©fficial <Sa3ette OF THE (Government of Palestine. PUBLISHED FORTNIGHTLY BY AUTHORITY. No. 252 JERUSALEM 1st February, 1930. e״CONTENTS Pa GOVERNMENT NOTICES. (a) Municipal Councils Bill, 1930 ... (b) Penal Labour (Amendment) Bill, 1930 (c) Enactment of the Indemnity Ordinance, No. 1 of 1930 (d) Confirmation of Ordinances Nos. 41 and 42 of 1929 (e) Appointments, etc. ... ... ... ... ... (f) Appointment of member of Harbour Board (g) Appointments of Consuls ... (h) Order under the Land Settlement Ordinance, 1928, appointing a Settlement Officer (i) Order under the Police Ordinance, 1926, appointing a Superior Police Officer (j) Order under the Municipal Franchise Ordinance, 1926, regarding the Khan Yunis Municipal Bye-elections ... (k) Certificate under the Expropriation of Land Ordinance, 1926, regarding the Governement Arab College, Jerusalem (I) Antiquities Regulations, 1930 (m) Advocates Examinations (Fees to Examiners) Rules of Court, 1930 (n) Bye-Laws made for the control of advertisements by certain Municipalities in the Southern District ... ... ... ... ... (0) Notice regarding the Anglo-Hungarian Treaty of Commerce ... (p) Notice extending to Palestine the Anglo-German Convention regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters ... (q) Notice regarding Port Officers' Powers ... (V) Notice under the Customs Ordinance, 1929, approving the Bond and Transit Stores as a licensed warehouse ... (s) Notice under the Customs Ordinance, 1929, regarding the import of dagger-knives (t) Notice under the Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1926, regarding Slaughter- House Regulations made by certain Municipal and Local Councils (u) Notice regarding the appointment of a Commission for the Settlement of the Wailling Wall question ... II. DEPARTMENTAL NOTICES. (a) Posting of Schedules of Partition in Yazur (b) Kubeibeh declared to be free from fowl pox ... (c) Medical Licences ... ... ... ... (d) Tenders and Adjudication of Contracts ... (e) Registration of Companies, Partnerships, etc. ... {f) Bankruptcies (g) Probates, Orders of Administration, etc. ... ... (h) Sittings of Courts of Criminal Assize (1) Corrigenda ... ... ... ... (j) Corrigendum of the Companies Ordinance, 1929 HI. RETURNS. (a) Sale of Unclaimed Goods ... (b) Return of Immigration and Emigration ... (c) Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary ... ... ... IV. SUPPLEMENT. Registration of Trade Marks ... Price 50 Mils. 62 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 1st February, 1930. The following Bills are made public in accordance tvith Article 17 (1) (d) of the Palestine Order-in-Council, 1922, as amended by Article 3 of the Palestine (Amendment) Order-in-Council, 1923. An Ordinance to provide for the extension of the term of the existing Municipal Councils. BE IT ENACTED by the High Commissioner for Palestine, with the advice of the Advisory Council thereof :- Short Title. 1. This Ordinance mav be cited as the Municipal Councils Ordinance, 1930. Prolongation of 2. Notwithstanding anything in the Municipal Franchise term of the Ordinance, 1926, the Municipal Councils in office at the date existing Municipal Councils. ot this Ordinance shall remain in office for a period not ex• ceeding three years from such date, until the High Commissioner shall issue an Order prescribing new elections; and the District Commissioners shall not be required to constitute new Electoral Committees for the Municipalities within their district until the High Commissioner has issued such Order. No. 21 of 1927. An Ordinance to amend the Penal Labour Ordinance, 1927. BE IT ENACTED by the High Commissioner for Palestine, with the advice of the Advisory Council thereof:- Short Title. ^ This Ordinance may be cited as the Penal Labour (Amendment) Ordinance, 1930, and the Penal Labour Ordin• ance, No. 21 of 1927 (hereinafter called the Principal Ordinance) and this Ordinance may together be cited as the Penal Labour Ordinances, 1927-1930. Amendment of 2. In Section 2(1) of the Principal Ordinance the words Section 2 of the«lhree m0nths" shall be substituted for the words "one month". Principal Ordinance. INDEMNITY ORDINANCE No. 1 of 1930. An Ordinance to restrict the taking of legal proceedings in respect of certain acts and matters done since the 23rd of August, 1929, on account of the disturbances in Palestine. BE IT ENACTED by the High Commissioner for Palestine, with the advice of the Advisory Council thereof:- Short Title. 1. This Ordinance mav be cited as the Indemnity Ordin• ance, 1930. 1st February, 1930. OFFICIAL GAZETTE 63 2. (1) No action or other legal proceeding, whether Restrictions on civil or criminal, shall be instituted in any Court against any the taking of legal proceedings public officer of Palestine or against any officer of His Majesty's against officers Forces, or against any person acting under them or under their acting in good instructions, or under the instructions of any of them, in any faith. command or capacity whether naval, military, Air Force, or civil, on account of or in respect of any acts, matters and things whatsoever in good faith advised, commanded, ordered, directed or done or purported to be done between the 23rd August, 1929, and the date of this Ordinance in the execution of his duty or for the suppression of disorder, or for the establishment and maintenance of good order and government in Palestine. And if any such proceeding has been instituted, whether before or after the passing of this Ordinance, it shall be discharged and made void. (2) For the purpose of this Section a certificate by the High Commissioner or by the High Commissioner's direction that any act, matter or thing was done under the authority of the officer, or was done in the execution of a duty, shall be sufficient evidence of such authority or duty and of such act, matter or thing having been done thereunder or in the execution thereof; and any such act, matter or thing done by or under the authority of such officer shall be deemed to have been done in good faith until the contrary is proved by the party complaining. C64) NOTICE OF ENACTMENT. Under Article 17 (1) of the Palestine Order-in-Council, 1922. The Indemnity Ordinance, No. 1 of 1930, is enacted in the form given above and was signed by the High Commissioner on the 31st January, 1930, immediate promulgation being in the judgment of the High Commissioner in­ dispensably necessary in the public interest. S. MOODY 31st January, 1930. Clerk to Councils. (5545/29) (65) (66) CONFIRMATION OF ORDINANCES. APPOINTMENTS etc. "A" Appointments. The Right Honourable the Secretary of State for the Colonies has notified that His The High Commissioner has appointed :- Majesty will not be advised to exercise his Ruhi Bey Abdul Hadi, O.B.E., Administrative power of disallowance in respect to the follo­ Officer, Class 2, District Administration, ,Jerusalem Division, to be Assistant Secretary ־: wing Ordinances Class 2, Secretariat, with effect from the No. 41 of 1929 entitled: uAn Ordinance 1st January, 1930. to amend the Criminal Law with regard to offences against public order". "B" Acting Appointments. No. 42 of 1929 entitled: "An Ordinance The High Commissioner has appointed:- to amend the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, 1928". Mr, H. Grant, Assistant Postmaster, Grade I, Department of Posts and Telegraphs, to be .OFFICIAL GAZETTE ist February, 4930 64׳ Acting Postmaster, Haifa, during the absence Dr. Z. Haddad, Department of Health, on leave of Mr. C. F. Hucklesby, with effect 13.1.30-23.1.30. from the 10th January, 1930. "G" Vacation Leave. CORRIGENDUM. The High Commissioner has approved leave of the following officers : The dates of Mr. C. F. Hucklesby's leave published in Official Gazette No. 251 of the Mr. Rauf Carmi, Department of Customs, 16th January, 1930, as the 12th January to Excise and Trade, the 16th January, 1930, should be amended to 2-12.29-31.12.29. read as the 10th January to the 15th March, 1930. His Honour Judge Judicial Department, Oliver Plunkett, 17.12.29-30.1.30. Obituary. His Excellency the High Commissioner announces with deep regret the death of His Honour Judge W. G Litt, T.D , President, District Court, Haifa, which took place on the 9th January, 1930. (67) NOTICE. HARBOUR BOARD. The High Commissioner has appointed Mr. G. C. Thompson, Resident Engineer, Haifa Harbour Works Department, to be a member of the Harbour Board of which the constitution was notified in the Notice published in the Gazette of the 16th November, 1928. By His Excellency's Command, E. MILLS 24th January, 1930. Acting Chief Secretary. (462/30) (68) APPOINTMENTS OF CONSULS. NOTICES. I. The High Commissioner directs it to be notified for general information ־ that Mr. Maurice Litvinsky has been appointed by the Estonian Government to be Honorary Estonian Consul in Palestine resident at Jaffa, and that he has been recognised by His Excellency in that capacity. By His Excellency's Command, E. MILLS 15th January, 1930. Acting Chief Secretary. (6850/29) 1st February, 1930. OFFICIAL GAZETTE 65 II. The High Commissioner directs it to be notified for general information that Mohamed Sadek Abu Khadra Effendi has been appointed by the Egyptian Government to be Consul of Egypt in Jerusalem and that he has been recognised by His Excellency in that capacity. By His Excellency's Command, E. MILLS 29th January, 1930. Acting Chief Secretary. (532/29) (69) LAND SETTLEMENT ORDINANCE, 1928. Order by the High Commissioner. J.R. CHANCELLOR High Commissioner. In exercise of the powers vested in him by Section 4 of the Land Settlement Ordinance, 1928, the High Commissioner has appointed Mr. Isaac Newton Camp to be a Settlement Oificer for the purpose of the settlement in the Settlement Areas of the Sub-Districts of Jaffa, Haifa and Tulkarem, during the absence on leave of Mr. Francis Goldworth Lowick, from the date hereof. By His Excellency's Command, E. MILLS 13th December, 1929. Acting Chief Secretary. (837/29) (70) POLICE ORDINANCE, 1926. Order by the High Commissioner. J. R. CHANCELLOR High Commissioner. In exercise of the powers vested in him by Section 5 (2) of the Police Ordinance, 1926, the High Commissioner has appointed British Inspector P.
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