Volume 6, Supplement 1 2015, Pages 1–101 Responding to Typhoon p-ISSN: 2094-7321 e-ISSN: 2094-7313 Haiyan in the Philippines EEditorialditorial UUsese ofof tthehe WWHOHO PPackageackage ooff EEssentialssential RRespondingesponding ttoo TTyphoonyphoon HHaiyanaiyan NNoncommunicableoncommunicable DDiseaseisease InterventionsInterventions iinn tthehe PPhilippineshilippines 1 aafterfter TyphoonTyphoon HHaiyanaiyan 1188 MMcPhersoncPherson MM,, CCounahanounahan MM,, HHallall JJLL MMartinezartinez RRE,E, QQuintanuintan RR,, GGoo JJJ,J, VVillonesillones MMS,S, MMarquezarquez MMAA PPerspectiveerspective SSurveillanceurveillance fforor aandnd iissuesssues rrelatingelating ttoo IIss tthehe rresponseesponse oover?ver? TThehe ttransitionransition ffromrom nnoncommunicableoncommunicable ddiseasesiseases ppost-Haiyanost-Haiyan rresponseesponse ttoo rrecoveryecovery inin tthehe hhealthealth ssectorector iinn RRegionegion 8 2211 ppost-Typhoonost-Typhoon HHaiyanaiyan 5 MMartinezartinez RRE,E, QQuintanauintana RR,, GGoo JJJ,J, MMarquezarquez MMA,A, KKimim JJK,K, GGocotanoocotano AA,, GGeroyeroy LLS,S, AAlcidolcido MMR,R, DDorotanorotan MMM,M, BBalboaalboa GG,, VVillonesillones MMS,S, SSalazaralazar MMAA HHallall JJLL BBriefrief RReportseports MManaginganaging ssurgeurge sstafftaff aandnd rresourcesesources aatt tthehe CCanan yyouou hhelpelp mmee wwriterite mmyy sstory?tory? TThehe WWHOHO RRepresentativeepresentative OfOffi ccee iinn tthehe PPhilippineshilippines iinstitutionalnstitutional aafffi lliationiation ooff aauthorsuthors ooff aafterfter TyphoonTyphoon HHaiyanaiyan 2255 UUrquicorquico RR,, LLaviñaaviña HHR,R, CCounahanounahan MM,, HHallall JJLL iinternationalnternational jjournalournal aarticlesrticles oonn ppost-disasterost-disaster hhealthealth rresponseesponse 1100 GGocotanoocotano AA,, CCounahanounahan MM,, BBelizarioelizario VV,, HHartigan-Goartigan-Go KK,, IIss rregistrationegistration ooff fforeignoreign mmedicaledical tteamseams nneededeeded BBalboaalboa GG,, GGoo MM,, DDayritayrit MM,, HHallall JJLL fforor ddisasterisaster rresponse?esponse? FFindingsindings ffromrom tthehe rresponseesponse ttoo TTyphoonyphoon HHaiyanaiyan 2299 GGuidelinesuidelines aandnd ttrainingraining fforor mmaternalaternal aandnd PPeiriseiris SS,, BBuenaventurauenaventura JJ,, ZZagariaagaria N nnewbornewborn ccareare ppost-Haiyanost-Haiyan 1155 FFieldield IInvestigationnvestigation RReportseports KKitongitong JJ,, CCaliboalibo A AAnn aassessmentssessment ofof ofof ddisaster-relatedisaster-related mortalitymortality ppost-Haiyanost-Haiyan iinn TTaclobanacloban CCityity 3344 CChinghing PPK,K, ddee llosos RReyeseyes VVC,C, SSucalditoucaldito MMN,N, TTayagayag E RRapidapid hhealthealth aassessmentsssessments ofof eevacuationvacuation ccentresentres inin aareasreas affectedaffected byby TyphoonTyphoon HHaiyanaiyan 3399 RRamosamos RRA,A, ddee llosos RReyeseyes VVC,C, SSucalditoucaldito MMN,N, TTayagayag E MManagementanagement ooff tthehe ddeadead iinn TTaclobanacloban CCityity aafterfter TyphoonTyphoon HHaiyanaiyan 4444 BBalleraallera JJE,E, ddee llosos RReyeseyes VVC,C, SSucalditoucaldito MMN,N, DDee GGuzmanuzman AA,, SSyy L JJr,r, ZZapantaapanta MMJ,J, AAvelinavelina FF,, FFelicianoeliciano JJ,, TTayagayag E AAssessmentssessment ofof drinking-waterdrinking-water qqualityuality ppost-Haiyanost-Haiyan 4488 MMagtibayagtibay BB,, AAnarnanarna MMS,S, FFernandoernando A RRespondingesponding ttoo tthehe hhealthealth aandnd rrehabilitationehabilitation nneedseeds ooff ppeopleeople wwithith ddisabilitiesisabilities ppost-Haiyanost-Haiyan 5533 BBenignoenigno MMR,R, KKleinitzleinitz PP,, CCalinaalina LL,, AAlcidolcido MMR,R, HHallall JJLL TThehe ppreventionrevention aandnd ccontrolontrol ooff ddengueengue aafterfter TyphoonTyphoon HHaiyanaiyan 6600 AAumentadoumentado CC,, CCerroerro BBR,R, OOlobialobia LL,, LLee-Suyee-Suy LL,, RReyeseyes A,A, KKusumawathieusumawathie PPHD,HD, SSagradoagrado MM,, HHallall JJL,L, AAbeyasinghebeyasinghe RR,, O H FFoxwelloxwell AAR,R, VVestergaardestergaard LLSS W WHO ((continuedcontinued oonn nnextext ppage)age) Which surveillance systems were operational after Typhoon Haiyan? 66 Tante S, Villa E, Pancho A, Galvan MA, Corpuz A Western Pacifi c Surveillance and Response An assessment of the case notifi cation system Open access journal with continuous publication 16 months after Typhoon Haiyan in Region 8, the Philippines 71 Western Pacific Surveillance and Response (WPSAR) is Gallardo FDL, de los Reyes VC, Sucaldito MN, Tayag E, an open access journal dedicated to the surveillance of and response to public health events. The goal of the journal A snapshot of catastrophic post-disaster is to create a platform for timely information sharing both health expenses after Typhoon Haiyan 76 within our region and globally to enhance surveillance and Espallardo NL, Geroy LS, Villanueva R, Gavino R, response activities. WPSAR is a continuous publication Nievera LA, Hall JL which means articles will be published online as soon as they have completed the review and editing process. Medicines management in the Philippine Every three months articles will be batched for a print public sector during the response to Haiyan 82 Salenga R, Robles Y, Loquias M, Capule F, Guerrero AM issue. It is a publication managed by the World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific. Lessons from the Field Social media as risk communication tool following Typhoon Haiyan 86 Cool CT, Claravall MC, Hall JL, Taketani K, Zepeda JP, Gehner M, Lawe-Davies O Copyright notice © World Health Organization 2010 Restarting the tuberculosis programme post-Haiyan 91 p-ISSN: 2094-7321 Lew W, Vianzon R, Garfin AMC, Hall JL e-ISSN: 2094-7313 All rights reserved. The information presented in the various pages Is my drinking a problem? A community-based of this journal is issued by the World Health Organization for general alcohol intervention programme post-Haiyan distribution, and is protected under the Berne Convention for the in Tacloban City 96 Protection of Literature and Artistic Works, under national laws on Czaicki AE, Fabrigas G, Gocotano A, Hall JL copyright and neighbouring rights. The World Health Organization does not warrant that the information contained in this publication is complete and correct and shall not be liable for any damages incurred as a result of its use. Publications of the World Health Organization can be obtained from EDITORIAL TEAM Marketing and Dissemination, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland (tel.: +41 22 791 3264; Ailan Li fax: +41 22 791 4857; email: [email protected]). Requests for Executive Editor permission to reproduce WHO publications, in part or in whole, or to translate them – whether for sale or for non-commercial distribution Cheng Ka Yeung – should be addressed to Publications, at the above address Coordinating Editor (+41 22 791 4806; email: [email protected]). For WHO Western Pacific Regional Publications, request for permission to reproduce should be addressed to Publications Office, World Health Michelle McPherson Organization, Regional Office for the Western Pacific, P.O. Box Special Issue Editor 2932, 1000, Manila, Philippines, fax: +632 521 1036, email: [email protected]. Elizabeth Mangali Assistant Editor Disclaimer Associate Editors The designations employed and the presentation of the information in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on Frank Konings the part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of Ying-Ru Lo any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dapeng Luo Jorge Mendoza Aldana The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers' products Nobuyuki Nishikiori does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the World Health Organization in preference to others of a similar nature that are Manju Rani not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary Boris Pavlin products are distinguished by initial capital letters. Editorial Responding to Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines Michelle McPherson,a Megan Counahanb and Julie Lyn Hallb Correspondence to [email protected]. he Philippines is a disaster-prone country,1 ranked Box 1. Impact of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines3 as the second highest country worldwide at risk of natural disasters.2 On 8 November 2013, T • Around 3.4 million families (16 million Typhoon Haiyan (local name “Yolanda”) made landfall individuals) were affected across 12 139 in the Philippines and had significant impact (Box 1).3 villages/communities in 44 provinces, 591 It was the strongest typhoon to have ever made landfall municipalities and 57 cities across Regions 4A, 4B, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 and Caraga. in the western North Pacific Ocean with a storm surge of 5–6 metres.4 Typhoon Haiyan left a corridor of destruction • There were 6293 individuals reported dead, 28 689 injured and 1061 still missing. across the Philippines (Figure 1) and affected the lives of 16 million people, devastated a health system and • A reported 890 895 families (4 million individuals) were displaced. Of these 21 000 challenged every sector of the country.3 Regions 6, 7 families (100 000 individuals) were served and 8 – Western, Central and Eastern Visayas – were the inside evacuation centres. most affected (Figure 1). • There were 1.1 million damaged houses of which 551 000 were totally damaged, and the rest were partially damaged. As a result of Typhoon Haiyan, a national state of calamity was
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