lutk Uf U. S. PAID THE CENTM L POST N#w Iruntwick. N. J. Nrmif No. 465 ioxheidor Serving South Brunswick, Franklin Townships Coital Patron n for oach Family) \ Committee Township Will Meet ‘5 Years Tomorrow Behind’ To Consider Law Limiting Trucks; Municipal Service Reorganize Jan. 3 Hasn’t Kept Pace In Growth: Dobin —South Brunswick The present Township Commit­ —South Bruniwick tee will hold its last meeting of The Township is "five years be- the year tomorrow, Dec. 30, at 8 hind” in expanding municipal p.m. at Township Hall to consid­ aervices. Committeeman Abraham er, among other things, an ordin­ Dobin said this week. ance bariing trucks over four As 1960 waa ending. Mr. Dobin tons on 11 Township roads. discussed what lies ahead for the The Committee will hold its re­ Township in 1961 in an interview organization meeting, when with The Central Post. Democrat Richard J. Casey will Clarifying his remark about the replace Democrat Lester Schaub Township being five years behind on the three-man body, on Tues­ day, Jan. 3. 8 p.m. at Township in expanding municipal services. Hall. The Republicans, Mayor Mr. Dobin said the population of Warren G. Permenter and Com­ the Township has doubled to 10.- mitteeman Abraham Dobin, will 000 in the past five years and the retain the majority. services haven’t kept up. At tomorrow’s meeting, the Mr. Dobin also discussed the following: Committee is expected to consider the ordinance barring heavy Township Committee — T he trucks from certain Township Committee will undoubtedly be a roads. The ordinance was tabled five-man Committee next year. at the Dec. 6 meeting after a pub­ State law requires any municipal­ lic hearing and an amendment ity with a population over 4,500 was added. to have five men. This will leave The amendment to the law three vacancies open in the added Euclid .^venue in Kingston April primaries. and eliminated Beekman Road be­ Mayor Warren G. Parmenter’s tween U.S. Route 1 and State term is up in 1961, but he has not Route 27 and New Road between indicated whether or not he will U.S. Route 1 and State Route 27 run. Asked whether the rumors as light traffic streets. that Mr. Dobin might be next The ordinance was tabled after UNBUNDLED MARCHERS in the Middlebush Fourth of July children’s parade were, PLEASANT REMINDER these frigid days is the Fourth of July neighborhood parade year’s mayor, the Cranmltteeman (Continued on Rage 2) from left, Betty Lou Cunningham, awarded judges’ choice for most historical costume with held for the youngsters of Shelley, Benson and Aldrich Roads, Kendall Park. In case said it depends on what the friends, Betsy and Janice Leisen and Peggy Totten. About 200 youngsters participated. mayor wants to do. youve forgotten, it was hot. This is just a sample from the year on the wane, I960. The five-man Committee will To Ring In Murders, School Expanison, Municipal Controversies Are Major 1960 News Events (Continued on Page 6) A startling remit alter writing nr jump in their school budget of al­ wick surgeon, two maids and a an Optimist Club in South Bruns­ $52,470, mainly in teacher salar­ $21,600 from an account to New Year reading anv review oi a past yfar most $2 million. Newark taxicab driver, were wick Township. Franklin’s ies. 1 another to buy a site near Kendall is the sutirlrn realization that sn South Brunswick Board of found shot to death at Dr. South Brunswick added two A Lutheran Church for the Park for an elementary school much has happened in the past 36S Education proposed their first Clarke's North Brunswick home, more voting polls. Franklin Park area was an­ waa proposed by the South Bruns­ With Party da) s. school budget of over $1 million, located on State Route '27, about Sewer Plan ■March .3 nounced. with the Rev. Dwight A. wick school board, Taken indiiidually, the date a half million more than last year. three miles north of Franklin Mrs. Lydia Hough of East Mill­ Huseman as pastor. I Churches were welcoming Eas­ seemed almost uneientiul; rolled Only three candidates. Dr, G. Park stone was appointed Franklin Expect 75 Couples A housing code for Franklin ter with Holy Week services. Passes, 6-3 up together and looked at from a Robert Di Marco, Mrs. Carol Tern- An independent post office for Townihip welfare director. Township was adopted by Council. Forty-eight kindergarten chil­ sole, distance, the dots hate ron. pel and Jack J. Rovics, filed for northern and northeastern Frank­ Franklin Town.sliip'.s school South Brunswick’s Board of At Jewish Center the South Brunswick school board. dren at Middlebush School pre- tained trowed), humor and puz­ lin Township won tentative appio- budfr-’ was drfealed and Council Education wa,s confronted with a Franklin Township had 11 can­ i sentfd an operetta, "Peter Rab­ Council Approves zles, we are made aware, because val from the U.S. Post Office De­ suggested a $50,000 cut, a tax re­ water- problem at the junior- In Kendall Park didates for the school board. bit." a newspaper rellecis Hie, which partment. duction of 33 points. senior high under construction. New Sewers For also contnins tragedy, humor and A proposal to locate a jetport Brandon B. Pusey was elected Township Committee refu.scd j April 21 —South Brunswick in lower Middlesex County was mayor of Franklin Township, re­ March 31 puzzles. to discuss the twice-defeated An ordinance creating a per­ Eastern Section Seventy-five couples are ex­ called a “bubbleport” by J. placing Leonard H. Ruppert. The Kiwanis Club of Franklin This, then is a cursory, arbitrary school budget before a jam- manent part-time police force was pected to attend the New Year’s Schuyler Huff, Cranbury Town­ Township was being organized. renew oi da)s past,- taken from Feb. 4 parked audience at Township I introduced by the South Bruns­ Eve party, sponsored by the ship attorney. —Franklin Townihip Lois Bronson. 11-year-old Da.y- Hall. South Brunswick Jaycees were Women’s Group of the Jewish the front pages of 51 issues of wick Township Committee. Council voted 6-3 to authorize Jan. 14 ton girl, placed fifth in the State March 10 Planning a charter night. Community Center, at the Cen­ The Central Tost. A swelch platte of a 99-home a $1,325,000 appropriation to con­ Grange spelling contest. ter, 9 Stamvorth Road, Kendall Here, seen with rrilrctinn. can he Leonard H. Ruppert resigned South Brunswick's school bud­ •April 7 project on a 140-acre site at struct a sanitary sewer system In Park, on Saturday, Dec. 31, start­ noleni the true and the lalsr, but as mayor of Franklin Township. Kendall Park Lanes announced get was cut $70,000, a tax re­ The South Brun.swick Municipal i Canal and Su.vdam Roads was east Franklin on Tuesday. Dec. 27. ing at 9:30 p.m.. said Mrs. Har­ we are lelt with a record oi events A proposal to build .50 garden- its opening. duction of 66 points, by the Utilities -Authority was prepared filed with the Franklin Township 'N"he two-hour public hearing at ry Rosenfeld of 95 Kendall Road, or predictions accepted as true at type apartments on a five-acre Feb. 11 Township Committee. to purchase the Brunswicktown Planning Board, Middlebush School was attended The Middlebush School PTA president. the time oi writing. site in Kingston was rejected by Voters in South Brunswick and Water Co. and the Kendall Park The Somerset Grand Jury open­ by about 75 people. was preparing to mark its 25th Co-chairmen of the affair are To paraphrase port Robert Rums, the South Brunswick i’lanning Franklin Townships defeated Sewer Co., both in Kendall Park. ed its probe of Franklin Town­ Favoring the measure were Board. anniversary on March 23. Mrs. Ben Glickman of 43 Raleigh we are all not quite so fortunate their school budgets. South Brunswick High School ship campaign literature used in Mayor George Consovoy. and Road and Mr.s. Lou De Sena of 7 to see ourselves os others see us. Jan. 21 South Brunswick Township Slarch 17 was holding guidance interviews a recent Board of Education elec­ Councilmen Frank J. Keary, Pelham Road, both of Kendall but through the pages oi a local A 342-point tax jump was pre­ Committee cut the local tax rate Democrats Alexander Gentile of for prospective students and the tion. Michael Lisi. J. Leonard Vliet, Park. weekly neuspoprr, we can at least dicted for South Brunswick resi­ 40 points. 23 Bartle Road, Middlebush. and high school curriculum was ap­ Chrales McCloskey and Brandon catch and hold surface glimpses of proved by the Board of Educa­ April 28 A musical review, under the di­ dents if the school board’s budget Feb. 18 Edward J. Sypeck of 40 Academy I Pusey. Opposed were Councilmen the vague, disquieting stream of tion. A complete water and sewerage rection of Mrs. Sidney Smith of was approved. Franklin Township’s school Road were the only opponents j John C. Bullitt of Griggstown, Hie in two communities. Franklin Township’s school system for South Brunswick in 12 Beryl Court, will be presented. Computor Systems, Inc. build­ board cut the budget eight points for the primary election on April Foster Burnett and Edward F. Whether the year 1^60 has been 19. board was meeting to decide the the next five years was predicted In the review cast will be Mr.
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