Positive Energy Prize Prize for World Civilisation 正能量獎 Laureate Public Lecture Culture of Dunhuang 呂志和獎 ‒ 世界文明獎 獲獎者公開講座 敦煌文化 SPEAKER 講者 Fan Jinshi Honorary Director, Dunhuang樊錦詩 Academy 敦煌研究院名譽院長 5 October (Saturday) 11:00AM 十月五日(星期六)上午十一時 Theatre, Hong Kong Heritage Museum 1 Man Lam Road, Sha Tin, Hong Kong 香港文化博物館劇院 香港新界沙田文林路一號 Supported by 支持伙伴 LUI Che Woo Prize – Prize for World Civilisation 呂志和獎 ‒ 世界文明獎 Background information and 獎項背景及目標 Objectives of the Prize Founded by Dr. Lui Che Woo on 24 September 2015, the LUI Che Woo Prize – Prize for World Civilisation is an 「呂志和獎 ‒ 世界文明獎」由呂志和博士於 ���� annual, rst of its kind, international, cross-sector and 年 � 月 �� 日成立,是一年一度的國際性創新獎項, innovative award for advancing world civilisation and 旨在促進世界文明,並激勵世人建構更和諧的世 inspiring people to build a more harmonious world. 界。 The LUI Che Woo Prize aims to recognise and honour 「呂志和獎」釐定下列三大目標,凡成就傑出和貢 individuals or organisations all over the world with 獻超卓之各國人士或團體,能符合其中一項目標 outstanding achievements and contributions in respect 者,均在嘉許及表揚之列: of the following three objectives: • • Sustainable development of the world (Sustainability 促使世界資源可持續發展(持續發展獎) • Prize) 促進世人福祉(人類福祉獎) • • Betterment of the welfare of mankind (Welfare 倡導積極正面人生觀及提升正能量以振奮人心 Betterment Prize) (正能量獎) • Promotion of positive life attitude and enhancement of positive energy (Positive Energy Prize) www.luiprize.org facebook.com/luiprize Wechat ID: luiprize LUI Che Woo Prize 2019 – 2019 Positive Energy Prize Laureate 年「呂志和獎」 正能量獎獲獎者 Fan Jinshi is awarded the LUI Che Woo Prize for Positive Energy for her lifelong (more than 56 years) devotion to 樊錦詩獲授「呂志和獎—正能量獎」,以表彰她窮 and diligent guardianship of the Dunhuang Mogao 一生的精力、花超過五十六年的時間,堅持不懈 Grottoes, a Chinese national as well as international 守護甘肅敦煌莫高窟—這個對中國以至全世界來 cultural treasure, in Dunhuang, Gansu, China. 說都異常珍貴的文化遺產。 She contributed signicantly to the cause of preservation, 她在莫高窟的保育、保護、復修,推動敦煌學研究, protection, restoration, study and broad dissemination of 以至廣泛推廣交流上貢獻超卓。她和同事團隊帶 the Dunhuang Grottoes. She and her colleagues led the 領著敦煌研究所,克服當時傳統文化被貶低、財 Dunhuang Academy through its most dicult period, during which traditional culture was denigrated and 政資源極度缺乏的問題,走過最艱難的時期。她 nancial support was lacking. She has overseen the 致力開發並監督洞窟內壁畫與雕像數碼化的工作, digitisation of the wall paintings and sculpture in the 讓這些貴寶的數碼影像得以展示在全世界學者以 caves so that they are now accessible to scholars and 至普通市民的眼前。 common people alike around the world. 她在莫高窟現代化所下的苦功和取得的成就,為 Her modernisation eorts have also set new standards 文化保育工作設下了更高的新標準。她大力提昇、 for successful cultural preservation. She has greatly 促進並加深世人對石窟的認識,確立了敦煌石窟 advanced the archaeological and historical understanding of the signicance of the Dunhuang Grottoes worldwide. 在全球的考古學和歷史上的重要地位。 Ms. Fan inspires positive energy through her personal example and success as a rare female archaeologist of her times, working in a remote area, heroically committed to seeing this to completion in the face of social and nancial challenges. LUI Che Woo Prize 2019 – 2019 Positive Energy Prize Laureate 年 「呂志和獎」 Biographical note of Fan Jinshi 正能量獎獲獎者 樊錦詩簡介 Fan Jinshi was born on 9th July 1938 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. She has been working at the Dunhuang Cultural 樊錦詩於����年7月 出 生,祖 籍 浙 江 杭 州。� � � � 年 � Relics Institute (today’s Dunhuang Academy) in 1963 ever 月,她於北京大學歷史系考古專業畢業後到敦煌文 since her graduation from the History Department of 物研究所(敦煌研究院前身)工作至今,歷任敦煌 Peking University majoring in Archaeology. She had 文物研究所副所長、敦煌研究院副院長、敦煌研究 successively taken the posts as the deputy director of 院常務副院長、敦煌研究院院長,現任敦煌研究院 Dunhuang Cultural Relics Institute, deputy director of 名譽院長、研究館員、《敦煌研究》期刊主編。主要 Dunhuang Academy, executive deputy-director of 社會公職有中央文史研究館館員、中國敦煌吐魯番 Dunhuang Academy, director of Dunhuang Academy. Now she is the honorary director and fellow of Dunhuang 學會名譽會長、中國敦煌石窟保護研究基金會名譽 Academy, the chief editor of the journal Dunhuang 理 事 長、香 港 敦 煌 之 友 榮 譽 主 席。 Research. She also serves as the fellow of Central Research 她長期從事石窟考古、石窟保護與管理等方面的研 Institute of Culture and History, honorary chairlady of 究,為敦煌石窟的保護、研究、弘揚事業作出了很 Dunhuang-Turpan Society of China, honorary chairlady of China Dunhuang Grottoes Conservation Research 大努力,極大地提高了敦煌石窟科學保護和管理的 Foundation, and honorary president of Friends of 現代化 水 準。 Dunhuang (Hong Kong) Limited. She has been engaging in Dunhuang Grottoes’ conservation and management and archaeological research for a long time, making great contribution to the conservation, research and propagation of the Caves and eciently enhancing the modernisation of the scientic conservation and management of Dunhuang Caves. Lecture Abstract 講座摘要 “Situated at a strategic point along the Silk Route, at the crossroads of trade as well as religious, cultural and 敦煌位於絲綢之路的咽喉之地,自古以來就被稱為 intellectual inuences, the 492 cells and cave sanctuaries 「華戎所交一大都會」。自漢代以來兩千多年的歷史長 in Mogao are famous for their statues and wall paintings, spanning 1,000 years of Buddhist art.” This is how 河中,敦煌始終以中華傳統文明為根基,不斷吸納 UNESCO described the Mogao Caves as one of their 著來自其他地域其他民族的文明成果。多元一體的 world heritage sites. 敦煌文化始終傳承著中華傳統文化的精華,同時又 Dubbed as “archive of color sculptures and wall 閃耀著印度文明、波斯文明、希臘文明的璀璨光芒, paintings”, the Mogao Caves represent a unique artistic achievement through approximately 45,000 square 成為舉世矚目、特色鮮明的地域文化。敦煌文化的 meters of murals that depict societies and lives at the 內涵非常廣泛,作為以地冠名的地域文化,在宗教 crossroad of East and West centuries ago. Since Han 文化作為主體的背景下,所包涵和直接反映了歷史、 Dynasty over two thousand years ago, Dunhuang has always been grounded by a strong Chinese traditional 民族、文化、 教育、 經濟、 建築、 科技、民俗、生產 culture, yet at the same time taking in the best from 生活、醫療衛生、東西交流、漢晉傳統文化與佛教 Indian, Persian and Greek civilisations. 文化的關係、寺院、宗教、宗教 流派、參禪儀軌、 Dunhuang culture covers a huge array of content under 石窟形 制、石窟(壁 畫、雕 塑)藝 術、世 族 關 係、 the backdrop of religion, reecting history, nationality, culture, education, economy, architecture, technology, 供養方式等豐富內涵。 social customs, production, medical hygiene and the east-west cultural exchange. For centuries, it ourished as a center for Buddhist worship and learning. Generations of monks and pilgrims carved shrines out of the rock clis at Mogao, gradually building one of the greatest collections of Buddhist painting, sculpture, and architecture in the world. Moderator 主持 Dr. Tsui Chung-hui 崔中慧博士 Assistant Professor, Centre of Buddhist Studies, The 香港大學佛學研究中心助理教授 University of Hong Kong.
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