13 THE SUNDAY OKECOXIAX. PORTLAXD, ' MAT 30. 19T5. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF PORTLAND Seniors of High Schools Active in Closing Days Trade School Boys Do Skilled Work Items of Interest From the Grades. students in the department will bear watching. OFFICERS OF FEBRUARY '16 CLASS AT JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. Armstrong was invited. As, a resulL Jefferson High School Notes five districts united in & petition to Margaret Barnard. Jesse Digman. County Boundary Washington High Lina Brown. Cecil Dining, John Hergert the District Board. School BY I.IOII.K and Flections were held in Districts 35, Z9, was Beatrice Dixot compose the edi- 43 and 48. resulting In an CITY PABK schoolhouse torial staff and have as faculty ad- il, unanimous HV SH.VAN KUHN. ROSK party Friday Mr. vote organizing a union high school. scene of a Bay visers Vance and Mr. Shainwald. Petition from District 25 also was I.I AS JIMMY VALliXTlXli" will night, given by the February class for There are 300 students taking com- voted on. "A1 be produced by tlic Juue, 1315, mercial courses in. the school and each High the June class. Varied entertainment room in which they are registered 1 The School building was erect- class in the Washington High Kcliool the & $9000. was provided, the earlier part of selected two representatives who have ed at cost of It is equipped Auditorium next Friday and Saturday being; spent In games, l i ; with a public library, playgrounds in evening card spent several weeks preparing an out- : 1 svftiinK., June 4 and t. Tho complete bow tins and conversation. A crowd of line of the work. They are divided ( the basement and a covered court. It into groups, is heated by hot water and lighted ait it: girls besieged the bowling; alleys and three employment, public- Handler, warden of Slns Sing prlon . ity and publications. 11. with acetylene gas, and has sanitary pitted their skill against those who Each student drinking fountains. Jffin J'hncr !::I0 o'clock taking an interest in the club will be nmh, his lyc.'tmni i'rauseea claimed to be experts. At benelited when the time comes Three rooms are used for the Hiph all Inventor dancing began. Miss Vivien Root, of the graduation for School, one room for District No. :tl. l".n Duffy The and they must seek work. lilll Avtry. an Jd off nlur iHin.s Sonif Shop, providing the music. The Board of Directors are: J. W. liyi... u I.iiildii t'iivlr-- . with blue and yellow Kvans, A. F. Chamberlain, II. Burk-holde- r, Uivernir Kay l.rM.-- r .l:n- "il ' hall was decked - streamers and a large blue J held a Lincoln High School Notes V. Gebhardt, IL F. Krnily and Hie Larp Huti:.i l.rtnli(- , position on the wall. Those A. I Maybee. Mrs. Vrbbt.r, of the ".at of H..pu ) prominent .Mario natti. j hospitality of class Mrs. I enjoying the the BY RICHARD MONTGOMERY AND Moore, of the liatu of were: Gladys Ulue. Verna Phillips. JULIE Marion Dewer, Anna Weisenborn, Roll of Honor Itllnky Iimvim, a foi ki-- . Krvv ii Hai,-n.itl,- F.li.abeth "member thi.-r.- Vi.-to- Kdna Young-- Lorna Brown, Florence HERBERT GOODWIN, a of llik th Hal a wni.lt iMutnir Robert- Glee Club, composed I'.fJ Joceiyn. Viifnll!l.''ii pal.Krnt'M :.! tirecn. Lorene llealy, Catherine has Mr. l.ane. ll'iM'i fai l.er. .'liffonl .M.on son, Helen Itracht, Ina .McCoy, Claribel the following "Toast to Lincoln." CAI'lTOL II ILL HCHOOL. Hank clerk Wi:: Hi.iliij Gladys Beutgen. Net lie Hell Lui M:i Ferguson Knotty l.ani; VitKi: lijtu "Williams, Helen Coe. which the Gleo Club will sing in Uuuy Latin Mary Deggendorfer, - the Duncan Gertrude AicGmre Maiy Iiiiuan Florence Parelius. bifc- community sing: A lice Lathroi l,m lie Tho mart l.e itandt-M- alias Jimiriy 'al-ti- t ii.i- Mertice Fowler, Kvelyn ' ?" Bachel Helser. Of all the schools where'er we roam ' - - tSfcjr , . - iSti uuiun Lillian btinbitnk Sylvan Kuhll Pike Helen Dangert'teld, Mabel Rivers, To us there is nune so known SS f r Tlie prot-eeil- f this j.roii mt ion nr. liutli .Mackle. Hazel Kelley, Margaret As Lincoln High, the Western light. bllAVLK 1SCIIOUL. tci he used In puhl islii ni the I:ihs I.sija Scott. Zi'iiobla Laffety. AKnes Uu Uan, With colors of cardinal and white. Jack Lrandenburg Hugh Roach ' of "Thu I.ons." Kimball, Genevieve Haven. Bes- She takes us In with her freest will lJMioii hagL-rnu- I'vltr Roman Fannie Miller, And sends us out to turn Gvuru isctimail Lang, Kdna Grey. Annalee life's mill. d i 1 .. ti . sie , Hhould luiil otvunen in.t One of the most ill p,'nir:H Mac-kiln- Kliza-bet- h auld acquaintance be forgot, Aiic-- j (Juriua.ii Hiloresf Florence Taylor. Iteba give Chriaiiau fSoreiien of the season was by Jiukri-neo- n Povey. Margaret Mallory, Agnes Let's three big rousing raw, raw, raws, AaUia Harmon Oltw Soreiicil Hie Tallmadge, Kor our dear old, dear old Lincoln High. Km ma Hm3 hclwara VU'timr !Solety at K. taiad.i on Saturda. Basler, Mabel Smith, Kstelle .uuigaret i etersen Verna Bieiadoii' The party went to the park In a special lA)is Gill. Jennie McGuire. Louisa Here Is to our old Lincoln High, y Uev - , n, dear ti mi lin Anna Larsuu ear. In the inoriiiiiK an exi ittni; gam-- Halvor-se- May site prosper and she grow, Oevli.i Wihtm Hacker. Mildred Scobec. Ruth May James Peine of baseball was played. Jn the after- Caroline Alexander, Lucile Saun- she., the belle of Oregon, Stanley JagtMki Berniue Kuai noon L'Oatiiic, Spall. Douglass, Be- King loud her chimes o'er all our land. 'I'ncudurc ii'i)Q Anna Wifcimi; basketball and dancing ders. Kleanor Irene Long live our dear old Lincoln High: Oliver Josephine Zimmerman were the diversions. The party re- Dixon, Bertha Crawford. Alma Brandeo-L- 11. ii it. r atrice Monks, May our thought to her be ever nigh. Steyhania, i Andtrraon turned to Portland at about 10:1... Greening, Leta Kennedy, Clare Should auld acquaintance be forgot urjj Melvia Ucwiiig Klizabeth Mathews. Hubertn. : ' :. - - M UownlnK. Mary Blanche Strong, Lucy Let's give big T .r; v f. ,,;t,. Nellie Cunningham liaakaa Randall. three rousing raw, raw, raws J V Mary Jntnan. Ciraee (Mnlth. Haw-le- v, atts&assfltaaM m mimnrnriin rtritn irmtn uni irn itmr wrrrii niifciVi r fir in urn mi m rr t mmf Dorothy Kvans Krvd, Purdy Thelma. Vigus. Margaret Conklin. Mary For our dear old, dear old Liicoln High. 'rilni ir inr Margaret dy 1'ykes, Marie Kolin, Dorothy Lamon, m Ilildi Gourtf iui Morrill. Mildred Taylor. Hobart Margaret. LI no soy LinaiiueL Knu r Ksther Merrill. Marjorie Itorxl. Kelley. George Studer. Harry Under the of Mr. Boyer. a Curl Tin voite a loi.. Russell direction Anna Zimnierninii toy CovvkIII. Florence lieane. Murlll Rater, Ken In. F.llsworth Ricketts, Jesse Perry. neighborhood sing and glee club en- Kathryn Miller via. Ilannpa Jenkins, p rank. Mctile Blanche jlapei liaymond itlied. Alfred Norene. Krnest Clarence Kvanson, Donald tertainment will be given Friday, June James Morgan Klleu V ai n Katland. John Thayer. l:iiin Chlpman. Charles McDonald. Verne Fverett, Mac 4, in the Lincoln High School audito- rSlee Nachalek Harold Boldinan William I'eterini.'. llaroM roty. Sylvan Brown, J. M. Carr. John Mowry, Wal- rium, Frank Nachaiek Ciautle Ham-ti- Kohn. Will Hiadley. KayinoiKl Lnc:t, lace Wharton, Donald Parkhurst. Clar- Clarenc" Nelttoo Lddie Jaelskl AlcRae, Russell Alire-- t Migger Clara Baireua Stanley Northrup, Ben Titus, l.intou ence Brodie, Herbert Memorial exercises were held Fri- succeed in getting Miss Myrtle Van A lice Morgan Urel llanerltntf lavies. Miss Beatrice Ioty and Francis Frost, Wilbur Bolton. F. N. Waters. day morning in the auditorium. School Sickle queen of the Rose Festival, it Marie Krkka .' laric McGun I. Curtis were members of the party. Tom Shay. Schoubel, Victor Hesse, Roy will close on, Monday, as is a legal Boys' School of Trades Franklin High School Koae Noren Margartl 1'enny Sheeny. Reuben Gro-friev- e. it was not because the boys and girls of Bernico bun ski Flod Laitdiain Lofgren. Wyville holiday. the two schools did not make an Dolly Dayton lveiintjth Vojkl An entertainment and community Clarence Christenson. Edward The French department Cheater V iiirf was by Hol-lintre- r, presented a BY RAYMOND HILL AND J. C. G ARM AN. earnest effort, and had not the contest Kdlth Gay sine riven the Girls' Chorus Crosby, Andros Albrecht. Mertroe creditable performance of "L'e t'e de la closed so unexpectedly we would have BY SCAN LAND COLLINS. Kylio Lmma Kau and Hoys' CJlee flub in the Washington Doneka. Lee Scoboe. Arthur " YET it is undecided who is the Saturday, May 22. Mr. ulaKi W't stliintl Aijnea aohlmau Mont-pie- r. S. Martin" and "La Lettre Chargee' made her one of the princesses. Any- Iloskin. lm Voouiiy Auditorium Friday evening. A laiK Base. Raman Bonney. Vincent Friday evening. May 28, ASlucky man to J2.50 OX Frances Mueller iiwauaoii Ray Leonard. Karl in the school receive the way our efforts were appreciated by head of the science department France! Hoitrtl Anna Waicnowtc crow! was present and thoroughly en- Harold Morian. parts r RutU McGoorty joyed Richard Adams, auditorium. The were cleverly prize offered for the best school yell. Miss Myrtle, and the next time the at Franklin, took a number of students Flora Martellt-- Henry the music.
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