347 (2005) Family In

347 (2005) Family In

160 160 - SPIRULA nr. 347 (2005) Tijdschriftartikelen Journalpapers W. Faber Artikelen over mariene weekdieren in andere tijdschriften. Buikpotigen en tweekleppigen in per familie alfabetische volgorde. [] redactionele opmerkingen. about marine molluscs in other and bivalves in Papers magazines. Gastropods per family alfabetical order. [] editorial notes. - GENERAL/ALGEMEEN Families. Malacolgia 47(1-2): 1-397 Dall, 1871. with illustrations of other * KILLEEN, IJ, & M.B. SEDDON (eds.), 2004. named forras of the species. — The Fes- - Molluscan Biodiversity and Conserva- REGIONAL/REGIONAAL tivus 37(10): 111-115. * * tion. Proceedings of the Molluscan Biodi- AVILA, S.P. et al., 2005. - The molluscs of MONSECOUR. K. & D. MONSECOUR, 2005. - verity & Conservation symposium, August the intertidal algal turf in the Azores. [con On the status of Columbella lafresnayi — 1- — & 1856 and 2001. J. Conch. Spec. publ. No. 3: resumen Espagnol] Iberus 23(1): 67-76. Fischer Bernardi, Columbella * 172. KABASAKAL, H. & E. KABASAKAL, 2005. - translirata Ravenel, 1861. — Novapex * RAMAKRISHNA, A. DEY & S.C. MITRA, Prosobranch Gastropods Collected from 6(3): 73-77. 2004. - Catalogue of Type species the Anatolian Coast of North Aegean Sea. ((Bivalvia, Scphapoda & Cephalopoda) — Club Conchylia Informationen 37(1-2): CONIDAE * present in the Mollusca section ofZoolog- 49-57. CUNHA, R.L., R. CASTILHO, L. ROBER & R. * — - Patteras ical Survey of India. Records Zool. ZELAYA, D.G., 2005. - Systematics and ZARDOYA, 2005. of Cladogene- Survey India, Occasional paper No. 228: biogeography of marine gastropod mol- sis in the Venomous Marine Gastropod 1-97. luscs from South Georgia. — Spixiana Conus from Cape Verde Islands. — Sys- 28(2): 109-139. tematic Biology 54(4): 634-650. REGIONAL / REGIONAAL * LÓPEZ DE LA FUENTE, A. & J. URCUYO APORRHAIDAE COSTELLARIIDAE * * RAMOS, 2004. - Anotated lists of Marine See under Strombidae MARTIN, J.C., 2005. - Vexillum (Costellar- Pacific Mollusks contained in the collec- ia) deshayesi (Reeve, 1844), intertaenia- tions of the Centro de Malacologia/Diver- BUCCINIDAE tum (Sowerby, 1874), michaui (Crosse & * — - sidad Animal, UCA University. HAYASHI, S., 2005. The molecular phy- Fischer, 1864). [also in English] — 1-167. Nicaraguan Pacific Mollusca 200: logeny of the Buccinidae as inferred from XenophoraNo. 112: 12-13. * WITBAARD, R., R. DAAN, M. MULDER & M. the complete mitochondrial 16S rRNA 2005.- The mollusc fauna ofselected LAVALEYE, gene sequences representatives. along a depth transect in the Faroe Shet- — Moll.Res. 25(2): 85-98. * land Channel: Is there a relationship with MONTEIRO, A. & E. ROLAN, 2005. - Study internal waves? — Marine Biol. Res. of three samples of Euthria from Cape 2005(1): 165-175. Verde archpelago... — Gloria Maris 44(5): 90-103. POLYPLACOPHORA (Class) * GONQALVES RODRIOUES, L.R. & R. S. BURSIDAE * ABSALAO, 2005.- Shell colour polymor- BEU, A.G., 2005. - Neogene fossil ton- of phism in the chiton Ischnochiton striolatus noidean gastropods Indonesia. — Scrip- (Gray, 1828) and habitat heterogeneity.— ta Geologica No. 130: 1-186. Biol. J. Linnean Soc. 85(4): 543-548. * CRACIA C., A. & N.E. ARDILA, 2004. - CAECIDAE * Notas sobre el quitón Leptochiton bingha- RAINES, B. & M. PIZZINI, 2005. - Contribu- Vexillum (Costellaria) intertaeniatum (Sowerby, mi (Boone, 1928) en el Caribe Colom- tion to the knowledge of the family Caeci- 1874). - XenophoraNo. 112: 13. biano. [with English abstract] — Bol. dae: 16. Revision ofthe Caecidae of East- Invest. Mar. Cost. Vol. 33: 275-278. er Island (Chile). [con resumen Espagnol] * KNEBELSBERGER, TH., E. SCHWABE & M. — Iberus 23(1): 49-65. SCHRÖDL, 2005. - Molluscan types ofthe CUVIERINIDAE * Bavarian state collection of Zoology CALYPTRAEIDAE JANSSEN, A.W., 2005. - Development of * Munich (ZSM) Part 1. Polyplcophora, ROLAN, E., 2005. - Calyptraea capensis Cuvierinidae during the Cainozoic: a non- Scaphopoda, Cephalopoda. — Spixiana Tomlin, 1931, a valid species from South cladistic approach with a re-interpretation 28(2): 97-108. Africa. [con resumen Espagnol] — Iberus ofRecent taxa. — Basteria 69(1-3): 25-72. * KOUKOURAS, A. & P. KARACHLE, 2005. - 23(1): 77-82. The polyplacophoran fauna od the Aegean CYPREAIDAE * J. & - turdus Sea with the description of a new species, CAPULIDAE DEMARTINI, J., 2005. Erosaria * Tri- and comparison with those of the neigh- See under Trochidae. therives in the Mediterranean Sea. — — Res. bouring seas. J. Biol. 3: 23-38. ton No. 12: 1. * * POJETA JR., J., J.F. TAYLOR & G. DAR- CASSIDAE CRAM, D., 2005. — Notodusta hartsmithi * — ROUGH, 2005. - Matthevia invades the See under Bursidae. Schilder, 1967 is it a valid species? * Ordovician: the first reported post-Cam- CHINO, M., 2005. - New record of Australasian Shell News No. 125: 1,3. * - brium occurrence. — J. Paleont. 79(5): Echinophoria oschei Muhlhauser. 1992. GROVES, L.T., 2005. Catalog of recent 1021-1027. [in Japanese] —Chiribotan 36(2): 49-52. and fossil Cypraeidae and Eocypraeidae: — 2000 through 2004. The Festivus 37(9): GASTROPODA COLUMBELLIDAE 95-108. * * GENERAL/ALGEMEEN MCCLEAN, J.H. & P. KANNER, 2005. - On GROVES, L.T., 2005. - Cypraeoidean and * 2005. — BOUCHET, PH. & J-P. RECROI, - Clas- the color form (or species?) lineata Triviodean literature. The Festivus sification and Nomenclator of Gastropod Stearns, 1873, of Amphissa versicolor 37(11): 121-145. 161 SPIRULA - nr. 347 (2005) * HEIMAN, E.L., 2005. - Interspecifïc varia- Nuove specie di Gasteropodi del Piacen- PRAECUVIERINIDAE (fam. nov.) * tion in Bistolida stolida (Linnaeus, 1758). ziano di rio Crevalese, Castell'Arquato See under Cuvierinidae. — Triton No. 12: 12-20. (Piacenza, Italia. [in Italian with English * LIMPALAÉR, L. & TH. DANDRIMONT, 2005. - abstract] — Boll. Malac. 41(1-4): 1-22. PSEUDOLIVIDAE * Variations sur Mauritia Arabica. [also in BROWN, C.C., 2005. - New Panamic range English] — XenophoraNo. 112: 2, 15-22, NATICIDAE extension for Macron aethiops (Reeve, * 27. GREY, M., E. BOULDING & M. E. BROOK- 1847). — The Festivus 37(9): 94. * WART, R., 2005. - A review of the Bistoli- FIELD, 2005. - Shape differences among RANELLIDAE da - complex of Africa's north-eastern, boreholes drilled by three species of Nati- * eastern and southern coastlines and the cid gastropods. — J. Moll. Studies See under Bursidae. adjacent Indian Ocean islands, [aussi en 71(3):253-256. * Franfais] — Xenophora No. 112: 31-53. HEWITT, S.J., 2005. - Moon Snails of the RISSOIDAE * Island of Nevis, West Indies. — The Fes- MORENA, T. & G. LUIGI, 2005. - Prima EUCYPRAEIDAE tivus 37(7): 69-81. segnalazione di Crisilla perminima (Man- * See under Cypraeidae (Groves). zoni, 1868) in Mediterraneo. [with English NERITIDAE abstract] — Boll. Malac. 41(1-4): 39-41. * EULIMIDAE DUCHAMPS, R.M.E., 2005. - Le Genre * SONNENHOLZNER, J.I. & L.A. MOLINA, Nerita (1) Nerita atra, une espèce confuse. STROMBIDAE * 2005. - Parasitic eulimid gastropods in — Novapex 6(3): 69-72. NIELSEN, S.N., 2005. - Cenozoic Strom- * An echinoderms of the Islas Galapagos, HAYNES, A., 2005. - evaluation of bidae, Aporrhaidae, and Struthiolariidae Ecuador. — The Festivus 37(8): 85-88. members of the genera Clithon Montfort, from Chile: Their significance to the inter- 1810 Neritina 1816. and Lamarck — pretation of Southeast Pacific biogeogra- HALIOTIDAE Moll. Res. 25(2): 75-84. phy and climate. ■ — J. Paleont. 79(6): * * 1120-1130. SIQUEIROS-BELTRONES, D, S. GUZMAN DEL KRIJNEN, C., A. DELSAERDT, N. SEVERIJNS PRÓO & E. SERVIERE-ZARAGOZA, 2005. - & M. VERHAEGHE, 2005. - Genus Nerita. Main Diatom Taxa in the Natural Diet of — Gloria Maris 44(3-4): 69-86. * Juvenile Haliotis fulgens and H. corrugata See also under Neritopsidae. in Bahia Tortugas and Bahia Asunción, B.C. S., México. — Pacific Science 59(4): NERITOPSIDAE * & 2005. - The 581-592. KAIM, A. P. SZTAJNER, oper- * ESTES, J.A., D.R. LINDBERG & C. WRAY, cula of Neritopsid gastropods and their 2005. - Evolution of large body size phylogenetic importance.— J. Moll. Stud- abalones (Haliotis): patterns and implica- ies 71(3): 211-219. tions. — Paleobiology31(4): 591-606. OLIVIDAE * HARPIDAE CARRANZA, A. & W.NORBIS, 2005. - Lati- * KAISER, K.L., 2005. - Harpa gracilis tudinal trends in shell eharacters of the in Broderip & Sowerby found alive at Ile neogastropod Olivancillaria urceus the — Clipperton [French possession]. — The temperate southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Festivus 37(9): 93-94. The Nautilus 119(2):83-89. Strombus (Austrombus) nedinae (Philippi, 1887). Miovene, Chile. 1. Lost holotype, h. 90mm; 2. h. 73.7mm. J. Palaeont. 1122. Neotype, - 79(6): LITTORINIDAE PATELLIDAE * * - VERBINNEN, G. & M. DIRKX, 2005. - Red CABRAL, P., 2005. Concentrations ofmet- Sea Mollusca Part 21: Class: Gastropoda, als in Patella intermedia, Patella rustica, * Family: Littorinidae. [ook in het Neder- Patella ulyssiponensis and Patella vulgata SIMONE, L.R.L., 2005. - Comparative mor- lands] — Gloria Maris 44(5): 110-115. shells along the Portuguese Continental phological study of representatives of coast. [con riassunto Italiano] — Boll. three families of Stromboidea and the MURICIDAE Malac. 41(1-4): 23-34. Xenophoroidea,with an assessment of * ANDREWS, E.B. & K.E. THOROGOOD, 2005. their phylogeny. — Arquivos de Zoologia - An ultrastructural study of the gland of PATELLOGASTROPODA (Lottidae, Patel- 37(2): 141-167. * Leiblein of muricid and nassariid neogas- lidae, Nacellidae, Lepetidae,Acmaeidae) VISSER, G. & L. MAN IN 'T VELD, 2005. - * tropods in relation to function, with a dis- FUCHIGAMI, T. & T. SASAKI, 2005. - The Notes on the Strombus

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