» iJJIhajl J"' jjy,(IJ., U niDAT, JAKOAB^A IMO Am ram Dolhr dreatatloo t-y- H i* WMtiMr fomnsEif »r tho Montli o f December, 1989 iRatirliratfr Eoratiig X#r«I& For Forocaet of U. S. Weatbai croafe Uie stranetk o f Uie company The regular meetliig o f the An Run in WvdnMdw’a Im im to 100 men and local man with the 6,328 Qeoerally fair toalgkt Mancbeeter Coon sad Fox club of Th« Horald undvr » Dnnlvlaon Engaged to Wed Co. K Awarded Invited MwbroeldwAedU days sllghHy colder tenight. dateline aUted that a woman, po- Flames Destroy Bam or rAboutTown will be held Sunday morning at 9 Burean o f Clreolattons Am. at the Highland Park Com­ llca aald waa a Mra. Edna Hall, munity clubhouse. had been fined for intoxication. A High Rating DiW c ^ ic s tor the laat quarter Manche$ter—~A City of Village Charm CWter Church Women's Guild In fairness to local persona of that have been received and wUl be dis­ name it should be stated that the ! • m il ------ ‘~ r to secure s speak- The Manchester Green Commun­ Cow, Horse, Chickens tributed to Company K members arrested woman was not a Man­ (ClaaeWed Advertiaing on Hage 10) MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, JANUARY 6. 1940 (TWELVE I*A(;ES) PRICE THHBK OKI I the Federal Bureau of In- ity club will hold Its regular Fri­ Excellent Report Given tonight. Due to the lucre VOL. LIX., NO. 82 ittcns for ita meeting Wed- chester resident. enlisted strength and the day evening setback party tonight large frame atructure and an old The Local Unit by the ■ftemooB df next week at at 8 o'clock at the Green school Property 1m m of $3,500 work Involved, drill checks Kdward Dellert, of West Hart­ j landmark in the West Side, waa given out on drill nights only. k irisM ^T h e hostesses will be Mrs. assembly hall. Three prizes wrlll soon enveloped by the fire. Corps Inspector. I M l ^ « r . Mrs. J. E. Elliott. be awarded and light refresh­ ford, will sing Adams's "Holy On Tools and Buildiiij^ Artillery Barks Up Finn Siiiritle Patrol on Skis MrSL .OoUli Goslee, Mrs. Ernest Night” at St. Mary's Episcopal Trafflo Jam ments served. f On West Center Street; Company K. 169th Infantry. C. ' Klttamacher, Mrs. Fred Hopper, church Sunday afternoon at four The ala.'m came Just as traffic AUCE COFRAN Senatorial Probe i N. a., of thia town, haa received Shakeup of British .Mrs. IB. B. Hutchinson and Mrs. Tlie annual meeting of the Sec­ o'clock when the Christmas TrufTic Jam Averted. was near Its peak on West Center (Known As (|ueen Alice) pageant is repeated. Young Dellert aa "excellent*’ rating from the an­ John Field. ond Congregational Church. Inc., street. This route Is used by most nual inapection of the unit con­ SPnUTUAL MEUICIM Is a SOM of ,Mr. and Mrs. Falwnrd K. is called for Thursday 'evening, A COW, A hors® and 175 chickerw of the automobile drivers going to ducted on December 18. 1939 by Seventh Daughter >it a Seventh Son Dellert. Mrs. Dellert Is the former ' Hartford in the morning. Born With A Veil ' A special service will be held January 11 at R o'clock. Reports were burned to death in a fire this Colonel W. G. loi-don. United Of Budget Needs tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock at of olTlc ers and organizations of the Miss K.volyn McCaughey of this As soon as the alarm was re­ Statea Army, Inspector General of Readings Dnily 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Bt. John’s church on Golwav church will be submitted and a town. morning which deatroyed a bam corded at the police station Cap- the First Corps Area. It tuas re­ Or By Appointment. In the Service Cabinet to Silence street for the blessing of incense, slate of offlects and committees and amall outbuildings In the rear I tain William Barron dispatched ported today. of the People for 80 Tenre. i It ntyiTh and gold. elected for If'lo I of the home of .Salvatore Leonr at I iKJth the radio cars to the scene, Captain Jamea H. McVeigh and n i Church Street, Hartford, Conn. Phone 9-2887, Appears in Cards l^ c :il i\laii N am ed 388 West Center street. Farm twds i It was well that this waa done as his offleera are highly elated over Mrs. Henry Mutrie. president of ! It was possible, when the cars X, the results of the Inapection as the A copy of the rotograviire aec- ' stored in the barn, were also d<\- Qlbbons Assembly, Catholic La- lion of the Jewish Forward has started to come through In great unit waa selected at random from dlea o f Cblumbus, urges the incni- been sent to this office showing Bv Stale (iroiip stroyed. I-it>hs Is esUmatod at ijo* numbers, to turn them off at Mc­ the regiment by Colonel Gordon to Dissent and Critics i v i ' 7 ^ - t{^ i j ' t bors attend the meeting lonigiit principal news events of the year. tween S3,r>00 and $4,0<K). Insurance Kee street. This overcame much conduct a thorough "spot" Inspec­ Strong Bi-Partisan Su|i- Figh Without Eyes Beinff . at theto K. of C. home, p«)stponcil One of the photos showed Jame.s of 5»2.5(KI was carried on the build- of the trouble, but cars turning In tion, upon which la baa^ the aver­ Reduced Prices Now Pumped from Ozark Well ingH and ( ontentjt. port for Investigation Mew Ministers Take from Tuesday evening. Mrs. Mu- .lassie, of tills town being removed OrMige UiirrlB. urnetary of from the side streets on the svuth age rating of the I89th Regiment. 1 *' Krlntlv(\s nt Funeral Find ' trte received today a special New from 'the '.Mhenin when that liner the (V FI Hm r Niirflerv Company. 'Pile alarm was turned In at 7:33 side of West Center street were Reports On 65 Subjects in Effect on the Cureall, Mo., Jan. 6.—uT/— Parleys Fail ' Corfise In Not Kinsman ! Mina Irene V. McMullen Is Evidenced; Eniplia- Over Poirfolios of War 'T ear's message from Stale I’rest- was tor|)edocd during the first wiiB r)n lr<I n in rn ilie i tif the vl^t* from Box HU' located at the cor­ causing a Jam until the police got Colonel Gordon gave the local Transparent fish without eyes dsnt Miss Mac Conklin of New week of the war Janre conundtre of the (Vmnertlrnt ner of Went ('enter and F<»lcy them in motion and kept a fairly Mr. and Mra. William R, McMul­ rifle unit a detailed Inspection and G. E. Oil Furnace ,sis on National De- And Information; Fail- rtIreetH which brought tml t'oni- are being pumped from a well Brazil, lu'l . Jan. 6.— ($>- Haven which she will rend. NtiiHerynioirH AMHorlatlon at t)»e rlesr roa<l shortly after the fire­ len of 11 EMmonda at reel, an­ made report on 3.5 separate ai|b- on an Ozark farm near here. Oil Argentine , Mourning rcliitivcs of WUUsm : panicK I arni 2. After the flint O. E. Conversion ?nse Needs; Indepenil- Snimday l ight at the Salvation :Uhh a n n u a l rfinv''ntl(»ri held in men arrived. nounce the .engagement of their Jects and turned In Ihc best possible Lloyd, 0(>-vciir-oUI former coal ) lire to Agree witiiF^ I alarm wan turr>e<I in a necond wan Harrison Garrott. owner of • Rev. Dudley Burr of the Wind­ Army riladel. the Springfield .S, yeHlerday. Mr. Mm ria daughter, Mlaa Irene Victoria Mc­ I rating to Colonel Nolan and to the o il Burner Now— $7690 tho farm, said the strange pia- miner, gatiiored at a mortuary i ; .Hounded fr om the aame txiX corn­ I se ChenUeal IJnes Mullen. to. Edwin Danlelaon Foa- commander of the company. Cap- .Action SiiggesttHl. (>enera1s Leads to R4»e sor Avenue church, Hartford, will A. hand wilh Itnmlmasler Theo­ WHH elei’ted fdf ii term «'f five yenra. catoriul specimens were cliscov- Trade! Trealy hi-ri' vo.steniiiv for hia funeral j ing in nt 7:3S. The nearest hydrant to the bam ter of H03 Aaylum Avenue, Hart­ w be ^ e guest speaker at the Kv- bald will be the guest of the lorni I/oiiiM i'. VamlerhiiMik, who retired ' tain McVeigh. Mrs. Uiura DavIs, Lloyd’s I placement of .f Uore- '^ ('mine I nderteriidMe4l Is IcM-ated in front of the Trebbe The first drill since Dec-. 18 will Washington, Jan. 6.—'/T;—A Sen- ered several years ago soon eryman's Oommunlty Bible cla.M liarid A ei.nrerl will he given prrnldent, waa eleete<l a n iriii- ford. JOHNSON & LITTLE after the well was drilled. sisti'r. had identified him to a I Sunday morning at the Seconi tM'f nf the aamo comnilUee for tlie .flint what Htart«*d the fire mem- fdaee on the top of the hill, which i be held at the state armory tonight ntc investigation of budgetary Belisha; Newspaper# by the se|)nrat" anil united Imnds Ptuinhing A lleattng The fish are from two to five U. S. l)ro| teleplione eiinversatlon With Congregational church. The one-year term. hern of the IxMiiir family could not left the firemen without water Group No. 2 of the Memorial at 7:30. The training for the coni- I \,lji,lniil Allied Wiiltera will ac- tkintraetora needs, with emphasis on national inches In length and live only Ituni.soy, 111.
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