with the height, we can introduce the canon- ical invariant measure. Invariant measures were ¯rst studied by Brolin [8] and Lyubich [21] for maps on the Riemann sphere and later extended by Brien and Duval [7] to projective spaces of higher dimension. Sup- pose that (X; '; L; ®) is a polarized dynamical system de¯ned over a number ¯eld F . Suppose that σ : F,! C is a place of F over in¯nity.
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