USOO8709521B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,709,521 B2 Prakash et al. (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 29, 2014 (54) SWEETENER COMPOSITIONS HAVING FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS ENHANCED SWEETNESS AND IMPROVED EP O131640 A 1, 1985 TEMPORAL AND/OR FLAVOR PROFILES JP 600 19472 A 1, 1985 JP 600 19473. A 1, 1985 (75) Inventors: Indra Prakash, Alpharetta, GA (US); JP O325 1160 11, 1991 Grant E. DuBois, Roswell, GA (US); JP O7143860 6, 1995 JP 08000214. A 9, 1996 George A. King, Atlanta, GA (US); JP O8256725 A 10, 1996 Rafael I. San Miguel, Atlanta, GA (US) JP 10136953 5, 1998 JP 11123069 11, 1999 (73) Assignee: The Coca-Cola Company, Atlanta, GA JP 11346708 A 12/1999 (US) JP 2000270804 A 10, 2000 JP 2006238828 A 9, 2006 JP 2008530017 8, 2008 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this JP 2008530O20 8, 2008 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 WO WO9915032. A 4f1999 U.S.C. 154(b) by 684 days. WO WOOOO1253 A 1, 2000 WO WOOO62628 A1 10, 2000 (21) Appl. No.: 12/120,876 WO WO 2006O24587 A 3, 2006 WO WO 2006127935 A1 11, 2006 WO WO 2007061795 A1 5/2007 (22) Filed: May 15, 2008 WO WO 2007084185 A1 7/2007 (65) Prior Publication Data OTHER PUBLICATIONS US 2009/0053378A1 Feb. 26, 2009 Prakash, I. et al. “Development of Rebiana, a Natural, Non-Caloric Sweetener' Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2008, vol. 46, p. S75 S82. Related U.S. Application Data Schiffman et al. “Synergism Among Ternary Mixtures of Fourteen Sweeteners.” Chemical Senses 2000, vol. 25, p. 131-140. (60) Provisional application No. 60/939,549, filed on May 22, 2007. * cited by examiner (51) Int. Cl. Primary Examiner — Leslie Wong A2.3L I/236 (2006.01) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — King & Spalding (52) U.S. Cl. USPC ........................................... 426/548; 426/534 (57) ABSTRACT (58) Field of Classification Search The present invention relates generally to improving the taste USPC .......... 426/534, 535,536,537,538,548, 658 of Sweetener compositions having enhanced Sweetness. In See application file for complete search history. particular, the present invention relates to compositions that can improve the tastes of Sweetness enhanced Sweetener.com (56) References Cited positions including at least one Sweetness enhancer and at least one Sweetener by imparting a more Sugar-like taste or U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS characteristic. In particular, the compositions and methods 4,627.987 A * 12/1986 Barnett et al. ................ 426,548 provide at least one Sweetness enhancer, at least one Sweet 4,871,570 A 10, 1989 Barnett et al. ener comprising a carbohydrate Sweetener, a natural-high 5.437,880 A 8, 1995 Takaichi et al. potency Sweetener, a synthetic high-potency Sweetener, or a 7,879,376 B2 * 2/2011 Boghani et al. ................... 426.5 2005/0084506 A1* 4/2005 Tachdjian et al. ... ... 424/400 combination thereof, and at least one Sweet taste improving 2006/0045953 A1* 3/2006 Tachdjian et al. ............. 426,534 composition. 2006/02862O2 A1 12/2006 Boghani et al. 2006/0286259 A1 12/2006 Hargreaves 42 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Apr. 29, 2014 Sheet 1 of 5 US 8,709,521 B2 96. 640 320 Fig. 1 U.S. Patent Apr. 29, 2014 Sheet 2 of 5 US 8,709,521 B2 300 88 U.S. Patent Apr. 29, 2014 Sheet 3 of 5 US 8,709,521 B2 240) Fig. 3 U.S. Patent Apr. 29, 2014 Sheet 4 of 5 US 8,709,521 B2 69) 3. 80 5 5 25 3) 35 &O Fig. 4 U.S. Patent Apr. 29, 2014 Sheet 5 of 5 US 8,709,521 B2 US 8,709,521 B2 1. 2 SWEETENER COMPOSITIONS HAVING flavor profile of a Sweetness enhanced Sweetener, and a ENHANCED SWEETNESS AND IMPROVED method for improving the temporal profile and/or flavor pro TEMPORAL AND/OR FLAVOR PROFILES file of a Sweetness enhanced Sweetener. More particularly, this invention encompasses a Sweetener composition having an enhanced Sweetness and more Sugar CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED like temporal profile and/or flavor profile comprising (i) at APPLICATIONS least one Sweetness enhancer, (ii) at least one Sweetener com prising a carbohydrate Sweetener, a natural high-potency The present application claims priority under 35 U.S.C. Sweetener, a synthetic high-potency Sweetener, or a combi S119(e) to U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/939,549, filed nation thereof, and (iii) at least one Sweet taste improving on May 22, 2007, the disclosure of which is hereby incorpo 10 composition selected from the group consisting of carbohy rated by reference in its entirety. drates, polyols, amino acids, other Sweet taste improving additives, and combinations thereof. FIELD OF THE INVENTION According to another aspect, this invention encompasses a method for imparting a more Sugar-like temporal profile and/ The present invention relates to Sweeteners having 15 or flavor profile to a sweetness enhanced sweetener by com enhanced Sweetness. More particularly, the present invention bining (i) at least one Sweetness enhancer, (ii) at least one relates to improving the temporal and/or flavor profile of Sweetener comprising a carbohydrate Sweetener, a natural Sweetener compositions having enhanced Sweetness. high-potency Sweetener, a synthetic high-potency Sweetener, or a combination thereof, and (iii) at least one Sweet taste BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION improving composition selected from the group consisting of carbohydrates, polyols, amino acids, other Sweet taste Although natural caloric Sweetener compositions such as improving additives, and combinations thereof. Sucrose, fructose, and glucose taste good to most consumers, According to still another aspect, this invention encom passes compositions Sweetened with the Sweetness enhanced they are caloric. Therefore, alternative non-caloric or low Sweetener having a more Sugar-like temporal profile and/or caloric Sweeteners have been used widely as Sugar or Sucrose 25 flavor profile comprising (i) a Sweetenable composition, (ii) Substitutes. Many non-caloric or low-caloric Sweeteners, at least one Sweetness enhancer, (iii) at least one Sweetener however, are prohibitively expensive and/or exhibit sweet comprising a carbohydrate Sweetener, a natural high-potency tastes that have different temporal profiles, maximal Sweetener, a synthetic high-potency Sweetener, or a combi responses, flavor profiles, mouthfeels, and/or adaptation nation thereof and (iv) at least one Sweet taste improving behaviors than that of Sugar. 30 composition selected from the group consisting of carbohy For example, the Sweet tastes of natural and synthetic high drates, polyols, amino acids, other Sweet taste improving potency Sweeteners are slower in onset and longer in duration additives, and combinations thereof. According to particular than the Sweet taste produced by Sugar and thus change the embodiments, the Sweetened composition comprises a bev taste balance of a food composition. Because of these differ erage, food, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, tobacco, oral ences, use of natural and synthetic high-potency Sweeteners 35 hygienic/cosmetic product, or the like. to replace a bulk Sweetener, Such as Sugar, in a food or bev According to still another aspect, this invention encom erage, causes an unbalanced temporal profile and/or flavor passes a method for imparting a more Sugar-like temporal profile. In addition to the difference in temporal profile, high profile and/or flavor profile to sweetened compositions com potency Sweeteners generally exhibit (i) lower maximal prising a Sweetness enhanced Sweetener by combining with a response than Sugar, (ii) off tastes including bitter, metallic, 40 Sweetenable composition (i) at least one Sweetness enhancer, cooling, astringent, licorice-like taste, etc., and/or (iii) Sweet (ii) at least one Sweetener comprising a carbohydrate Sweet ness which diminishes on iterative tasting. ener, a natural high-potency Sweetener, a synthetic high-po Compounds have been identified that are capable of tency Sweetener, or a combination thereof, and (iii) at least enhancing or increasing the perception of sweetness of Sweet one Sweet taste improving composition selected from the 45 group consisting of carbohydrates, polyols, amino acids, eners. By combining these compounds with Sweeteners the other Sweet taste improving additives, and combinations amount of Sweetener needed to obtain a desired degree of thereof. According to particular embodiments, the Sweetened Sweetness may be reduced significantly, thereby reducing the composition comprises a beverage, food, pharmaceutical, calories imparted by natural caloric Sweeteners or reducing nutraceutical, tobacco, oral hygienic/cosmetic product, or the the amounts of low-caloric or non-caloric natural or synthetic like. high-potency sweeteners. It is well known to those skilled in 50 Objects and advantages of the invention will be set forth in the art of food/beverage formulation, however, that changing part in the following description, or may be obvious from the the Sweetener in a composition requires re-balancing of the description, or may be learned through practice of the inven flavor and other taste components (e.g., acidulants). If the tion. Unless otherwise defined, all technical and scientific taste profile of Sweetness enhanced Sweetener compositions terms and abbreviations used herein have the same meaning could be modified to impart specific desired taste character 55 as commonly understood by one of ordinary skill in the art to istics to be more Sugar-like, the type and variety of composi which this invention pertains. Although methods and compo tions that may be prepared with that Sweetness enhanced sitions similar or equivalent to those described herein can be Sweetener may be expanded significantly. Accordingly, it used in the practice of the present invention, Suitable methods may be desirable to selectively modify the taste characteris and compositions are described without intending that any tics of Sweetness enhanced Sweetener compositions. 60 Such methods and compositions limit the invention herein. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Generally, this invention addresses the above-described FIG.
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