Eastern Illinois University The Keep September 1998 9-10-1998 Daily Eastern News: September 10, 1998 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1998_sep Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: September 10, 1998" (1998). September. 11. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1998_sep/11 This is brought to you for free and open access by the 1998 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in September by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Thursday September I 0, 1998 Inside Sports Sports A lifetime Eas1em llrlois U!Wetsity scoreboard Chal1eston. ID 61920 of soccer A roundup of some football, Vol. 84, No. 14 Panther senior Beth Aussin soccer and intramural 12 pages hopes her experience will help statistics. the team bond this season. Page9 ''Tell the truth and don't be afraid." Story on Page 12 nate puts oposed fee kes aside Carrot Top Senate Wednesday fee increase proposals .45 per student per performance ·ng to the Student lost $18,000 ws. new Senate reso­ By Joe Sanner be tabled for one Student government editor ken, vice president The Student Senate affairs. and directors Wednesday announced the r areas in the univer­ University Board lost Deanna Mcintyre I Photo edttor would receive money $18,388.23 on comedian Sara Steichen, a junior elementary education major, helps Jenntter Verbais, a senior special education major, in under­ fee increases were pre­ Carrot Top's May perfor­ Senate members jus­ standing class notes early evening Wednesday outside Booth Library. Both students said 'they preferred to study outside mance. because the weather has been so nice. for the increases. Mike Hansen, student people on campus .,.;ce president for financial · (fee increase propos- affairs. said the UB is hop­ and I decide if I think ing to cover the losses with are necessary," Hencken the $20,000 it hopes Weather battles between co earn (Senate's) in put, we from Bill Cosby's upcom­ for approval to the ing family weekend perfor­ 's Council and there's mance. fee pre~nted that I don't In the past. the Appor­ hot and cold fronts need." tionment Board has loaned McDuffie, Eastern's the UB money from the stu­ By Nicole Meinhelt The days also are getting shorter. Central Illinois is of athletics, discussed dent activity reserve fund to City editor getting less then 13 hours of sunlight a day and on Sept. s proposed co benefit help recover losses. 23 the nights will start getting longer than the days, Despite the varying tempera1ures that have gripped Price said. Currently, the sun's rays are not hitting cen­ See CONCERTS Page 2 central Illinois the past few days we are experiencing a tral Illinois at the same angle as during the summer so "average fall" season. said Dalias Price, local weather even the sun's rays are not as wann. observer. More imponant than the varying temperatures is the "'The nature of the change of seasons between sum­ recent lack of rainfall, Price said. Since the last sub­ was increased $3.50 in 1997. mer and fall (is characterized by) the push of cold air stantial rainfall the area has only soaked up five-one­ McDuffie said the university mass and warm air mass interacting more this time of hundredths of an inch of rain, Price said. year than during the summer when you have the air See FEE Page 2 masses from the tropics," he said. See WEATHER Page 2 timal presidential qualities reflected with campus input sion making processes involving the university Students stress that next Eastern including voting on ruition and fee increases. president should listen when Janet Greenwood, a representative from the national search firm Heidrick and Struggles, lis­ they voice their concerns tened to administrators. Foundation members, fac­ ulty, staff. Alumni Association and students By Tammie Sloup regarding the skills and qualities they are looking Administration editor for in Eastem's next president. Students also said they would like co see better Students Wednesday expressed a need for communication between administrators and faculty. Eastern 's next president to continue to accept the Halbert said there have been wme "break­ current voice of the studenr body. downs" and student'> put their trust into both Student Government members addressed the administration and faculty. presidential search forum regarding the relation­ She said she was concerned thal Eastem's ship they would Like to see continue with the new President David Joms did not retract negative president. statements he made regarding the commitment of "This university is unique because of the some Faculty Senate members during a July sen­ amount of input (students put in)." said Liz ate meeting. Deanna Mcintyre I Photo editor Halbert, student vice pre:.ident for public affairs. "I feel concerned when 1 see that." she said. "l Kaufman, a professor of journalism, gives her attention to Dr Janet "I hope the (new) president has appreciation for want to see communication." from the national search firm Heidrick & Struggles Wednesday this and does not come in and change this. This is Melissa Riley, student vice president for acad­ n in the 1895 Room of the Martian Luther King Jr. University Union. something other schools don't have." emic affairs, said she would like the new president listened to the faculty members' ideas about the qualities they Student Body President Steve Zielinski said like to see in the future president of the university. the student body is involved in many of the deci- See PRESIDEllTW. Page 2 2 Thursday, September 10, 1998 about $15 to feed a player after a new computers and the other 50 game. percent would go to other academ­ Kenneth St Fee "You can't just stick them on a ic areas to be decided later. Eaitern from Page 1 • • bus and give them $10 to travel "Those large-screen display on," he said. computers you see across campus," sets m moti has an obligation to improve its He said the athletics program said Keith Cosentino, student sen­ News ate speaker. 'That's the kinds of sports program. does not rely entirely on student impeachme The Daily Eastern News is jll.flllshed daily, ''We have about 550 student ath­ fees for funding. things this money goes to." • Monday throuijl Friday, in Cllal18S1on, m., dur· letes," he said. "Right now we're "We don't expect student fees to Hencken said the increase has ing tall and spmg semesters and twice weekly review dumg the summer term except during school behind and we're playing catch-up fund the entire athletics program," nothing to do with putting Internet Ii vacations or examinations, by with the Office of Civil Rights in McDuffie said. "We're not just access into residence halls this WASHINGTON (AP) ~ the students of Emrn Illinois Independent Counsel University. Subscription price: Chicago." waiting for student fees to go up. summer. $38 per semester, $16 lor s1.111mer only. S68 all Eastern currently offers 22 We're out there hustling and work­ 'That will be taken care of from Starr sent Congress 36 year. The Dally Eastern News is a member of sports, 11 for men and 11 for ing hard at getting funds." student housing fees," he said. boxes filled with "substan · The Associated Press, Miich is entitled to women. McDuffie said 60 percent of the A $3.70 increase has been pro­ credible" evidence of exclusive use of all articles appearing ® in this papei. The edltorials on Page 4 McDuffie said the women's ath­ money from the two increases will posed for the Health Services fee, by President Clinton represent tile majority opinion of the letics programs are severely go t~ meeting obligations with the which would raise it to $36 per Wednesday, triggering the editorial board; au other opinion pieces are signed. The Daily Eastern News edrtorlal behind. Office of Civil Rights to give equal semester. This fee was last first fonnal impeachment and business o!llces are located in Buzzard "Out of 20 banners in the gym, opportunity to men and women increased $5 for fiscal year 1998. since Watergate a quarter Han, Eastern lninois University. one is white (women's)," he said. and 40 percent will go to help Lynette Drake, director of ago. Pl!riodlcal postage pald at Charleston, fl 61920. Earlier. House Speaker ISSff 0894-1599. "If the university had paid attention improve the current sports pro­ Health Services, said the service has been struggling over the past Gingrich and Democratic Printed by Eastern II~ University, to women's athletics in 1972, we grams. Charleston, IL 61920. wouldn't need such fee increases." McDuffie said the university is few years because of the rising Dick Gephardt sat shoul Postmaster. Send address changes to McDuffie said a major priority required to offer the maximum costs of practicing medicine. shoulder to pledge biparti The Daffy Eastern News of the sports department is to pro­ number of scholarships allowed by A $3 increase to the Textbook ment for Starr's politically Buzzard Hall sive report, delivered in the Eastern Illinois University vide transportation and food for the NCAA and a majority of that Rental fee has been proposed to Charleston, IL 61920. players at away games. money would come from the grant­ raise the fee to $75. The fee was last of mid-term elections. 'This year we've got to put our in-aid fee. increased by $7 in 1996. Clinton, facing the gra people on buses, it's the right thing A $3 increase has been proposed 'The cost of textbooks is the career of political crises, to do, it's the safe thing to do," he for the computer technology fee, whole, sole reason l'm asking for nation for forgiveness in a said.
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