Welcome St. Catherine Catholic Church 820 Hickory Street Sebring, FL 33870 Parish Office/Mailing 882 Bay St., Sebring, FL 33870 Tel: (863)385-0049 Fax: (863)385-5169 Tel: (863)385-6762 (Spanish) Web: www.stcathe.com E-mail: [email protected] Monday—Friday 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM CLERGY Pastor Very Reverend José González, V.F. [email protected] Parochial Vicar Reverend Victor Caviedes (863)385-3993 Assisting Priest (Ret.) Reverend J. Peter Sheehan Deacons Reverend Mr. James R. McGarry Reverend Mr. Max M. Sévère SCHEDULE Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday—4:00PM Vigil Sunday—8:00 AM, 10:00 AM 12 Noon (Spanish) "I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Daily Mass Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in Monday—Friday 8:00 AM heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be Saturday 9:00 AM loosed in heaven." Then he strictly ordered his Sacrament of Reconciliation disciples to tell no one that he was the Christ. First Friday 7:15 AM to 7:45 AM Saturday 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM Mt 16:19-20 Holy Family Youth Center 900 US Hwy. 27 N., Sebring, Florida St Catherine School BISHOP’S MASS WITH CHILDREN Principal: Dr. Anna V. Adam All are invited! 747 S. Franklin St., Sebring, FL 33870 Tel: (863)385-7300 Fax: (863)385-7310 Friday, August 29 at 1:30 PM E-mail: [email protected] Monday—Friday 8:00 AM—3:00 PM August 24, 2014 St. Catherine Parish Page 2 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time HOLY FATHER’S APOSTOLIC VOYAGE TO KOREA "You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church." The name Peter comes from a word that means "rock." When Jesus gives this new name to Simon, he is identifying this chosen apostle as a foundation upon which his church will stand. This verse, along with the constant practice of church tradition ever since that moment, explains the office of the papacy. The pope, even to this day, is a direct successor of Saint Peter. An unbroken histo- rical line traces right back to Christ himself, when he gave "the keys to the kingdom of Just as the reflection for this week’s Gospel and just as Jesus in- heaven" to Peter. structed Peter after the Resurrection to "Feed my lambs...feed my sheep," (Jn 21:15, 17), so too our Holy Father continues the mission In establishing Peter as the first pope, Jesus to care for us like a good shepherd. Pope Francis wrapped up his was putting a structure in place that has pro- five-day visit to South Korea on Monday with calls for forgiveness ved to be a brilliant one. Because it is built and renewed dialogue on the divided Korean Peninsula and for on a firm foundation, the Catholic Church more humanitarian aid for North Korea. has been able to persevere for millennia through schisms, wars, scandals, and the “Let us pray, then, for the emergence of new opportunities for dia- persistent presence of sin in its all too- logue, encounter and the resolution of differences, for continued human members. The church has maintai- generosity in providing humanitarian assistance to those in need, ned consistency and unity in her teaching and for an ever greater recognition that all Koreans are brothers thanks to the headship of the pope. It really and sisters, members of one family, one people,” the pope said dur- is remarkable that an institution so old can ing a Mass in Myeongdong Cathedral, the center of South Korean Catholicism. The Mass was attended by President Park Geun-hye. still be so vital in this day and age. Thus far, the prophetic utterance of Christ remains Upon his return, the Pope brought with him a bouquet of flowers, true, "the gates of the netherworld shall not which a seven-year-old Korean girl had given him before his flight prevail against it." departed from the Seoul Air Base at 1 p.m. The Pope was driven Jesus must have been thinking of us, of all from Ciampino airport to the Basilica of Saint Mary Major, where future Christians, when he established the he is said to have placed these flowers at the foot of the Marian papacy. Just as Jesus instructed Peter after statue of Salus Populi Romani. There, he offered prayers of thanks- the Resurrection to "Feed my lambs...feed my giving to Our Lady for his trip to South Korea. The Pope had visit- sheep," (Jn 21:15, 17), so too our Holy Father ed the basilica prior to his trip and had entrusted his journey to Mary. continues the mission to care for us like a good shepherd. We may be thousands of mi- Most of the local papers unanimously attribute what we have come les from him, but his prayers and his lea- to know (for some time now) as “The Francis Effect” to what they dership serve our local Catholic community call “gong-gam” – literally translated as “the ability to enter into nonetheless. The pope's care for us will communion with another person”. There is no one-word version for always be a reminder of the loving concern of the same in English. “Sympathetic” or “nice” just don’t do it justice. Christ for his church. They say that he’s funny, a brilliant communicator and, most im- portant of all, that his actions speak louder than words. In case you didn’t know, it’s an eleven-hour flight from Rome to Seoul and there’s a seven-hour time difference. That can do awkward things to your metabolism and your sleeping habits. But Pope Francis has never shown signs of being affected by either. The press claims it’s because he doesn’t eat much anyway and is driven by an almost superhuman will-power. Perhaps. In private, Pope Francis has been known to get down on his knees every day and gives thanks for what he calls “Grace”. radiovaticana.va/news/2014/08/18, nytimes.com/2014/08/19 August 24, 2014 St. Catherine Parish Page 3 PARISH EVENTS SEASONS OF HOPE LADIES BOOK CLUB This is a Catholic support program for the bereaved The next meeting will be on September 9th searching for hope and healing. The program is centered from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM in the Parish Hall on Jesus Christ and grounded in the healing wisdom, Room 15 (enter from the back of the buil- traditions and practices of the Catholic Church. ding). Open to all women of the parish and The last Seasons of Hope for Season Four will be on Au- their friends…invite someone to come with gust 31st which will be held at the Olive Garden restau- you. Our book is “The Snow Child” by rant from 2:00—4:00 PM. For more details or to register, Eowyn Ivey. Contact Judy Paddock (425) please contact the group coordinator, Jo Marie Grinkie- 214-3996 or [email protected] for further infor- wicz at (863) 414-1119 or [email protected]. mation. COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY If you have not joined our wonderful organ- We are blessed and thankful that Peggy and Larry ization, please consider joining us. If you Pierce have offered to coordinate and manage the hospi- used to belong, visit us so we can update tality branch of our parish Bereavement Ministry. If you on all the fun and exciting things that you are receiving God’s call in this ministry, please con- are happening. We would love to see you tact the Bereavement Hospitality Coordinators: Peggy again. Our first meeting is September 7th Pierce (863) 273-9007; [email protected] or Larry at1:00 PM in the Parish Hall. Pierce (863) 273-1769; [email protected]. We invite you to continue your journey in the love of God with your sisters in CCW. Please send your membership TAI-CHI check of $12 to Kathy Drwila at 4304 Westminster Rd., Will resume when school starts in the Fall. If anyone is Sebring, FL 33875. Make your check out to “CCW” and interested in an evening class, please call Parish Office put “membership” in the memo. Also include your ad- or for more information call Ray (863) 385-7578. dress, phone and email. If you have any questions, please call Peggy Pierce at (863) 273-9007. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INTIATION OF ADULTS PARENTS AND ADULT (RCIA) FAITH FORMATION These sessions are for adults who want to become Cath- Parents of children in Religious Educa- olic, for Catholic adults who would like to prepare for tion and all adults are invited to join us the sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Eucharist, as we deepen our faith formation. Class and for adult Catholics who just want to learn more will meet every Wednesday from 6:15 to about their faith. 7:20 PM. This gives time for parents to pick up their These sessions will begin on Tues- children, and time for individual questions and answers. day, September 30, 2014 from We will be using the Into the Fields program that gives 7:00—9:00 PM. and will be held eve- us time for scripture, doctrine, sharing, and ideas on ry Tuesday thereafter, until April how to learn about God. For more information or ques- 2015. For more information or to tions, contact Don & Doris Brooks (863) 385-7460 or the register for classes, call Bill or Sandy Manint at (863) 382-2222. Parish Office (863) 385-0049.
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