FULL LIST OF APPROVED SENDING ORGANIZATION OF UZBEKISTAN Person in charge of Training Contact Point in Japan Approved date No. Name of Organization Address URL Name of Person Remarks (the date of name TEL Email Address TEL Email receipt) in Charge had already placed TITP candidates in Japan. Agency of External Labour migration under the However, they will not engage in sending Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations of the additional(new) TITP candidates in future until Republic of Uzbekistan, which is formerly named as 100179, Tashkent city, further official notice, in prescribed manner by 1 www.migration.uz Tursunov Bakhtiyor +998 71 202 33 55 [email protected] 2019/2/20 the Agency for Foreign Labor Migration Affairs of Qamarniso street, 1 Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations of the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations the Republic of Uzbekistan and Agency of External of the Republic of Uzbekistan ("AFLMA") Labour Migration under the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Khorezm region, Urganch city, 2 "Xorazm xususiy bandlik agentligi" LLC N/А Ruzmetov Sukhrob +998 62 2235705 [email protected] 2019/2/20 block 4, 54/1 Samarkand region, Samarkand canceled 3 “Amilee Bahora xususiy bandlik agentligi” LLC N/A Adilov Sanjar Solievich +998 90 1863355 [email protected] 2019/2/20 city, Registon st., 9 Aichi Ken Nagoya Shi Tashkent city, Chilanzar Ibragimov ibragimov@tiansha canceled 4 "Tian Shan xususiy bandlik agentligi" LLC N/А Atadjanov Shokhrukh +998 99 8994466 [email protected] Sakae 4-16-29 Chuto 052-684-6050 2019/2/20 district, block 7, 32 Bunyodbek n.com Shogakukan building 803 Tashkent city, Chilanzar Ms.Tadjibaeva Ghulnoza, +998 99 0027102 / canceled 5 “AGO2 xususiy bandlik agentligi” LLC N/A [email protected] 2019/2/20 district, Bunyodkor st., 52 Saidakhmedov Alikhuja +998 90 3195807 Tashkent city, Yakkasaray +99891 1345955/ canceled 6 "Human xususiy bandlik agentligi" LLC www.humanjob.uz Komilov Suxrob [email protected] 2019/2/20 district, Bobur st., 72/74b +998 90 9977504 Tashkent city, Chilanzar 7 "Arm Inter Group xususiy bandlik agentligi" LLC N/A Ismailov N. +998 90 9794443 N/А 2019/2/20 district, Lutfiy st., 94/19 Samarkand region, Samarkand +998 66 2336836 8 “Avangard personal xususiy bandlik agentligi” LLC N/A Rakhmetov Furkat [email protected] 2019/2/20 city, Amir Temur st., 20 +998 66 2335555 #1305 Nomura-garden Andijan region, Andijan city, A. bldg. 5-11-5, Hakozaki tsuruta.kazutaka@g 9 “Bek Jobs xususiy bandlik agentligi” LLC N/A Khamrakulov Bekzodbek +998 97 1130925 [email protected] Kazutaka Isurata 8192-260-76-07 2019/2/20 Bobirshoh st., 11 Higashi-ku Fukuoka-city mail.com 812-0053, Japan Bukhara region, Bukhara city, 10 "BS Global xususiy bandlik agentligi" LLC N/A Babadjanov Bakhtiyor +998 97 7079828 [email protected] 2019/2/20 Gazli shossesi st., 40 "Buyuk gallaktika franchayzing kompaniyasi xususiy Samarkand region, Samarkand 11 N/A Sulaymonov Uralbay +998 91 5425085 [email protected] 2019/2/20 bandlik agentligi" LLC city, Gagarin st., 43 Address: Samarkand region, canceled 12 "Consort xususiy bandlik agentligi" LLC N/A Djabbarov Jamshid +998 91 3189848 [email protected] 2019/2/20 Samarkand city, Beruni st., 32a Tashkent city, Shayhantahur 13 “Euroasia Innovation xususiy bandlik agentligi” JV district, Gulobod., BLDG 5 www.eain.uz Nizomov Ulugbek +998 71 2009666 [email protected] 2019/2/20 app-29 Tashkent city, Shaykhantokhur canceled 14 "Global jobs xususiy bandlik agentligi" LLC N/A Ibrokhimov Dilshod +998 97 7205197 [email protected] 2019/2/20 district, block Chorsu, 3a Tashkent city, Chilanzar +998 97 4626167 15 “Global resources xususiy bandlik agentligi” LLC N/A Kholmatov Djobir N/A 2019/2/20 district, Kizil shark st., 25/82 +998 97 4326167 Andijan region, Andijan city, A. 16 "Goodwill xususiy bandlik agentligi” LLC Nurayev Latifkhon +998 74 2279395 [email protected] 2019/2/20 Fitrat st., 27 "Human resources development xususiy bandlik Andijan region, Andijan city, 17 N/А Rakhmatullaev Ziyoyiddin +998 97 5808029 [email protected] 2019/2/20 agentligi" LLC Milliy Tiklanish st., 21 Tashkent city, Yashnabad 18 “Interjob xususiy bandlik agentligi” LLC N/А Rakhmatov Alisher +998 97 7267112 [email protected] 2019/2/20 district, Chigil st., 7 Tashkent city, Yunusabad “International experience xususiy bandlik agentligi” canceled 19 district, Sh.Rashidov st., 16 N/А Ms.Kimsanova Oybarchin +998 90 1744007 [email protected] 2019/2/20 LLC (“Poytaxt” business centre ) Tashkent city, Yakkasaray 20 “InterTrud xususiy bandlik agentligi” LLC N/А Khusanov Azizbek +998 99 8028555 [email protected] 2019/2/20 district, Mirabad st., 12/235 Samarkand region, Samarkand 21 “Jyonan-Staff Bank xususiy bandlik agentligi” LLC N/А Khabibov Shukhrat +998 90 2714959 [email protected] 2019/2/20 city, Professorlar st., 51 “Korean and migrations xususiy bandlik agentligi” Tashkent city, Shaykhantokhur canceled 22 N/А Otakulov Kakhramon +998 90 3297703 [email protected] 2019/2/20 LLC district, block Koratosh, 31/18 "Link sides consulting business xususiy bandlik Tashkent city, Sergeli district, [email protected]; canceled 23 N/А Khudoyberdiev Jamshid +998 99 8338088 2019/2/20 agentligi" LLC block 5, 25/34 [email protected] Samarkand region, Samarkand 24 “Marakanda xususiy bandlik agentligi” LLC N/А Akhmerov Ildar +998 91 5557877 [email protected] 2019/2/20 city, M.Ulugbek st., 11 "Мigo overseas consulting xususiy bandlik agentligi" Namangan region, Namangan 25 N/А Nuriddinov Ravshanbek +998 90 2184687 [email protected] Akramov Bobur 8180-3890-9618 2019/2/20 LLC city, U.Nosir st., 5 “Mirai recruitment agency xususiy bandlik agentligi” Ferghana region, Ferghana city, 26 N/А Nazirov Khabibullo +998 97 7442010 [email protected] 2019/2/20 LLC S.Temur st., 67 Tashkent city, Sergeli district, +998 93 3355736 canceled 27 "Miratec xususiy bandlik agentligi" LLC N/А Ms.Saidova Zilola [email protected] 2019/2/20 Shokir ariq st., 40 +998 98 5737139 Navoiy region, Navoiy city, canceled 28 “Navoiy xususiy bandlik agentligi” LLC www.jobsnavoiy.uz Zoirov Orifdjon +998 94 3790770 [email protected] 2019/2/20 I.Karimov str., 110/7 "Recruit Consulting Work xususiy bandlik agentligi" Tashkent city, Chilanzar canceled 29 www.recconsulwork.uz Mirzaeva Kamola +998 98 367 07 27 [email protected] 2019/2/20 LLC district, block 6, 22/38 Samarkand region, Samarkand +998 93 7240257 30 "Status777 xususiy bandlik agentligi" LLC www.status777.uz Karshiev Zafar [email protected] 2019/2/20 city, Gulobod st., 62a +998 94 4747378 "Tarаqqiyot milliy markazi xususiy bandlik agentligi" Tashkent city, Shaykhantokhur canceled 31 N/А Anarkulov Nodirjon +998 99 8410864 [email protected] 2019/2/20 LLC district, block Guilobod, 12/71 FULL LIST OF APPROVED SENDING ORGANIZATION OF UZBEKISTAN Person in charge of Training Contact Point in Japan Approved date No. Name of Organization Address URL Name of Person Remarks (the date of name TEL Email Address TEL Email receipt) in Charge Andijan region, Andijan city, A. canceled 32 "The Empire xususiy bandlik agentligi" LLC N/А Mukhammadkulov Abdullo +998 94 6075757 [email protected] 2019/2/20 Mirzo Ulugbek st., 24a Samarkand region, Samarkand 33 "Todah Samarkand xususiy bandlik agentligi" LLC N/А Bakturdiev Sherali +998 93 3368089 [email protected] 2019/2/20 city, Bustonsaroy st., 32 Tashkent city, Shaykhantokhur Abdumadjidov Sayfulla 34 “Toshkent xususiy bandlik agentligi” LLC N/А +998 90 9203002 [email protected]; [email protected] 2019/2/20 district, Kichik xalqa st., 1/10 Shukurullaevich Ferghana region, Ferghana city, [email protected]; 35 “Unistaff xususiy bandlik agentligi” LLC N/А Bazorov Akhrorjon +998 73 2440858 2019/2/20 Sayilgoh st., 29 [email protected] Ferghana region, Ferghana city, 36 "Vodiy HR xususiy bandlik agentligi" LLC N/А Toshtemirov Elyor +998 93 4802037 [email protected] 2019/2/20 B.Marginoniy st., 35 Tashkent city, Chilanzar canceled 37 “Work in world xususiy bandlik agentligi” LLC N/А Boykhanov Azamatbek +998 90 9007707 [email protected] 2019/2/20 district, block 10, 21a Tashkent city, Mirabad district, canceled 38 “World work xususiy bandlik agentligi” LLC N/А Ms.Ghulomova Sevara +998 97 4600571 [email protected] 2019/2/20 Nukus st., 73 Andijan region, Andijan city, canceled 39 "Xususiy bandlik agentligi Historical travel" LLC N/А Rasulov Akbarshokh +998 93 9108881 [email protected] 2019/2/20 Khorezm st., 125 ADECCO STAFF RECRUITING XUSUSIY Ferghana region, Ferghana city, +998 73 244 95 00 / canceled 40 N/А Ms.Sultonova Venera [email protected] 2019/2/20 BANDLIK AGENTLIGI" LLC A.Navoiy st., 6-6 91 693 00 83 Tashkent region, Tashkent city, canceled 41 "Recruitment expert xususiy bandlik agentligi" LLC Chilanzar district, Integro bld., N/A Saidmuradov Dilshod +998 90 3285260 [email protected] 2019/5/7 b-block, 15 Khatirchi district, A.Yassavi canceled 42 "Aziya best xususiy bandlik agentligi" LLC N/A Eshniyozov Anvar +998 90 7300220 [email protected] 2019/5/7 st.,61 Tashkent city, Uchtepa district, 43 "Full employment xususiy bandlik agentligi" LLC N/A Kasimov Iskandar +998 99 8451442 N/А 2019/5/7 Block 22, 7 Tashkent city, Mirabad district, canceled 44 "Oxiana work xususiy bandlik agentligi" LLC N/A Danaboev Kamoliddin +998 93 336 80 89 [email protected] 2019/5/7 Mekhjon st., 12 Tashkent city, Yunusabad Zaynobiddinov 45 "United aim xususiy bandlik agentligi" LLC N/A Usmanov Saydullo +998 90 332 00 50 N/А Tokio
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