STANDARD BIDDING AT BRIDGE WITH SAYC PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Ned Downey, Ellen Pomer | 192 pages | 01 Dec 2005 | Meadowbrook Press, U.S. | 9781897106037 | English | Minnetonka, United States Bidding in 2/1 and main differences from SAYC - BBO Discussion Forums This help file does not try to explain the game of bridge. Instead, it explains certain details of the Trickster Bridge implementation. When we encounter an unimplemented sequence, our computer players will pass or suggest you pass. Screen shot showing first bid. We present possible bids using a digital replica of a standard bidding box. We highlight the suggested bid in yellow; suggestions to pass, double, and redouble are highlighted with a white glow around the button. During bidding, we display your count of high card points at the bottom of the screen. When you move your mouse over any bid or press and hold on a bid on a touch screen , we display a bubble explaining the bid. If you click or tap a placed bid, we explain what that bid means in SAYC. Board with dummy exposed. On large enough screens, the dummy is displayed in traditional layout; on smaller screens it displays as a flat spread of cards. Click or tap a card to play it. Your suggested card is displayed slightly raised. In the Preview, these suggestions are dummy-aware but still sub-optimal; no conventions are followed for the defensive lead. In both hands, you simply click or tap a card to play it. Open the higher of long suits of equal length: or Normally open 1 with in the minors. Notrump openings show a balanced hand and can be made with a five-card major suit or a five-card minor suit. Weak two-bids in diamonds, hearts and spades. Suit Vs. The only exception is AK - lead the king. Top of nothing vs. Second-highest vs. Drury , and all its variations, is off if the 1 of a major is overcalled. Opener continues as follows: Call 2! Sub-minimum opener Rebid of suit! Shows full opening hand Reverse Drury more commonly used! An improved version of Drury that "reverses" the meanings of opener's rebids. Opener Responder Opener Shows 1 - 2! Artificial, showing full opening hand 2 -! Responder can pass with 4x or return opener to spades 1 2! Good 5 card minor. Does promise opening strength. Responses are the same as for RDrury above except after 2! A clear advantage of 2-way RDrury is that opener can now identify the combined trump fit and that extra trump may be invaluable in partner's decision to bid game. Instead of a weak 2 , an opening bid of 2! The hand must have no outside Ace or King. If responder has stops in the other 3 suits and no minor void and no slam interest , he can pass. If he does not have the required stops and entry, he must bid 4 which opener can adjust to 4 if necessary. Acol 3NT Opening Recommended HCP, a solid or semi-solid minor suit of at least 6 usually 7 cards, and outside stops in at least 2 often all 3 suits, no void or small singleton Note: Responder must never rescue partner: if slam is out of the question, responder should pass. Inverted Minors! When responder has a weak minor raise eg. Conversely if responder has a good minor raise, he wants to keep the bidding as low as possible to allow careful exploration for game, or slam. No hand is too strong for a single minor raise. Denies 4-card major. Weak hand with 5 trumps or 4 good trumps After the single minor raise, opener must bid again, except if responder is a passed hand, or if opener's RHO intervenes with a bid or a double. Otherwise, responder has the option of passing if he feels the proper contract has been reached. After responder's rebid, any further bidding is governed by the following principle: " After a single minor raise, if either partner returns to 3 or 4 of the agreed minor or 2NT, this is not forcing except if either partner has bid 3NT prior to a return to 4 of the minor and indicates minimum values for his previous bidding. Hence, any other bid that does not complete game is forcing. The better method which keeps Opener as declarer: After a 1NT opener, 2! Landy and Revised Landy rlandy! A simple defense over opponent's 1NT opener. An overcall of 2! All other overcalls are natural, unless you use Revised Landy which additionally uses 2! Laventhal Discards Lav Discard of a low card of either remaining suit ie. Discard of a high card of either remaining suit, asks for the higher suit Example: If, say, diamonds are trumps and you are discarding on spades , then a high heart or club asks for a heart. A method of contending with the opposition suit overcall of partner's 1NT opening bid. Essentially it involves an artificial response of 2NT. Responder may then pass with clubs or sign off in his real suit. After a 2-level overcall by the opponents, a response of 3 of a new suit is natural and forcing , e. This also applies if it is a jump bid over opp's 2-level overcall: e. If responder, after the Lebensohl 2NT bid, bids a suit that is higher ranking than overcaller's suit , it is invitational to game e. The logic behind this is that if the responder had wished to sign off, he could have bid two immediately after the overcall, which would be weak, just as in standard bidding e. A common problem after an overcall of the 1NT opening is determining whether a stopper is held in the opponent's suit. This problem can be solved through another application of the Lebensohl convention. Here's how assume West passes : e. Confirms a heart stop - partner should pass 3! Pass 3NT! B 1NT 2 2NT! Cuebid is Stayman showing 4 spades and confirms a heart stop 3! Pass 3! C 1NT 2 3NT! Denies heart stop. Partner must have a heart stop to Pass D 1NT 2 3! Denies heart stop but shows 4 spades. After a 2-suited artificial overcall of 1NT opening, the suit bid is still an " unbid " suit. The agreements re the stop in opp's suit see above are " off " 3. Note : After a natural 3-level suit overcall a double is for takeout A further application of the Lebensohl convention is used after partner has made a takeout double of opponent's weak 2-bid opener. A response of 2NT! Note 1: The failure to engage the Lebensohl 2NT bid gives a constructive meaning to 3-level suit responses to partner's takeout double Note 2: If the suit bid at the 3 level, after engaging the Leb 2NT is a higher ranking suit than the opp suit, then it is invitational, e. A form of lead-directing double made over a voluntarily bid slam contract. Its purpose is to request an unusual lead, never a suit bid by your own side. In the majority of cases the Lightner Double is based on a void , often in one of the opponents' suits, usually in a side-suit bid by dummy. Note: The Lightner Double only applies against voluntarily bid slams so the double of an opponent's sacrifice bid is not lead-directing but penalty. Minor Suit Stayman mss! Over partner's 1NT opener, 2! If the 1NT opener responds 3! Also over openers of 2NT and 3NT. The Minor Suit Transfer Bid must always show a "one-suited" hand, since all "two-suited" hands are adequately catered for with the use of Stayman , Jxfers to majors , or MSS. MST uses 2NT! Example A No. North South South's Rebid Shows 1. At least 5 usually 6 clubs and a "bust" 3! Pass 2. At least 5 usually 6 diamonds and a "bust" 3! Pass Example B: further bidding by the Xfer bidder No. Singleton or void in the "new" suit, at least 6 of the known minor. No singleton or void, Game Force, possible slam interest. Signing off in the known minor. This works as follows: No. Note 2: If the Minor-Suit Xfer Bid is overcalled or doubled, opener may: Bid with a good fit for responder's minor X for penalty Pass Responder's rebids will have their usual meanings. Note 3: If opener bypasses the Xfer rare and rebids 3NT, it would indicate a super-fit in responder's known minor and an expectancy of making 3NT despite partner's weakness. He may Pass Rebid his suit usually a sign off Cuebid a new suit if he has slam interest Bid 4NT to invite slam in NT Note 4: If as responder you have HCP and a 6-card minor suit a direct raise to 3NT is probably the best bid since any attempt to employ Minor- Suit Xfer Bids to further describe your hand would decrease your chances of succeeding in the better contract of 3NT. This would be game forcing and would show slam interest. If the shortage is in clubs , then use Stayman and bid normally. Splinter Responses are "off" after interference by the opposition. The use of a bid in an unbid minor suit by responder as an artificial convenient forcing bid after a 1NT rebid by the opening bidder. Bidding Practice - SAYC Bridge It's also really really nice when you can make a call looking for slam and know it won't get passed even if your partner doesn't know what you're doing yet.
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