---------£—,-:- vol. LVii. >™-: ellsworth, maine. Wednesday afternoon, march 29. urn _ —•—-— -—___ __ aonmiftraunifc. LOCAL AFFAIRS. elected officers of Blanquefort command- AmuruMmon*. ery. They returned to Bangor yeeterday noon. national ban it NSW ADVERTISEMENTS THIS WEEK The next lecture on “American History” -ELLSWORTH, ME. H M wanted. -1\ Hall—Help in Burrill Lam rod ft Hubbard hat. tbe course being given by Rev. R. B. Horse wanted. Mathews will be on the “New France”. E F Robinson, jr—Dog found. union trust company These lectures are on even- 1 Ithe "ba'nkI A small piece of paper in cheek form City ordinance. given Tuesday will settle C L Morang—Stitchers wanted. ings, and anyone wishing to attend single up any account. Isn’t that Adrar notice—E*t Abel B Bartlett. for the E G Moore—Water glass. lectures may do so. OF ELLSWORTH much better and a great deal quicker J A Haynes—Groceries. State Commissioner P. L. than counting it out in bills? Not New England Tel ft Tel Co. Highway # PEOPLE Harry C Austin ft Co—Window shades. Hardison has announced tbe dates for tbe THIS IS A GOOD BANK TO DO BUSINESS WITH only that, but you will much sleep Lamoinb, Mb: county road meetings for tbe year. That easier when know | nights you your O P Torrence—Eggs for batching for sale. in Hancock county will be held at the is Bangor, Mb: money safe. Better open up an ac- courthouse in Ellsworth on Wednesday, # We have all the facilities an count in our bank. For Eastern Trust ft Banking Co. requited by up-to-date further in- Dr C E Holt—Dentist. April 26, opening at 1 p. m. formation call James H Haynes—Gasoline launch for sale. t and, in addition, we at the any time. Remember A. A. Littlefield, of Bucksport, who was banking institution, place Auburn, Mr: your money is always at your in Ellsworth over to attend the A of our customers the benefit of the collective disposal Dr J F True ft Co—True’s Elixir. Sunday disposal just the same. funeral of Mrs. Mary A. Osgood, was tbe character, ability and experience of a most efficient guest while here of John F. Royal and J " SCHEDULE OP MAILS staff of officers and * allow liberal Interest on wife. Mrs. David of Bar S employees. AT BLLSWOBTH POSTOrFICI. Sleeper, Harbor, check accounts. was also here to attend Mrs. # If are in need of an or desire the In effect Doe. 6. II*to. Osgood’s yon investment, funeral. i benefit of our in MAILS RBCBIVBD. banking opportunities, any way, John Coughlin, of Ellsworth, died yes- see or we From Wbst-7.18 r m; 4.»and 6.86 p m. A call us up, write us, come in and us, will terday at the hospital in Bangor, where Prom Bast—11.06,11.46 s m; 6.66 and 10.62 p m. f send our to see and in touch MAIL CLOSBS AT POSTOTPIOB. ha had been a patient some years. He was representative you get Going West—10.80,11.16 a m; 6.60 and 6 pm. forty-four years of age. He leaves two ( with yon. Going Eabt—4.46 a m; 4 and 6 pm. brothers — Henry D., of Ellsworth, and dLz. Now That Check of and three sisters — Open Registered mail should be at postoffice half William, Dexter, an hour before mail closes. Mrs. E. E. Brady and Mrs. Perry Bowden, Account! No Sunday mail. of Ellsworth, and Miss Frances Coughlin, 1 UNION TRUST COMPANY OF ELLSWORTH. I mkf. The sooner s Postoffice open on from 9 to 10 a m. of New York. The was \ p- you open check account with us, Sunday body brought here for 1-1 BM l f the sooner will your money have the proper to-day interment. Services were Mrs. Alice is friends in safeguarding and protection that is possible only Emery visiting held at St. Joseph’s Catholic church this < Boston and ■Sr*1** with » carefully managed, flnancially strong vicinity. afternoon. ■ ‘b- bank. We pay liberal interest on aub- Roland C. who has been The first train of tbe season for FlltK deposits Capt. Bonsey, Sunday MERCHANTS’ ASSOCIATION. COMING EVENTS. to check. Aak for is on the Mt. Desert branch will be B£u> Ject particulars. seriously ill, improving. points _ run and will be Miss Grace Chandler, of Boston, is the April 16, continued during Banquet ana Business Meeting Last ; EASTERN TRUST A BANKING CO., guest of Mrs. L. A. Emery. tbe summer season. One train will leave Friday Evening. Wednesday evening, March 29, et Ma- Mr; at 6 a. m. The train on the Bangor. Maine. Bangor goes sonic hall—Sociable Irene O. MgCI r The high school will close Friday for the The Ellsworth merchants’ association by chapter, run three weeks earlier than to ac- usual a and business at E. S. s Branches at Old Town and Marbles. Easter recess of two weeks. had banquet meeting commodate Bangor cottagers and others in Fellows Miss M. A. Clark is in Boston this week, the banquet hall the Odd Thursday evening, April 6, at tow* who are desirous of going to places on the flower show. building last Friday evening. About hall, Lamoina—Dance given by lad lea of attending that divison Pullman Sunday. sleeper thirty members were present. Seven new LamoiQe. Dance tickets, SO cents; oa- Capt. Henry J. Joy, who has been seri- service between Boston and Mt. Desert members were elected. freshment tickets, 30 cent* couple; extra ously ill of grip, is improving. iMll the first Ferry begin May 22, making John H. Leland was the caterer, and he gentlemen, IS cent*. from Boston on that date and return- Miss Margaret Holmes is spending two trip was In Frank S. Call. assisted serving by at Hanosdk the next Monday evening, April 17, weeks with friends in Corinna. ing night. The menu was as follows: hall — Play by freshman class of high The of the under the Mrs. William Watts, of Bangor, is visit- boys high school, Grape Fruit school, for benefit of baseball team. ing her daughter, Mrs. A. W. Austin. direction of Fred E. Cooke, are rehearsing Cold Ham Celery Mashed Potato Wednesday, 26,1 m., at county for the play, “Tbe Freshman," which will Escalloped Clams April p. 1866— IN8URANCE—1911 The literature club will meet next Mon- road r be at Hancock ball Hot Rolls courthouse-County meeting, unday with Misa Catherine presented Monday direction of State Commissioner of day evening Hurley. Ice Cream Assorted Cake High* OHA8. O. BURRILL. CHAS. R. BURRILL. evening, April 17. Tbe proceeds will be ways, P. L. Hardison. Hollis C. Joy, wife and little boy are for suits and paraphernalia for the baseball DoughcuU guests of Mr. Joy’s mother, Mrs. Calvin P. Coffee team which the school will place In the The which has Joy, for a week. Cigars newspaper no uniform CHAS. C. BURRILL & Insurance field the coming season. Those in the SON, Agency. A business H. B. rate far advertising space, and is satim Mrs. Henry M. Hall entertained at are E. W. Fred meeting followed, cast Ellsworth, Mason, had to take what U can get far it, is a K8TABU8HED 1866. whist last Saturday evening in honor of Estey, president of the association, pre- Harold Qould, Bryant Moore, Herbert cheap advertising medium, and Ihe ad- Mrs. H. W. Cushman, of Bangor. siding. The members present by unani- Has had a for honorable and business meth- Beal, Walter Mason, J. T. Rosello, vertiser need but reputation prompt mous themselves as in expect nothing cheap Members of the Ellsworth festival Percival Everett vote, expressed is a of Wsscott, Strout, Philip Press. ods for a period of 45 years, which term guarantee its relia- favor of a food fair next winter. The results.—InwTenceburg (Ind.) chorus are reminded that there will be a Mason, Harold Hawkes and William bility. The companies represented by this Agency are among the and secretary were instructed to rehearsal at Society hall to-morrow even- Flanagan. president insurance of the World. a food fair to leading companies ing. appoint committee, they We solicit your business and desire investigation of our com- Kail road and Telegraph Tax. be members of the same. Irene chapter, O. R. S., will have a soci- before elsewhere. The mayor and aldermen have addressed Secretary Uoy C. Haines submitted a re- panies insuring \ able this evening at Masonic hall. All ! to Representative John A. Peters a letter port of the visit of the president and For Accident and in- Masons and their families are invited. Just Received: A Barrel Fire, Marino, Life, Indemnity urging him to use his influence against secretary to the State board of trade meet- j surance of all claoeeo to The April term of the supreme court for railroad tax bill at as of the apply j the and telegraph provid- ing Waterville, delegates ( Hancock county will open Tuesday, April ing that this tax be retained in the State association. of Extra Heavy White C. C. BURRILL & General Insurance 11. Chief-Justice L. A. Emery will pre- treasury instead of being returned to the The secretary presented report of the SON, Agents, side. towns from which paid, as under the pres- agricultural committee of progress made ! Water Glass for Pre- ELLSWORTH, MAINE. George W. Dennett and Thomas E. Hale ent law. j on the corn factory proposition, and the ^ have been drawn as traverse jurors to This bill has passed the Senate, both matter was discussed at seme length by serving Eggs.
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