DAILY PRESS. PORTLAND ~ MORNING. ^ WSSUeSSW »<K3E THREE inMP QA ,^-Vm.AA .■OilTl.AND^INF.rTliUltSDAY APR,I CEKTB._ EIXANKOrS. MISC THE HOUSE TAKES THE STEP. Voted to Drive the Spaniards From island of Cuba at Once, OH® BWJOY® Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta Action by the Senate the Only Thing Standing gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- Between Peace and War. aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- 'mxm'ff/w" ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its CAPT. SIGSBEE, the most the St. Eoais or St. Paul. effects, prepared only from Who Will Commaud Either THE RESOLUTION. healthy and ag'reeable substances, its excellent commend it Another event at the navy has been war on many qualities significant WHEREAS:-The o£ Spain for three years past waging the most government to ail and have made it FOR TROOPS. was a secret conference thereof without making any CALL STATE department today the Island of Cuba against a revolution by the inhabitants known. and the said revolution, and has conducted the popular remedy between Consul General Lee substantial progress loivards the suppression of in 50 un- of is for sale to the of the nations methods inhuman and Syrup Figs naval strategic board, composed of Assist- warfare in a manner contrary laws by all two hundred thousand innocent cent bottles by leading drug- Admiral the death by starvation of more than who ant Secretary Roosevelt, Rear civilized, causing reliable druggist for most helpless women and children, inflicting gists. Any Thousand Will Be Required Goodrich of the non-combatants, the victims being part on will Forty Walker, retired, Captain the destruc- not have it hand pro- the commercial interests of the United States, involving may Clover intolerable injury to for one who In Case of War. naval war college, Commander the of mil- cure it promptly any tion of the lives and property of many of our citizens, entailing expenditures chief of the to it. Do not and Captain Crowninshield coasts and the seas in order to maintain our REED. wishes try accept any lions of money in patrolling our policing high SPEAKER hureau of General Lee was substitute. navigation- "' u' which is FIG SYRUP CO. questioned in detail as to the armament —This long series of losses, injuries and burdens for Spain CALIFORNIA Washington, April 13—There was great- yyjiL'itEAS the could not effeot anything, generally de- another day, but this did not prevent a FRANCISCO, CAL loca- in the destruction of the Uuited States Battleship Maine in SAN of the forts in Havana harbor, the has culminated most and debate upon YORK, N.Y. er in both the war and navy de- responsible with their exoiting vigorous LOUISVILLE. activity death of 260 of our seamen. cided to move party. KY._NEW of land batteries and Harbor of Havana and in Hie the resolution and the Cuban situation. than has been the case tion and strength partments today that the President is hereby authorized and directed to intervene Most of them did it regretfully, but of his Resolved, etc., etc., All day long the Senate listened with the and other points military importance, of not for over a week past, everything war in Cuba to the end and witn the purpose securing permanent under the convictions that they could while were him of. it once to stop the" galleries vigorous speeches belief that residence has given knowledge action of the thereof a stable tended to Indicate the general and order there and establishing by the free people stop the war, and that if it wa» coming made for and against the proposition. the i.eace The conference discussed thoroughly of their own in the island of Cuba; and tlie President is was hostilities with Spain will not be post- «nd independent Government their party must face its responsibilities The minority report presented by entire question of offensive and defensive to use the land and naval forces of the United States four members of the foreign relations poned many days. hereby authorized and empowered united and harmoniously. The Democrats UTILE 1 movements in the neighborhood of Cuba of this resolution. committee—Senator Foraker of Ohio, Re- Probably the most significant action at to execute the purpose voted for the resolution, evident- generally publican, joining with three Democratic the in the light of valuable information the navy department was instructing ly fearing that a refusal might be con- members—who are in favor of the recog- DfeiSO I to which General Lee imparted. naval auxiliary board at New York strued as opposition to war. nition of the independence of the people The war department has everything in of at once and it is an immediately purchase the ocean grey- The House resolution must now go to Cuba, interesting readiness for a prompt movement of fact that there seems to be quite a gener- hounds St. Paul and St. Louis of the the Senato. It is thought that that body, a the host at the that the of tho It's just little thing K toward some central point, al feeling minority report out. It suits the hoys he- ■ American line. Orders wore issued to troops particu- of the Foraker ele- price yet put under the leadership committee mayi when the vote is taken, I cause it’s nglit, speedy and has just the of forces east of the g larly the Rooky right line*. It suits the business man S purchase another first class auxiliary ment, will stand out for indepedenoe as be the action of tho Senate. Debate and because it’s strong and easy running,and B Mountains, but General Miles says that as to Form of Resolution Cause tho Yorktown of the IVlay In that case a discussion may alter this condition, can an with- ■ oruiser, probably well as intervention. you keep upright position Disagreement out effort. In fact there is not a Bicycle ■ is to he done in the way of which seems to exist now, but the temper Old Dominion line and to purchase the nothing likely arise between the two on tire market at the price as good and K difference may House. of Senators on both sides seems inclined there is no Bicycle at any price any ■ last moving any large body of troops south- in Brazilian cruiser Nichteroy. This Upper houses which will require some time to It a before ■ Delay « better. you buy Bicycle in that direction. miss It. and eastward until there is evidence that you see the llirigo you g; named vessel is about to be inspected settle. Although the Senate was the first to of their services will he needed. u. H. SCANI.AN, Manager, || the result will determine the question present its resolutions, the House was have been made than live hours H 23 Temple St feet. her acquirement by the navy. The pur- Complete arrangements JURE HISTORY. first to act. For more the immediate mobilization of nrae- CONGRESS efforts were made in tho committee cn Puritan & Diricrp Eiojcle Factory. chase of the St. Paul and St. Louis is for the Preliminary Proceedings in the foreign affairs to seouro unanimous action the most transaction tioally the entire military force of the A Fist Fight Signalized probably expensive but in the end the division of the com- the navy department government at the Chickamauga Nation- a Revolver and Mire Trouble was and the consummated by Mouse—One Man Drew mittee on party lines prevailed at the first of trouble. was ©SKSIfflESSMI^i^f Q U since the beginning of the war excite- al Park sign Momentous Events in Both Houses resolution of tho majority passed and were after one of the most exciting episodes for them is It is said that in case of necessity a call Secured Order Apologies ment. The amount paid Threatened—speaker that has been witnessed in the House will bo issued for about forty thousand Yesterday. since the Party feel- boar known to be about $5,000,000. The St. Than Serious—The Fifty-first Congress. wb.u More Ridiculous ran and ns foreshadowed the KNOW you from the National the Affair Fly- ing high by Paul left Southampton on the 0th inst. troops, preferably Made of the committee lines were a deskjr notion party urge states and terri- drawn in a scene which and is duo in New York on the 15th. The Guard of the different American Miners St. Paul and sharply resulting of in of Sails—Sew 13.—It has been a became and disgraceful. The some other brand flour place the ing Squadron Washington, April personal Louis is at the English port and the tories. If the war policy contemplates members of the conunitteo were inclined St. day of momentous and exciting events in be in- Said to be Under Martial to a unanimous report even if it Best date of her return is not stated. The St. invasion of Cuba the army may St. lionis Purchased—Madrid Not in have both hous:s support Piiisbury’s Congress. years did not wholly meet their views, but after men. Of this the in the consideration of such tho leaders of the Louis and St. Paul will be sent to creased to 100,COO regular That He Sold been engaged a long conference with Asserts on Man Again Spain as that which was who counselled standing the were con- and the National Guardsmen will Law-LomSoss important business minority Cramp’s shipyard where they troops which the Democratic party had befora them today.
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