Kitsumkalum Band Entryyp presentation to Enbridg e Joint Committee Review Panel January 12, 2012 WE WANT THIS TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE - ON RECORD - THIS INFORMATON and THIS PRESENTATION…. That the SKEENA RIVER and the Ocean still provide the Source of Food for Kitsumkalum Band and as well – Economics Industry for the Band • Current • Registered • Kitsum ka lum • Population as of • May 2011: • 673 Department of Indian Affairs • Kitsumkalum Band position is to protect lands, waters and resources of food and livelihood sustainability. • Kitsumkalum Band is one of the original tribe’s of the Tsimshian Nation with traditional territory history of the Skeena River (Terrace, BC) down r iver to the P acifi c Coas t, Cha tham Soun d, Grenv ille Channe l, Edy P ass, H eca te Strait and into Dixon Entrance; Kitsumkalum has 4 Crest houses, • Sm’oogyet = Hereditary Chief’s = manages an controls Waap from higher to lower Chief. • Gisbutwada Waap = Killerwhale House • Ganhada Waap = Raven House • Laxgibuu Waap = Wolf House • Laxsgiik Waap = Eagle Houses • Kitsumkalum Band territories is structured from the -- Kitsumkalum valley IR#1 and #2, Zimagotitze River IR #3 and Spokechute IR #4 (Port Essington). • Kitsumkalum Band had two other village settlements of past that were over taken by the Grand Pacific Rail, the two significant places were one near Kasiks River and the other at Casey Point near Prince Rupert harbor. • Laxyuup = generally the food an economic sources, the hunting territories, fishing localities, fruit bushes, medicine and so on. • Kitsumkalum Band had many food camp sites that we migrated back and forth with the 4 seasons and still do areas of Lakelse River, Cheweanlaw, Kiwnitsa (Skeena River), Ecstall River, Grenville Channel, Edy Pass, Stephens Island and Work Channel, Kitsumkalum had shared territory down to Low Inlet (Grenville Channel) and Cape George (Hecate Strait) and North to the Alaska and Nisga’a Nation boarders. • Coastal Tsimshian Nation all had their place in the common territories that will never be surrendered and the Coastal Tsimshian Nation historical line was with the Gitxsan Nation. Hereditary Chiefs & Elders with Kitsum ka lum commun ity mem bers Kitsumkalum Elder Kitsumkalum Chiefs University of Victory Professors documenting Plants & Medicines of Robin Town and on the Coast • This is just a brief overview of who KITSUMKALUM Tribe is,. And Our ABORIGINAL TITLE & RIGHTS. And., these RIGHTS are Protected • Kitsumk al um f ull & in-dep th Tra ditiona l his tory w ill no t be fu lly inc lu de d in this overv iew. • This presentation to Enbridge Oil Review Panel is Only to Show Evidence that Kitsumkalum Band is Also Owners of the Skeena River and the Pacific Coast. • And the Evidence that we are about to show is ALSO Protected by Legislation SECTION 35 Title & Rights. • Our Evidence will be basically in the form of ‘Oral’ Presentation. • Our Evidence will Show: Our History & Present Use of the Resources. • Kitsumkalum Evidence will show that we have a CONCERN in 2 Area’s: • 1. The Oil Pipeline flowing huge volumes of Oil in the Watersheds of the Skeena River,. • 2. Oil Tankers running the entire length of Our Tsimshian Coast, where our Band gathers our Food Fish & Food Sources and Economic Value. • What Evidence has Enbridge Oil Company have to PROVE to First Nations That They are the Title Holders – Other then the Government in your pocket. Skeena River – Salmon Migration Chewaanla: Kitsumkalum Food Fish Site – narrow part of the River Kitsumkalum has been doing ‘Eulachon’ (Ooli can ) St udi es s ince the 1990’s Eulachon Study finds other Living Food Chain Value,. Insect larva in Mid – Skeena River Skeena River Eulachon Run: Kwinitsa Area – last week of February to March. Kitsumkalum Food Fish Harvest of Eulachon Skeena River Eulachon start gathering and holding out in Grenville Channel and Ogden from November to end of February. Eulachon Skeena River preparation: Sundried,. Smoke House,. And., Eulachon Grease - medicine Skeena River KiitSKwinitsa Sea lions After Eulachon run,. Up to 40-100 Sealions Depends on the Eulachon Run Size. Skeena River – Harbour Seals are feeding on Eulachon and Salmon Eagles are counted in the study Skeena River – Kwinitsa, March 27th, 2009 River is still frozen over – solid. - CONCERN: if Oil ever went Under that ice – the Eulachon will be destroyed. Kitsumkalum Village Skeena River Salmon: • Steelhead • Chinook • Sockeye •Pink • Chum • Coho Kitsumkalum – Skeena River Food Fishing & Preserving Kitsumkalum Salmon is high in the Food Values, and is Irreplaceable! Kitsumkalum Elders teachinggp the Youth to preserve Skeena River Salmon. Salmon Eggs used to mix in other Seafood dishes Salmon Eggs are used to eat with the Sea Weed and Eulachon Grease Kitsumkalum Young Adult successfully making Smoked Salmon Kitsum ka lum Skeena River ‘Dr ie d Chinoo k Sa lmon ’ ea ten w ith Eu lac hon Grease Part of Kitsumkalum MiMarine Use Plan Skeena River: Since time Immemorial Ecstall River Port Essington “Spokechute” Skeena River When Chinook and Sockeye Salmon enter in the Sk een a Riv er i s wh en th e Salm on berr y i s ri pe to harvest. Salmon Berries and Blue Berries and Laughing Berries,. Harvested throughout the Skeena River and Port Essington I.R. # 4: Kitsumkalum Skeena River Port Essington, BC “Spokechute” First Nation changing from Cedar Log CtLbCCanoe to Lumber Canoe. Kitsumkalum Boats in the early 1960’ s at “Spokechute” “Spokechute” Kitsumkalum Elder Grandpa Grandson’s and Grandmother “Spokechute” Port Essington BC – Kitsumkalum’s Sacred Ground “Lakelse” Myyy Grandfathers’ boat in the early 1950’s “Spokechute” Skeena River Skeena River Kitsumkalum Commercial Salmon Fisheries Skeena Ri ver Chinook Salmon Skeena River Sockeye Salmon Grizzly Bear – just below Ts’uwaah Gyedmnaax (Super Natural Woman) Port Essington Skeena River Skeena River and Grenville Channel – Dungeness Crabs fisheries Year around Grenville Channel ----- Klaxmoon Clam, Cockle (gaboox) and Crab Harvesting And Ground Fishing Shrimp & Prawns Grenville Chanel – Clam & Cockle Digging: Mid-October to March Clams Cockles Clam and Cockle Food Harvest is Always eaten with Eulachon Grease Kitsumkalum Historical Village Casey Winter Site Point At the Entrance of Prince Rupert Harbour Kulmass (Herring Eggs) IlIslan dPitd Point Kitsumkalum Elder Chatham Sound; Bay for Commercial Herring Fisheries Occurs: March - April Herring fish hold out all Winter out in the Hecate Strait and Chatham Sound Kitsumkalum Halibut Food Pacific Coast -Grenville Channel - Cha tham Soun d -Edy Pass - Hecate Strait Younger Generation Youth Kitsum ka lum ‘Dr ie d’ Halibut’ Eaten with Eulachon Grease Hecate Strait to Dixon Entrance Halibut and Cod Fisheries Food and Commercial Kitsumkalum Food and Commercial Halibut and Cod Fishery Halibut & Cod: Kitsumkalum Economic Value Kitsumkalum Halibut and Cod Food and Commercial Fishery Kitsumkalum Food and Commercial Cod Fishery Hecate Strait Kitsum ka lum Foo d an d Commerc ia l Fis hery Hecate Strait and Chatham Sound Ling Cod and Halibut Kitsumkalum Halibut and Octopus Food and Commercial Fishery Kitsumkalum Historical Camp Site at Edy Pass and Hecate Strait Abalone, Seaweed, Yeans, China Slippers, Scallops, Mussels, Sea Cucumber, Sea Urchin, Clams, Cockles, Octopus, Halibut, Cods and Crabs. Kitsumkalum Youth Picking Seaweed Chatham Sound Seaweed Harvest: April, May, June Kitsum ka lum – PithSdHtPreserving the Seaweed Harvest Yeans (Sea Prunes) Chatham Sound to Hecate Strait Pacific Ocean Laxbisuunt: Seaweed – Hecate Strait Humpback Whales Hecate Strait Killer Whales Cha tham Soun d Proposed Oil Routes runs from North End of Haida Island through to Our Tsimshian Shores to Kitamat Village. The “RED” and “BLUE” Shipping Lanes are in the EXACT Migration Route of Fish and Sea Life. Knowledge of First Nation and Department of Fishery & Ocean Canada, and those who make their living off of Commercial Fishery HAS THIS KNOWLEDGE Skeena River Migration Fish Route: -Eulachon Herring -Salmon Halibut -Cod Killer Whales -Hump Back Whales -And all kinds of Sea Birds Kitsumkalum Feast Cooks have prepared Traditional Food Feast Kitsumkalum Members and Chiefs honouring the Feast Kitsumkalum Members and Chiefs Gathering & Feasting BiBusiness.
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