University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1940 The aiD ly Lobo 1931 - 1940 4-19-1940 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 042, No 50, 4/19/ 1940 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1940 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 042, No 50, 4/19/1940." 42, 50 (1940). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ daily_lobo_1940/25 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1931 - 1940 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1940 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. \ ' u . Ui\IIVERSITY OF NEW mlr.'~r'f"·''' I' Tuesday, April 16, 1940 UNMBy Lewis Butler Students Rally for Peace Day Wynn Reads Poetry \ University students joined with over one million other Assem students on American campuses this mol'lling in the ob­ Dr, Duqley Wynn, University assistant professor of supported on 500 American college and university cam. English, read anti-war poetry which followed the general J)USes. s]Jip through the Churches; and other national servance of the fourth national Peace Day. Many teachers theme of the peace dqy program. The national program for Peace as announced by the tion leaders. u:t :: devoted classes to discussing means of keeping out of war. USPC advocates "no war loans, no planes, no men to Eut·o­ . "oc.·:-:a.,._..l-·-;;.t·~:;h.l;:;h~ ]. i~:i!\~;aB~.:~.d ~:·~; ~:~ ~o:;::;;:~ :'='£J:£;.i:;: Rev. B. War,ford, Albuquet•que clergyman, spoke briefly, The USPC was first torm~d in 1936 ~fter 750,000 Held in connection with Pan American week, the Uni­ pean belligerents, increased NYA appropriations, the )las­ dents RllSWered a joint call by several national U I " £7. • • --- by Mickey McFadden; and after act on the "Internal and External Causes of the War," and D J~ ~ Furth.cr try. outs for the d ''B'JI, versity voluntary· Pan American-Peach assembly held in elaborated on the position of yollth in maint11ining peace. sage of the American Youth Act, the maintenance of organizations to organize the millions of students into ---·--·--·-·-·-------·-·-.. --·- Th UrS d N• ht senior play "As You Like It" IV: 1, "Make Believe," an .. ' ! Deans Approve Movement ay Jg 2 Rodey hall at 11 o'clock ·Friday morning :featured the racial, religious and political minority rights, e1<tension of effective "peace bloc.'' In 1937 the million mark in PROM CHAPERONES -._._ will be held tonight at 7 sung by Miss Carroll. John Lew1s educational budgets, no militariza'tion of CCC and NY A, tcndance at peace rallies and strikes was reached theme "KecJl America out of War" on its program. Deans of colleges have qpproved the peace movement TWO OPEN DATES LEFT DINNER GUESTS Spring initiation ceremo~ies an.d o'clock in Administration :150, will be at the piano and James ·idea, st11ting that it.is a good means of stimulating thought and student relief, non~military and non-partisan.'' . tlw USPC issued a calJ demanding "demili1;at•ization OOM · ___ b~mquet will be held for mght b1- Both male and female parts McCahon at the trumpet. Elmer Neish, Student Senate president, presided at the in a good direction, students in charge of the assembly USPC Program Endorsed colleges and universities, passage of the Nye-Kvale amen<t-1 fOR SUB BALLR . Cha erones to the Junior-Senior ology students bY ~embe~s o.f the are yet to be filled, Students Ladies and. gentlemen of the ~taff assembly and introduced Senior Victor Pasquiera, Mexi­ report. Endorsement of the USPC progt•am have come from ment to 1nake ROTC optional and defense o£ civil liberties Jl · •t l!apte" of Phi Sigma, of sent'or rating are urged to II t can consul, who &dclressed the body ou "Pan Americanism.'' The annual peace day observances are. sponsored by Otto Safaranek, general secretary of the United Czech­ and academic freedom. ---. ly two open p!·omena d e, held in the Student Un- Umve1·s1. Yb' clogy fraternity' ThUl'S· tr·y out. Coach J ohi•SOn is in ·nclude: director, Mr. Russe ; S age 1 the United Student Peace committee, and its programs are oslovakian American Youth; Richard M. Fagley, education The committee is affiliate<! to the N11tional Peace Con. datesThere on whichremmn the on Student Umon. ion. building t Saturdayf Deart night, &nd wereMrs. dayhonorary. evemng, 10 . ' d charge, mana gel·, Mary Retick;I' ht'costumiere,. rt'st secretary qf the World Alliance for International Friend- ference and is represented aJ the Wol'!d Alliance of Fel­ ballroom will be available. h;fot·e dnmer gue.s s o h d The initiation will be conducte Barbara Vorenberg; lg mg a .l ' lowship Through the Churches, closed week begins, Afton W1lhams, M. E. Farl'lS befor~ t e ance. ' · th Student Union buildinl't at Mrs. Thompson to Direct Mr, McFadden; master electr!cian, student manager, has announced. Attending the dmuer were Dr. ~~30 ~'clock for Julia Tl'ity, Lau- l t James McCallon; sceen pamter, The dates are Saturday, AJ!rll and Mrs. JaJnes F, Zimt~errn:a~ d~lle Hughes, Edythe McMacken, Amarillo Ore Ies ra Dol'iS Ogden, property misl-ress, 20. and Saturday, May 4, Apy cam- Dean and Mrs. J, C. Knod ' D . Anita Leibel, Dorothy Morgan, Mrs. --- £,' this Charlotte Jones; make-up manager, 0 Break it* up, Boys pus' organization WlS. I. ung t l'.es erve and Mrs. George P. Hamm.ond, Ruth Ral'zi'znn, Ft·ed Worman and Announcement " was Thompsonade J ane Crawfoi·d·• music ' John Lewis, the ballroo'Jn on either of those Dean and Mrs. S, P. Nanmll;ga, Helen Looney with Robert Spen~- week that Mrs,. "ra~e usic de: and prompter, Caroline ~rohbieter. nights should see Mrs. Thompson Dean and Mrs, J., L. Bostwick, I y president and other officers m head of the Umverslty m d t There will be eight mmutes be- NEW MEXICO LOBO • in the Sub or leave word at Dean Lena Clauve, Dean ',. e ' partment, will be con or t n acts with no intelmission Election's Over P t~e Willi~m ~ ~uest ~c ersonnel office, The rental fee IS Dunbar, Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Whlte c ~ 't~nquet honoring the new in!· at the Amat~llo ClVlc Sy~~el~~: b::;een Acts I and II. St~d;~ts Publi~ation of the Associated Students of the Univdrsity of New Mexico and Mr. and Mrs, Charles Barker. tiates at the Alvarado hotel ts orchestra 80. WalterU . be admitted on their actlvttles ~pn~ -~ ·n VoL. XLII $10. lanned to immediately follow the instructor m plano .at the . mver ~':'~kets . Z437 C HI O'S WIN CONTEST Dr. Frank Hibben, cur- sity, will be guest pmno soloist. I . Warren Griffin to Sing fnitiatio~.ator of the Umversity museum, and ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, Al'RIL 19, 1940 At Santa · F e T ea A table set for a buffet June h eon Pl:mclp· · 1e sveakerM ' willf thetalk san- on No. 49 --- fi t prize nnd a set of silver "Pleistocene aruma 1s o Warren Griffim,• · voice· sc ho lai·ship fwon tl rse Chi Omega soronty· m· a d'Ja Cave •" ·n . the winner, has been invited to sing at ~~Je.;aying contest sponsored by a Robe;t S~~nselyto ~~e n!~':nem- an artist's tea in Santa ~e at IB local jeweler. welcomml~e aba~e~~t The response STUDENTS! .. save ?'clock this Thursda;;, :r:~:~~i se: 'The Chi I.'s were in ~o?'petition ~~~·~ ~! ~iven b~ L~udelle Hughes. '"IectiOns. t? be aGp~omgr~mart m lS student in the with. • !lie•t other four sorortttes on the A music programb ala. o t has been A t d Science college. Umverst 'I campus. arranged for the anque • . campus Dollars INDEPENDENTS WIN CLOSE ELECTION r s an . The local chapter of Pht Stgma f FOR AUCTION NEXT MONTH Bratton Gives Greek Plat orm mustwas foUndedhave at leastin 1935. 1G hours Members of B Continued from Page 1) in biology, and GO hom·s of c~~=g: The following merchants are autho~ized Lobo ( • · • · 0 the student manager, the work with an av g In placing these responstbthttes up n I I knit and co- of 1.8 in otder toaggr~g~t_e be mttlated. Associated Students will nssure themselves a more c os Y advertisers. PatroJiize them and receive campus AU Amendments Carry With Ease TAKE SEVEN OFFICES; ordinatd group of governing boards. dollars. Fi" Financial Responsibility 11 • • Student Councils have Hammond Named Delegate During the past few year~, t e mc~m~~~nances mainly because, • • 1 been quite confused on the subJe.~t of at:: in complet~ charge of finan­ Students Voice ApproVal Dr. While Appomted McManus Announces, If( Holds UpPresenJ GREEKS.. ELECT FIVE I believe, there has ~een nho dtenthfi~Ite·fu"::ion could be alleviated by the Dt• ..George p • Hammond, dean of cia! matters. I behave t a ts "' the University Graduate School, Save • .. · To Merit Commission Senior Class Rushing System Spurs Conyent1on following(1) Thechanges: financml . a dvtser . an d financial secretary should be- will represent the local Rota'! club the Collegiate Student Election Is at the international conventwn to Campus Dollars N;w to the state ofthe";resent Univcr- come one and the same person; a nou- be held at Havana, Cuba, June 9-14. By large MaJOrity appo.in~ Committees Appro~nl Opens Today (2) The finnncial advisor-secretary bccom: tl d· Hang-Out mertt commtsswn mclude Dr.
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