Official Organ of the Irish Tourist Association vo!. XIV. ~o. 9. J(;~ -E, 1939. Threepence Slievemore, rifted and cloud-crowned, above a stretch of strand near Dugort, Achill. IRISH 1'RA VEL ]1tne, 1939 FISHGUARD to CORK Leave Paddington §*5.55 p.m. Every Tues.. Thurs. and Sat. (§ July 4th/Sept. 23rd, 6.55 p.m.) LIVERPOOL to DUBLIN Leave Euston *6.5 p.m. Saill0.15p.m. Nightly (Sun. ex.) LIVERPOOL to BELFAST Leave Euston -6.5 p.m. SaiIIO.15p.m. Nightly (Sun. ex.) GLASGOW to BELFAST Direct. Sail from GlasgoW 10 p.m. t Nightly (Sundays eK.) GLASGOW to DUBLIN Direct. Mon. Wed. Sat. 5.15 p.m. via Greenock. Fridays at 1 p.m. GLASGOW to DERRY via Greenock. Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday t SaturdaY8 10.30 p.m. BANK OF IRELAND ESTABLISHED 1788 Visitors to Dublin invariably make their way to Clerys-which has gained widespread fame as one fACILITIES FOR TRAVELLERS of the most progressive and beautiful Department Stores in Europe. Here is always to be seen a really AT representative display of Ireland's leading products- Head OMce: COLLEGE GREEN, DUBLIN FINE IRISH LINENS, REAL IRISH LACES, IRISH HOME SPUNS, IRISH POPLINS, BELFAST CORK., DERRY BELLEEK CHINA, IRISH MARBLE SOUVENIRS AND 100 TOWNS THROUGHOUT IRELAND; Large Display in Irish Pavilion WORLD'S FAIR, NEW YORK EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE Clerys pay hirJiu'st Sella for beautiful GlIide Book­ BUSINESS TRANSACTED ON ARRIVAL OF LINERS pmejor the Dolla/'. .. Seeing 1I1odern Dublin"-Free BY DAY OR NIGHT AT COBH (QUEENSTOWN) AND GALWAY DOCKS. CLERY & CO.; Ltd., O'Connell st., DUBLIN June, 1939 IRISH TRA VEL - SUBSCRlPTION : Wholesale tram lhe 5/· PER ANNUM, Irbh TODrbl AssoclatloD PaS! Free. and from EaSOD & SOD, Ltd. COPIES FREE InlSH TO ALL MEMBERS Relall tram OF THE an NewsageDls aDd ASSOCIATION AND tram lhe OF ITS ASSOCIATE irish Tourbl AssoclalloD. DEPARTMENT. TRAVEL Price 3d. Official Organ of the Irish Tourist Association, Dublin -- VOL XIV. JUNE, 1939. No. 9 LIVE IN WESTERN IRELAND AND BECOME A CENTENARIAN "WHY does a woman look old those advertisers with their pleasant never envisaged-popularity bal­ sooner than a man ?" Or resumes of so many diverse things anced on a pill. does she? It is a bellige­ in their display advertisement were But does a woman really look rent question in the household the forerunners of all those kind older, etc.? Again we evade the ~n~how, and one must approach editors who offer us pre-digested que tion sideways, like this. There It ill the strictest judicial manner reading from Broadway to Benin is a part of the world where the Or the storm will burst. now in their monthly summaries at question hardly ever arises. In A few years ago, as advertisement sixpence or a shilling. western Ireland the proportion of readers will remember, the question, And on the question of aesthetic centenarians is the highest in Was most cleverly set out as part of utilities, what is there more piquant Europe. This is one of the multitude the publicity that helped to make than the fact that the makers of a of mysteries of the alleged distressful known to the world a favourite modern diaphoretic have put country, how people live there to COmmodity. Indeed, this detail Leonardo da Vinci on the popular the patriarchal age while the news­ brings up the other question as to map as none of the artistic critics papers are full of eternal warfare how far advertisers are aesthetic ever succeeded in doing? That and destruction that work through benefactors as well. We remember smile of the Gioconda as benison all our imaginations elsewhere. A that other standardized advertise­ for the purchaser of a purgative is ninety-one-year-old rate collector in ment that was always a mosaic of surely the high level in incongruous the Roscommon region has just quotations from the classics so that but effective putting-the-story­ collected 99 per cent. of his accounts statesmen as well as local councillors across. See it on the tram and for the year. Obviously that is a began to season their speeches with bus, in the train, on the hoarding, 99 per cent. country to visit or to extracts from it that might appear to and in the drug-store windows and live in. the unwary to be the fruit of intense you will realise one thing that da D. L. KELLEHER tUdy of the major author. Really, Vinci, for all his myriad ability, in "Coming Event~." Principal Contents Principal Irish Events Page togef~er and fOlmde~ the Dublin Metropolitan Reg~tta ROWing in Ireland .... B) Skipper 215 and, III that year, It was held, for the first time at June Fishing .... .... By L. Gaffey 217 Ringsend. In those days, there were no eight-o~red Curiosities Around Ireland 219 boats, only Fours, and for enior Fours, the Metropolitan BoWling By Tom Byrne 221 Ireland To-da): In and Around the Gaeltacht. Cup was offered. This trophy continues to be regarded By D. L. Kelleher 223 as the " Blue Ribband of Irish Rowing" and it is the Famous Strangers Lie Buried in Ireland. ambition of every Irish club to win it and of every Irish . By R. .J. Bennett 227 oarsman to have his name inscribed on it as a member Inshmen helped to make American History. By John C. Boyne 228 of the winning crew. Caherciveen, in County Kerry By E. Sigerson Clifford 231 The Metropolitan Regatta Rules governed the sport Radio Eireann .... .. 235 throughout Ireland until 1899 in which year the Irish .A Directory of Irish Hotels . 239 Amateur Rowing Union was organised and has since 2) been the governing body which controls the sport. S IRISH TRA VEL June, IQ39 NOTES AND NEWS International Clay Bird Shooting .. Connacht Angling Championship .... Mountaineering International Championship. " Mountaineering in Ireland," by C. W. Wall. (Irish Tourist LAY l?ird Shooting is now a popular and well Association. 1/-). orgamsed sport both in Great Britain and in There is a popular delusion that youth is the time for climbing C Ireland and every year an International champion­ mountains. It is a delusion. The time to climb them is when ship is held between England, Scotland, Wales and you are growing old; not quite old yet, but having it thrust Ir~land.. Th~s upon you that you're not jU'it the man you were; that your year, Ireland is venue for the champion­ supply of breath hasn't quite its old pressure, even when diluted ship whIch wIll be decided over the new shooting ground wit~ a little stimulant; that your engines incline to knock in of th~ Dublin Gun Club, on 22nd, 23rd and 24th June. a dIsagreeable and even alarming fashion. You don't need to It wIll be a real treat to see all the "crack" shots climb so high or so hard when you are growing old. A small (a team of twenty-four from each country) gathered hill satIsfies you Just as well a.s a big one; better, in fact. \Vlth an extra storey of five or six hundred feet added to it (and no to compete for valuable trophies. sort of building is easier) you can boast your elf into middle Connacht Brown Trout Championship. age again. I climbed Djouce about five years ago, and haven't "The best day's fishing ever," was the unanimous forgotten about it ret. ="either have my friends. verdict of anglers competing in the Connacht brown But let me look up Djouce in ;\orr. Wall's book: "/2,385)." (I make it more i-but 1 think you'd better depend on Mr. trout angling championship held on Loch Corrib, early ·Wall). "Between Djouce and Maulin (1,871) the river Dargle in May. Twenty-seven boats landed fifty-five trout tumbles into Powerscourt Demesne in a drop of 230 feet. There with a total weight of fifty-five pounds, six ounce. has been rockand ice climbing here in the past. Permission would be reqUIred to tackle these rocks as climbing on them IS The heaviest trout (2 lbs. 10 ozs.) was caught by forbidden on account of fatal accidents." Dr. F. O'Carroll of Tourmakeady who also won the There is a taste of Mr. \\'all's quality. Does one need more? Cyril Lord Cup with a catch of seven trout. A thoroughly practIcal handbook, filled with interesting and Mr. T. J. Kenny (" Connacht Tribune "), speaking necessary details, well arranged, and covering every mountain at the dinner held afterwards, to celebrate the event, ill Ireland of an~ Importance. They are fully indexed (I found pledged his support to the development of the western myoid fnend DJouce instantly). As well as an Index there IS a table of lri h mountains above 2,500 ft., giving :\fountain fisheries. Group, County, and height. Suggested centres from which American Constitution and Irish Stamp. climbing expeditions can be made are given in a foot-note to On page 229 of this month's Irish Travel, illu trating each chapter. Notes On geology are included when necessary for delight or warning-and few things add more to the interest a very interesting article, "Irishmen helped to make of walking, or climbing, or even motoring, than a little knowledge American history," we reproduce a facsimile of the of geology. The derivation of place-names is furnished if of commemorative postage stamp issued by Ireland's special interest. And there is a smattering of history when Department of Posts and Telegraphs to celebrate the relevant. Add to this that yOll are given a map and over thirty good illu trations; and the whole for a shiIJing ! Isoth anniversary of the inauguration of the American Constitution and the installation of George Washington Tt is a pleasure to cornmend this ad mirable, practical handbook.
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