Liberian, Ethiopian Delegations Outstanding At U. N Be Nationwide By STEVEN GERSTEL juries in certain sections of the WASHINGTON — (UPI) — The south. ■ Federal Civil Rights Commission Or. as supposedly happens, frt may not confine its inquiries strict­ other pants of the south certala ly to -the South if it finally de­ Negroes are impaneled but nevei cides ito investigate equal admin­ called on the jury. istration of Justice, a spokesman Other possible subjects include said Saturday. police brutality, administration. -of, vagrancy statutees, prison facllH" The spokesman conceded that complaints received by the com­ ties, paroles and pardons. mission so far "are almost all from the south." But he added that "policemen are the same every­ where." ■ The commission recently an­ nounced that It would make a study to see 11 it had enough mon­ The Liberian Delegation and Ethiopian De­ session of the General Assembly at the World Wisconsin) and Ambassador C. T, O. King of ent Representative to the United Nations, ey and personnel to start looking legation are making laudable records at the Ato body in New York at First Avenue and 42nd Liberia are noted in deep concentration during Goitom Petros. Ato Zauda Hailemariam, Ato into the question. However, it still United Nations where they are among repre­ has not reached a final decision. Street. In left photo. Assistant Secretary of State one of the heated sessions. Behind them is Belachew Asrat with Haile Bera, visiting offic­ sentatives of the 82 members of the United Until now. the commission, Angie Brooks (who holds American degrees Secretary Cox and Rev. Martin. ial busy working on diplomatic strategy for which was created by the 1957 Nations gathered for the opening of the 14th from Shaw in Raleigh, N. C. and University of Ethiopian Delegation (in right photo) is their East African nation. Civil Rights Law, has stuck to al­ headed by Ato Haddie Alemayehou, Perman- (Official United Nations Photos) leged discrimination in voting, ed­ ucation and housing, with the em- ■ phasls on denials of voting rights. COME FROM SOUTH The voting complaints all have come from the south but the com­ mission spokesman said this might not hold true in the administra­ Prof. Blair T. Hunt, co-chiair» tion of justice. man of the drive, said he expects ."Tills problem exists everywhere an attendance of between 150 add-, in the United States,” he said. 200. He pointed out that this will "But it’s worse In the south.” be an open meeting and that any*, Any such investigation also might one Interested in working for thf thrust -the commission into the UNCF drive is invited to attend. limelight more prominently than J. A. Beauchamp, coordinator, fat the campaign, said the goal thfa.. MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1959 has been the case so far. By and PRICE SIX CENTS large. It has been working unob- year is $20,000. Serving as chairi»' strusively except when roadblocks man of the overall campaign:!»,- are erected in its path. this area Is C. Arthur Brute,tocal' Complaints of police brutality, businessman and chairman of .ML. howere, might stir up considera­ Moyne’s board of trustees. I bly more public interest than an Thirty-three colleges ana vm*’- alleged denial of voting rights — versltles are members of the- United' particularly if such complaints Negro College Fund and 6hare-iiV were aired in open hearing. , the two million dollars raised „tar* The commission has not decid­ nually by UNCF. ,*>. ■ ,-h ed what phases of the administra­ Member colleges in the tri-stato Memphis Annual Conference tion of justice ft will scrutinize if area are LeMoyne. Lane,. Fistr it does go ahead with the propos­ Knoxville. Philander Smith, and; MORE THAN 2,000 delegates are ed injuiry. Tougaloo Christian Southey4,-u.-j.j expected for the Memphis Annual One, mentioned by the commis­ . Officials of the drive predicted Conference of the 13th Episcopal sioners. is the oft-repeated charge that at least $3,000 In Initial gllte District of the African Methodist ■that Negroes are systematically ex- | will be reported at the kick-off Episcopal Church which will be oluded from trial juries and grand meeting. -w&'Aifey. held at Clayborn Temple AMF Church. 294 Hernando Street. Wed­ nesday through Sunday. Mayor - elect Henry Loeb is ex­ Urban League Celebrates: pected to welcome the delegates to the city at a "welcome program" ■ E. L. Washburn, president of the 26lh Ward Civic Club, tonight (Tuesday) at 8 p. m. at has been told by the Bluff City and Shelby County Council of Clayborn. Rev. H. L. Starks, host Equal Opportunity Week pastor for the confab, said the Civic Clubs that two-thirds of the 26th Ward membership must Equal Opportunity Day. Nov. 19. Uve effort on a grand scale,” Sieh< public is invited to attend. mond declared. "It is brlngtng. tl» approve the ouster of W. W. Walker as 26th Ward member for The conference will officially op­ sponsored, nationally by the Urban the ouster, to be legal. League, will come this year on the^Hruth before the country en at 10 a. m. tomorrow (Wednes­ proper setting. \ ; .-.'.»•■¿J day! with Bishop E. I* Hickman, 95th anniversary of President Lin­ aWW^W^n , ”I_. have no doubt in my mind presiding. Bishop, bf th?,.13th. and coln’s Gettysburg Address. "Let us mak? it ’ exciting/ <vqa ,thit"this. man - (Walker) • will be • Tba date was selected byl.UdjBp dramattc,-' Hbt'only • to ■ sway. -U>e ousted by the members," Washbum 16th Eplscopqr,Districts, In charge. ' - purged’as' a membef- by the-organi­ Rev. W. L. Powell hosts presiding League officials for such an obser­ fence -sitting brethren In our-, corti' zation's executive, finance and said. “His un-Chrlstian statements Elder. ' " vance because or the Great Em­ country, but to show the worldth^t made about .me have brought about membership committees. Walker OPENING SES8ION ‘ SIXTY DOLLARS IN SUGGESTION AWARDS PRE- of 2138 Hunter, $20; Eddie Thomas of 227 Till­ ancipator’s concern, as expressed in our democracy is a continuing atjd protested the action' to the Bluff nothing but trouble and can conti­ SENTED AT MEMPHIS GENERAL DEPOT-Colonel his first message to Congress that progressive American success story, nue to bring about nothing but The opening session or worship man, $10; and Angus Brunson of -1823 Kelter, ry." City and Shelby County Council. service with Rev. Powell presiding Harry F. Hansen, Engineer Supply Officer at "all have an unfettered start and , Walker's removal as member of trouble. And I have knowledge that $10. These award winners, all in Engineer Sup­ a fair chance in the race of life.” it was he that called the colored will have Holy Communion directed Memphis General Depot, presents a $10 Bene­ ( the;26th Ward unit is scheduled to by Bishop Hickman and presiding ply Section at the Depot, jyer.e. awarded their A dinner at the Waldorf - Astoria be brought before 26th Ward mem­ candidates last July and told them ficial Suggestion Award tg Evangeline Hollo­ hotel in New York City on Nov. FOOTBALL SCORES Elders. Rev. B. R. Booker will de­ certificates on the basis of their ideas to im­ bers Wednesday night, Nov. 24. that the political rally had been liver the sermon. way of 1368 Dempster, while other employees 17 will precede the third annual 8IAC Washburn said he is “confident that cancelled.” prove operations on the Depot, either in safety, observance of EODrand attending Clark College ...'.'......... "Volunteer Ticket” Headquarters Rev. Starks said delegates to the hold their awards. Walker will be thrown out.” new ideas for handling the work, or at a sav­ will be prominent persons from in­ Savannah State College TWO HAVE CLASHED allegedly received a phone call that AME general conference which will The winners included (left to right) Guy W. dustry. labor and civic organiza­ Washburn and Walker have clash­ the rally held last July, which went be held in Los Angeles, Calif., in Prysock of 2272 Barrymore, $10; William Holt ings of cost to the government by consolidation. tions. Morris Brown College .... May of 1960, will be elected. "This ed frequently since a 26th Ward ahead as scheduled and which fea­ "Equal Opportunity Day" Is an S. C. State College ....... political rally held at Washburn’s tured several white candidates, had conference will be very important annual reminder to the thousands home last July when Walker severe­ been called off. because certain issues must be re­ Howard Unlyeralty ....... of employers and millions of work­ Morehouse Collete ...... ly criticized Washbum and Mayor­ Walker was unavailable for com­ solved,” Rev. Starks said. “We are ers that America became great be­ elect Henry Loeb. ment. looking for visitors from all over the state, bishops and general of­ cause of her skill in the use of her Tuskegee Institute ........... ficers. Anybody who is somebody manpower, and that she will re­ Dillard University .......... main secure only as long as that in church,will be here." skill is exerted toward democratic Fort Valley 8tate ............ Pastors will receive their ap­ ends and equal opportunity is af­ Mites College ................... , ,V“ pointments Sunday. All pastors of forded to all citizens. the entire Tennessee Conference Serving as national chairman of Alabama State College ... .'.■■■ W will receive appointments with the EOD this year is Frederick W. Fisk' University ................ “Veteran Of The Year exception of four, Rev. Starks said. Richmond, a New York industrial­ MADE ELABORATE PLANS Knoxville College ............ ....... ai ist. and president of the firm bear­ Lane College .................. .......J/JL Dr. S. A. Owens, pastor of Met­ the Army. There is certain discip­ Rev. Starks said Clayborn Tem­ EDITOR’S NOTE — The Cairo Satchmo Armstrong laughed way "Yeah, what I mean, somebody’s ing his name.
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