86 ADOMAS BUTRIMAS THE STONE AGE IN WEST LITHUANIA The Stone Age in West Lithuania ■ Adomas Butrimas The systematic field investigation of Stone Age sites feast traditions, and some features of the symbolic occurred in the Biržulis region in the West Lithuania's thinking.The complex investigation by many individual Žemaičiai Highlands during 1978-1993 but the labora­ and teams of scientists has given this region's unique tory investigations continue to this day. During the material a multitude of new, unexpected challenges, excavations in the Žemaičiai Highlands (mostly in the interpretations, and nuances. vicinity of Lake Biržulis), 50 Mesolithic camp sites, Neo­ No distinct late Palaeolithic sites have been discove­ lithic and Bronze Age settlements, cemeteries’, and red in the Žemaičiai Highland, but the oldest finds, find spots were discovered. A large percentage of them epi-Swiderian points, end scrapers, and blade pieces, (22 sites) were excavated and the rest only surveyed. which were discovered in Dreniai village, not far from A collection of over ten thousand pottery, flint, bone, the south shore of Lake Stervas, and at the Kalniškiai I antler, amber, stone, and metal artefacts was assembled. camp site, date to the very end of the Palaeolithic and The excavated sites are clustered in the Varniai progla­ the early Mesolithic and should probably be ascribed cial lakebed (Lith. duburys) of the Žemaičiai Highlands, to the Swiderian cultural tradition2.These finds could in the vicinity of Lake Biržulis, and in the upper reaches have been left by the first inhabitants on the shores of of the River Virvytė. The proglacial lakebed is one of Lake Biržulis during the Bioling interglacial, i.e. circa the oldest remnants of the East Baltic region's lakes and 10 800-10 300 вс when the first conditions suitable for its north part includes Lake Biržulis and the Upper habitation arose.These first inhabitants were tribes of Virvytė. The lake, the third largest in the Žemaičiai reindeer hunters. Reindeer antlers were discovered in Highland, empties into the Virvytė basin (a Venta tribu­ Pabiržulis village in the vicinity of Lake Biržulis, stored tary), which encompasses 1140 km2. The present lake for a time in the Pavandenė church and ground up by occupies less than 5% of the area the ancient Lake the local inhabitants because it was believed that they Biržulis occupied in the Middle and Late Holocene or possessed special healing powers. Almost all of the according to the archaeological periodisation, the end intact antlers from Karkliškiai village near the Biržulis of the Late Palaeolithic, the Mesolithic, and the Early shore ended up in the Samogitian Museum 'Alka' (Tel­ and Mid-Neolithic. šiai). The late Palaeolithic reindeer antlers with signs During the excavations, material from all three of cutting that were discovered in Upėtos village near Stone Age periods was found, making this region excep­ the Rešketa stream and ascribed to the reindeer hunter tional among all of the Lithuanian regions to be exca­ culture also ended up in the Samogitian Museum'Alka'. vated. The region is also interesting in that Mesolithic Analogous reindeer antlers are likewise known from and Neolithic cemeteries were discovered beside the Latvian territory and the dates available for them as Stone Age camps and settlements, revealing new well as the dated reindeer antlers from Lithuanian ter­ aspects not only about the material heritage but also ritory show that these animals and their hunters lived the spiritual life: the ritual burial, sacrificial, and funeral in Lithuania during 14 000-10 000 вс3.The hunters, as asserted by the archaeologists who excavated the rein­ Butrimas A. Donkalnio ir Spigino mezolito - neolito kapinynai. Vil­ deer hunters'camps, lived in small communities, which nius, 2012. consisted of 25-30 individuals on average or 5-7 small 2. Butrimas A., Ostrauskas T. Pirmieji Varnių apylinkių gyventojai, Žemaičių praeitis. Vilnius, 1996, vol. IV. Varniai, p. 8. families of 5-7 individuals each4. R. Rimantienė, based 3. Zagorska I. Seniežiemelbriežu medniekiLatvija. Riga, 2012, p. 42-44. on the archaeological investigation data from South 4. Ostrauskas T. Vakarų Lietuvos mezolitas, LA, 1996, vol. 14, p. 192-212; Lithuania and the ethnological investigations of rein­ Zaliznyak L. The Swiderian reideer - hunters of Eastern Europe, deer hunter nations, thinks that the small reindeer Beiträge zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte Mitteleuropas.W\\kau, Hasslau, 1995, Band 5.S.50. hunter communities consisted of 1 -3 families or 5-15 5000 BC 5000 individuals, of which 2-6 were hunters5. Only such small teristic of later Mesolithic sites and the presence of a families could have adapted, easily moving their homes blade detachment method characteristic of the Upper and following the reindeer herds that are able to travel Palaeolithic. This site dates to the very beginning of the up to 25 km per day. The only hunting tools, which Mesolithic-first half of the 8th millennium вс. were produced from reindeer antler and bone, are The bone-antler artefacts characteristic of this spearheads, which have been discovered in Lithuanian culture, such as the harpoon with small barbs found territory in Kalniškiai (now in the city of Klaipėda). by chance on the north shore of Biržulis, can be dated Significantly more finds are available from Meso­ to a similar or somewhat later period. lithic settlements and cemeteries and therefore sig­ A completely different type of site is found in the nificantly more details can be revealed about life at Late Mesolithic, i.e. 6000-4500 вс, during the Atlantic Biržulis at that time and the interaction between the period. Dense forests of broad-leafed trees: oaks, linden, population and nature. The aforementioned chance elm, and hazelnut flourished in the warm, damp climate find bone and antler artefacts discovered north of the ofthat time while pine forests comprised only a small Nemunas and Neris, in West Lithuanian, East Prussian, part of the flora ofthat period7. The most distinct settle­ and North Polish territories, were ascribed to the Kunda ment of that time is Širmė Hill 3, which has a cultural culture6. During the last decades of the last century, at layer of iron-rich brown ortstein (hardpan) sand and least four distinct Kunda culture sandy sites have been where 700 m7 were excavated during 1978-1979. It is excavated near Lake Biržulis: Biržulis Channel, Dreniai, at the foot of the west slope of Širmė Hill, about 500 m Skirmantinė 1,and Širmė Hill 3 Settlements. After the to the south of the town centre of Janapolė. Almost flint finds from the settlements were supplemented by 2000 Mesolithic flint finds and several thousand pieces chance find bone and antler artefacts and so-called of the debitage: flakes and blades were collected in the Pulli-type points, all of the main find types characte­ settlement's cultural layer and on the surface of the ristic of this culture were identified at Lake Biržulis and ground. The most characteristic artefact types in Meso­ in the Žemaičiai Highland. lithic camps are lancets, trapezes, various geometric The Pulli-type points, which were made from long, microliths, inserts produced from microblades and regular, generally triangular cross-section blades and flakes, side and end scrapers, retouched blades, etc. have been discovered at this culture's earliest sites, The flint source located in Šūkainiai had special sig­ should be considered exceptional finds, characteristic nificance for the older Mesolithic and Neolithic inhabit­ of this culture, in the flint inventory. Based on the typo­ ants near Lake Biržulis. The source and the adjacent flint logical features of the artefacts and the technology of knapping area were on the boundary between Šūkainiai the flint industry, Biržulis Channel 1 Settlement, which and Pabiržulis villages. In a small 400 x 200 m area at has a complete assemblage of flint finds characteristic this location, large numbers of flint cores and debitage of the Kunda culture, should be ascribed archaeologi- were found along with some artefacts. The white flint, cally to this culture. The artefacts belonging to this which geological and mineralogical investigations have complex were distinguished on the basis of typological shown to be found at almost every Biržulis region Stone criteria and the patina characteristics of the flint arte­ Age settlement, is found at this location. In some places, facts. The regularly shaped, various width blades were it even comprises 2 5 -3 0 % of all of the flint finds8. knapped from single-platform cores using pressure flaking. Their closest find spots are near the River Venta 5. Rimantienė R. Akmens amžius Lietuvoje. Vilnius, 1984, p. 52; Попов A. (into which the Virvytė flows from Biržulis), in Ringuvėnai Охота и рыболовство у долган. Москва, Ленинград, 1937, с. 40. (Šiauliai District), and in Šilalė District. Aside from the 6. Rimantienė R. Akmens amžius Lietuvoje. Vilnius, 1984, p. 83, fig. 43. Pulli-type points, five fragments of which have been 7 Stančikaitė M., Baltrūnas V., Kisielienė D., Guobytė R., Ostrauskas T. Gamtinė aplinka ir gyventojų ūkinė veikla Biržulio ežero apylinkėse found in the Biržulis channel settlement, the other holoceno laikotarpiu, Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis. Vilnius, 2004, discovered points are of a similar size. The tip of the vol. 34. Kultūrinio landšafto raida Žemaičių aukštumoje, p. 59. Pulli-type points has flat retouch on the ventral side. e. Baltrūnas V., Karmaza B., Kublickas A., Pukelytė
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