laced R another flag was p on the parapet of the Stockade edan , but the effort to carry the Confederate l ine of defense by assault was . : 2 unsuccessful at every point Casualties U nion ; killed 50 , wounded m 147 - r issing , total sixty eight ofii ce s killed or mortally wounded . Confederate : not fully reported . ’ As 5 G G L n early as May , eneral rant had ordered a u ma s D ivision i ~ S V :. it took osit iorr of “the xteenth Corps to the vicinity of icksburg p 25 1 5 ’ on the left of the Thirteenth on May , and , on J une , Herron s D m ivision took position on the extre e left , extending its l ine to the V river below icksburg and thereby com pleting its investment . Two N divisions of the inth Corps , two other divisions of the Sixteenth m Corps , and seven brigades detached fro the three corps that began the campaign were deployed on an exterior l ine , under com mand of G S 22 ' eneral herman after J une , extending from Haynes B l uff on R the left to B ig Black iver bridge on the right , to guard against attack ' m w m by Johnston s army . This ar y as asse bled after the engage 1 4 ment at Jackson , M ay , in the hope that it would be able to raise V G ’ the siege of icksburg , either by defeating eneral Grant s army or by assisting the Confederate arm y of Vicksburg to break through the investment line . Siege operations were carried on by the part U of the nion army engaged on that line , and were successfully 2 opposed by the Confederate army , from May 3 to J uly 3 , when a proposal for capitulation was sent by General Pemberton to General Grant . They met for conference that afternoon between the l ines and near the Jackson road . The terms of capitulation were agreed m upon by correspondence after the eeting , and the Confederate m V G 4 ar y of icksburg was surrendered to eneral Grant on J uly , m and a detach ent of h is army occupied the city . Casualties from 29 4 : U March to J uly , inclusive nion ; killed wounded m issing total Confederate ; killed wounded missing total officers and men were sur a rendered t the end of the defense . At 23 1 62 the beginning of siege operations , M ay , about guns were on the investment line , most of them in position in hastily con structed batteries . These were enlarged and strengthened and additional guns successively mounted i n new batteries at a dvan ta eous g positions . E mbrasures of batteries close to the Confederate line closed against rifle balls by plank sh utters or with bags of packed m cotton . The first parallel made al most continuous fro the right 1 3th A on the river to the left of the rmy Corps , and , as the approaches ‘ were carried forward , second and third parallels opened . Loopholes m for sharpshooters , made either with sand bags or in a ti ber on the parapet ; sixteen principal approaches begu n and eleven carried close - to the Confederate l ine . They were loop holed for sharpshooters wherever opportunity for fire was afforded ; nine galleries for m ines ~ ' started and two m in es fired , both at the hea d of Logan s approach . A 4 220 all t the end of the siege , J uly , about guns , incl uding from N the avy , were on the investment line , largely in position : eighty nine batteries constructed , but about twenty abandoned and their guns m oved to the exterior l ine or to advanced positions ; aggregate l ength of Union trenches , twelve m iles . The Confederate l ine of defense, eight m iles long , mounted about r - 130 gu nS in sixty seven batteries . Works and connecting curtains - U loop holed for sharpshooters . Damage done them by the nion m batteries repaired at night . A nu ber of guns disabled by the fire of the Union batteries and , in most cases , new guns could not be mounted in their places . Countermines against U nion approaches R and mines prepared at nine places and four fired . etrenchments made in rear of some works , but not used , as the l ine of defense was not anywhere broken . The defense largely confined to sharpshoot ing and maintained for forty- seven days without relief for the offi cers f . and men in the trenches , part of the time without su ficient rations 2 - 4 : U 94 Reported casualties , M ay 3 J uly nion ; killed , wounded 1 19 638 fi 425, missing , total , nineteen of cers killed or mortally R wounded . Confederate , not separately reported . eported cas u i 1 - : 766 276 alt es , M ay 8 J uly 4 Union ; killed , wounded missing , At the beginning of the investment , May 18 about thirty - eight ‘ , 1 07 ofiicers total killed or mortally wounded . Confederate , heavy guns were in position on the river line and thirteen light 1 58 ; 873 , , river batteries not incl uded killed wounded missing pieces posted on the city front . All the l ight and six of the heavy total 93 officers killed or mortally wounded . guns were successively moved to the line of defense with the detach The Vicksburg Cam paign would not have been planned and ments serving them , but one of the heavy guns was moved back to could not have been conducted on the l ines on which it was success the river line . N - D fully made without the assistance of the avy . About twenty six m 18 - 4 uring the invest ent , May J uly , the river batteries were S gunboats and light draughts of the M ississippi quadron , with Opposed to the gunboats below the city , the m ortars behind the A R A m D D . necessary attendants , cting ear d iral avid Porter com , peninsula and the guns on the peninsula and on scows , and were 1 manding , and , during part of the time , the M ississippi Marine Bri g 9 , 20 2 1 22 enga ed M ay M ay , M ay , M ay and M ay 27, with the . Gen . A . , co O n - gade , B rig lfred W E llett com manding Operated with gunboats below the city . the last named day the gunboat ” the army in the operations of the campaign and siege . Cincinnati attacked the upper batteries and was disabled and 63 Ra m The night of A pril 16 , 18 , eigh t gunboats , includ ing the sunk on the M ississipp i side of the great bend in the river above G the city , after an action of thirty m inutes . Reported casualties eneral Price , and three transports passed the Confederate bat rie V : te s on the river l ine at icksburg and at Warrenton , one transport in com mand during the investment killed and wounded about ix thirty . s unk . S days later five additional transports passed down without m material da age , and one was sunk by the fire of the Confederate V batteries . The gunboats below icksburg bombarded the Confed G EN E RAL S UMMAR Y O F CAS UAL TI E S A 29 ff , c rate batteries at Grand G ulf , pril , without e ectively silene MARCH 29 - J U n nd LY 4. i g them . They a the seven transports ran past these batteries UN O N . that night and , yduring the two following days , carried six divisions I Kil l ed of the army across the river , landing them at B ruinsburg on the ' ' D nba s an a on o u s ana u r Pl t ti , L i i , April 15 . o G G M ississippi side The ther divisions of eneral rant s army were o G bson M P rt i , ay 1 a r . c rried across the iver at later dates So u or a o e e M a th F k B y u Pi rr , y 2 At No th o B a o ie re M a the beginning of the investment the gunboats below the city r F rk y u P r , y 3 2 n oo o s s 1 9 0 21 h k , u ana, M a 1 0 attacked the lower Confederate batterie , M ay , M ay , M“ay , Pi L i i y 22 2 n a mon M a 12 M ay and May 7 . O the last named day the gunboat Cin R y d , y " o u teen- M e ree M a 1 2- 13 c innati attacked the upper batteries from above the city and was F r il C k , y ac son M a 4 D J k , y 1 disabled and sunk . uring the siege detachments from the Squad ' am on H M a s 16 . ron co- operated by making the investment on the river side as com C h pi ill , y B ig Black e B d e M a 1 7 plete as possible and by shelling the Confederate batteries and Riv r ri g , y k m s es a bou V c s h k b urg, M a 1 8 20 and 21 . intrenchments ; served seven m ortars on mortar boats anchored S ir i t i y , ssa on on e e a e ne of D e s A ult C f d r t Li fen e, M ay 19 behind the peninsula opposite the city, and , d uring the latter part ssa t on on e era e ne of D e ens M A ul C f d t Li f e, ay 22 of the siege , three heavy guns on scows behind the peninsula and at Mec an csb ne — — h i urg, Ju of r ; ' the left north the morta boats made expeditions up the M i en s en o s ana ill k B d , L ui i , June 7 R r co- Y azoo ive and its tributaries and operated in the repulse of the a o axt e o s ana n 9 ' ’ B y u B r, L ui i , Ju e a G Confeder te attacks at Y oung s Point , M illiken s Bend and ood so n e Bird g F rry , June 12 .
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