PROCEEDINGS OF THE BRITISH NUMISMATIC SOCIETY SESSION 1912. VOL. IX. OFFICERS AND COUNCIL SESSION 1912. $re6tbenf+ P. W. P. CARLYON-BRITTON, ESQ., F.S.A., D.L., J.P. Q?tce;$rest£>enfg* MISS HELEN FARQUHAR. THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD GRANTLEY, F.S.A., D.L., J.P. L. A. LAWRENCE, ESQ., F.R.C.S., F.S.A. THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD PECKOVER OF WISBECH, LL.D., F.S.A., F.L.S., F.G.S., J.P., BERNARD ROTH, ESQ., F.S.A., J.P. J. SANFORD SALTUS, ESQ. ©trecfor+ SHIRLEY-FOX, ESQ., R.B.A. treasurer* ALEXANDER C. HUTCHINS, ESQ., F.C.A. £i6rartftn+ LIEUT.-COLONEL H. W. MORRIESON, LATE R.A., F.S.A. ^ecreforgt W. J. ANDREW, ESQ., F.S.A. £ounctf+ SIR GEORGE R. ASKWITH, K.C.B., K.C., M.A. A. H. BALDWIN, ESQ. ALFRED W. BARNES, ESQ. G. THORN DRURY, ESQ., B.A. OSWALD FITCH, ESQ., F.G.S. LIONEL L. FLETCHER, ESQ. MAJOR WILLIAM J. FREER, V.D., D.L., F.S.A. MELLOR LUMB, ESQ. PHILIP NELSON, ESQ., M.D., CH.B. WILLIAM SHARP OGDEN, ESQ. W. BERESFORD SMITH, ESQ. SAMUEL M. SPINK, ESQ. HENRY SYMONDS, ESQ., F.S.A. FREDERICK A. WALTERS, ESQ., F.S.A. FLEET-SURGEON A. E. WEIGHTMAN, R.N., F.S.A. 2 D 2 $ui>tfor6t H. W. TAFFS, ESQ. EDWARD SHEPHERD, ESQ. ComBponbtna; (iltemBer© of f0e Council SOUTH AFRICA.—Pietermaritzburg.—ROBERT k ABABRELTON, ESQ., F.R.E.S., F.R.G.S. AMERICA. Chicago.—VIRGIL M. BRAND, ESQ. New York.—THOMAS L. ELDER, ESQ. AUSTRALIA.—Adelaide.—ALFRED CHITTY, ESQ. BRITISH GUI ANA.—Demerara.—E. A. V. ABRAHAM, ESQ. CANADA. British Columbia.—R. L. REID, ESQ., LL.B. | Montreal.—R. W. MCLACHLAN, ESQ., J.P. DENMARK.—Copenhagen.—HERR L. E. BRUUN. GERMANY. Berlin.—PROFESSOR F. LIEBERMANN, LL.D. | Frankfurt-a-Main.—HERR A. E. CAHN. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. ENGLAND. Abingdon.—JOHN WEST, ESQ. Exeter.—GENERAL C. S. FELTRIM FAGAN, Alfo'rd.—PROFESSOR F. P. BARNARD, F.R.G.S. M.A., F.S.A. Halifax.—S. H. HAMER, ESQ. Barnstaple.—J. A. FOSTER, ESQ., F.Z.S. Ipswich.—COL. R. J. CARTHEW, J.P. Bath.—HENRY GERVIS, ESQ., M.D., F.S.A., Liverpool— PHILIP NELSON, ESQ., M.D. J.P. Manchester.—NATHAN HEYWOOD, ESQ. Bristol.—W. MACHADO MAISH, ESQ. Norwich.—MAJOR R. F. BOILEAU, J.P. Burnley.—MAJOR A. B. CREEKE. Oxford.—PROFESSOR ARTHUR S. NAPIER, Caversham.—BROWNLOW D. KNOX, ESQ. D.LITT., PH.D. Chelmsford.—M. E. HUGHES - HUGHES, Plymouth.—}. ELLIOT SQUARE, ESQ., ESQ., J.P. F.R.C.S. Cheltenham.—E. C. CARTER, ESQ., M.D. Readifig.—J. B. HURRY, ESQ., M.A. Chesterfield.—HERBERT PECK, ESQ., M.D. M.D. Colchester.—HENRY LAVER, ESQ., M.R.C.S., Redruth.—T. C. PETER, ESQ. F.S.A., J.P. IRELAND. Belfast.—WILLIAM MAYES, ESQ. Dublin.—G. D. BURTCHAELL, ESQ., M.A., Co. Dublin.—}. B. S. MACILWAINE, ESQ., A.R.H.A. LL.B., Athlone Pursuivant of Arms. SCOTLAND. Arbroath— Miss KATE ADDISON-SCOTT. Glasgow.—DAVID MURRAY, ESQ., M.A., Edinburgh.—THOMAS MACKENZIE, ESQ., LL.D., F.S.A. F.S.A. SCOT. Kirkwall.—J. W. CURSITER, ESQ., F.S.A. Dundee— JOHN S. BUCHAN, ESQ. SCOT. Montrose.—G. C. SUTTIE, ESQ., F.S.A. SCOT., J.P. WALES. Wales, North.— WILLOUGHBY GARDNER, ESQ., F.L.S., F.R.G.S. Cferft fo f0e Council WILLIAM BIRD, ESQ. 43, BEDFORD SQUARE, LONDON, W.C. TTbe JBritisb IRumismattc Society. PROCEEDINGS. 1912. ORDINARY MEETING. January i\th, 1912. MR. P. W. P. CARLYON-BRITTON, D.L., J.P., F.S.A., President, in the Chair. The Rev. W. A. Laughlin, M.A., Ph.D., and Messrs. Lionel Arthur Woodward, John Henry Searcy, and Herbert Jesse Farrow were nominated for, and Messrs. Guernsey W. Webb, William Henry Ouarrell, M.A., F.S.A., Alfred Tarver, and Stewart Algernon Clarke were elected to membership. Presentation of the John Sanford Salius Medal. The medal, which had been awarded to Miss Helen Farquhar by the ballot of the Members at the Anniversary Meeting for her contributions to the Journal on " The Portraiture of our Stuart Monarchs," was formally presented to her by the President. AMBROSOLI-GNECCHI. — Manuale elemen= tare di NUMISMATICA. Quinta Ediz. del Manuale di Numismatica di S. Ambrosoli completamente rifusa da France*** Giptc Un volume di pagm'e xv-a' in Eliotipia, legato .. .^'i i »• i ' Milatu Esaurite quattro edizioni del Manuale di Nu- mismatica del compianto Solone Ambrosoli, 1' Edi- tore incarico di curarne la quinta Francesco Gnecchi Vice Presidente della S. N. I. Questi, accettando la proposta, trov6 opportuno di operarvi una radi- cale trasformazione, onde renderlo piu agile e piu chiaro. II lavoro venne diviso in cinque parti distinte: I Parte. - Introduzione e nozioni generali II » - Numismatica Greca III » - Numismatica Romana IV » - Numismatica Italians V » - Le Medaglie. In ciascuna di dette parti vennero fatte varia- zioni al testo primitivo. Sopprimendo quanto pirve. superfluo, vi vennero sostituiti capitoli che si cre- dettero di maggiore interesse pel novello raccog'ii- tore, giacche, e utile ricordarlo, questo e il piu elementare di tutti i manuali di Numismatica, il primo che deve studiare chi vuol dedicarsi a questi studi, salvo passare poi ai manuali speciali ad ogni ramo di questa scienza. In questa nuova edizione fu tenuto conto del progresso della scienza negli ultimi 12 anni, giacchfe 1' ultima edizione Ambrosoli e del 1903, e la biblio- grafia b in giornata colle ultime pubblicazioni scien- tifiche, comprese quelle dell'anno corrente 1915. Anche la veste esteriore del Manuale si pre- senta sotto forma nuova. Abolite tutte le incision i nel testo, le quali disturbavano la lettura e prin- cipalmente i prospetti necessariamente molto nu- merosi, si suppli con 40 nitidissime tavole, le quali con grande economia di spazio, contengono un numero assai maggiore di illustrazioni. Crediamo quindi che il favore incontrato a suo tempo dal Manuale Ambrosoli, potr& essere conser- vato dai giovani amatori di questa bella scienza anche alia nuova edizione Ambrosoli-Gnecchi, e non possiamo che raccomandarla caldamente. 406 Proceedings of the Society. Presentations. His Majesty the King of Italy.—Volume ii of Corpus Num- morum Italicorum. In acknowledgment of this donation the President com- mented upon the beauty and excellence of the work. Dr. E. G. Courteau.—The Coins and Tokens of Nova Scotia, by the Donor. Messrs. Spink & Son.—-Volume xix of their Monthly Numis- matic Circular. The American Numismatic Society.—Catalogiie of the Inter- national Exhibition of Contemporary Medals. Exhibitions. Mr. Bernard Roth.—Ancient British stater of the Iceni. Obverse. —Convex, two crescents back to back, their cusps forked, intersecting a line of pellets between them ; above, a triangle of pellets ; below, an exergual line beneath which are traces of pellets. Reverse.—Concave, horse to the right; above, a star of seven pellets and a ring-ornament ; below, a star of six rays; in front, two pellets. Cf. Evans, XIV, 12 (now in the British Museum), and Evans, XXIII, 1. Mr. A. H. Baldwin.-—-An almost complete series of the long-cross coins of Henry III. and Edward I. to which the exhibitor appended the following note :— "The collection of long-cross pennies, numbering 315, exhibited this evening are from the great Brussels find with the exception of the two of Edward I.'s time. In conse- quence of the thousands of coins from which these have been carefully selected, they are probably the most complete collection of this period ever shown, being especially rich in the varieties known as the ' Terci' series and in that known as the late ' Rex III.,' showing the king's neck. There are also four of the very rare ' Henricus Rex' class, twelve of Meeting, January 24th, 1912. 407 the transitional ' Sceptre-Star' class, of which only three specimens were known before the discovery, in August, 1908, of the Brussels hoard ; and eight of the so-called ' pearled crown ' variety, which was previously unknown. The selection demonstrates how largely the Brussels find has added to our knowledge of the various issues of this reicrn." o o Mr. S. M. Spink.—An example of the "Gold Penny" of Henry III., from the collection of the late Sir John Evans. Mr. Shirley-Fox.—-Halfpenny of Edward V. upon which the mint- mark, rose and sun, owing to double striking, was unfortunately imperfect ; but the coin was from the same obverse die as that recently exhibited to the Society by Mr. F. A. Walters, which showed the mint-mark quite distinctly. Mr. F. A. Walters.—A half-groat and penny of Henry VII.'s first coinage, of the London mint with mint-marks lys-on-rose. Mr. L. A. Lawrence.— 1. Profile groat of Henry VII. with mint-marks lys on the obverse and a greyhound's head on the reverse. 2. James I. half-crown, second issue, mint-mark lys and struck in 1604. On the reverse the Irish harp is plain and in the Scottish arms the lion is large. Mr. Bernard Roth.—Three clippings of silver coins recently found in a jar during the demolition of a house in Peterborough. The exhibitor added the following note :— " As I showed in my paper on clippings of coins, such specimens as these are conclusive proof of the great fraud the practice inflicted on the community and are some excuse for the extreme penalties inflicted upon the offenders. The large circular clipping weighs 34*3 grains and is taken from a shilling of Queen Elizabeth, the legal weight of which was 95'5 grains, so we have here a robbery of upwards of 33 per cent, of the metal.
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