WWW.THEFLORIDACATHOLIC.ORG | September 2010 Catholic FLORIDAYOUR FAITH. YOUR LIFE. YOUR COMMUNITY. OF MIAMI END OF SUMMER PARTY David Otero, 22, a history major and transfer student, plays touchdown bungee during the Barry University block party that marked the end of summer. (MARLENE QUARONI | FC) SEMINARIANS Teach ‘the yes,’ GO BACK TO not ‘the test’ SCHOOL St. John Vianney seminarians applaud at the start of Archbishop Wenski tells Catholic the Mass of the Holy Spirit at St. John Vianney school principals to stress ‘character, College Seminary Aug. 28. (See story, Page A28.) compassion and virtues’ (MARLENE QUARONI | FC) ANA RODRIGUEZ-SOTO with a clear, strong message from Florida Catholic staff Archbishop Thomas Wenski, SEE ALL STORIES relatively stable enrollment, and RELATED TO THE MIAMI SHORES — Catholic anniversary celebrations for two NEW SCHOOL YEAR, schools in the archdiocese be- PAGES A8-A20 gan the 2010-2011 academic year PLEASE SEE SCHOOL, A10 MIA A1 A2 Your miAmi cOMMUNITY Florida Catholic September 2010 Young girls lead the way, and a Knights of Columbus honor guard salutes as the image of Our Lady of Charity enters the University of Miami Bank United Center on Sept. 8. Thousands gathered for the annual celebration of the feast of the patroness of Cuba. (PHOTOS BY JONATHAN MARTINEZ | FC) Charity begins at home Annual Mass in honor of Our Lady of Charity draws hundreds of devotees Father Quesnel Alphonse, pastor of St. Louis King of France Parish in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, shows a new Haitian earthquake monument to remember the deceased clergy, seminarians and parishioners at the BLANCA MORALES niversary of the image’s discovery. ment on the occasion of the start Florida Catholic correspondent parish. Many lost their lives when the church collapsed in the Jan. She was found in 1612 at Nipe Bay, of the image’s pilgrimage Aug. 8, 12 quake. (TOM TRACY | FC) floating on the water over a board said, “Through her, we have expe- MAIMI — A multitude of Cath- which read, “I am the Virgin of rienced the presence of God and olics gathered Sept. 8 at the Uni- Charity.” his merciful love for us.” versity of Miami’s Bank United Our Lady of Charity was named As those in Cuba celebrated Center to celebrate the patroness patroness of Cuba in 1916 by Pope this feast day with great joy and of Cuba, Our Lady of Charity. The Benedict XV and the image was fervor, those in Miami also joined In Haiti, a image of the Virgin of Charity rep- crowned in 1936. In celebration of in the celebration of their beloved resents the faith, hope and patrio- the image’s finding and presence patroness. tism of the Cuban people, both in throughout Cuban history, the An image of the Virgin that is exile and in their homeland. image of the Virgin of Charity is housed in the Shrine of Our Lady monument This year, 2010-2011, marks the traveling from El Cobre to each of of Charity in Miami was brought final year of the triennial prepara- Cuba’s provinces. to the University of Miami, where tion for celebrating the 400th an- The bishops in Cuba, in a state- hundreds of devotees filled the arena in a sea of white and gold — the colors associated with the to earthquake image. Officiating at the Mass was Archbishop Thomas Wenski, his first time celebrating this feast day as archbishop. With him were victims Archbishop Emeritus John C. Favalora; retired Auxiliary Bishop Brick wall at Port-au-Prince parish Agustin Roman, rector emeritus of the shrine; and other bishops bears names of some of the deceased, and priests. Archbishop Wenski spoke of including 10 seminarians Mary’s “yes” to God, of her travel to help her cousin Elizabeth, and TOM TRACY were taken from the collapsed how the title of “charity” can be Florida Catholic correspondent chapel here, and take the shape of lived out by all faithful. two converging walls with a col- “Today we venerate our mutual PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — orful cross in the middle. Months mother under this beautiful and Parishioners arriving for Sunday of planning and local donations eloquent title: Virgin of Charity. Mass here Aug. 22 got a preview of of more than $13,000 helped And charity is precisely the path to what may be the first monument launch the project which is still fulfill God’s plan. Putting oneself in Haiti commemorating the vic- being tweaked. The wall features on this path means a commitment tims of the deadly Jan. 12 earth- a visible crack running from the of love toward our brothers, a dis- quake. ground up to signify the earth- interested offering,” he said. Somewhat reminiscent of the quake damages. In celebrating this “very Cu- Vietnam War Memorial in Wash- Many of the bricks bear the ban feast,” the archbishop joined ington, D.C., finishing touches names of the local deceased, in- every Cuban in praying for peace were still being applied to the cluding one of the Montfort mis- in Cuba. 800-brick monument which sionary priest on staff here and “By the Virgin’s intercession, stands on the grounds of Saint- 10 seminarians who were killed may we put aside the fear that par- Louis Roi de France (King of while sitting in a van, crushed by Sandra Amaya, a parishioner of St. Bernadette Parish in Hollywood, alyzes us, the pride that divides us, France) Parish in the Haitian a collapsed carport. prays the rosary before the image of Our Lady of Charity arrives the hate that destroys us.” n capital. for Mass. The bricks of the monument PLEASE SEE WALL, A5 MIA A2 September 2010 www.thefloridacatholic.org Your miami cOMMUNITY A3 Miami youths have meeting with Haitian president Delegation delivers school supplies, smiles to displaced students and street children TOM TRACY people still have a smile on their Florida Catholic correspondent faces, they still have joy, they are still humble. When I was getting off MIAMI — Between distributions the plane, I feared how the people of school supplies and toys to Hai- would be. They were not rebellious; tian street children and low-income they were saying ‘thank you.’ I am students, members of a young adult still processing this experience and delegation from Notre Dame d’Haiti thinking about everything that I Parish in Miami were invited to meet take for granted.” with the Haitian president and first Attending Sunday Mass outdoors lady during Labor Day weekend. at St. Louis King of France Parish in Eighteen young adults from Notre Port-au-Prince, the Miami youths Dame traveled to Port-au-Prince noticed how well-dressed and pa- and the surrounding areas Sept. tient the Haitians were with the ex- 3-6 as part of an ongoing medical treme heat and discomfort. It made and pastoral outreach to Haiti orga- them think of their air-conditioned nized by the south Florida Haitian- church back in Miami and how they Catholic communities following the sometimes wish the church could devastating Jan. 12 earthquake. be cooler. Haitian President René Préval — Seeing dwellings soaked with nearing the end of his extended term rain and mud put things into per- as president of Haiti as elections ap- spective. proach this November and facing “In one of the tent cities we went, strong criticism that the government Father Fritzner Bellonce of Pompano Beach gives Communion to parishioners living on the grounds of it was so muddy as a result of the has been unable to deal effectively St. Louis King of France Parish during a recent trip to Port-au-Prince. (PHOTOS BY TOM TRACY | FC) rain, the little temporary housing, with the earthquake’s aftermath — and we spoke to several people who invited the Miami delegation and rangements in advance to ship pay teachers and feed the children.” tered in Haiti. said they have to sleep standing up, Father Reginald Jean-Mary, the pas- down bags of schools supplies and On several occasions, the group Pean, who said he left Haiti when otherwise it will be sleeping in the tor of Notre Dame d’Haiti, to meet at toys for the children, but the items witnessed firsthand the impact of a he was 14, has been back on several mud,” Pean said. his temporary residence in Port-au- never cleared customs in time. So heavy downpour on some of the tent occasions but this was his first trip Prince. members purchased goods locally dwellings. But the overall impres- back since the earthquake. “The PLEASE SEE HAITI, A23 “The question I personally had in order to complete their mission. sion for the youth delegation was for the president was what is it that “To see the condition in which that the Haitians are enduring the Shrines • Eastern Europe • Catholic England • Jord n a we Haitians living abroad can do in those children are sitting down to earthquake situation with “courage, a n c i this situation, and the president fo- start school and to witness so many faith and dignity,” Father Jean-Mary & Egypt cused on education,” said Emman- of the kids crying was very moving,” said. “Our youths have taken a deci- uel Pean, 31, a member of the young said Father Jean-Mary. “The situa- sion to continue to support the chil- adult group. “He asked Haitians liv- tion for the Church and clergy there dren with some kind of assistance.” ing abroad to come back and live the is getting even worse now with the The delegation members were • reality in our mother land and help challenge of school under way: They also impressed with the grateful Holy Land North Amer with education, which is key.” are looking for funding to be able to attitude of the youths they encoun- • Pean said Preval discussed the difficulties of the newly dislocated and homeless populations in Haiti, MYTH: and touched upon his decision not LEADING A PILGRIMAGE IS HARD • to seize private lands for mass relo- Ireland cations of people out of the refugee tent cities.
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